
She has big bruises on her back and buttocks. I am worried that she is not safe. I am worried that if she gets pushed again she could break a hip. What recourse do I have? The director never acknowledged the incident until I sent him an email.

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If hospital workers can call the police as a criminal case when they are attacked by dementia patients. So can you file a complaint. It is very dramatic but the police filings should also reach the other family. This type of injury can also put the offender into the ER for psych differnt than if 911 is called from home.
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I'm dismayed to hear the admin never contacted you for such a serious incident... my MIL's LTC facility contacts us for the most minor things that happen to her. No, she's not safe. I'd want to know how they are gong to keep the aggressor away from residents and how soon? What will they do in the future to prevent such incidents from happening?
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I am sorry that happened. Also unfortunate the director came only to acknowledge it when he received your email. It would certainly make you wonder if they tried to rug sweep it, or at least wonder how he is adhering to protocol. I assume this was not an accidental "bumping into someone". Even if the resident who pushed your mom did not have a history of aggressive behavior, they do now.

Can they do anything to ensure that resident keeps distance from your mother? Do they keep records of such events for historical purposes if needed? (I am sure you are, even if they aren't.) I would think they need to tell you of some action they will now enforce to ensure your mother is in a safe environment and you can have peace of mind keeping her there.
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That's terrible. I would hold the hospital accountable. They should have been watching her more carefully or should at least do something. I'm so sorry this happened to your mom. She is probably scared to go into the activity room now.
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ZippyZee Apr 5, 2024
Why would the hospital be responsible for something that didn’t happen there?
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