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Oh and she picked up a John Denver CD for shit pants at Walmart today....NO! He IS NOT GONNA RUIN JOHN DENVER FOR ME TOO!!!!

I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT! But I guess it is done. The three hundred dollars is: "September's Money". Mom will give me; two hundred from fart pants and one hundred from her...You know, OUT OF HER SOCIAL SECURITY!
The break down is...$60.00 for therapy, $15 for bus fare,$ 20 for prescriptions, $20 for OTC meds, $150 for pet vet bills and presc, $20 for Basic Health, and $5 for misc.
You know, I think she was gonna "teach me a lesson" like, show me how "out of control" MY spending is that I couldn't keep to a budget of $100 a month...And she has had to actually look my finances in the face Note:(BEFORE THE HUGE MEDICAL BILLS BEGIN ARRIVING FOR MY HOSPITALIZATIONS, and these will be huge) and she is beginning to realize that telling me to "pay for all my stuff on my own from now on" that yeah Ma, that three hundred dollars isn't SHIT. THROW on top owing you $130, and shit pants $200...So what am I DOING WRONG?
What, am I buying hair dye, make up, gourmet foods, lotto tickets and beer and "living high off the hog", going to movies and shopping for shoes? NO. I have two elderly pets, I go to therapy. I take public transportation and medications so I CAN STAND TO BE HERE!!!!
Happy Tuesday all...Jen the grumble muffin...

juju, thinking of you and hoping there is peace and rest there now....I know this horrible pain you are in...It is so twisting, aching, remember all the good memories when it gets too hard and believe in peace after the pain...Jen

Checking in. Will be turning in soon but wanted to see how everyone is first.
hope you are there.


Oh Juju,
so sorry to hear that. He will cross the Rainbow Bridge... so hard to do and I hope you come back and check in and we will be here.

Mame! Hope you are hanging in there. I can't even imagine the stress you are enduring.

Cuz! Man oh man what a trial! Loved the 100MPH goat. Have repeated it.

Jen! Jeeze what buttheads. So sorry you are dealing with people who don't get it.

Sorry I haven't been around. Doing the best I can here. Everything is actually ok but my head still gets stuck now and again.
Glad we're not bombing anyone.

Love you guys and hope everyone does the best they can with what they're dealing with.


every time I see him today it is like the walking dead...this is torture, but im gonna love him up n feed him good best I can...I wish It was a morning appt....say a prayer for his lil soul today!

Well today is the day for my sweet boy, I am racked with emotion and havnt been able to focus since I decided I should do this so maybe when it is done I will have closure. It is killing me as he is still a happy purring boy full of is the damn bodily fluids and teeth n tumor....last two fixable but the first one is not..I wish his last days were not trapped in this hotel room and he could have been the Romeo the roamer as was his way...he just stares out the window hear and cry's n cry' heart is breaking that I just cant take cleaning up after him anymore, mom's needs are increased so much I just cant do it anymore.....I wish I could just find another solution but I am too stressed now.
I don't know how I will make it thru the day till 4 and then go bury him (least my workers hubby went and dug me a hole yesterday) all alone in 97 deg heat today, lovely! The pain n tears really set in yesterday when I was discussing this plan and he woke up to visit, I couldn't believe I am talking bout his grave as he is walking thru the room to get some love from heart is broken today and forever will miss my boy, 17ys! Please give me the strength to get thru this heavens!
still waiting on the estimate for car and to see if engine is toast or what...
Good news, Our fire is 100% contained finally, still cleaning up
just trying not to hurl myself off a cliff...hopefully this decision action will give me some closure on that issue I have been debating long time now

Hope you all are hanging in there.


Exactly...and yes there was a result of the money "discussion" as I left the house for therapy I saw an envelope on the fridge...I knew what it was all day...three hundred bucks...So I took out $170 for fart pants and paid my mom $130 for vet bills for the dog that never liked me and i am left with $20 for a prescription $10, vet appt, cat $35, dog $60, next therapy and last therapy co pay $30...Yes, just rollin in it here...not money but rollin in it....

mame I am not surprised about the BP. We are all running on all cylinders and fumes here! I wonder what the rates of care givers sickening and dying will be in 15 years?

meanwhile. i don't know, denial, does she think anything? Not much about me I imagine just what a selfish pain in the ass i am to want ANYTHING at all...

I now feel guilty to have asked for anything.

