
Okay so excuse my spelling guys I just want to hurry through this and get advice. My grandma is a terrible person she always has been but my grandpa died 8 years ago and she has been staying with us. And when I try to get advice from other family on facebook they say she is getting dementia and that's true but she's always treated me like crap even before she got it. And she yells at me for nothing everyday I don't even talk to her. And her son, my mom's brother lives with us too. He has a mental illness and he's literally also a pedophile he makes sexual comments about kids and even made them about me when I was little. My dad was literally going to beat the crap out of him for it. But the cops never arrest him or do anything because of his mental illness and my grandma will not let us throw him out even tho he literally killed my grandpa by pushing him down and making him hit his head. She screams when we try to get her to walk. We took her to the bank to get her money and she started screaming in public. My mom has diabetes and my dad has heart problems all the stress she causes is not good for them. Today she was just talking crap to me and I have epilepsy and I can't take stress I had a seizure and had a glass plate with food on it and when she was saying things like calling me a b*** and I needed to die I had a seizure and the plate broke and I landed in glass cutting my head. We can't put her in a nursing home we can't afford it and I just really need advice guys I cannot take it anymore she's going to cause someone in the house to literally die. Please I need advice. My mom has a sister but she does nothing to help but literally takes credit for things my mom does at funerals like she did when my grandpa died now he was a great man.

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Make a plan. she goes to a nursing home. And you save money to move.
(Hug) wish you success
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Growing up in a dysfunctional family does not mean that you have to continue living a dysfunctional stops with YOU. YOU are the generation that says ENOUGH. There will be no more abuse accepted or handed out in MY lifetime, or in my children's lifetime, that is your new mantra.

I don't know how old you are..........if 1998 is your birth year making you in your early 20's, take Alva's advice and get as many jobs as you can which accomplishes two things: it gets you OUT of the seriously dysfunctional household and it allows you to save money to move OUT of there. For good, no looking back. You are a child of God and perfect as such. You deserve no bad treatment, no abuse, certainly no sexual abuse, no name calling, none of it. Your parents may feel trapped where they're at and unable to get out. You, on the other hand, CAN get out. Even with CAN take control of your life and say ENOUGH. We all have things on our plate to deal with, health-wise or otherwise, that we can choose to stop us dead in our tracks, or that we can choose to push PAST and press forward with.

Make YOUR choice TODAY.

Wishing you good luck and Godspeed, dear girl, that you have the courage and strength to say goodbye to your past and hello to a bright new future. It won't be easy, but you'll be happy once you're on the other side!
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Its time your PARENTS take their lives back. If grandma living with you, then all she probably has is Social Security. Her Doctor can evaluate her and order she have 24/7 care. Then your parents can place her in a nursing home applying for Medicaid. Her SS will be used to offset the cost.

I would have your Mom call Office of Aging and ask what resources are available and how would she go about placing Mom and finding a place for her brother. Having these two under your parents roof will effect their health problems. Neither needs this stress. Next time your uncle makes those remarks (are there younger children in the home) your parents need to tell the cops he is a threat to your family. You no longer feel safe with him living there. Since the home is your parents, Grandma really has no say if her son lives there or not.

Are you on disability for your epilepsy? If so, do you get Medicaid? If the answer is yes, SS allows u to work up to 14k a year (this may have changed) and Medicaid will allow you to work. So maybe you can find a place of your own. If you aren't on disability, you can work with epilepsy. My grandson does. Try Social Services for help.
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It's time to get your grandmother and your uncle out of your house!!!! Grandmother should qualify for medicaid, so finding a facility to take her shouldn't be hard, and there should be some place that your uncle would qualify to go as well. You and your parents don't deserve to live like you're living. And nobody deserves to be treated and talked to like your grandmother and uncle have treated you all. And why would your parents allow a pedophile to live in their house, in the first place? What in the world were they thinking? You all probably need some type of therapy after you remove the poison(grandmother and uncle) from your house.

And if your parents for whatever reason, won't get grandma and uncle out, then you need to leave ASAP. You deserve so much better!!! Get a place with some friends and start enjoying your life again. God bless you and keep you.
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Take her to ER TODAY. Say she’s a danger to YOU & anyone in the house...& herself. LEAVE HER THERE!!! Do NOT let hospital discharge her to your house. It would be an UNSAFE DISCHARGE.. Tell Social Worker what happened & they will either admit her after 3 days to Nursing Home or psych hospital...she needs meds ...Then Medicaid office at Nursing Home will work to get her’s good that she has no $$$ it will be easier to apply for long term care. HUGS 🤗
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Shay, are you now old enough to leave home and to get a job and make your own good life? If so, do so. If not, get all the part time jobs you can and hide your money and save save save save. You will have to save your own life. It is said you have 2 chances for a good family. The one you are born into, and the one you make for yourself. I am wishing you good luck going forward.
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If 98 is your birth year, you are 20ish? Avoid avoid avoid your GM and your Uncle. I hate to think you are stuck in your room all the time,, but you need to protect yourself. What do your parents think about this,, maybe they can restrict her to her room or some area that you can avoid? Do you have a job, or are you going to school ? I'm not judging, I know you have epilepsy and if its not controlled you may be on disability.. do you get any funds for that? No matter what, if you are living in your parents home and GM and Uncle live in your parents home with you all, they need to step in and shut this down. Good luck!
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