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You can't give up your "fear" of your mother?

What, specifically, do you fear?

From what I've read, you gullibly believe EVERYTHING she tells you.

I would start out by challenging the truth of what she tells you if you insist on continuing communication with her.

1. She's not dying.

2. She won't be "on the streets" if you don't send money.

3. Your dying father wasn't "fine".

4. You are not fine.

Her saying these things does not make them true.

You need a therapist who can give you more than mantras.
Helpful Answer (3)
NeedHelpWithMom Jun 2023

I don’t know what kind of therapist some of these posters are using but they are nothing like the therapist I have.

Hahaha, my therapist told me on my very first visit, “I am going to say things that you may not be comfortable with at first. If you can’t handle this, I suggest that you leave now.”

I knew right then that he was my kind of guy! A guy who wouldn’t pull any punches and that he was a straight up, no nonsense person who would speak the truth.
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Read a bit about EMDR. It is a therapy technique that has helped many. Many therapist offer it now. It is even used for veterans who suffer from PTSD.

The key to your family health is for you to get better. If one method doesn’t help, try another.

look here is a group of therapist that offers EMDR in San Fran
Helpful Answer (2)
Ocdtrauma70 Jun 2023
Thank you!
OCDtrauma, your updates from today seem to indicate that you are starting to appreciate the fact that your mother's claims that she will die unless you accede to her terrorist demands are false.

Congratulations of the progress!
Helpful Answer (4)

OCD-keep coming back here for reinforcements. We have your back.

The person who gave birth to you is very damaged and very destructive. She is beyond your help. She may be beyond anyone’s help.

Perhaps, if/when she hits the bottom, she may be open to accepting (mental) help. She can’t hit bottom if she keeps getting rescued.

I totally agree with you about not bringing her to live with or near you. She will destroy you and your family.
Helpful Answer (2)

OCD, You have identified your mother correctly by saying that she has terrorists demands. Sounds accurate to me!

It’s crazy that she wants you to pay for her plastic surgery.

There are people who are literally dying, unlike her hoaxes about dying. Her description of “dying” is laughable!

I rolled my eyes with your reply to bundle about your mother feeling as if you, your husband and her rabbi being a murderer! That is crazy!

Her rabbi is extremely wise to be avoiding her like the plague. I have said this before and I will say it again. Follow the rabbi’s example and completely ignore your mother.
Helpful Answer (1)

Learned helplessness.

This is the term the workplace councellor used to describe a co-worker's behaviour. I had said it felt like harrassment or bullying: constant delegations, constant requests, ignores refusals.

The staff member was new. I had been nice. I had been taken advantage of.

I wound back on *nice*. Not enough. Strong boundaries were needed - but this was beginning to exhaust me. The next advice was to reduce contact.

OCDs Mother seems to have a top level extreme version of this.

There ARE people that are 'takers'.

People that have less empathy for others, are in survival mode, have delusions or alternative/unusual thinking etc. Are self-focused.

OCD, are you beginning to see that providing accomodation will not be a cure?

That by you being nice & so very generous it can unfortunately bring opportunity to being taken advantage of?

Your self-image as a nice & generous person. Can this be separated from funding Mother?

So much smaller problem.. but I can be BOTH a helpful person AND someone not taken advantage of by a bossy needy co-worker.
Helpful Answer (1)
Ocdtrauma70 Jun 2023
“You have just set the stage for a suicide by not accepting who I am and offering love to help me start to heal and to take me to doctor and something that might lift me up after I’ve been so beaten down and just left to die.”
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"You have just set the stage for a suicide by not accepting who I am and offering love to help me start to heal and to take me to doctor and something that might lift me up after I’ve been so beaten down and just left to die.”

Ocd, are you saying that your mom emailed or called you and left this message?

If that is the case you do the following:

1. You call 911 and give them the address where your mom is staying and say that your mom has may a credible threat of self harm with a plan, and that she immediate psychiatric help.

2. You call the manager of the hotel and tell her that mom has made a threat of suicide and that she needs to call 911 immediately.

Ocd, do you see how mom has worded her message so as to shift all blame and responsibility onto you?

Do not communicate with her any longer. Do NOT listen to her messages. She is getting off on your pain.