So much for the dentist, who cares let them rot out of my head...why give a shit anymore. Rode city buses all over town today. Glad i did. You know selfish greedy me and a $3.50 bus fare... Least the house guest went home...gah...bah...

What is is Mon OK have a sane safe good week everyone however you can. Jen

Mame,. no wonder your BP is up. Bitch away. If you decide to put your mom in a nursing home, try not to feel guilty about it. Sounds like she sleeps quite a bit, doesn't really know what is going on. Hope your son continues to improve.
Jen, don't know what your mom is thinking, of course, I never know what my mother is thinking. You would think we could sit down, and talk out problems and find some sort of workable solution. But, I would never try it with my mother, she would just get defensive, angry, hurt, nothing would get accomplished, no matter how carefully I tried to approach a problem. I suspect your in the same boat. Keep going to therapy, sounds like it is good for you.
Cuz, your MIL is amazing. One tough old lady there.
Hope everyone else is going alright.

Thanks everybody for the well wishes for me and my son. The weekend was a bit stressful with his pain but we got through it. I kept having to ask him if it was knee/leg pain or lung/chest? The Dr had told us if the pain in his lung was in a different spot-that could mean another clot & to get him right to the ER. Frightening, but we got through so far. He is breathing better-with less pain every day so that is good. The Doc here is on top of things-done all kinds of tests and even ones they did at Hospital but with different outcomes... things that make you go hmmmmm.... I don't know, my mind is fried.
Mom is doing pretty well. She seems to understand that there is something going on...when I remind her-because she was a nurse-she gets a very concerned look on her face and tells me she will pray for our boy. Sweet. Some sibs don't seem to be bothered that I am taking care of 2 now and what level of stress this is. A girlfriend made and brought over dinner for us this weekend! So sweet. One of my bros said, "I picture you going from one end of the house (mom's side) to the other (son's bedroom) bringing them what they need & taking care of them" and then he laughed! I was so baffled that I couldn't even get the words out to say-then why don't you come take care of mom for me! But at the end of the conversation tells me to let him know if I need anything... Why do I always have to ask? Whatever.
My blood pressure was up this weekend and I was fried. At one point I had to take a nap and as I laid there in bed I was thinking this may be the week I call and find out about putting her into a Nursing Home. My son's surgery and PT after and all that is gonna be enough without having to care for her too. I don't know how I will do it all. Then the hubby who always has to think like a robot says "well, what if you had a job outside the house...would you be thinking of quitting it?" WELL-I DON'T HAVE A JOB OUTSIDE THE HOUSE SO WHY THINK ABOUT THAT? And it wouldn't be 24/7/365 with stupid siblings who don't help with their own mother, and I could leave "it" at the office etc etc etc. I asked him if he was trying to push me closer to a having stroke. stfu. Don't need this at this time...or ever. Ok, I just realized I am really bitching. Sorry.

Cuz, I am so happy to hear about MIL! Wow-what a story! And sorry about the e-coli water. ick. Be sure to add some Clorox in the wash when you clean those towels!
Jen, my heart goes out to you. I have many of the feelings you expressed....and it is sooooo hard! I blame Walt Disney for my unrealistic expectations of living "happily every after." I get mad at myself for thinking life is supposed to be easier. I don't know where it came from really.
Juju-good God woman. Keep on keepin on! I am so sorry you are having such a hard time of it.
Meanwhile-I used to always try to go on a trail ride in the Fall to see the Fall foliage...such a pretty time to ride. I envy you!
Lildeb-hibernation-that is the word! It is cooler here and mom won't get out of bed and loves to pull those covers up to her chiny chin chin! Glad you had a little time away!
Sharyn-you sound sooo busy! How you holdin up? Sorry you aren't going to get the time you wanted with your son.
Hello Wherewerethey & 2intodirt & Allie! Austin, Flex and Bobbie-how you doin?
Today is gorgeous weather here. Sunny and warm but with a breeze. We are all in jeans with sweatshirts nearby! Tomorrow is supposed to be 89 and humid! This time of year the extremes are amazing all in the same day!
Hope everyone can take a deep breath or two today! Thanks for listening! Mame

