Nursing home facility in Chicago IL called me (only daughter) yesterday to inform me they’ve restricted visitors. The nursing supervisor wanted to inform me directly because I she knows that I come daily. I asked her for how long and she said she was unsure.
Coincidentally, last week a new CNA dropped mom (72). Mom suffered 2 hematomas but is recovering very well. I had 2 CT scans performed 3 days apart. Everything looks good. Nothing was broken.
Mom is a feeder. She has few words now and is in full diapers. Surprisingly, she uses her eyes and body language to communicate with me. It is the absolute cutest thing ... not sure if I’m able to go more than a day without visiting with her besides I give her Ensure Plus, yogurt and graham crackers as a snack every day too. Any thoughts?
For those that commented...”I don’t want to get others sick too... “ that’s pretty apparent. This site is a helpful networking platform. My goal is to ensure that everyone is safe, staff, residents etc. I posted comment at the height of the Corona Virus Alert, 3 days ago. Things have changed drastically since yesterday. Now I can see the NH was on top of it. Since, the NH has allowed the staff to connect with me visually by phone. It’s actually wonderful with FaceTime or Messenger Apps.
Lastly, please be kind and keep in mind, this is a sensitive time for everyone, couple that with an ill parent and the phenomenon sky rockets. I am trusting my Faith and Believe on positive things.
Thank you members
It would be nice if there could be something set up at the nursing homes where people can visit the residents by Skype or FaceTime as many times phone communication isn’t always successful. The FaceTime or Skyping would require help from NH staff though.
On March 9, 2019, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) revised and expanded the guidance to facilities dated March 4, 2019 (See Consumer Voice summary).
1. Facilities should:
Restrict, limit, or discourage visitation depending on the circumstances. See section on visitation below.
Review and revise how they interact with volunteers, vendors and receiving supplies, agency staff, EMS personnel and equipment, transportation providers, and other practitioners.
2. If possible, facilities should dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital, including from a hospital where a case of COVID-19 was/is present.
3. Surveyors are instructed not to cite facilities for failure to have supplies such as gowns, surgical masks, and hand sanitizer, if the facility is having difficulty obtaining those supplies due to circumstances outside their control. However, in those situations, facilities are expected to:
Take steps to obtain those supplies as soon as possible.
Find ways to make up for the lack or shortage of supplies (such as staff washing hands with soap and water if there is not enough hand sanitizer).
Notify the local and state public health officials of the shortage, follow national guidelines for optimizing their supply, or utilize the next best care option for residents.
4. Facilities should check this link regularly for critical updates:
Screening Criteria
Nursing homes have been instructed by the federal government to screen all visitors for the following revised criteria:
Signs or symptoms of a respiratory infection, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat.
Contact, within the last 14 days, with someone who has a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, is under investigation for COVID-19, or has a respiratory illness.
International travel within the last 14 days to countries with sustained community transmission. For updated information on affected countries, visit:
Residing in a community where community-based spread of COVID-19 is occurring.
In addition, CMS has instructed facilities to ask visitors if they took any recent trips (within the last 14 days) on cruise ships or participated in other settings where crowds are confined to a common location.
Who can visit
Based on the results of the screening, facilities should restrict, limit, or discourage visitors.
For those with one or more of the criteria listed above
The facility should restrict the individual from visiting. This means the individual should not be allowed in the facility at all, until they no longer meet the criteria.
For those who don’t have any of the criteria
CMS recommends that facilities in counties, or counties adjacent to other counties where a COVID-19 case has occurred, limit visitation. This means the individual should not be allowed to come into the facility, except for certain situations, such as end-of-life situations or when a visitor is essential for the resident’s emotional well-being and care.
CMS recommends that all other facilities that are not in the counties described above discourage visitation. This means that the facility allows normal visitation practices, but advises individuals to defer visitation until further notice (through signage, calls, etc.) Facilities should also suggest that visitors who travelled on cruise ships within the last 14 days or were in crowds confined to a common location defer their visit to a later date.
Facilities should increase signage at entrances and exits that includes language discouraging visits. For instance, the sign could recommend that the visitor defer their visit or visit only under certain limited circumstances.
When i would compare nursing homes to dog pounds everyone goes literally ape crazy on here. I get hate mail and people asking why in the world would i say such a thing???
Well, This is just another of many many many example of why i do.
I do it to try to PREVENT what happened to this poor poor lady!! I do it out of LOVE!
If at all possible, i want familys to know they should try to avoid nursing homes, that is all im saying, nothing more.
As far as the care your mother is receiving, if you feel it is neglectful then call your state's Ombudsmen and let them know or call your State's Dept of health services and make a complaint. I know accidents do happen, we are all human but it sounds like maybe this facility needs to train their staff better. They should also be allowing you to contact your mom via telephone whenever you want. Call the Director of Nursing and tell that person that you want it put on your mom's careplan that she needs the snack of graham crackers, Ensure Plus and yogurt every day. If it's care planned, they have to do it! You can stay proactive and on top of things even if you can't visit. If you are the POA, you have rights that include being advised of your mom's care on a daily basis and having your wishes followed. Hopefully, this virus will pass quickly and you will be able to visit again. Trust is a difficult thing. Prayer is powerful. I hope this helped you with your questions.
This will pass. Be patient, have faith they can care for your mom, that’s why you chose that facility.
I too am a only child and I’m going to try to use this time to take care of me and re-energize my self so when this is over I will be ready to take on my daughterly duties again.
Take care of yourself, stay healthy.
I do my Moms laundry, they meet me at the door & exchange laundry bags! They call me if there’s anything I need to know. I talk to mom on phone 2-3 times a day
It won't be that much longer for the shutdown. As long as my mom is being taken well care of, that is all that I care about...
If you are considering installing hidden cameras at a nursing home, there can be very serious legal consequences because a nursing home is still private property. There also can be Federal law issues as well under HIPAA.
You can install cameras in YOUR home--it's YOUR property, but not other people's private property without their permission or knowledge.
Hopefully this situation we are all in will peter out and we can go back to seeing our family members as often as we want!