
"Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, a caregiver was scurrying, caring for her dear spouse.

His stockings were placed upon his feet with great care, in hopes he felt well enough to step out for some fresh air.

Their children were scattered, all snug in their beds, around this great country, not a care in their heads.

And the caregiver who worked nights, cause the funds they did tap, had just settled down for a five minute nap.

When in the next room there arose such a clatter, she sprang from her bed to see what did splatter.

Away past the bed sheets she had thrown in the trash, tore open a new set and hoped these would last.

The weight on her breast was of one who did know, that by the luster of daybreak her sorrow would grow.

When what in any other year would be a thing quite so dear, that time when her family would visit from far and from near.

With no one to hold her since her loved one took sick, she felt that the holidays were just a mean trick.

More rapid than eagles, her friends they did flee, when they could no longer travel or even take tea.

No Cohens! No Schwartzes! No Millers! No Dicksons! No Olivets, no Lutids, no Donners and Micksons.

For a while they gave support, for a while did they call, now dash away, dash away, dash away to the mall!

As new restaurants that before were easy to try, when her loved one was too sick, away did they fly.

So now with the holidays, the family will do, with the sleigh full of presents, and bad advice too.

And then in a twinkling eye, I heard in the drive Aunt Nancy and Chloe and all my in-laws arrive.

As I had in my hand, a bedpan disposal bound, I turned very quickly and tripped over the hound.

My man was a mess, from his head to his toes, and his clothes were soiled and not easy on the nose.

A bundle of nerves, I shout out very loud, words which to this day, do not me me feel proud.

He lay there so quiet, not saying a thing, when suddenly his laughter filled our home like a fresh breath of spring.

He doubled over with glee making such a roil, that he slapped a bad knee through the all too grim soil.

As his eyes twinkled through all the great mess, for a moment this old dear forgot the pain of this past year.

On a normal night, the pain of his stump would make him tighten his teeth, but tonight for a moment his laughter caused such uncommon relief.

That the joy of it encircled his head like a wreath, as he lay on the bed he shook his round belly, and for all the world, not unlike a big bowl of jelly.

He was lying there laughing, like a jolly old elf, and i laughed when i saw him, in spite of myself.

When all of a sudden, the door burst open wide as could be, and what did I see, The Cohens, the Schwartzes and Aunt Nancy all looking at me.

With nary a word as they made up the bed, then they all straightened up and got us both fed.

They all had not known the support that I needed, but once they saw they could help, they learned and succeeded in sharing the heart, the soul and the care, that I always was sure was really right there.

I hadn't spoken a word of the great strain and the work, so I thought they had all turned into one major jerk.

After knowing what help each could give if I did ask, I never again had to shoulder the entire task.

We had time to play and to sing and to wet a whistle, until away they all flew like the down of a thistle.

But I heard my loved ones as they drove out of sight, Happy Christmas to all and to all a goodnight! And we're coming back next Friday eve, to take you out for a bite."

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That is perfect!

Thanks for sharing funkygrandma!

It's brilliant!

Love it!!!



Very sweet.

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