
Just been dealing with a lot been living in my car for a while know been getting very very verbally abusive by my dad it's like getting bad I have no where to go but my car. Everything is my fault he can't stand me well the freebies are gone all he does is yell the screaming its like he's gone off mental I think something is wrong is with him. He says I'm rude to mom no she is rude to me demanding obsessed with certain things then I get yelled at its a daily thing know. It's like he's getting worse I hope he has a heart attack or something I cannot live this way any more he's like all ways wants me to leave so I did. I did leave no one cares living in my car is the only way for awhile can not stand him I never get a thank you but verbally abused instead right know I'm in my car ready for bed can not take it this any more I'm not 16 but they have all ways treated me like a 16 year old I'm 46 they treat me like pure 💩.

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I think that it is time now for you to go to a shelter where you can avail yourself of social services, and prepare to live life on your own two feet. I know, easier said than done, and I wish you the very very very best. Please find out what services are available to you and avail yourself of every single one so you can make a decent life for yourself. Good luck.

Where I live in Ohio we have tons of shelters services so I know where to go thanks

Good advice from Alva. Your parents can only torment you if you allow it by being in their presence and living with/off them. It's not worth it. There's a whole life for you to live, so go do it. Blessings!

Thinking about living in my car I been watching youtube videos about people living in their car very interesting it's not a bad way to live

Is there a reason you can't leave? Is it rational or emotional? Otherwise, drive yourself to a shelter like Alva advised. How are you keeping warm in car in Ohio for I remember how cold Ohio is during this time of year.

When I met my biological siblings, I learned my oldest brother had been living on the Staten Island ferry for an entire year before NYC social services plucked him off of there and set him up in an apartment of his own. A portion of his SSI check is used each month for rent and he now has a decent, respectable lifestyle, for which he's very, very grateful.

Watching YouTube videos glamorizing living in one's car isn't real life. It becomes real when you need a shower or something as simple as a toilet. Or when it's freezing cold out and you can't warm up no matter what you do.

There ARE worse things than being picked on by your father, who's probably suffering from the beginnings of dementia.

If you don't want to be treated like a 16 year old, maybe it's time to stop acting like one.

Good luck to you.

Social Services will help with shelter and maybe some money. Do not go back. You r not appreciated and u don't deserve the abuse.

Ever see the show the proud family? This is a parody just saying.

Don’t stay where you are miserable. Don’t live in your car. Go to a shelter. Ask about free or low income mental health services. Explain your circumstances. Then go speak to a therapist to help you cope.

Don’t return to your parents home. If you are concerned about them, contact their doctor and ask to speak to a social worker. Ask what is needed for them to receive care. Make sure you say that you are no longer available to be their caregiver.

Best wishes to you. Many hugs. I am so sorry that you are struggling with this.

In a previous thread 2.5 months ago, you wrote: " I want her to die. I hate both my parents."

What's changed since then? It's gotten worse now, hasn't it, if you are living in your car?

What's the next step after living in your car to reaching rock-bottom? Is it then that you will start taking the necessary steps to make things better? Your parents could go on for many it your plan to stay the course until they are gone? Do you realize that YOU could well die before them? Stress kills...

How are you doing now? Please update us. You can even go to Church or Synagogue to talk & get help. Go to an ER ...tell them you don’t feel’ll get the help you need. Hugs 🤗

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