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Juddabuddhaboo, No, and you know what, one of the things that I found the most disturbing about the incident yesterday is that it did not seem like anyone else saw her. I was so far away from her when she 1st noticed me, and so many others walked right by her, and she did not talk to them, ...was you incidence similar?
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OK juddabuddhaboo, you just totally creeped me out. I had a very wicked disk rupture operated on one year ago August 27. (Keep in mind my BDay is August 28.) I moved out of state and element to help my Sis with Cancer. She died well in advance of what the Dr.s or anyone thought she would. We had this saying, between the two of us, "It will be alright". :-) It was always used in the derogatory sense, like I got up today, dog ate the trash, car wouldn't start, I have the flu, and if I don't show up to work today I will be fired, ...heehee, but, "It will be alright". :-)

OK, so ruptured disk was sooo big, that my MD since I was 8 years old sent me to neurosurgeon, who said if I did not have the surgery to retract it I would lose my lower right quadrant, (use of right leg and bladder). So I had the surgery. I had a long trip home, was instructed to get out at gas station parking lots and walk at every so many hours on trip home.

Was doing just that, when a lady approached me. She knocked on my car door, and said, "I have no idea what is going on in your life, but "someone" is really urging me to tell you, that, "It will be OK". I smiled, knowing who that probably was, and thanked her. She said "No, you just don't understand, "someone is really urging me to tell you that it will be OK". :-) I thanked her again, and she wouldn't even look at me as she drove away in disbelief that she had actually approached me, told me that.

I told a few key family members about that, (DH experienced it 1st hand, saw her, heard her.) So yesterday when I told my Mamma, and DH about the "angel?" at the box store, both brought up the lady on the way home after my surgery as being similar. And, here, you tell me the words she spoke, verbatim. Hmmm. ;-)

Thanks for your input. Wow.
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New2this: what a great story! Sure sounds like the spirit came to be seen by you. I wonder if anyone else saw her.
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When I had a car accident I felt an invisible warm hand cover my heart and give me the thought, "It will be alright."

Another time when I had to present at a conference and was helplessly lost (before the days of GPS), I prayed for help. In minutes a person appeared at the car door window and asked me if he could help me. He brought me right to the place and then disappeared in a flash.

Many times answered prayers and helpers appear in my life. I believe in God and that He is always there for each one of us.
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I do believe in angels. Have had several experiences where I knew that an angel had just been here!
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OK, here's what happened. I was in a big "Box" store. Had just checked out in an isle about midway of this big place, had stuff in cart. Looked up to think about which entrance on either end I had parked when I saw her. In the flesh. Long black 3/4 length medium weight coat, black scarf on head, nylons, black dress shoes, I bet lots of people have an old black and white photo of their Grandma in the 1960's, early 70's dressed that way. She looked like a combination of my Great Grandma, and my Grandma, in the face, I heard myself think, "Grandma?". Then I heard back in thought, "Yes, Grandma". Of course the place was crowded and lots of noise and bustle, I was in a hurry, I brushed it off as kinda odd. I kept walking closer to the entrance where she was sitting on a bench. About 1/2 the way there, I glanced up and she was looking right at JUST me, still. I smiled to myself and thought of Grandma, her way of telling me good bye was always a hug followed by her saying "God Bless you, honey", in the sweetest tone and with this certain inflection. I'm smiling thinking of that when I am right at the entrance, and the lady. She's staring at me trying to get eye contact. I slowed gave her eye contact, and guess what she said? "God Bless you, honey." In just the very same tone and inflection. I felt the hairs on my forearms stand straight up!

A big old walk out to the car, put stuff in trunk, cart in coral, I plop down in the driver's seat and turn the key. Just when I started to think, "could that have been", the music CD came on and finished the thought, "an Angel, sent here, from above". (Van Morrison, These Dreams of You)

It bugged me off and on all day. I heard a couple of stories 2nd hand about people seeing "Angels", or at least people who appeared to be from a different time period but were there, plain as day, and several people saw them. Wondering what it meant?
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Thanks for the laugh this morning Captain. What a riot. :-) My Big Sis was quite a fast, wild driver, especially when we were young. She earned the nick name "Crash". :-) Sitting at her funeral listening to Amazing Grace, the line "Through many dangers, tolls and snares I've already come" got me concealing a giggle, 'cause I thought, "That's no lie, ...I was right there in the passenger seat". :-) Have a great day!
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My brother is at peace now, and is laughing and having fun. He is looking down at us, his family, and protecting, I believe. Thank You again brother, You Are My Hero. We will see you again, soon!! Love You.
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New2this, yes, I like to think there are angels here on earth. I have no idea what one would look like. Maybe you are more open and receptive to them. Was the angel flesh or was she more illusive than that?
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Yup, angels are among us, some even our best friends, in flesh and blood. Dad stayed around a long time after left our world. Sunday, my brother passed, and so far he brought my friend and I together for an unexpected walk with our doggies, and today he made me go for a walk, and I found $20.00... Tonight an owl flew across my backyard...AWESOME....!!!!! Signs are all over... You just need to be open to them.
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i dunno about angels but theres an 86 yr old ww11 vet who lives out my way . for many years hes had a sign on the front of his truck proclaiming jesus to be his copilot . ya gotta understand that this blind old mf barely keeps the truck out of the grass on either sides of the road . everytime ive seen him for 20 yrs i always laugh about how surely to h*ll , jesus bailed outta that truck 3 decades ago .
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Look up Channeling your Angel. Lots of good books on that.
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Decades ago I saw what appeared to be a ghost, it was a white haze. Our house was built on land that still had an old manor house that was built back in the 1700's. This ghost like thing was looking out our upstairs windows and looking directly toward the old manor house.
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