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SS, your dad has ALWAYS been a "piece of work", right?

Hard not to get hurt by his angry words, trying to undermine you with your son. Chalk it up to both dementia and his own personality.

"Dad, if you live at home with full time care, you're going to run out of money in x months. What's your plan for after that? I'm trying to look at the bigger picture here."

You don't have to say it to him-he'd likely dismiss it. Just know that it's true.
Helpful Answer (2)
strugglinson Jan 7, 2024
Yes, he has always been a piece of work, but now the dementia is exacerbating it big time.
Well, the next step has happened, almost as predicted by @waytomisery, as it sounds like this is a common thing:

My dad has done a cycle of calling his siblings, and told his brother that " my sons are trying to steal away my money". He then told my uncle that "my son has gone to the courts and taken out some sort of power of attorney and will siphon away my money",

The truth of course is that my dad himself had his own attorney draft up the POA document which we all signed! I have not gone to the courts at all!

My dad then asked his uncle to come into town to visit in a few weeks, to come and "mediate and sort everything out for me". He also asked him to not say anything to me about it until he is in town. My uncle found all of this very odd and so he called me up right away. He sounds supportive of my position which is that my dad should stay in AL, and that going home is not feasible. He feels that any reasonable spending on facilities is fair, which I agree with too. So that is good that he seems to be on my page. He will come into town to visit and have this talk, but wanted to give me a heads up about it.

Other than 1) standing firm in my position and 2) making sure (which I think I do) that all the payments/ financial stuff I have done is well recorded and organized, anything else you all recommend that you do at this time ?
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