Family Caregiver

  • Caregiver Anxiety: How to Overcome Anxiety, Stress & Worry

    Stress is normal for caregivers. But constant worrying, unrelenting doubts and pre-occupation with worst-case scenarios can be unproductive and even paralyzing. Recognize the triggers of anxiety, stop worrying and reduce stress in daily life.

  • Fun Exercises to Help Caregivers Stay Healthy

    Of all the things a caregiver wants to do, exercise usually falls last on the list. But a workout doesn’t always have to feel like work. Use these tips to make fitness more fun.

  • 10 Caregiver Tips for Caring for an Elderly Person's Hair

    Helping an aging loved one look and feel their best can be an unexpected challenge. Use these tips from a caregiver to make washing and styling hair easier for both of you.

  • Funny Caregiver Stories

    Countless family caregivers rely on optimism and a sense of humor to power through the most challenging aspects of caring for an aging loved one. Lighten up your day by reading funny and uplifting stories from real caregivers like you.

  • 10 Common Caregiver Confessions

    Negative thoughts are a normal reaction to stressful situations. Instead of feeling guilty, caregivers must acknowledge these difficult feelings and seek out solutions to achieve a better care experience for themselves and their loved ones.

  • Dementia and Anger: Causes, Tips, and Prevention

    Cognitive changes are a leading cause of dementia anger and aggression. Learn more about causes, coping strategies, and prevention here.

  • Detaching With Love: Setting Boundaries With Difficult Elderly Parents

    Whether you're providing hands-on care or managing care decisions, setting boundaries with difficult elderly parents enables family caregivers to provide care while safeguarding their own mental health.

  • Family Meetings: Making Care Decisions for Aging Parents

    Immediate family often serves as the foundation of a senior’s care team, but relationship dynamics can hinder vital planning and decision-making processes. Discover simple do’s and don’ts that will make care meetings less complicated and more productive.

  • How to Convince Your Parent to Move to Assisted Living

    You know that Mom and Dad could benefit from the social interaction, safety measures, and hands-on help that assisted living provides, but how do you get stubborn aging parents to move to an assisted living community?

  • Yoga for Caregivers: The Natural Way to Relieve Stress & Pain

    Yoga can help caregivers relieve stress, ease pain, and increase wellbeing. It's a great way to practice self care while taking care of an elderly parent.

  • The Sacrifices of Caregiving

    Becoming a caregiver causes a major life shift. Many caregivers not only struggle with tough care decisions, but they also grapple with how to handle resentment over being stuck in a situation that seems to leave them few choices.

  • 11 Ways to Keep Your Marriage Healthy While Caregiving

    The strain of caring for an aging parent (or in-law) takes a serious toll on a family caregiver’s relationship with their spouse. Use these tips to keep your marriage strong and prevent caregiver burnout from overwhelming both of you.

  • A Common Caregiver Confession: “I Secretly Wish My Ill Loved One Would Die”

    Watching an aging loved one decline is never easy, especially when they have a low quality of life. Caregivers experiencing burn out may wish for an end, not out of cruelty, but because they realize there is little they can do to help.

  • 5 Common Legal Issues Caregivers Face

    Seniors and their caregivers are prone to many unique legal challenges. Learn about the most common elder law issues families face and why it's important to enlist the help of an elder law attorney in a senior's care planning.

  • How to Deal With Aging Parents’ Difficult Behaviors

    Whether you are dealing with an angry, hostile elder or seeking answers on how to deal with irrational aging parents, we’ve compiled 10 difficult behaviors that elders exhibit and tips for coping with each of them.

  • Our family can't agree on whether or not mom should move to assisted living. What's the solution?

    My elderly mother has dementia. How do I get my siblings to stop fighting me about moving mom to assisted living? We are at a standstill.

  • Elders Who Abuse Their Family Caregivers

    Caregivers struggle to maintain their own physical and mental health while providing care for loved ones who mistreat them. Learning to detach, set boundaries, seek respite care and respect your limits can help you cope with an elder’s abusive behavior.

  • VA Benefits for Veterans and Their Caregivers

    U.S. veterans (and their families) are entitled to many government programs and benefits in exchange for their service to our country.

  • Strategies for Coping With Caregiver Stress

    Whether you’re taking care of a spouse or caring for elderly parents, stress can play a big part in being a caregiver. Learn to recognize the signs of caregiver stress and discover ways to decrease the strain you’re under.

  • Siblings Who Feel Shut Out of Caregiving

    While MIA siblings are the overwhelming norm, some families have very different experiences. This article offers a glimpse into another perspective on caregiving: that oft maligned long-distance siblings may actually be excluded by primary caregivers.

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