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You said your therapist if working on "tools" with you. Has he/she worked on a PLAN? You also asked here for "resources." Can't your therapist provide those?

You also wrote your mother is also seeing someone?

Are either of these therapists doing any good?

Do you see that you are enabling her? Maybe if you stopped the funding, she could finally get the help that she so desperately needs.
Helpful Answer (2)

Tell the hotel in Florida to have her Baker Acted, if there is concern.
(That's an involuntary psychiatric hold).

The calls ARE fake if she is "fine with the police". The police can help--they can get her to a psych ER where she belongs. It’s a gateway to the treatment and meds she so desperneeds.

I would call hotel and tell them that you are not her guardian, not responsible and to call EMS and Social Services to get her help if she is acting out.
Helpful Answer (6)
southernwave Jun 2023
It’s a great idea, but I wouldn’t call the hotel.

I personally would have an attorney send a letter to the hotel. It would be worth the money (if they can buy her a house, then a $200 letter would be worth it).
IMO the only way out of this is for you to get some serious psychiatric help. Nothing about this relationship is in the normal range.

You are obsessed with her and you two feed off of each other. And through all of this craziness you still want to buy her a place to live,

How exactly is she being held hostage she is in a hotel, stop taking the calls from them.

I read your drama and I feel like I am watching a soap opera, that all of this is a story line not reality.

It has been a year, and you are still engaging with her and cannot let go, nothing changes if nothing changes.
Helpful Answer (3)


It seems like you are at the point in your journey where you actually have exactly what you want.

Think about it like this:
--you have a thoughtful, supportive husband who significantly lessens your burden by doing the "heavy lifting"
--you have the ear of a forum of strangers who continue to read and respond to you, offering solid advice, despite evidence that suggests you do not follow any of this advice.
--and most importantly, you have the smothering attention of your mother...and despite your claims to the contrary, THIS is what you seem to desire.

It seems like a win-win-win.
Helpful Answer (4)
southernwave Jun 2023
This is the bottom line… there is something about her needing you that is giving you something, because if it didn’t, you wouldn’t entertain it, OP.

Why do you want this in your life? Do you know?
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To add...

Anxiety is a treatable condition, but your mother has to WANT to change.

To that end, she will only be forced to get help (either by choice or involuntarily) if YOU hold the line, don't accept phone calls (change your number or block hers) so that there are NO VMs.

If someone calls on her behalf, be icy cold and sound scared of her.

Treat her like the stalker she is.
Helpful Answer (1)

August 2022 question
Helpful Answer (0)
BarbBrooklyn Jun 2023
OCD posted an update...
What motivation would she have to do anything different? You give her everything she wants. (Money, time, reading her emails, listening to VM, taking with hotel manager).

Do you have enough discretionary income to buy her a house? Why would you do that even if you have the money?

As you mentioned before, the problem is with you and why you allow this. You are already doing more than what I would do. I’m glad to know you are in therapy.

Its hard. It’s so damn hard.
Helpful Answer (2)
bundleofjoy Jun 2023
it's possible OP is OCD-obsessed with her mother. in that case, reasoning with OP doesn't work. OP has OCD.

OCD-obsessions can't be reasoned out of. OCD-obsessions need the help of a doctor.
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OP, I would recommend you find a therapist who does EMDR.

What I hear from you is a ton of trauma spilling out. You don’t just need therapy. You need trauma therapy. IMO
Helpful Answer (2)

SO HARD to cut toxic people out of your life, or even not obsess about them.
I am so sorry reading your post, your mother has sucked the joy out of you--we call those kind of people 'energy vampires' and she certainly qualifies.

I will address only the fact you need to take care of YOU.

EMDR (mentioned in a previous post) is hard, actually painful but one of the best therapies I ever endured. You literally 'relive' the abuse you've suffered, or the trauma, and then work forward from it to a place that's healthy--or at least healthier.

You're living your life for a woman who is a complete Narc and you're not just living it for her, you're SACRIFICING yourself for her.