Fear and desperation, isolation and terror of making any changes, if you don't know what this is like and do not get it you are lucky! Everybody has trouble, I need to remind myself...but I feel really damaged here...I went ahead and am taking the anti anxiety med I feared to take, It has taken the edge right off, and I will use it till I don't NEED it. I need it HERE!
Small steps. I have found going too far too fast does not help at all. I end up more afraid and more confused and upset than before...
Why does everything have to be so hard!?
Mom just took my aunt to air port, I am waiting for the return, see if she is so upset she kicks me out of the house. Yes, God forbid would Jenny ask for anything, the selfish ingrate with everything daddddddeeeeee does for her!
Yeah Ma, and after two months of HIS full timer care YOU put him in adult day care three days a week!
God this is soo awful, why won't he just die. Or let me die, this is just all so terrible.
I go to therapy, feel OK for a bit then get home and feel stuck and trapped and helpless all over.
I tell myself be grateful I have food clothing and a roof over my head, but at what cost...Can I stick it out till the old pervert finally croaks it or what? I am getting sick just thinking about it...WHY does this have to be so hard? WHY!

I saw a rainbow yesterday, I imagined it was a sign form God that grandpa is going to die...I will believe in that and go hide in the basement till therapy tomorrow...

Looking into part time job, Goodwill won't work, next...Maybe try DVR again. I may really just not be up to it but I have to try...Jen

Thanks cuz, I THINK I am hanging in there, that is I am not gonna go hang myself in the garage...They can just put up with me!!!

God when do I get a good life?

Here ya juju, everything at once...I am almost scared to notice when it is calm and nice for fear the next is really gonna kill me...

well the shit just keeps piling up, the timing belt broke on my car had to get towed to shop and waiting to here if it destroyed the valves and ???what else.....I have my old beast of a car running had to get tires registration n insurance all fixed. barely fits ma n chair but will be ok for now till figure this out..another couple days and thousand to start, out the window. good lord what is next, hanging on by a thread!!
cat appt is tues his tumor on head is growing size of ping pong ball now, think it is time for that decision.... im not gonna have him crap n piss n throw up allover the new floors, I just need to do this, I cant afford the few hundred this will cost and too much work to clean up after him, I am so sad. trying to stay focused today not think bout it, got a bunch to do! .need to get home, needed the wagon to start putting things in storage now gotta get help with that too, I have no clue.....someone with a truck. walls are caving in here feels like, cabin fever, the windows don't open but a couple inches then cat scratches so no go. I wanna go home so bad!!!
take care guys!

A bit of prairie humor. Just to make you smile.

Two Montana rednecks are out hunting, and as they are walking along they come upon a huge hole in the ground. They approach it and are amazed by the size of it. The first hunter says, "Wow, that's some hole; I can't even see the bottom. I wonder how deep it is." The second hunter says," I don't know. Let's throw something down and listen and see how long it takes to hit bottom." The first hunter says, "There's an old automobile transmission over there. Give me a hand and we'll throw it in and see." So they pick it up and carry it over and count one, and two and three, and throw it in the hole. They are standing there listening and looking over the edge and they hear a rustling in the brush behind them. As they turn around they see a goat come crashing through the brush, run up to the hole and with no hesitation, jump in headfirst. While they are standing there looking at each other, looking in the hole and trying to figure out what that was all about, an old farmer walks up. "Say there," says the farmer, "you fellers didn't happen to see my goat around here anywhere, did you?" The first hunter says, "Funny you should ask, but we were just standing here a minute ago and a goat came running out of the bushes doin' about a hunnert miles an hour and jumped headfirst into this hole here!" The old farmer said, "That's impossible. I had him chained to a transmission."

Jen hang in there it will get better. Think positive. Hugs to ya OK?

MIL had an mri and they found a huge stone in the common byle duck from the liver to the kidney. They did surgery to remove it and would you believe that she feels better now than she did 10 years ago. She woke up from surgery and asked for three pancakes with diet syrup but they gave her some broth instead. This morning she asked again for three pancakes and they brought that and a bowl of oatmeal. She inhaled that and now have the nurse's just amazed at how much she knows and the stories she tells. I think they will be releasing her Sunday. That is great news. Got our water back up and running so we are finally back to normal after washing all the towels that were used to mop up basement floor etc. Still have to bleach down the floor where all the e-coli water was on basement floor. I will do that Monday for the wife. Got to help out ya know.
Mame hope everything works out for you OK? Your still on our list with all the others.Hugs your way
Everyone else Hugs to you also.

mame, I hope you son is felling better, it can be hard to have to stay still for a long time.

Things got worse here of course...You'd be shocked had they not...?

