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Your sister has a problem. I don't know what it is and you shouldn't waste your time trying to figure it out. I did that and one can never really know why someone does something. Don't waste more of your. precious time. Yes, all that time we spent on our nieces and nephews - means nothing now. You need to focus on yourself and your life independent of your sister. I know it's hard, but it's better than trying to get the love of someone who doesn't want to give it.
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Time to make new friends, in the spirit of service would be best! Family concept is overrated, if a sibling pass judgement, don’t like you, you are still breathing and entitled to be happy. New Year, new friends. Cut the strings with a joyful attitude, you never know what is there around the corner, maybe waiting your one true love. Stay strong!
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dynorod: Imho, you cannot control others and the actions thereof, albeit even your own sibling; you can only control yourself. Engage in your own social circle.
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I think this is disgustingly common when a person is 'single/alone', especially with no children or support. To me, it's like kicking a person when they're down... IMO this 'kind' of 'person' is selfish to disown someone... especially a family member. Unfortunately, I think too many of us have found this true... one way or another. As difficult as this is, take care of yourself and find happiness. It'll surface from time to time... But, realize that these 'people' also have and will have their own heartbreaks.
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marymary2 Jan 2022
Exactly - horrible how those with all kick those without. Defines those treating others badly though as horrible humans.
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I'm sure it hurt that your sister is basically blowing you off. For over 3 years. Time to move on and do your best to forget about the pain and her. It's OK for you to tell yourself "I'm so done with her!".

Try not to dwell on this. Instead, put your energy into more positive things. Are you working? Have any hobbies? If not, find a part-time job. Or volunteer. Start a new hobby. Join a club.

If you live alone, consider moving into a senior community. There are social opportunities there. Join your local senior center.

There are many options for you to put yourself out there and make a better life. Without your sister's b.s.
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Tonia722020 Jan 2022
the best comment and advice
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It sounds like your sister has her own mental health (or personality) issues and her way of dealing is to allocate blame and then ghost people. It might be her way of dealing that is the problem, rather than yours. I would not try looking for what you have done wrong.
We cling to family of origin but they are not always good for us and it is time you looked for friends that fulfil your needs. Sometimes a small change can do this for us. Trite though it sounds joining a group or getting and walking a dog can lead to new, more fulfiling relationships. Sometimes short regular interactions can do it - it doesn't necessarily need to be deep and meaningful. In time your sister will occupy less of your energy and sometimes when our persecutors realise they hold no power, they change their approach. However it is your reaction that needs the work. The good news is that it is within your power. 65 is not a right off! You have good years ahead, enjoy them!
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Davenport Jan 2022
This has been my personal experience as well.
This is your sisters problem and also her decision. You don't need to be threatened by her. Try not to let it worry you and go on with your life.
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Money. Is she hiding something you were supposed to be given?
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I think you should spend your energy on things you like and can control.... like your view of yourself. Lots of people don't have siblings or children.... and having children is not a guarantee that they will be there for you as you age by the way.
You are a 65 years young spectacular person so share that personality with others. It's true during the pandemic that you may have to put off some activities but you can certainly plan for the future and start others today.
Here are a few suggestions:
Get involved with some of the wonderful books that have been publised over the past years. You can get them on audible or ebooks if you don't want to go to the library. Need more funds.... everyone in the US is hiring for something! Learn a new language... Spanish is the easiest and most widely available but pick one that you have always been fascinated with. Most colleges and high schools are offering courses online these days. Check out your local senior citizen center.... most of them do a lot more than checkers and marhongg these days. Love music..... can't play an instrument? Now's the time to learn ... keyboards have made music accessible and reasonable. I'm starting an online course beginners piano this March offered by our local senior resource center in Princeton. Go to the local dog park even if you don't have a dog and admire everyone's pooch. Every owner will fall in love with you and you'll get lots of info on doggy parenting if you ever decide to get a furbaby (remember that's a long committment though). Do you like animals but don't want to have problem volunteer at a local animal rescue. They are always looking for people to walk dogs, talk to dogs, cuddle dogs.

Once we are out of the pandemic the volunteer opps will knock you down. Places looking for and needing volunteers:
local animal rescue sites, any hospital you can think of, libraries, homeless shelters, women's shelters, doctor's offices, libraries, many local governments....
you get the idea. The main thing to remember is you are a valuable person but... you have to let the rest of the world know that you are here. Most people will reach out to you.....after they know you are there and reach out to them. It's definitely a two way street. And don't worry about having family .... sometimes they are wonderful and sometimes they are an abaltross around your neck. Pick your family.... make friends.
Good luck on this journey. I know you will make it and have a blast in the process. It's worked for me ... no kids, no biological family but the best set of friends who are there for me come hell and high water that you've ever seen. I'm 77 and every day is still magical and wonderful (and occassionally..... a little surprising!) Please keep in touch. Let me know what books you are reading .... if you have the time after your lessons and volunteering!!
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Choose whom to associate with and make them into your own family. Totally relying on blood relatives for happiness and support is a personal anchor. Throw the anchor overboard! One of my favorite sayings goes like this: "If your ship hasn't come in, swim out to it." Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.
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