Guess what? Bet she doesn't CARE.

Before you can deal with her toxic needs, you need to heal yourself. I hops you can find a good therapist ( and possibly meds) that will help you to cope better.

Mom isn't going to change. So you need to. You can still love her, but don't let her steal love--give it freely, but don't give her everything.

You're right. You can't solve it! But you can control it!!

{{Hugs}} This is hard, I know.
Helpful Answer (2)
southernwave Jun 2023
Yup. I started EMDR again last week after using two sessions to catch my T up on what’s been going on.

It’s hard and fascinating at the same time. It’s exhausting too but completely worth it.
You say, "I've gotten daily voicemails for 30 days (2x a day) that are bawling, whaling, crying, begging for me to rescue her from prison."

" I know she is in pure hell and anxious because she has never been able to know where to live."

It's really heart-wrenching to listen to her "I'm in prison, save me, I don't want to hurt you, I never wanted to hurt you, but I want to live and I need to see someone because I can't stand this isolation...please...please...don't let me die."

"The hard route with boundaries didn't work."

" We've still been offering her a house if she will pick a place to live, but she can't, won't, who knows. I feel it is cruel of me to let her suffer, but I don't see any way I can help her."

Do you realize your mother has been living high on the hog her whole life, in HOTELS for crying out loud, like a queen, all the while complaining she's in prison and refusing to pick a place to live? All while LIVING like royalty? While people with REAL problems who are REALLY suffering are trying to string a few hours together where they can function w/o REAL pain and REAL misery plaguing them? Your mother has led an entitled life which you've enabled, and continue to enable, by even listening to ONE voicemail she leaves you. This dysfunctional cat and mouse game should have been cut off long ago but instead has been nurtured with excuses such as "the hard route with boundaries didn't work." Of course boundaries work! Send her a copy of your and DHs "death certificates" and then change your phone numbers. That guarantees no more contact, doesnt it? You won't choose to do that bc then the game ends and there's no more histrionics to write about.

You're a willing player in a shameful game with a woman who should be out volunteering her time and good fortune in life at a children's cancer hospital instead of playing some sympathy card nobody with a healthy mind would fall for. And perhaps instead of you continuing to try to help someone who's not in NEED of help, you too should find a worthy cause to devote your time to. is a great website to sign up with to find where you can volunteer your time and services to people truly in need. Wasting your life like this is sad, posting the same "updates" all the times where nothing changes on either side. At 78, your mother has already lived a full life which she's frittered away with complaints about "where to live" all while living in hotels all over the place. Anyone else would be grateful for such a "horrible" life, let me tell you.

I truly hope your next update is a healthier one where you've finally stopped enabling this woman to torment you for no good reason. That you've finally seen what we've been trying to show you all this time.
Helpful Answer (5)

You definitely need therapy.
But your mother needs it even more, she needs to be examined by more than one specialist.
Like freudian institute, analysis of resistance.
Helpful Answer (3)

This post is nearly a year old, folks.
Helpful Answer (1)
bundleofjoy Jun 2023
OP updated yesterday.

and i believe it's not possible to reason with OP.
i think OP is OCD-obsessed with her mother. one can't be reasoned out of an OCD-obsession. impossible.

OP, please see a doctor again about your OCD.
See 3 more replies
OCD - I think you really need to read a few times what bundleofjoy wrote to you - it really holds true.

What I've come to really think is that you and your mother have similarities - you're mirroring her behavior of wanting to be rescued - wanting attention - and doing nothing to change the situation. You've received endless advise on this forum, but really, nothing's changed. In fact, you claimed you "were terrified for your safety" from your mother if she came to San Francisco - which you were "convinced and petrified" she was coming..., yet, she's never displayed any violence towards you - the reality is, she's a drama'queen - and even though you stated that "she'd never go to Florida and hated it", here she is now in Florida after leaving St Louis...and in fact, she's nowhere near the west coast.
~ None of your heightened words held true - People are going to become as tired of you as you've become from your own mother.