I ASKED MOM TO GIVE ME MORE MONEY... Big mistake...Should have known.
I knew it was gonna be unpleasant but I had not expected one thing...

She offered to give me some of HER SOCIAL SECURITY CHECK !!!

Oh for gods sake is it that bad!!??????Jesus Christ just make him die now I BEG you make him die!!!!!!

"I can't take any more money form grandpaw..." "I just can't..."

"I looked after him for three years?" "Do you know how much I would make if he wasn't "family" ?!!!!"

She is crying upset defensive cornered..

"I know you don't want to do this, I know you are scared and worried about money, so am I"

being as I HAVE none and am now growing debt! from all the hospitalizations of the last two months etc...yes yes all my fault Jenny is such a selfish bitch, she should just suck it up and stop complaining...

"Fine...Fine." I say angrily, sullen

"I have to think about this, I can't just do this I have to think about it!"

Oh bullshit, you have been thinking about everything since you were born, nothing ever gets done here!

No i did not say this, I left...I was gonna crawl in bed, decided I couldn't do that again..I got dressed went back upstairs and stole $5.50 out of fp grocery money wallet, The Holy Of Holies and said "Add that to the list." and went out the front door slamming it shut...!

I went and caught the bus to town, and rode out of tiwm to Cheney where EWU is, walked around campus, got followed by a cop, yes I am crazy, but I am armed only with a foul mood and an umbrella officer Leave me alone!!!!

I went to doc and asked if my gall bladder results were in, yes, but you have to go home so we can call you, what ever...I went home, missed call, DR called back, gall bladder is OK, one less terror, no surgery ( I can't afford).

This morning I got up went and mowed and put on fertilizer mom has been avoiding for months, after buying the kind she is scared to use any way...I got some on my lips, DO I CARE!

I came upstairs and fart pants was eating his swill....

"Goo' morning Jenny.." (Note: he did not say this to anyone else, I listen)

"Not in this life." Was my audible reply...

I am going to talk to counselor Monday see if i can swing a part time job through Goodwill, if I lose it I lose it, at least I tried..

The only thing my mother heard from my money query, was that I have had to sign statements under the potential of perjury for SS...That she gives a shit about....

Jen, The gloom spreader....

Mame, hope your son gets better soon. Taking care of your son and your mom, no wonder your tired. Bet your son is bored.
Deb, you handle your MIlL so well. Don't know how you stay so cool, when she's spitting food out and everything else.
Well, the old horse is still itchy,. Poor guy, don't know what to try next. Got to go for a short ride on Omaha today, he is doing really well. Tomorrow have to work on my Mom's car. It needs an oil change, and check up. Not that she will drive it, but she's all worried about it. So I will get that done tomorrow so she will quit gripping. (at least about the car, she always has something to gripe about).
Hope everyone is having a quiet weekend.

Trying to stay ahead of everything here. Son is in pain and isn't supposed to do anything for fear of throwing another clot. This is so scary & stressful. Mom is staying in bed late and not knowing me. I can take it on a day when I am not worried about other things. Trying to keep her well hydrated! I am just tired.

cus, what a freaking mess n stupid ass city manager! I take him a glass full n tell him to bottom up. I know u had to be happy to hear the good result for her liver test. Hopefully, they can figure out what causing the bacteria. For what it's worth at least she is in good spirit.
Sharyn, I hope u r able to get some much needed rest as well.

2intodirt, welcome n that sounds just like my mil! she will use a square n she won't chuck it in the toilet. I have a small trash-can beside it now so I don't have to investigate the house as much for crappy used toilet paper squares everywhere. Omg! I am sorry but u cracked me up about your dad mention is balls gets wet if he sits on the bowl. lol. So sorry n that was a very wise n crafty idea about the bed pads. I will have to keep that in mind. If it will make u feel better, I took my mil to a Chinese Buffet place n she tried one bite of a plantain-small cooked banana n spit the crap out n it landed on her clothes. Omg! people r everywhere at least she was facing my direction n I just handed her a napkin n took up the rest of that banana. All I can say is that, "Someone with Alzheimer's is never a boring day." ; )
Jen, u would had loved it, it was hard to come back to responsibilities n reality. U have to try enjoy those few ones u can get whenever u can. 11yrs for us since we have been anywhere. Sorry about your aunt upsetting you n u getting sick from being hot n the car. I guess u going to have to find one of those little portable handheld fans if she won't use the A.C. I hope everything turns out okay with your gallbladder check up.
Where is everyone else? I hope they r all okay? Probable busy like we all have been.
My lab-work came out okay for most parts. I do have secondary hyperthyroidism n I got another bone density test done. Won't know result till Nov., or Dec,. Of course, I already had known that, I have Osteopenia from last one in 2010. I take calcitriol can't spell it but due having to take other meds which will also cause bone loss. One of those, "dang if u do or dang if u don't." All u can do is keep on trucking till their no more trucking left to truck.
I hope all is doing well.

