My FIL is 101 and spends his days sitting at the kitchen table. He is wheelchair bound so his legs aren't being elevated - he refuses to use the leg lifts on the wheelchair. He has developed heel ulcers. He has spent quite a few years "living" in the kitchen so we understand that that is where is comfort is. My wonderful next door neighbor gave him one of those chairs that helps the user out but he's refusing to even try it.
We are wondering if we had a TV installed in the living room, and a table that could slide over the chair if that might not help him make the transition. My FIL is fairly alert but can be so stubborn. Even the caregiver has tried her "magic" but she hasn't succeeded either.
Has anyone else had a similar situation and what, if anything, worked?
Good luck, it is difficult. Having tv available for him in a few rooms would be good too.