
Sharon , myself , and a whole bunch of home care people are tending to aunt ednas needs so she can be safe and content in her IL apartment as opposed to being moved to AL . grandson Charles is living in ednas shack and planning to inherite it but not only wont visit edna but refused my bringing her by to see him. Charles is either going to get on board here or a whole bunch of frowning faces are going to turn their gaze in his direction. im the " unibomber " of lighting fires under peoples azzes. end of life care is a time to call in favors, threaten , blackmail , coerce, whatever it takes .

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Light the fire, unhappy cappy.

W - HOOSH, lol

:) ... wow! did you see such a "W-HOOSH" in your life????

sharon is disgruntled with charles too she just needs more larceny in her heart. this is the kid who was going to stomp me. missed his chance , now hes fair game. ( dolt ) , im goen ta work while the big stones are still in a state of shock..

god owes me some havana cigars and i can hold a grudge a d*mn site longer than him. na, im not upset or hateful towards anyone. im trying to make my aunts final months or weeks pleasurable and it simply requires that everyone of her loved ones contribute. theyll contribute or ill bury them in the state forestry. i havent gotten past the old testament. ill put flesh eating locusts up your a**crack. ( for starters ) .

Dustoff, Captain does have some demons. He keeps them in check most of the time, but the Southeast Asian demons are easily aroused when idiot relatives infest a beloved aunt's home. In this case the demons will exorcise the squatters.

if you and jesus talk much, please tell him i want the cigars . a deal is a deal. im gonna slap the halo right off his head if he keeps jerking me around. effeminate little tw*t ..

Wow.. this is not gonna be pretty! Glad I'm lutheran and we are laid back.LOL Light the fire and kick the tires captain! If this kid thinks he is getting off scot free he has another think coming I fear! My parents have done alot for my wonderful daughter and Us.. and we pay it back. That is how it goes..Karma my friends...

Captain I would just leave the Grandson Charles out of it get the other family members together and some how kick him out of the house if he has know inner want to visit then you cannot force a person it is frustrating and sad but not worth it.

I say..KICK HIS A**! I would do it with verbal guilt but you have your own ways, I'm sure. Getem Cappy

I have to agree with shakingdustoff she has a good point.

shakingdustoff has a great point but if shed wear a hat it might go unnoticed..

What do you mean Captain lol

kidding bout the pointy head,
guess i should mind my own business, its just that charles doesnt understand that dementia is a terminal condition and id hate for him to regret not visiting her after shes gone. i shouldnt be such a judgemental jerk and ill work on that..

I'm glad you realize that Captain its not that you're being judgemental you're wanting the best for everyone you're a caring person I can tell but sometimes your very passionate about something and I think that it can frustrate you and you want to take care of it yourself but we all can't do that I should take my own advice.

by golly. grandson took edna out for an afternoon, bought her a couple of needed items and hes taking her to a kids ball game here in a few days. hes just a young guy, ( 26 ish ) , and this elder care makes him nervous but id like him to have peace of mind when his g - ma is gone. there wasn't a man in his household growing up . I think hes unclear of what a man is capable of in diverse situations. all is good. daughter Sharon is responding to the pressure from aps and home care and is doing a good job herself. edna is thriving with all this attention. she had herself a morel sandwich this afternoon. thatll spark good memories , shes quite the woodsman / hunter .. lol . the old gal usedta turn a squirrel inside out as quickly as pulling off a sock..

I'm so happy things are working out captain that's great news and the squirrel thing that's pretty funny she must be one tough bird!

I miss the comment about the pointy hat or a pointy head kind of confused can someone explain?

yea, I s'pose leading by example is the best course. it doesn't have to be cheap guilt tripping, just raising the bar on em.. Charles is a pretty good kid. he offered to stomp me a few months ago then when edna was hospitalized I offered him fuel money when he came late at night. hatefulness is most counterproductive..
I think all you people involved in elder care are going to be enriched by the experience , its just hard to see when your spread thin and worried about your own future.
my pc blew up and ate years of pics on the same day that I got the call that the hepc virus was dead. I took it as a sign to move forward, screw living in the past..
its a freakin new day..

So first thing this morning my Mom was looking for a piece of paper with the New Church address and e-mail so she can wright them a letter about women dressing proper last Saturday when she went some lady's dress was to revealing. lol She was saying who moved it!! Paper just doesn't disappear into thin air on and on so my Step-Dad said I didn't touch it I said Mom just keep looking you will find it I will help you in a sec because I was busy doing something anyways she was blaming us Indirectly and was really crabbie I was like please if there is a God shut this women up seriously I couldn't take it didn't sleep all night feeling really depressed and guilty anxiety etc. Anyways she found it after getting myself and her husband on edge and I said Mom you know that was not nice how you were being crabbie and kinda of blaming us like we moved it. She just said I was not doing that then she went on a complete denial and said lets end this conversaion like always. So I was in the kitchen she came in and said sorry then I had a melt down seriously like I was a melted wax candle on the ground looking up with my wick barely standing and leaning to the right, then she start to cry and then there we were crying together she kept asking me to forgive her I said of course you always forgive me when I am crabbie or loose my patience it's okay Mom so she went to go watch TV but after that I was having an a aneixty attack and felt like I was going to throw up and have a heartattck at the same time so I phone my Doctor got in to see another one my Doc is away. Anyways having a rough time I just get really overwhelmed sometimes and down in the dumps.

My money is on the Captain, cousin Chucky won't know what hit him.

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