Including the social worker, some nurses, aids and director of nursing. Many have been reported by many families and some of them turn them against you.They get by with it. You cannot ask questions. Help! They plot and when you go to a supervisor that you know would get things done they become more mad. Things are missing from the rooms and they use personal belongings as if it's theirs. It's a mess. When it comes to the care planning meeting they get upset that you have to report things over and over because they keep doing the same things and you fill out a concern form and they try to use it against you.2 people are to use a lift and you catch them only with one person,beds and chairs smells at times. they become angry if they have to use a lift to put others in bed or their chair. They stand around and gossip about the families and the residents as if it's a joke. It seems as if the administrator doesn't care. What else can the different families do. They even hate to change the residents. Sometimes they have sat in their feces for hours and it turns your stomach. But at the same time they don't want the family to say a word. Turn over is terrible. It's as though they hate you without a cause. Many families are there at the NH mostly all day and every day because we love our love ones.
This kind of attitude by staff comes from the top down. No one is being held accountable and the inmates are running the asylum.
More important! Get your loved one moved to another facility as quickly as you can.