You do a lot of fortune telling ...what if's...and you're as dramatic as your mother - and you also like the control of total "boundaries" - but you still direct your husband to do the work of checking calls, etc. I personally think your control is a means of retaliating against your mother for having left when you were a teenager. And now YOU control the narrative - now, you continue to refuse to have any communication with her because you've already decided how this will play out. Is this more of a punishment towards her to completely stay away? She's craving some family now and feels isolated - totally alone - she wants to show you that she's different now and and wants to share a better relationship. You can either continue to "punish" her by removing yourself completely...and then play a martyr to others by claiming that she won't leave you alone.

If it's so "heart-wrenching" to you as you claim - in listening to her beg you to have some contact with her, then stop this madness already. Normalize the situation. You know what - you claimed that your mother was raised in dysfunction and she had her own issues...maybe that was part of the reason she left the family when she was raising you- she wasn't in a good place mentally. Maybe you need to cut her some slack and move on ...because what you are doing is some sort of pay-back to her. At this point, it looks that way. You can easily set boundaries without totally cutting her out. Maybe she'd calm down and start living her life rather than being on the edge like this. On some level, you can either exasperate the situation or try to come to terms with her and put the past behind and go live your life - in peace. It doesn't need to be all or nothing - you can have some communication and start slow and see where things lead - stand your ground when you need to, and also remain open to come contact - even to visit her. Maybe she'll wind up remaining in Florida and you can take trips for holidays, or something. You are spending more time in your cycle of endless drama in this - and nothing changed - just stop it already. Become a stronger person - deal with the issues head on - compared to the issues with others on this site for what they are having to deal with, yours is way easier and solvable. You just need to see it that way.
Helpful Answer (4)
Ocdtrauma70 Jun 2023
Thank you. I forgave her for the past and have funded her for 2 decades. I only shutdown when she started threatening suicide and I knew I couldn't live through that again. I've cut her too much slack (the opposite of what people are telling me to do). As it isn't working, I did want to try your approach. I do have my husband talk to her each week and ask her if she is willing to see a doctor, if she wants to discuss a plan, if she wants to talk normally. She hates Florida. Yells at me for even suggesting that I would buy her a condo to live there. She concedes no harm to me over the past year of constant emails. She says I am fine. She said my dad who was dying was fine as he had a wife by his side. She said my sister was fine when she was on crack because she had friends. She doesn't see or own the harm. I could accept that, but that does not seem good for my well-being. We have continued to offer to go see her once she has taken one step. She won't do one thing. She won't pick one community. She won't have a phonecall without hanging up. So, that's why I'm at a loss.
OCD - I just want to add one more point - you're like a puppet-master directing others to do your work...your husband...your mother-in-law...your rabbi...and whomever else. You're running the show behind the scenes - just using others. No one needs to save you - it's time for you to step up. You need to handle things yourself. You're stunting your own personal growth as a person this way.

If you are enjoying the attention, and of remaining as a martyr - and continuing this narrative, then you have turned into someone just like your own mother.

Change your story - change the narrative - face your own issues with your mother - and move beyond it.
Helpful Answer (4)
Ocdtrauma70 Jun 2023
Fair point. Will take this advice. The rabbi was not my rabbi. The rabbi was calling me on her behalf. She's been asking us to call her brothers etc. We have declined. Noted using husband. We are a team and he wanted to step up to try. My husband is a very calm man and was able to remain calm and objective to offer her various solutions. When she can't work with him and he is now angry and disgusted, it demonstrates that it isn't my distorted perspective. She now hangs up on him too. Time to release him from this although he still is now in the same place that he doesn't know how to let go 100% but he is certain he doesn't want to see her.
Ocd, I'm going to post today's update here:

"The hotel manager wants her out of the hotel as she is driving her and the staff crazy. She offered to drive my mother to the airport to get her out. Recognize the way she talks to me is 100 times worse than the hotel. Hotel offered to call police as I had hesitated, yet I did but didn't do any good."

