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I literally don't know what to say here, except that I think you may be the strongest person I've ever heard of. Peace be with you!
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TootsieT: Prayers sent for this most difficult of times.
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I am currently living this nightmare as we speak. My 73 year old mother is has advanced stage Alzheimers and has been bed bound and essentially non-verbal since January. She is in Assisted Living/Memory Care. She is now unable to swallow and the family (me and my sister) were called in to provide medication around the clock last Monday (4/17). Mom has had no food or water in 8 days now. She is contracted and weighs about 90 pounds MAYBE. We, too, have been told several times that "she wont live till summer", "she wont live till Christmas" about 4 times. I know this is the end as she has lost the ability to swallow but how can the human body live like this. We have told her it was ok to go, all of the grandkids have talked to her, we have told her all the people that are waiting for her, yet she is still hanging on.
My sister and I both have young kids and I work full time and own a business. I do not begrudge putting everything on hold for my momma, but we are emotionally and physically spent. This made me feel better to know that this has happened before and it's not just her.
Prayers and well wishes for you all!
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I am sorry you are living on a roller coaster with your moms health. The bottom line is that no one knows when death will occur. The doctors and nurses can say that statistically when "X" happens, death is close. Your mom may not fall into that statistic.

When we pulled my dad off of everything, he dragged on for two weeks and I slept on a pile of blankets next to him just waiting.... I left for 30 minutes to go home and eat and they called and said he had passed. I thought there would be a feeling of relief when he finally passed, but there was no relief.

I know it's hard, but look for the small things to enjoy while your mom is still here. Or use the time to say to her the things you never did. My dad was unconscious and I got a lot off of my chest during that time. He was a raging alcoholic and negatively affected my entire childhood. I had a lot to say. Sounds like you may have to...
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My MIL went on hospice in February with things going dowhill and now she's 'doing better' Still in SNF but hey, she may not know who she is or anyone else is, but she might walk out and go back home for all I know. It's frustrating, not just to me, but to the vultures in her family waiting to pilfer through her stuff and collect their $200 checks from what will be left (won't be 200 if she lives much longer she will be on medicaid soon). My dad has also been in a nursing home for over a year now and I didn't expect him to last a month. It's not that I want them to die, but their quality of life sucks and I don't understand how a healthy 40 year old body can just fall out and die from a heart attack but these bodies soldier on seemingly immortal. Not to mention I had a hysterectomy 4 weeks ago and my body is betraying me with some pretty scary complications, I don't think I will be making old bones. THIS SUCKS!!!!!!!
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