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When you have to ask how you know it's time to place someone, it's time to place that person. There will be no epiphany, just a realization that things can't go on like they are. It sounds like you are at that point. Wishing you the best.
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There’s never a good time, more like the best choice among rotten and sad ones. When you can no longer handle the caregiving, when it’s become more than one person can realistically do, when you’re exhausted from trying, when your mother would be safer and better cared for by professionals, it’s time to make the tough choice. It doesn’t end your role is caregiving. Everyone in a care place needs an advocate, someone with eyes and ears on the facility. I wish you peace
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She will never be ready to move. If you are waiting for that as some sort of enlightening moment, don't. Things will proceed as they do, but with the loss of competency things will become more difficult and she will be more difficult to place. I cannot know what her assets are, but they will indeed disappear very quickly if she enters assisted living.
Only you will be able to decide when you can no longer give adequate safe care to her on a 24/7 basis if it is needed. You see it coming and feel it coming; I can only advise that I do believe you will know when it has come. Meanwhile be certain that all paperwork for POA and wills, etc are done that can be done while she is capable of understanding what she is doing.
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Schnooglies Mar 2021
You always give great advice, I noticed!
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