When everyone was so happy to see fart pants and said he looked good i had to look away to not show the disgust on my face...And when my aunt said he was doing so good, thanks to the two ladies here, ie my mom and me, FP blew it off...Oh just die you stupid old bastard...

Gah lil, your vacation would kill me, I am glad it all went OK though...

Having gall bladder check today nauseous from readin' post above, God when does this end? Was really unpleasant visiting, great aunt made me so sad about grandma being gone, I came home and cried...and thew up from over heated car, heaven forbid would we use the AC Daaaaddddeeee might get a chill. wish he had a chill, on a slab already...

Hey bobbmiester, hope you are doing OK there!

If we all didn't laugh we'd all be crying. My father law has no since of hygiene anymore. He uses just one little square of toilet paper to wipe himself. We've told him to use more and his reply is "I have a little butt, I don't need to use more" . And when he pees, we try to get him to sit because he misses every time and pees on the floor. He says he can't sit to pee because his balls get wet. OMG!!! Talk about a good laugh!!! The grossest thing for me though is when he has a lot of phlegm, he spits into a trash can and almost always misses and it lands on the carpet. I finally started to put bed pads under every trash can. We can't get him to stop spitting. We give him handkerchiefs and Kleenex but he forgets or just to lazy to use them.

Just a quick HELLO to everyone~
So far no more rashes for mom since changing the laundry soap, YAY for that!! I am working 6 days a week so no time to stay caught up with everything at home, mom's house and visiting her/bringing supplies. My son will be here tomorrow afternoon but we are not going to get to spend the time together I had hoped for...long story. Hang in there are all doing a great job and hope you get some time to rest and relax!!

Went to see the MIL today and she was sitting in a chair being just as happy as can be. They did a liver scan and couldn't find anything wrong but, the bacteria in the blood they have no clue yet. Said it would be about 3 days before the culture grows to see if they can pin point it.
Now for the good news. We left the house this morning around 10:30am and got back around 3:30pm to the sound of running water. The service line to the main bathroom toilet had sprung a leak and the water was standing in the carpet in the hallway and had half the basement wet. 3 hours later we get the pipe fixed and the water cleaned up only to find out the city has put out a boil water alert because one of the pumps burned up and none of the alarms went off so we have e-coli in our water system for the whole city. This happened some time over the holiday weekend and nobody works on the long weekend because the city manager doesn't want to pay overtime so we have been drinking that s___ for three days. If that doesn't get a grossed out citation. They said it takes around two to three days to find out if your going to get sick from it. Whoopy just what I need. Sweating like a french whore from cleaning up all the water and can't take a shower. Maybe I'll heat up a bottle of water and go down to city hall and do a standup shower job on their porch. At least I would be sent down to the county jail where the water still works.

Mame, sorry for your bad week but glad to hear all is coming around to a better day.
Cuz, Love the posts, I really needed the good laugh, woke my hubby up wondering what I was laughing about. Gave him a good laugh too. Hope everyone has a good night, got some stuff to share but after that good laugh can't bear to let my mind go to depressing things.

