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I too have a Mother like this. She is abusive and I concluded that I would never get anything from her but the destruction of my self-esteem.

I feel the key is to take care of yourself and do what's right for you and your family. I am the Scape-goated one too and although it became a habit to try and win my Mother's approval - only the opposite could ever happen.

Save yourself - leave her to those who are better able to cope with her.
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I cannot tell you what to do but my mother is the same way. She is now 90 and has Alzheimer's. However, she had 6 kids and I am the one left holding the bag. No one else wants anything to do with her. Narcissistic puts it mildly. Sounds like the same with you. I am the one tho that is Bi-Polar and has had a very hard time with the fake everything. Never knowing what to believe. Always has been very manipulative. I had to move across country to get away from her finally when my kids were small. Looking back on the last 7-8 years though I do believe she had Alzheimer/Dementia for a long time and hid it very well in her web of lies. YOU are the most important person in all of this to make sure is well tho because without you the whole bunch will fall apart. Step back. Find a counselor you can talk to if nothing else as a sounding board. Write me and we can talk too. You DONOT have to do this alone. I truly feel your pain and heartache. It really sounds like she may also have more than you know. Get her in to see someone, a neurologist or geriatric doctor. Are you guardian? POA? I hope you get the help you need. Good luck and PLEASE let me know if you need anything
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How sad that so many people had narcissistic mothers. I wish my mother was still around. I miss her so.
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One thing that concerns me is your statement, "If I keep her she will live."
No. Not so. We are, every one of us, going to die. Your mother is nearing the end of a long life on this planet and unless there is some unusual circumstance she is going to die before the three of you. Imagine the personal disasters you will be left with as a result of her living out her days with your family. Your family structure was complicated enough before she arrived.
Bottom line, she will die, it's inevitable. She will die in your home or she will die in the nursing home. Decide. ....And God bless you sweetheart.
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I'm brother says because of how crummy our childhood was...unsafe..scarey..he doesn't feel like he is responsible for guilt for him...but I feel a moral obligation to help ...but at what cost? Am having flash her behavior is still demeaning..critical and manipulative ..while more subtle..she's perfected her technique over the years. This is hard to understand...hopefully counseling will help.
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Things are often remembered out of context or inaccurately.
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Invisible, I'm not sure what you are referring to about things are"often remembered out of context or inaccurately".......but many of us who had/have narcissistic mothers have perfectly lucid and very accurate memories (unfortunately), which should never be pooh-pooh'ed away! How things are 'supposed to be' and how they actually are, are often two different matters entirely.

I had lunch with my mother today, and the waitress at the ALF told me how lucky I was to have such a delightful mother! She asked me if I had a lot of fun growing up, saying she could just imagine what FUN it was growing up with Joanne as a mother. Uh huh, I could have told her stories that would have turned her hair gray........that's the thing; these women present one face (false) to the world, and an entirely different face to their 'loved ones'. The offspring of narcs are often looked at as being mean or nasty, since the rest of the planet thinks they're soooooooooo wonderful. It's no easy feat dealing with these people, and surely no FUN at all, believe me.
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I am not reading through the answers. From what you describe she is sick and needs placement. Not Caring for her in her condition by no means you don't hold a place for her in your heart. You will never have a loving mother, let it go. You can be a loving mother to your son. Go for that
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Thank you everyone. I needed to hear the advise given. It is a hard choice. What I now realize after reading the advise, is I dont owe her and she does use my kind nature against me. Out of the 4 kids, she sent one away and beat me. Amazing I am the only one that has ever helped her. I do forgive her but I will NEVER forget.
Just today she said she wants my husband gone because he makes her walk. She gets pleasure if she hurts you, yet she puts a smile on her face and acts like a sweet old lady with a knife behind her back while she weaves lies and deceives. The stress is horrible trying to do the right thing.
Thank you all for the insight. I now know what I need to do.
My family needs peace. I need peace. I will call around for a good nursing home where she can be happy.
Thank you ALL again.
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You are right, you and your family do need and deserve peace in your own home.

But here's one more good reason. You will find that once your mother is safely placed in a good care facility, she won't be hurting you all any more and you will be able to love her again. It will be better for *her.* Remember that for when she kicks back.

Best of luck, please let us know how the search goes.
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