Why on earth do you believe her lies?
Helpful Answer (5)

OCD, your pen-name for yourself, means Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. If you have been diagnosed with OCD (even if you picked it yourself), please get help for YOU. We want to help, but it's really hard!
Helpful Answer (3)

i agree.with the posts.. don’t take the suicide lightly.. my aunt mentioned it once.. I had placed her in a retirement home near me..literally walking distance.. she lived by herself for 50 years.. ithid new place was too large of community. She got depressed and said she felt like jumping over her balcony.. what… this room has the best view!!! Her psychologist demanded she be moved to first floor. And that he is used to seeing teens call out suicide not 80 year olds. So we had to go through geriatric evaluation etc… don’t take these emails lightly.. take them seriously and act upon them.. yes mom, got your message..,
the paramedics, and police will show up, and take her to ER or 5150.. maybe they can tweak out her meds a bit, get her in a program ; get her in assisted living.. she won’t be alone.. and it won’t be your fault anymore..
Helpful Answer (1)

OCD, if those words are not a cry for help from your mom, and it’s just a ploy for attention, think outside that idea..
CALL 911

my friend’s daughter decided she wants a divorce after 3 years of marriage.. the hubby started getting suicidal thoughts. My friends ex wife is a nurse or something in medical field.. social worker(?)
Jill said she would take Bill into her home and take care of him and watch him..
I told them that’s a bad idea. Call 5150.. no, Jill knows how to handle Bill. If we call 5150, he will kill him self..
long story short, the daughter called her dad saying that the hone security shows Bill is in their condo.. daughter wasn’t home..
Bills fsmily is now trying to sue Jill and daughter for not getting him professional help..
Helpful Answer (1)

OCD, if those words are not a cry for help from your mom, and it’s just a ploy for attention, think outside that idea..
CALL 911

my friend’s daughter decided she wants a divorce after 3 years of marriage.. the hubby started getting suicidal thoughts. My friends ex wife is in the medical field.
Jill said she would take Bill into her home and take care of him and watch him..
I suggested actual doctor evaluation in a hospital..
long story short, the daughter called her dad saying that the hone security shows Bill is in their condo.. daughter wasn’t home..
Bill’s parents are questioning as to why he wasn’t taken to a hospital..
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I'll flip the question: why NOT call 911?
Helpful Answer (2)

I assume OCD writing us below with QUOTES is her Mom talking, saying to OCD that she has "just set the stage" for her suicide.

In my humble opinion threats of suicide take the entire situation out of our hands. Neither any of us, nor OCD is qualified to deal with someone suicidal.

Therefore OCD's response to that from her mother should be :
"You have just set the stage for my calling the suicide hotline and the police to report your suicidal ideation".
The she should DO JUST THAT and let those trained deal with her mother.

It isn't up to us to label Mom's intentions.
It isn't up to OCD to deal with threats of suicide.
It is up to those trained to do it.
Helpful Answer (4)
BarbBrooklyn Jun 2023
Amen, Alva. I trust OCD has taken our advice and called 911.

If, as in the past, her mother presents as "fine" to the authorities, she doesn't really want help. She wants to manipulate her daughter into becoming a hostage to her mood/personality disorder.

And OCD should feel free to tell this sham of a "mother" to bugger off.
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In Suicide Awareness training, we were taught to take all threats of suicide seriously and contact the authorities on behalf of the person making them. When mother threatened suicide, I contacted her community psychiatrist who had her placed in a geriatric psychiatric hospital where she was evaluated and treated. Then she was placed in a suitable facility and on meds.

You write "The issue is she has no family that cares about her." No. The issue is that your mother is mentally ill and needs professional care.

((((hugs))) I know this isn't easy, but it is doable.

Love your mother by getting her the care she needs by reporting her to people who can help her where you can't. Funding her and supporting her as in the past is just enabling her illness.
Helpful Answer (7)
AlvaDeer Jun 2023
Exactly. Call 911
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You have got to stop allowing yourself to become upset by your mother’s suicide threats.

Your reaction has been totally inappropriate for this situation. The only appropriate response is to call 911 and be done with it!

Your first thought should not be to send more money to her. Nor should you become so emotionally invested in how she is feeling. Did she ever genuinely care about how you, your husband, your child, your sister, your father or your stepmom ever felt? No! She hasn’t!

