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Canada-a sanctuary country!

No worries Canada, because Germany has already invited U.S. citizens fleeing to other countries.

Jeanne, instead of an orderly process of immigration into Canada by buildinv a wall, why not keep them out? (I get to say this as a U.S. citizen.)
BTW, did you hear Gershun-we are adopting you into our family, ok?
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my mom listens to rush everyday and her sole news is fox.
I just want to cry with some of the crazy stuff she comes up with
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Gershun, I don't know if we will ever have a wall on the Mexican border, but I think Canada should be looking into a wall on their border, to keep the immigration of US citizens into Canada an orderly process, if one of most horrific candidates somehow gets elected.
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The doctors write Rx: no tv news-watching allowed if you are depressed.
Go outside.
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Exactly Yoda, a SNL skit on politics would be perfect for your Mom to watch he News on SNL, coverage of the don's campaign might upset her?
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Any news, even fairly objective news with high journalistic standards, can be very depressing. Watching channels that emphasize the negative and don't even know that there are standards for journalism is masochistic. I suspect we agree on that, momscaregiver1.

The real issue is how to divert Mom's attention. Could she possibly go to an adult day program one or two days a week? Does she belong to a religious community that might have something she could do on a regular basis -- maybe folding programs, or polishing metal vases, etc.? Does the local senior center have an activity she might like? Could you bring her twice a week for the book discussions, or bunco or some other game? In other words, can you find something for her to do regularly OUTSIDE the house? Totally away from televisions?

Others have suggested some good alternatives on television, and some other in-house activities that don't involve television at all.

I think the hard part is getting her to go along with these distractions/diversions. I think it is worth the effort!

Good luck to you.
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Yogagirl, just tell Mom that what she was watching on CNN were re-runs from ten years ago; that nothing bad s happening now; and that you could no longer afford the up-to-date version of CNN.

Have you tried NEWSY? A whole other reality, with animals, inaccurate reporting- like a different reality.

Or get the news from another country-the BBC, RUSSIA- another take on U.S. life is helpful !
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A SNL skit!
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A scary, tragic comedy, with awards going to most bizarre off-script rants!
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Yes, Yoga girl, a very bad soap opera!!
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Oh Gersh, thanks for the chuckle! It's like a soap opera.
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Anything to do with the presidential election depresses me and I am Canadian.
I've got a horrible feeling that Donald Trump could actually win. Since I can't vote I'm begging all you Americans please don't let that happen. You think its depressing now, can you imagine how depressing the news would be if he won.
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Mom's obsessed with CNN. It's like she enjoys being upset!
I change the channel, but somehow she gets it back to CNN.
She needs to have something to fret about.
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Get Netflix . It's only $9 a month and they have lots of oldies.
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Sometimes it can be as simple as her not knowing how to change the channels on the remote.

Does she like animals? Switch to Animal Planet, especially the shows with cute little puppies and kittens.

Does she like cooking? Try a cooking channel, especially if you can find one with an attractive male that might pique her interest to watch the show again.

Drama? Mystery? Try PBS Masterpiece Theatre when it runs Miss Marple
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My dad loves Fox News. It really upsets him, though. My mom and I have warned him about it, but he's having trouble giving it up. However, he's so disgusted with the Presidential candidates, that he vows, he's not voting this time. lol We'll see. I think that the more we see of election stuff, the more likely he may stop it.

I bought him some adult coloring books, since he used to be very good at painting and drawing when he was younger. I hope it works.
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Consider switching to a different channel?
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Is your mom on any antidepressant or antianxiety meds?
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