I am very proud of you that you didn't try to "rescue" your mom and let the hotel call the police.

As you noted, she presented as "fine" to the police.

So, your mom is competent, mentally ill and very annoying.

She is not your problem.

Stop sending money. Change your phone number.

Let her figure out her own life.
Helpful Answer (7)
NeedHelpWithMom Jun 2023
Yes! This is the solution.
OCD, what will the police do? She isn’t harassing you. You haven’t blocked her number.
Helpful Answer (3)

Your mother needs to be in a mental health facility so she can be helped. She is mentally sick. That is the only option you should offer her going forward.
Helpful Answer (4)


You know that this has gone on for way too long!

Your mom was barely around when you were growing up. Your dad was the parent that raised you.

You’ve had a huge fear of her showing up at your home in San Francisco. You keep paying her money hoping to keep her from landing on your doorstep.

Why are you desperately afraid of her showing up anyway? What harm could she possibly do?

As we have told you in the past, If she shows up at your home, call the police. Let them handle it.

What exactly have you discussed in therapy? I can’t imagine that your therapist is supportive of you continually helping your mom.

I wouldn’t even listen to her voicemails. Can’t you change your number? Block her number.

I don’t understand how your husband is coping with this situation for so long.

Even her Rabbi got tired of her antics. I don’t blame him. He is a wise man.
Helpful Answer (4)

More recent update:

"No, I don't want "poor me." I don't value pity. I want to know what to do now that this isn't ending and I've tried lawyer, police, blocking etc.
Maybe if you heard one of the 30 voicemails you would hear the terror, panic, anxiety and misery of a human being and maybe wonder too.

The lawyer said he has never seen a situation like this in his 30 years."

OCD, I would appreciate a direct answer to this.

Has it ever occured to you that your mom is a really good actress?

My son is an actor. He attended conservatory for both HS and College.

I've watched one of this friends do the "the knife scene" from Macbeth. I swore I could see the knife.

A talented actor can twist your emotional head anyway they desire.

This is what your mother does. She turns the drama on and off.

On for you.

Off for the cops.

On for the Hotel...until she needs to turn it off.

You are not killing her. Not talking to her isn't going to make her die

G-d will take her in Her/His own time, but YOU have no agency in her timeline.

Change your phone number and take a trip with your family. Stay in therapy.

You were abandoned as a child; you are seeking absolution for what you imagine your did to cause her to do this unthinkable thing.

You did nothing wrong. She did.
Helpful Answer (6)
NeedHelpWithMom Jun 2023
Exactly! This is manipulation at it’s finest.

OCD, read this post over and over until it sinks in!

I understand that don’t want your mom to become homeless. I struggled with the same issue when I tried to help my brother.

I had to walk away from my brother to protect myself and my family. He did become homeless.

Being homeless for my brother wasn’t the worst thing in his life because he met an old man that was extremely compassionate and offered him a place to stay. He took care of him when he was sick.

I wanted my brother to receive help but I knew that I couldn’t be the one to help.

This older gentleman took my brother to a wonderful hospice facility and then informed me where he was. I had the awful job of telling my mom that he was going to die. I called his children and told them as well.

He actually improved in the facility and walked out of hospice. Not long afterward though, he entered the facility again and died a few days later.

Please don’t be afraid to allow your mom to receive help from someone else. You aren’t helping her. Allow her to find help from someone else. Maybe they will take her to a place where she can receive help for her mental health issues.

She isn’t well. She needs someone to help her. Step out of the way, not only to protect yourself but to allow her to find hep.

Of course, there isn’t a guarantee that she will find help. At least, admit to yourself that you haven’t really helped her. You have only prolonged her agony by allowing her to know that there will be more money sent her way from you and your husband.

