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For anyone looking for an Assisted Living Facility--the next level after living at home or with a caregiver--DO NOT CONSIDER the HarborChase facilities. Take it from me, they are poorly managed, they hire extremely unskilled workers, and many accidents and assaults have happened in these places. I have evidence and am pursuing a sexual battery case on an elderly relative NOW. And, it is not the first time these facilities have been investigated by state agencies and fined. Also, they will admit ANYONE who can pay (full occupancy is the priority). If you have a relative in a HarborChase facility, expect trouble, injury, and poor management. If you do not believe me, call your area or state dept. that deals with the elderly and their care and you will see that HarborChase is dangerous. Yes, some nice people have or are working in those facilities, but the bad things that happen are kept from them. Be careful with your loved one. When all of the investigation has been completed, I will post it here or take it to the media. What happens in HarborChase is horrible. Peace.
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Be sure to check out non profits, and compare facilities before making a decision. Most assisted living or independent living facilities have service points for services that may be needed, which can add up. Even if your elder does not need the services right now, they may in the future. My Mother is at a facility in Orange County, CA which runs around 3K per month, including delivery to her of her numerous medications. Also, check in with your local Council on Aging organization who can be helpful.
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Elmwood House is government subsidized and located in multiple states, including NJ and Virginia. My mother is in the Evesham Township, NJ building and it is beautifully maintained. Rent is income based and that cannot exceed something in the vicinity of $23,000 for a single person and $27,000 for a couple. My mother's income is very low and although the apt. unsubsidized is in the $500 - $600 range my mother's portion of the rent is $157.
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Independent living is just that. Independent of caregivers. It is NOT assisted living which is living with assistance (i.e. giving you your meds, getting you to eat in a community setting, etc.) Both have very different price ranges and depending what you can afford. Some independent living places have one meal included in the monthly rent which also includes cable, utilities, but not phone and internet. I'm in the process right now so I am checking out places daily. Go to (or com) and a lot of sites will be shown and then pick your state (zip code). Then email or call and ask them what they charge. If you have low income, there are places that will allow you to live there as well depending on the facility. So good luck with your search!
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My dad will need to be placed in a NH soon. Mom and dad currently rent a house in palm coast, fl. My sister lives with them and is their caregiver. Both parents have memory issues although dad is more severe physically and cognitively. My question if they only live on 2,200 ss per month between them, will they take dads larger amount to pay for the NH? And if so my mom and sis will have to move to a less expensive place. Where can we find housing for low income seniors and can my 50 yr old sister who takes care of them go too? She is there 24/7 caregiver and has no income because they need continual care. Mom also has early dementia.
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Independent living is like a senior apartment setup where most often there is no one to call for assistance even if you need occasional help. If you are having problems with bed transfers or other mobility issues (falls, etc) the likely next stop is assisted living. The line between assisted living and a SNF is blurring a bit as AL wants to keep their residents (an empty bed may cost them $125/day). Many ALs are charging extra for higher levels of assistance until the person requires the medical services of an SNF. In a nutshell- most people are looking to stay in the least expensive/restrictive environment as long as possible. Starting at home, then possibly Independent Living (like an senior apartment), then AL (averaging $125/day) then SNF (averaging $250/day). These are huge costs for anyone- which is why any paid help or assistive products can be a bargain if they keep a person at a lower level of cost any length of time longer. That is why home service providers are springing up all over the place and why I am developing expertise in mobility products.
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Does Social Security help financialy people that are taking care of there perants
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finantial assistance for taking care of perant
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looking for a regular apt to rent, 55 and older, furnished for 12 months or longer. Where do I find such a place in gainesville fl.
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Can't walk for medium length periods. I need a ranch type home or apartment with washer and dryer on one floor, the same floor I would live on. One, two or no steps to get into apartment. My big thing is, I want a dog so would need a back yard that's fenced in. Does such a place exist? So far all I've seen says "No"
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The ones I have looked at - that include meals - are around $1600 a month. They will have higher published prices but they are always having specials and they are often willing to negotiate. It also usually includes once a week cleaning, social events, some limited transportation. If additional care is needed, a lot of them have contracts with home health companies with somewhat discounted rates.
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Is it best to share with mom ,who is cognitively delayed, about her monthly nursing home bills?
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If your mother has long-term insurance (such as Calpers) they usually pay $50/day at an AL; $100/day at an approved by CalPERS skilled care nursing/Rehab.
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im look for a nice plan to live in a indepedent living for 2 of us is my mom is look for a nice plan to live and gina to.and i like to live in brandon or riverview floirda. gina dinsdale
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If you look to the right of the screen, you'll see "In Senior Living." Browse these links for the type of housing that fits your budget. Good luck.

-- Ed
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Do you have listings of governm ent assisted living, in Florida, If you can help me please advise.
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The cost for independent living is going to vary greatly depending on a variety of factors. If you are interested in finding independent living in your area or an area where your loved on lives, click on this link:
Enter the location and the type of housing you want (in your case, independent living), and click search. It will bring up what is available near you, and you can develop a list of places to call or visit based on that. Be sure to ask lots of questions when you go; after all, this is where you or your loved one could be living for years to come.
Here is a link to an article about independent living:

I hope this helps.

Dani Editor
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Do you mean a regular apartment? Or an assisted living facility?
In our area 1 bedroom apts. run $800 - 950. Assisted living centers charge apx. $3,000./month.
If you are healthy and able to live on your own, I would recommend a regular, senior, or government subsidized apartment
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