Alright, just caught up on some more post reading, boy has everyone been busy with stuff.
Bobbie, u r so on it about u have to have the sense of humor or U nailed it right on! I be done went crazy if it wasn’t for you all n this site. I also, Luv what u mention about some of us r not a nurse n etc. For everyone’s situation is difference n some of us have been thrown into the caregiving. We do try to do r best n hang on for another day n get what help we can get as long as we can afford it. However, a lot of people don’t look at the ‘caregiver’ n what about their life as well. I try to educate myself n sometimes their r no education that it is a ‘learn as u go’ n every day is not the same when it comes to caring for someone with such a devastating illness.
Gr8fulnurse, Those forms r probable nice to have on hand but there is no cut-n-dry solution when the time does come for r luv ones. Their always seems to be something or that someone trying to make a buck. I don’t see how it will work if they r already in moderate severe stage anyway? I guess for those caregivers that r taking care of someone that is still n the early stage it would work? idk
Jen,. That movie idea from Bobbie sounds like a win-win for you to get out of dodge while u can. Run n don’t look back n enjoy yourself. Good luck. Sound like that fence is going to come to good use for all of you. Safety n less noise too bad it so expensive.
Wherewerethey, my mil likes to stick her hand in toilet after a bm just to show me she’s not constipated. Not to mention it gets in between her long fingernail, sink faucet by toilet paper roll etc.
Austin, folks that had or still are working outside the home n then coming home n having to work with someone with an illness is a lot to mustard. Plus, someone that is abusive toward the ‘caregiver’ has to be just so much harder n intense n that situation.
Mame, I would be going crazy n scared shitless if that happen to my son too! Good grief n surgery is needed too. We know we can’t shelter them from all accidents but at least some like those would be nice to have that crystal ball. I hope your mom don’t give u such a hard time when she is released from hospital. Hang in their n let us know how u n you u family is doing.
Austin, taking Coumadin n eating certain veggies can mess up lab-work. I had to take it for two yrs when I was on dialysis. I think Kale was one of those no, no veggies?
Diane, quit being so hard on yourself for u did the best u could. I know it’s easier said than done but u need to try n just, ‘let it go.’ Sorry to hear your laptop is going bonkers on you. Try to save what u can on a usb stick before it shut downs for good. Keep us posted when u can.
Meanwhile, that poor horse is allergic to the fly spray what a mess. Glad u were able to figure out what was causing the rash but what r u going to do about the biting flies? I know those big horse flies would leave wept marks on some of r horses. My bro has to put a mask halter to keep them off the old man horse face that he is taking care of for someone. He’s not bother with the spray like your sister’s horse. Sound like your sister has a kind heart when it comes to horses (47cents a lb).
Cuz, so sorry n hope she gets to feeling better real soon. I just luv the Walmart joke, what a hoot. Louie has a great point too. Lol
Hubby passed some blood in his urine last wk n been on antibiotic again. He has an appointment with a Urologist next wk. Plus he got an ultra-sound on his abdomen today. Hopefully, it just a bladder infection, for today he has no sign of blood in his urine.
Well going call it a night n I hope everyone here can get some rest too.

Hi everyone, I hope all r doing well. We made it back late Monday n the traffic was just horrible. I guess that goes with the holiday but it was well worth it for us two. I posted some pictures on F.B. just look for debbie starks n u will find me if yall want to view the snapshots. Mil did fine at the A.L. but, she did use her authority about what n how much to eat at the place. The problem there is that she don’t realize it can cause more harm than good with her decision around others. Plus, we do small children’s size portion for her. I also Found out one day they that she only ate 2 crackers for supper n she refuse one of her ensures! At least she didn’t lose any weight n there were no ER situations while we were gone. I guess that the only thing that is bad when it comes to A.L. versus a place with Alzheimer’s assistant. Of course, I had my bro’s girlfriend working their n she helped her a lot too. My bro had them make her a grilled cheese one day for the meat was too chewy for her. At least I had those two help keeping an eye on her or we would have never left.
Sharyn, I hear ya girl! U had every right to set those boundaries n sorry hubby didn’t take the time to hear your side. He still thinks I over exaggerate sometimes about her. Sound like she would at least had called you if her intention was to take u out n gave u a time u two could agree on. I guess she thought u had no life as a wife? Glad u stood your ground even though it was painful for you. I hope u enjoy your break as well for we had a blast even though we only shop n relaxed at the beach. Just no responsibilities!!! It was great while it lasted. I use Cheer detergent for my wash. I hope your mom is rash free with the new laundry detergent.
Mame, crank it up for I luv the good ole 70’s. Oh, don’t say that about the flowers we still have tulips that should be coming up. I have tons of Four-0-clocks seeds anyone need some. I’m ready for Fall weather myself not Winter. I was just told Tuesday that my mil will more than likely not qualify either for she has gained to a steady weight between 78-80lb. something about Medicare does a re-evaluation. My mil will sometimes eat n get back n bed too. I guess their r days that she just don’t won’t to do anything as for sitting up in the living room. All u can do sometimes is just go with the flow to not torture yourself n hopefully she will come back from what I call,” hibernation.”
Sharyn, I have a friend the same way but she won’t be able to breathe if u were anything that had scented stuff on it. She will break out in hives n her throat will feel like it’s trying to close up on her. Sometimes she has to go get a shot. I remember that poor thing would have to carry a humidifier just to go to school.