I suspect that you either have a rotten therapist and it’s high time to find a new therapist. Or, that you aren’t listening to a word of advice being offered to you as a solution.

I cannot imagine that your therapist is backing up your actions of how you are handling this situation with your mother.

Stop focusing on your mother and start focusing on your own mental health. Your mother is most likely beyond help. You are not a miracle worker! Why aren’t you convinced that you will never be able to convince her of anything? Has she ever once been satisfied with your generosity? Nope! She hasn’t!

Your mother (in name only) will not change! At this point, who cares?
You don’t want her in your life anyway.

You say that you don’t love her. So, what exactly is your motivation behind this insanity? Please explain this to us. There is absolutely no logic in this situation.

Let her hit rock bottom! That’s what I did with my oldest brother when he tried to pull crazy stunts on me!

As long as she has you as a lifeline, actually a crutch, she will have no incentive to reach out for ‘real’ help. Your bandaids aren’t doing the trick! She needs professional help!
Helpful Answer (3)
MeDolly Jun 2023
Our words do nothing to get OCD on the right tract with her mother, there appears to be some inherited chemical imbalance thing going on here, passed on from mother to daughter.

I still feel like I am watching a soap opera, pure fantasy, I am really not sure if we are being played or not.

In either case, some serious professional help is needed for both of them.
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Hi all,

OP can’t be reasoned with. Many of you feel OP’s mom can’t be reasoned with.

Well, OP can’t be reasoned with either.

You can’t talk someone out of OCD. OP should call 911 for her mother’s suicidal threats, but she won’t because that would start stopping the whole drama.

In the same way that OP is anxious about her mom’s emails and calls, we on the forum are anxious about OP, but we can’t reason with OP, just like OP can’t reason with her mom. IT’S IDENTICAL.

OP needs to see a doctor. That’s it. Therapist is not enough. A doctor.
Helpful Answer (4)
NeedHelpWithMom Jun 2023
You’re probably right, venting and we are just spinning our wheels here, going nowhere.
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I think we’re being played, for many reasons.

First, no one in the world (not millionaires; not anyone) lives in a small, cramped place, while voluntarily funding their mother in a hotel.

Second, it costs A LOT of money to live every day in a hotel. A HUGE amount of money. OP has the money to fund that? Those types of people don’t normally hang out on caregiver forums, because if you’re that wealthy, you have plenty of money to hire advisors for various aspects of life’s troubles.

Etc., other reasons.
Helpful Answer (6)
MeDolly Jun 2023
I agree, I just booked a room for several nights in a Hampton Inn, $165 a night plus tax, Florida off season rate.

Nothing more to be considered for me, I am out of this loop.

One thing that I have learned here is that many just can't stop trying to fix a situation, so they just continue to respond, whether they are being punked or not, it is a codependency thing.
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There are very cheap hotels. Not much and you pay by the week not the day if your actually living in one. A few years back a very basic room, mainly for truckers was $20 a night. Thats a bed with a bath. My Church put up a friend of my daughters for a couple of nights.
Helpful Answer (2)
PeggySue2020 Jun 2023
Lol, like not in San Francisco proper.
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Hi JoAnn29 - your church put up that person for a couple of nights.

OP has been funding her mother at hotels for years. It’s extremely costly.
Helpful Answer (2)
Ocdtrauma70 Jun 2023
In fairness, my mother was able to live in the nicest hotels around the world for less than most people live in a regular city. She managed the points system and negotiated for her meals all to be free. She had no other expenses for food, utilities, insurance, car, hairdresser or socializing.
After covid the prices went up. Now, you can tell me I'm drinking the kool-aid, but she could live in hotels cheaper than a house and that was a built-in social system for someone who was unable to make friends. Yes, sounds like I'm defending her. It was a brilliant life for her to choose. Some people live on cruise ships. Something happened a year ago and she panicked and now has done this. What she has done is unacceptable and horrific. It's partial mental illness, partial narcissism.
Put the housing issue aside.

"she doesn’t want a dumpy home. Then we offer to buy her a nice home and she says she doesn’t want to be alone".

