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Good old cranberry juice. You can try it, but it has to be non-concentrated cranberry juice which has quite a bitter bite when trying to drink it. If your Mom has any issues with acid relfux, this would stir it up.

The over-the-counter AZO makes a cranberry pill that might be easier for your Mom to use. Check with her doctor to see if this is ok for her to use.

As for changing her Depends, I can't imagine how hot she probably feels wearing them during the summer months. I remember having to use Depends after kidney stone surgery, and it was like wearing a furnace :P
Helpful Answer (1)
Judysai422 Jun 2019
She already takes cranberry supplements and she has acid reflux, so not sure the juice would be a good addition...tho I did buy some, today, and told her to put it in her water...which she does not drink.
My mother visited her gyn doc after recurring UTI issues.

The doctor recommended a probiotic called re-pHresh, which keeps vaginal pH at an optimal level. Also rec a vaginal cream which helped with dryness. After starting these two things, mom never had another UTI.
Helpful Answer (2)
Judysai422 Jun 2019
Yes, I was reading about both of these those interventions, today. Urgent care prescribed probiotics, will see if we could continue them. Not sure if mom would do vaginal cream and she would not let AL staff do it.
Has the PCP explained what the point of this referral is?

It's so NOT a mystery - ! - that your mother is having this trouble that there would seem to be no justification for roping in a specialist unless perhaps the PCP has spotted something unusual and wants it checked out; or is taking part in a study; or has some other good reason for the recommendation that is way over our pretty laymen's heads.

So if I were you I'd ask why, what for.
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Judysai422 Jun 2019
In AZ, all PCP refer out for everything unless you tell them you do not want to see a specialist. In my dad's case, going to a kidney specialist was the right thing to do, because the PCP was not able to get his potassium in balance which the specialist could do quickly.
In my moms case, the PCP referred her out right away. My mom saw a urologist years ago to help with incontinence, but she did not like the treatment as the shots hurt.
I will definitely ask as the next appointment if the problem continues.
At least I know a good urologist.
My 91 yr old Mom has chronic UTI's. While we are not prolonging life, we are making her comfortable and so I took her to a urologist. While getting her to and from the appt was difficult, the urologist was the only dr that was able to resolve her UTI for any length of time. He prescribed the correct antibiotic (mom is getting resistant) and put her on a short term preventative antibiotic.

An additional benefit from the treatment was that her incontinence was reduced.

In short, I think the urologist visit for your Mom might be worth it.
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