You’re not strong by holding on. It takes strength to let go. Find that strength and start focusing on your life with your husband and son.
Helpful Answer (4)

OP, you replied to me:
"No, I don't want "poor me." I don't value pity. I want to know what to do now that this isn't ending and I've tried lawyer, police, blocking etc."

but i had just written to you, what you can do. and you didn't reply to any of it, as if no one - not a single person on this forum - has given you ideas what to do.

you haven't tried blocking. blocking means FOREVER blocking.

here i write again what you can do (but please keep in mind OP, you seem to be OCD-obsessed with your mother. for this reason, you didn't even reply at all to all the ideas given to you. instead, you want to continue the situation. it's not possible to get out of an OCD-obsession. please OP see a doctor again about your obsession with your mother). here again the ideas:

OP, the situation sounds really simple:
--don't want her to harass you with phone calls, or her giving your number to other people (like to the hotel, so they call you to say they're worried about your mother)? then change your number. it's really easy. get a new sim card.

--you do want to keep receiving her voice messages (VM)? don't mind that she gives your number to other people? then keep the same number.

--you can silence unknown numbers. you can take a break anytime, from reading her emails, or listening to VM.

--want to give her a house? then go ahead. she hasn't chosen where she wants to live? then choose for her, give her the house, and that's that. don't want to give her a house? then don't give her a house.

--want to help her? then help her. see her, see her health situation with your own eyes. take her to whatever doctors she needs. maybe she does urgently need help, physically and mentally, from doctors.

--don't want to help her? then don't help her.
Helpful Answer (6)
bundleofjoy Jun 2023
--worried she turns up at your house? (you said she knows where you live and you're worried she turns up). call the police, tell them she's trespassing. it happens again? next level is restraining order.

--you still want to hear from her every now and then? then don't block her out of your life completely.

--never want to hear her again? then do so.

--you want to continue funding her stay at hotels? (you said you're funding her). then do so. want to stop funding? then do so.

--OP, you haven't seen your mother in many years. to know someone's real health situation, one has to see it with one's own eyes, face to face, for several days. want to go see her, care for her for some days? do so. don't want to know her real health situation? then don't go and see her.
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OCD, I wrote to you 9 months ago on September 19 last year saying: “OCD, if this is all true, it isn’t just your mother who needs a psychiatrist, genuinely. You can surely see that your mother has a mental illness, and that you cannot believe a word she says”... I added that you also: “need psychiatric help to stop you going down a really bad path. You cannot control this woman, and you need better control over yourself”.Nothing has changed (once again "if this is all true"). This is a forum for people who are willing to offer useful suggestions based on experience, and offer them to people seek suggestions from others with experience. It is not working that way for you or for us.
Helpful Answer (3)
bundleofjoy Jun 2023
i agree with you.
unfortunately, it's not possible to reason someone out of their OCD-obsession. they themselves often don't see that they're OCD-obsessed, or that there's any problem with their obsession.

it's like someone who continuously cleans the house (OCD). they don't think it's a problem. they think the problem is, that the house isn't clean. in their opinion, everyone else IS the problem for not seeing the house isn't clean.
Folks, if you have nothing useful to say to OCD, just stop. Scroll on by.

She doesn't need to be excoriated.
Helpful Answer (6)


YOU CAN NOT HELP YOUR MOM. She is mentally ill and you have no experience in helping the mentally ill. Most of us don't.
To get Mom help, you are going to have to break all ties with Mom. Montetarily too. The motel is going to need to call the cops and tell them Mom is mentally ill and needs to be Baker Acted. That family can no longer be involved. Mom will be put on a 72 hr hold . When released, if ur called, you tell them you have done everything possible. No matter how much you do, its never enough. She just wants more and more and you can't give her what she wants. At Moms age, she will not be put on the streets. The State will take over her care.