The woman actually WANTS to be looked after - to be IN CARE.
Helpful Answer (4)
Way2tired Jun 2023
Beatty is right . She wants a caregiver ,
maybe she would like assisted living .
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Usually, when I see that such a long hand-wringing post already has 100-plus answers, I ignore it. But yours stood out, and I can only echo those who responded, in effect, “QUIT, already!” But if you had the cojones to do that, you would have done so already, so what you are seeking is not real advice that you will follow (you won’t,) but somebody to pat you on the back.
Helpful Answer (1)
Ocdtrauma70 Jun 2023
Completely wrong. Now my Uncle, with whom I have not spoken in 30 years, is calling me and letting me know that she is calling him 10 times a day. Half of the responders think it is narcissism and the other half think mental illness. My Uncle just told me that my grandmother had shock treatment for severe depression in her 50s, which I knew. Yes, I don't have the conjones to throw away a human being completely, and even if I did, she would not let me. Maybe the last part is my flaw. I just researched how to port my cell to my home phone because I've had that number for decades. Even if I block her from commenting on facebook/linkedin, I don't put it past her that she would start to reach out to those who have "liked" my posts. I know how she operates. She has no boundaries. I can't watch a play or movie without her in my head, which is my problem, but others are now feeling the same. My sister, uncle are asking me what to do.
JoAnn29, OP’s mom has been living in “nice hotels around the world”.

Nice hotels.

Anyway, even “cheap” hotels are very expensive after living there - every day - for years. It’s extremely rare to be able to afford to live in hotels for years, NON-STOP.

If OP has that kind of money, she also has money to get a great doctor who helps her with her OCD. As others posted, OP is obsessed with her mom.

Only a doctor can help OP.
Helpful Answer (3)


I've said this many times before to you and it's the truth once again.

If and when you decide to stop playing your mother's games she will stop with all the nonsense and drama.

You don't stop playing her games because you don't want to.
You have said in past posts that you only saw your mother about ten times over the last 40 years. So really I fail to see how walking away from this person and having zero contact with her would be such a hard thing to do.
For your family's sake as well as your own, this is exactly what you should be doing.

In the spirit of friendship everything I'm saying to you is true. You have a husband and a child to think about.

Continuing to be a martyr will not ruin just your life. It will ruin their lives as well. Keep that in mind.
Helpful Answer (4)

OCD, Narcissistic Personality Disorder IS Mental illness. We are all in agreement that your mother is mentally ill. And that she needs more help than you can give her. And that SHE WON'T GET THAT HELP UNTIL YOU STOP KOWTOWING TO HER.

Have you read Never Simple by Liz Scheier? It might help you to see why you have to stop.
Helpful Answer (1)

OCD - your emails seem to pull people in to still respond because we genuinely want to help you - but I see it's only feeding your OCD because you're positioning it that way. You're in a loop, and at this point, I think you just want to continue sharing the next negative issue about your mother so you can get your fill of hearing to block your mother. And there's nothing anyone can say that has remotely impacted your actions.

You never really blocked your mother - you claimed you did for a year - but your husband has been the puppet - talking thru you. You justify this by saying you're a "team", but you're your own person. You need to deal with your mother directly. You're presenting half stories because it works in your favor - such as you claim you've only seen your mother 10 times in decades - but that's your doing, right? You've refused to see her. She wasn't at your wedding, graduation, ect - was she invited? Because you claimed that she's been calling you since college and said she feels lost - so it's not like she hasn't tried to be in your life. 

And now learning her mother (your grandmother) had shock treatment when your mother was being raised, I'm sure there's a whole lot you don't know about her upbringing and the dysfunction. You claim your mother won't make up her mind where to live, etc...I don't think she can. She sounds extremely STUCK - maybe she has some form of ptsd and literally cannot make decisions right now - and really, you refuse to place her in the entire state of California - it's not all expensive - not all parts. Living in a hotel room - all alone - isolated - and having no roots anywhere can really drive a person into deeper depression. Just stop having your husband ask her questions - you won't accept her answers of living near you - if that's even what she wants, because if it was, why didn't she fly out to you instead of choosing Florida from St Louis? She asked you to reach out to her brother and you refused. That to me is further keeping her alienated from family. 

