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i am late in responding, but just say you are going to take her to spend some time with a friend, you don't need to say where that place is. tell her its like taking a small vacation and that she can stay with that friend for a couple days and all meals are supplied, etc. other than that no need to tell her anything. its hard and will be hard for you for a little while but apparently you have made a choice that will be best for both her and you. wishing you luck.
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Sle247365 Aug 2021
I find your answer cold, deceiful and unfeeling. Don't lie. If you're going to force something on someone you claim to love, at least be honest about it. People in advanced stages of dimensia still have some awareness. Just trick them. Tell them they're going on a luxury cruise vacation and then, feed them to the SHARKS. The person who asked the question you answered didn't seem to be asking for help. Just support for an excuse to justify a terrible decision. You have given her that. Lie, deceive, manipulate... what a pitiful way to live. Not directed specifically at you. There are more that do, than don't. Do you want someone you love, or claim to love you, do this to you when you are weak & vulnerable? It's cruel and without love.
Please share what I'm about to tell you with EVERYONE who is considering placing ANYONE you claim to care about BEFORE deciding to put your LO in a nursing home:
I have worked in several of them as a LPN/LVN. 1ST: I was passing meds one night and heard a weak and panicked woman's voice crying out "Help. Help. Help.", over and over. An orderly walked by her room (about 3 rooms away from me), looked in and said, "I'm sorry. I'm not your nurse." and kept walking. The cries continued so I locked up the med cart and went to her room. This poor woman was FALLING OUT OF BED desperately hanging on to her bedrail. I had that person fired.
2nd: Say your working night shift (11Pm-7AM); ANY PT that was incontinent either their bladder, bowels or both messes their body and the pad underneath them. It's 4AM. The CNA's just put another pad under the patients, did not clean them up and said that the day shift would be coming in a few hrs and THEY would bathe the poor soul and change the bedding so they felt it was a WASTE OF TIME to clean them. Look at NY, Cuomo who pulled his mother out and sent 1,000's to their death. Google some of these HORRORS that take place there & multiply by 100 since this virus hit. Families not allowed in to oversee their LO care. These people videotaped themselves and POSTED them online! Especially with living beings that can't fight for themselves. Staffers PUNCHING a patient in the face. Nurses (women) forcing 2 pts, women and men, to FIGHT til one is so beaten, they fall unconscious and if they don't fight, the nurses beat them, withhold food, water... there are 1,000s of examples. If you have ANY OTHER ALTERNATIVE, I BEG YOU, don't do this. I had been on hospice in 2013 and 2014. My son who cared for me 24/7 was burned out (I was 100% bedridden). He needed help. I was introduced to a caregiver i hired to help him and me. This woman is an angel from Heaven. She promised me she would never leave me. In 2015, I moved to Alabama to care for my dad. (Obviously didn't die. God had other ideas). Anyway, from March 2015 to Jan, 2016, I was hospitalized 4 times. Dad and I both needed help. I called my angel and said, "Lorri, I need you.". She left everything she had ever known, even her family and flew 3,000 miles to care for us in March, 2016. 5 1/2 yrs and she has kept her promise to never leave US. My dad is now 91. His ALZ is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT for us to handle as he leaves his cath bag open draining urine all over the floors. Has left garbage disposal running til it burns out, twice. He tried to help wash dishes but couldn't remember where dish cloths were, removed his diaper and washed dishes with it. He empties cath in kitchen sink a cpl times. Wakes me up several times a night with mindblowing 'stuff'. Came in naked saying someone broke into his room, stole his clothes and are waiting for him to come back so they could kill him. If you are considering a nursing home, it's expensive and you would show your love by getting them a live in, or a few hours a day. My daddy never quit on me and I will exhaust EVERY, EVERY option before putting him anywhere. Please pray and dig deep for an answer to your frustration. Other countries, less developed, do not discard their elders. 4 generations in one home is hard, but... Don't do it. PLEASE.
They sacrificed their lives for you. Is it your turn caz times are rough or inconvenient? Maybe a nursing school or college student needs part time work? A church "friend" for them. Anything but these death traps.... I am harsh with parts of this. It IS that important. God bless all in this situation, grant you peace and bring the help you need.
Please share.
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Bobby7 Aug 2021
Perhaps you had a bad experience in a nursing home.

There are bad experiences too when family members want the social security check to keep coming in too. My brother let Dad have accidents in bed all the time. Didn't care to clean the sheets for days.
I say - do what works! If it doesn't, try something else.
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