You must block her emails. Block her phone calls. Talk to the authorities but make it clear the woman yes is your BioMom but she was never your mother. You have done as much as you can but her mental illness is effecting your mental health. She needs help that you can't give her. So at this point you need to walk completely away. She is not to contact u anymore. You would like updates knowing she is being cared for but that is it. You have to let Mom go. You will have no peace till you do. Ask your therapist to give you the tools to break way. The only way to solve this problem is to allow the State to take over and have no communication with Mom EVER. She is dead to you and you need to be dead to her.
Helpful Answer (4)
AlvaDeer Jun 2023
This is so excellent, JoAnn. This is a decision that only OCD can make, and it IS a DECISION. There are costs and there are rewards for every path we choose. Only we can decide what best enriches our own lives. 85 answers here hasn't helped a thing.
OCD's Mom's limitations are of illness. And OCD may need professional help.
This forum can offer a place to vent, and the opinions of many people with experiences; can even offer sympathy. But we are not trained professionals with access to the entire story. OCD's mom may not be fixed/saved/whatever. But OCD an still, with help, make the choice to remove herself from habitual ways of behaving in response to her mom.
That has to be her own choice. As I said, 85 messages here over a year haven't changed much.
OCD I wish you the very best of luck going forward.
This post was 11 months ago.
Helpful Answer (3)
NeedHelpWithMom Jun 2023
OP posted recently with an update. Nothing has changed really. The mother is still driving her crazy and she hasn’t cut her mom out of her life.
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I copied and pasted what OP just wrote on 6/23/23 so others can see.

Numbers blocked - but voicemails fill up and it's sick to see.Can't buy her a house - won't live there.Only thing she will accept is for me to come rescue her. Says she'll leave after she sees me. But, this is a risk. We aren't willing to do anything until she acts decently.Says she can't. So we don't. But she won't stop.Change the number and she'll go to facebook and troll on my business reputation. (I am a pubic figure for my line of work).Block her and she'll call from a different number.Block her email and she'll create new emails. She's created 5 new emails. I have 2 emails and she writes to both of them from 5 emails.She says she will not give up, she has no choice, because she needs me to survive.Keep blocking, it's a daily exercise.For those who think this is like OCD house cleaning - perhaps similar. I had real OCD where I counted. Couldn't stop. I do recognize that I have an obsession with my mother, but it's in my cells - she wired me. But, it's more than that.We are not religious, but I keep trying to give it to G-d. Say a mantra "I've done enough."I have to close all of my email accounts, but I can't close my FB or LinkedIn. Those are public. I've blocked her on those, but again, she'll create new emails. For facebook, I've resulted to only posted so that friends can see. For LI, I've checked the box so that only friends can comment.I've talked to the lawyer about the harassment letter.I've called the police. They can't do anything.They can't baker act her. I need to get an ex parte baker act but she will fake it.So, we take it day by day.This forum does help me shift my belief that I'm allowed to do this.I have to give up my fear of her and responsibility for her misery. The latter is done. The former is still there.
Helpful Answer (5)

OcdTrauma - from what you just wrote, your mother is relentless. Here's the mental picture I got. Your mother is a parasite, determined to latch on to and eat away at the host (you) to sustain herself until the host dies. You, being so used to the pain and the parasite, feel incomplete and can't live without them.I hope you will consider therapy to help you "divorce" your mother and feel whole again as you did before mom came back into your life. Also, about your FB account, are you saying you must keep it? At any cost?
Helpful Answer (4)
Ocdtrauma70 Jun 2023
Interesting question on facebook. I can give up posts that anyone can access and only share with friends for now.
hi OP,

i read your update.

these things are solvable:

do you want to cut all contact? then do it.

—you said you blocked her number. then she calls from a different, unknown number. so OP, change your number. it’s simple. problem solved.

—she writes emails to you from different accounts. so OP, change your two emails. people change email addresses all the time. do it. you’ll have to notify several people you’re in contact with about your new email, but then it’s done. problem solved.

—yes i know she doesn’t want to choose where to live. so if you don’t want to buy her a house, don’t do it. problem solved. stop talking to others about the house idea, because that idea is gone.

—your public business-FB: there IS A WAY to set it up, so that every comment posted needs pre-approval from you, precisely because FB is very aware people can try to say ugly things on someone’s public FB.
…you can also take a break from FB, in the sense of not letting - anyone - post for now, this way you don’t even need to read through the pre-approval-posts where you might bump into your mother’s attempts to post under various accounts. same thing with LinkedIn.