And by the way, she's not the first neurotic, needy, drama-queen - her mantras and wording she uses of others killing her, being a murderer, etc.- she's in her own head-loop - all alone in a hotel room...and she's filling her own head with that to the point of probably believing it. You need to speak to her directly - firmly - have a script prepared's not a two-way conversation - you will strongly and firmly tell her that you are not responsible for her life - if you hear any negative words, then you'll cease any contact - you refuse to hear complaints - she has made it impossible for you to have a relationship with her because of her constant complaining and negativity. It's too much for you and it's not your role to carry her. If she ever wants a relationship with you, then you can only hear positive words. You need to be blunt, tough - and maybe if you showed her that, she wouldn't even feel you were that desirable to be around.

Then make decisions for her - get her out of a hotel already - if you totally refuse to have her anywhere in the state of California, then don't expect for her to give you other options - it's gotten you nowhere. Get her a place in Florida - you chose it - you wanted to put her in a 55+ community, so do it - find a place where she'll meet people and have social activities - give her a chance to put down roots. She can't refuse it if you stop paying for her hotels - she'll have nowhere else to go. Furnish it yourself - consider it a property investment. Once she settles, she'll meet people and things will take their own course. Just take measures already - this isn't getting you anywhere. It doesn't matter what she refuses - take control of the situation - plant roots for her and see where things go from there. Just give her a start.
Helpful Answer (2)

OCD, I find your response to venting quite interesting.

You mention that you went to a movie theater with your husband and son and saw many older women there. You say, “I could have taken her there in a different world.”

You end your post to venting by saying that you are seeing your therapist today. Great, share all of this with your therapist.

Do you think that deep down that you long for a loving mom in your life?

Everyone would love to have a wonderful mom. No one wants a mom who has mental illness. I understand this. It is extremely difficult for people who have mothers that fall short of being a loving, nurturing and supportive parent.

Life isn’t fair. Most of us found this out at a very young age.

I’m confused by some of your comments. You acknowledge that your mother has mental health issues, but do you really think that you are protecting yourself from her wrath, pleading for more and more and her never ending breakdowns by continuing to pacify her with money?

You’re not helping her. Let her butt hit rock bottom, so she has to reach out for help or her behavior becomes so erratic that she won’t have a choice in receiving help because no one else would ever put up with what you have!

You’re not protecting yourself by doling out money either. I’m sure that you can’t deny that you have trained her to keep coming back for more!

Mourn the loss that you will never, ever have a loving mom.

Start new dreams. Dreams that involve your husband and son, your friends, in other words, people who truly care about you. Your mom doesn’t give a rat’s a** about anyone but herself!

After you grieve, celebrate your freedom from living in misery all of these years.
Helpful Answer (2)

Ocd, maybe share how your mom gets all these cheap rooms? I don’t know how to do that without gambling being involved.
Helpful Answer (4)
Beatty Jun 2023
Yeah, gambling fits. Or finding men to pay.

An old flatmate of mine's sister travelled the world, living in hotels, being funded by her "boyfriends'. She had trauma in her background, couldn’t stick at education, liked the finer things, so it was a good fit mostly. She kept in contact with her brother - he was like her anchor in life.
OP, a therapist is not enough. You need to see a doctor. Your mom isn’t the problem. The problem is your obsession with your mom.

I can guarantee that in real life (not internet), real people are telling you to see a doctor, too.

Instead of going to a doctor, you try to find more people (like the forum) you can talk to, about your obsession. When they get tired, you’ll move onto other people.

You need a doctor.
Helpful Answer (4)

Your mother is a vulnerable narcissist just as bad as the other kind and more than willing to devour you to feed her empty souless existence.

This is a pretty good article on the different types of narcissism.

Now the question is why not just move her in and let her complete the process like the invasion of the body snatchers? She can become you and you can become invisible.

Empathy for this hungry soul is destroying you.
Helpful Answer (5)

"My sister, uncle are asking me what to do".


Stop. Look. Listen to yourself.

Are you encouraging more family to hashover the drama? To just gossip & handwring - doing nothing different?

Answer other family once.
Mom is ill. It is beyond me or her family to help her. She needs professional mental health treatment.

Anyone with concerns can all APS & report her.
Helpful Answer (4)
ventingisback Jun 2023
It is OP who needs help. OP needs to see a doctor for her obsession.
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