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If you are concerned that your mom will not be showing her 'true colors' when the social worker is there, maybe you'd better be there, too. That way you can talk with them about her usual behaviors, rather than just how she's performing when they're there. Social workers are pretty good at detecting dementia even if your mom is show-timing.
Also, if her doctor ordered a visit from the social worker, based on one office visit, your mom probably has more than "a little dementia."
Be sure to be clear with the social worker that you are NOT able to provide full-time care for your mom. You don't need to put your head in the sand (I know that feeling), but you will benefit from making sure the social worker understands that you are not in a position to be the main caregiver for your mom.
Stay strong and take back your life.
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As a Practice Administrator, we will request a SW visit for the following reasons:
1. Safety evaluation
2. Environment of Care evaluation
3. Identification of outreach supportive services that the patient may be eligible for and/or would suit the patients internal dynamics.

The goals are not only improved quality of life for the patient, but we understand the stressors that are applied on the caregivers as well and we strive to alleviate these the best way possible before a caregivers own health and family dynamics are disrupted.

I would encourage this opportunity to seek additional answers and supportive opportunities as you take care of your loved one.

Personally, I went thru this with my father, and it is quite fatiguing and emotional to see the decline of the person you love who is not the person you grew up with, and it takes the TEAM to manage and find the best solutions for the patient and the caregiver.
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Most times the APS and the social workers attached are there to help. But people with outside agendas call the APS if they think that the reporting will gain them some sort of advantage...or they are truly concerned about the welfare of the elderly person in question. In any event, APS may seem intrusive but they are just doing their job...which is a necessary one.
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Time to get your head out of the sand. The doctor probably requested the social worker. Is the social worker with Adult Protective Services? They check in on people to determine if their needs are being met and that they are living in suitable conditions. If social worker is APS then the county pays them. Who has Mom's POA's. Doctors are required by law to ask APS to visit if they are concerned about a patient's welfare.

My Mom and hubby had an APS visit two years ago at the request of my sisters. They had alleged that I was taking things and money from each of them. When, in fact, nothing of the sort was going on. The investigation was closed quite promptly. Whatever you do cooperate with the social worker! A defensive attitude will only harm the potential outcome. The social worker will evaluate her living situation and care to determine if changes need to be made.

Good luck. In my case everything turned out perfect.
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Who is sending the social worker {i.e. who does the SW work for)? Important to know for paying for SW services. Is this SW coming on a one time basis or will there be regular visits?
Is the visit to evaluate your mom for the doctor(s) or for providing counseling for your mother? Is the SW coming to do a home inspection? You can and should ask questions of the organization sending the social worker,

You will discover just about every care provider may have a social work degree.

I am a inhome caregiver for my ADW, the stress is terrible. Alzheimer's damages the brain so rational conversations become impossible. My social worker comes through an agency (insured) and she is here for me to talk with about all issues surrounding my ADW and my family, No questions are taboo, she is the person for me to talk to ...She know the resources I need to get help, knows the what is going on,

I see a social worker VS my wife seeing the SW. She sees a ALZ doctor (i.e.shrink) who selects medicines and such. PCP and shrink collaborate on health concerns.

Alzheimer's disease and dementia, there is a distinct difference,
other dementias: Vascular dementia, Parkinson's disease, dementia with Lewy Bodies and Frontotemporal dementia.
Some causes of dementia are treatable and even reversible. source: Mayo Clinic

YOU need to know correct diagnosis.
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Last week a social worker came and listen to my problems for an hour. She is such a special person and is so supportive so my husbands has been sectioned under the mental health act and he is in a unit for assessment and the team will decide where he goes from there. The last 7 years have been so hard. But now my husband does not recognoise me I have been able to let go.I hope you get the support that you need before it makes you ill. Good Luck from the UK
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