
Got my post card today [March 28th]. Excellent information on the virus on the U.S. government website, it's easy to follow. Good job !!

My main beef is why now, why weren't these post cards sent out the end of January? Secondary, does the government assume everyone owns a computer? I have dozens of friends and relatives around my age [mid 70's] who don't have a computer or even a phone with internet capability.

Did you get your post card?

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I got my postcard about a week ago.

I have to say, I’m not very impressed. Definitely too little too late.

I didn't get a post card.  Did they only go to some, like the lottery?  Govt: A day late, a dollar short, yes? 

I agree with you: not everyone owns a computer, can afford the internet or has a phone with internet or know how to use any of that.  But then not much the government has said or done has been aimed at protecting what they said is the targeted population.

I got one the other day. I glanced at it and then threw it away.

I’ve quit reading or listening to anything about the virus. I’ve turned off the television and the radio. Listening to music DVD’s only. If my husband who is a physician, gets any credible information, he can pass it on to me.

Yes, we got a postcard a few days ago.

It came in today’s mail.

I got mine, glanced at it and like Worried, threw it away, or rather, put it in the recycling bag.  It had nothing that I haven't already learned through tv programs featuring medical people who know what they're talking about, or what I haven't already read online.

I do think the website is well organized though.   But the photo of 6 people close together at a press conference should be removed from the site.  It's idiotic to stress and mandate social distancing while people are in press conferences w/I touching distance.

If I answered why it apparently took so long to get the cards out though, I'd probably start a firestorm, so I'll leave that issue alone.

I do think there's a widespread assumption not only that everyone has access to a computer, but in regards to the stimulus checks, that everyone has provided a bank account number into which the checks can be direct deposited.  

What my county has done to reach seniors is hold a telephone town hall, in which seniors dial in and are connected to a primary line in which 2 nurses and the political county exec answer questions.    I listened to the first one; there were some valid questions asked but many revolved around whether or not the caller could (a) travel or (b) should remain in the area while (c) visiting friends or (d)  family.  Some asked if they could travel out of state.

It's my understanding that 4000 participated in the first "town hall."   The County Exec's message about the second call-in was to me a pitch for the great job he's doing, as was the follow-up call given, so  I didn't bother to participate today.

The first event occurred a few weeks ago when Michigan was already in the upward portion of the infection curve.    Another occurred today, but I got so little out of the first one that I didn't want to waste time when I could get more out of online articles. 

There's a whole level of information that's not being addressed, although I understand that much hasn't been researched b/c of time constraints.   However, I listened to some medical people this evening express their frustration, one near tears and another sobbing, b/c of their fears of contracting CV b/c of lack of PPE.   

Discussions are being had and the issue raised of the medical system approaching a breakdown.     And not many are even addressing the crisis on the USS Theodore Roosevelt.    

Received about a week ago. Good suggestions, but not everyone can or does read. I was surprised the cards did not reach us sooner.

One of the aspects I'd like to know more about is the USS Roosevelt's movements before sailors were diagnosed.    Were they in port?  Where?  Were the sailors who became infected given shore leave?  Were any who weren't on shore leave infected?   

I think there's a lot to be learned from the spread of CV on a ship at sea.   It's a relatively closed environment except for replenishment and shore leave, and potentially other ship interactions, but not with the general public on a regular basis.

yep I got one last week.

Got ours last week and laughed. About a month late. We get our guidance from Gov Cuomos daily briefing. I look forward to it.

GardenArtist, regarding the USS Roosevelt, I heard that apparently the C-19 could have come onto the ship by delivery suppliers who had flew in needed items, then left.

FF, thanks for the info.    I had thought it might have arrived via replenishment.

Now I wonder how many other ships might be vulnerable, particularly those at sea for some time already.

Another horrible thought - what if supplies brought to a sub were infected?    Not that much attention has been paid to how vulnerable our troops are.

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