—you said you don’t want to see her, help her with doctors. then don’t help her. the only way for you to help her, is for you to see her face to face, to see her real health situation.
…emails, VMs, people can fake things. but face to face, you’ll see her real health (physical, mental). she might have several physical health problems. you decided you don’t want to help her. problem solved.

the thing is, you haven’t really decided to cut contact - this is why you leave the door open EVERYWHERE for her to contact you (phone, email…FB…).

if you don’t want to cut contact, then do so. but own it. “i want my mother to be able to continue to harass me.”

OP, please see a doctor about your OCD-obsession with your mother.
Helpful Answer (3)
Ocdtrauma70 Jun 2023
Thank you for your clear direction. I do appreciate it. I also didn't know about the facebook option. I will own that I am unable to completely cut contact. I do want to fund her because we can afford it and I wouldn't want to have her have no money to live. I am hearing the forum that I am crazy to continue this dance.
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I haven't read it all & certainly don't have the whole picture.. but my simple brain thinks this.

How would funding a person's accomodation help a person who cannot live independantly?

It wouldn't matter if a house, luxury condo or a small one bedder apartment.

It wouldn't matter if in the best neighbourhood or a lousy one.

Accomodation alone cannot sustain a person. Cannot buy their food, cook their meals, pay their bills, buy clothing, provide entertainment, make friends, cure lonliness.

Yes, obtaining secure accomodation can underpin a sense of security, be a bedrock to build on. But it won't fix this.

*Accomodation alone cannot cure mental illness*
Helpful Answer (7)
Ocdtrauma70 Jun 2023
Yes, that is a her story now. That is why buying her a condo does not help. She wants to be with me to take care of her, help her make friends, help her find meaningful work, give her a purpose in life. The issue is that I try to do that before, and I am no longer willing to take that on. I’m not willing to risk having her near my family and son because I know that she will always resort to sickening tactics when needed. If she would’ve started To collaborate on her life plan years ago, decades ago, things would’ve been different. I tried for decades To help her make better decisions, and I was unable to even get her to consider working one hour a week.
You keep saying that you can afford to pay her. You have a son. I remember you saying that he was a teenager. College tuition is expensive. I hope that you are budgeting for your son’s education. He deserves your support. Your mom doesn’t deserve to keep accepting your generosity.

Unless you have a money tree in your yard. I don’t see how you can afford to keep paying all of her expenses. She’s never going to be satisfied. She will bleed you dry. The expenses are adding up month to month.

She doesn’t bother your sister because your sister isn’t foolish enough to play her game. You keep playing the same game over and over and you’re losing badly. She is playing you for a fool. I can’t imagine that she cares about you or your husband and child. You’re a giver and she’s a taker.

When are you going to become sick and tired of being sick and tired.

You live in San Francisco which is one of the most expensive cities to live in. Are you concerned at all about all of the money that you have wasted on your mother?
Helpful Answer (2)
Ocdtrauma70 Jun 2023
Yes, we have budgeted for her to have a house in a reasonable community and one reason I’ve said no to letting her come here. I am honestly more concerned for everybody’s mental health. I know I’m not supposed to listen to voicemails or read emails. Her demand list today for what I do for her was insane from get her out of her prison in Florida , be with her for a month, get her accommodations to live near me, take her to get her eyes fixed, legs fixed and a facelift. I’m trying to be numb to it because I know everybody on the forum can see and now I can see that it’s the same thing. I said no and I’m not giving into her terrorist demands because she gave birth to me. Trying to stay strong and hoping this is the right thing to do. She made it very clear yesterday that it would be my fault if she died, but when I asked her to call a doctor to save her life in my life she said no. Please have a good day and I will try to do the same! My son had his friends over last night and was very happy. I am going to look at those pictures and be happy! I greatly appreciate the help on this forum.
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