Bobbie, be careful of the hot heat while helping others on their boat. U r right about some people will take advantage but in the wrong way so I guess that is why hospice n the govt., system works the way it does. It would be nice if they did listen to the caregiver n not just some # on a weighing scale in my situation. But, its okay if only I can maintain her weight we will be doing great but it's a job just trying to get her to eat n she will tell anyone else what ever they like to hear. Ex: I eat good. Yeah right, not unless hubby n I stay on her. It like, when do u stop n let them do what they want to do anyway or is that consider neglect on r part for not being the enforcer. I don't mean shove food down her, just constantly telling her she needs to eat for to stay strong n healthy. It does wear u out sometimes.

Juju, glad u were able to get back on-board with us n we know how it can get sometimes. Sounds like u r going through a lot n some! However, Glad to hear your mom is doing better. As for that cat! I put a damn diaper on that cat ass. Sorry, but he is just a pee-pot. U sure he not just marking his territory? U have to give us the scoop on the bomb with the insurance n sorry u still at the motel. Those insurance sure don't mind getting their money when they want it. I do hope its not too bad n something that can be worked out.

Whoa cuz that is serious hope she is doing OK...

Fence was project my brother did for mom but yeah I had a lot to do, shifting dirt and rocks and cutting back the lilac where it went to far over, bringing water, drilling pilot holes when my aunt would let me...We went out the the cemetery so she could put flowers on for loved ones...I had the same thought God put him down there with her soon Please God Help....
have a what is it gall bladder check tomorrow that machine , what ever sonic look at it see what it is. Rather diet it than have surgery...But if I end up having it out, I'd rather plan it than have emergency surgery...and so would me insurance...
Did the shopping, beeffy hot out, but storm coming through tonight.
Hope you are doing better Diane, sounds like you are sort of under it all there a bit...

Hope everyone is doing Ok where they are...


Papa mole, an Mama mole, and a Baby mole,
all live together in a little mole hole.

One day, papa mole sticks his head out of the
hole, sniffs the air and said, 'Yummy! I smell
maple syrup!'

The mama mole sticks her head out of the hole,
sniffs the air and said, 'Oh, Yummy! I smell honey!'

Now baby mole is trying to stick his head out of the hole to sniff the air, but can't because the bigger moles are in the way. This makes him whine, 'Geez, all I can smell is ...


(Yes, you're gonna pass it on!)
Today is International
Disturbed People's Day


Jennifer, a manager at Wal-Mart had the task of hiring someone to fill a job
opening. After sorting through a stack of 20 resumes she found four people
who were equally qualified. Jennifer decided to call the four in and ask
them only one question. Their answer would determine which of them would get
the job.
The day came and as the four sat around the conference room table, Jennifer
asked, 'What is the fastest thing you know of?'
The first man replied, 'A THOUGHT.' It just pops into your head.
There's no warning.
'That's very good!' replied Jennifer.
'And, now you sir?', she asked the second man.
'Hmmm...let me see 'A blink! It comes and goes and you don't know that it
ever happened... A BLINK is the fastest thing I know of.'
'Excellent!' said Jennifer. 'The blink of an eye, that's a very popular
cliché for speed.'
She then turned to the third man, who was contemplating his reply.
'Well, out at my dad's ranch, you step out of the house and on the wall
there's a light switch. When you flip that switch, way out across the
pasture the light on the barn comes on in less than an instant. 'Yip,
TURNING ON A LIGHT is the fastest thing I can think of.'
Jennifer was very impressed with the third answer and thought she had found
her man. 'It's hard to beat the speed of light,' she said.
Turning to Louie, the fourth and final man, Jennifer posed the same question.
Old Louie replied, 'After hearing the previous three answers, it's obvious
to me that the fastest thing known is DIARRHEA.'
'WHAT!?' said Jennifer, stunned by the response...

'Oh sure', said Louie. 'You see, the other day I wasn't feeling so good, and
I ran for the bathroom, but before I could THINK, BLINK, or TURN ON THE
LIGHT, I had already shit my pants.'

Louie is now the new greeter at a Wal-Mart near you!

You probably will think of this every time you enter a Wal-Mart from now on.

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