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I come home itching after touching anything in the cleaning isle at Walmart. a lot of heavy detergents will do that...good you found out what it was!

We think we solved the mystery of mom's rash. Don't know if I told you, I was called about a week ago around 11:30pm from the community that mom had a rash all over her body. They called the dr. but he had not gotten back to them. I rushed over there...only 7 minutes away. They said the dr. called and said to give her Benedryl. I went to walgreens got the Benedryl and give it to mom. About ten days before this incident, mom's tongue and lips were very red. The nurse said she was having an allergic reaction and he believed it was all connected. He said they would monitor her food and check out soaps, the a/c in her room and other sources to rule out what could be causing it. yesterday mom had a rash again was itching, she said she was fine until she went to bed the night before. We think it is the laundry soap they use. We are getting them the laundry soap and fabric softener mom always used and they will use it to wash her laundry. We hope this clears up the still doesn't explain why her tongue and lips were red.

Go to Costco. Buy multi-pack of toothbrushes. At least she wasn't cleaning the toilet with them! *grin*

Oh, Jen your bad. How about "Dancing Queen".

Now that song is stuck in my head! Oh I don't care, could be worse...
"Afternoon Delight" anyone...

Hey there Mame,

It's going to be ok. I wish there was a service that was 'pre-Hospice'.

Just keep venting it out. It is unfair that we are left alone totally in charge of someone's care but not educated to what it takes to get from here to there.

Make sure you call Hospice even if she has only one morning where she doesn't want to get out of bed.

As far as her doctor is concerned, try calling the office in a few days when you think you can deal with this crap and tell them that you can no longer transport your mom to see them and what arrangements can you make now just in case she needs to be seen for whatever reason. If they can't help, ask them for a referral to someone who can and who takes your insurance.

In the background put on Twisted Sister: We're Not Gonna Take It and turn it up loud! haha.

Don't know if this will help at all but might be worth a shot.
Love ya Mame. Keep Venting!


Hi all. Hospice was here today to talk about their services. Mom fails to qualify at this time! She is mobile again, and she eats. Two main qualities they don't want in a patient. They were very nice and said I could call them if she has any change. I was hopeful to have someone here to help guide me. I feel so responsible...and alone... I guess I am-and I have to suck it up! Oh well. They did say that they think mom's Dr would make a house call if I explained how difficult it is to get her out. I will believe that when I see it! NOT holding my breath! Too tired to think today. Hello & hope everyone is ok! Mame

There are times when anger is justified-Jesus got angry at times. I am sure most of the time you are calm- If someone indicates I have lied I could go off on them also-all we can do is try to be calm-there are times we can't-don't beat yourself up about it-we are human.

Lildeb~Wow!! I have issues too when someone makes me out to be a liar...I haven't figured out a good way to deal with it yet because I go off on them also or I cut them out of my life completely. I hope things calm down for you...You are only 4'7"...Wow!!! I am an amazon woman compared to you, LOL....5'8" @170lb. but don't be fooled, if you came at me the way you did with these folks...I would crumble!! Hugs to you!!

Hello everyone; I have lost my post twice so this is it.
I cannot stand liars!!!! Liars have always been my weakness for snapping. I have got to get my little 4'7" ass to be able to calm down when this happens. I take, n take crap but when a person is accusing me just to cover their own ass, that just burns me right off the chain!!! Ah!!
Let's just say that the S.W.,from hospice had to do was apologize or not say anything to me but, no... he had to make something up n that just through me off n pis me off too.Don't make me look like a liar.
needles to say, everything is back on track for I talk to the manager personally n he apologize twice. Once he came voluntarily In front of her office n on my cell phone too. However, I will never trust him again for being such a liar! I ended up cutting front n back yard of the old house to blow off some more steam. I got to find a way to not let this bother me. It don't bother me when they r lying about something but rather when it involves me for I cannot stand liars much less make it sound like I am the liar! I be damn! I tried the breathing technique n it wasn't working so good ole wear myself out physical work did the trick some. Maybe I need to talk to my dr about up my dose on my prozac for I take a very low dose 10mg but I only weigh about 88lbs. I shouldn't had went off like that in public. He didn't really have to apologize but when he mention the part that I suppose had done that was when I totally flipped out in front of everyone. I was so embarrassed after all was said n done.
What do y'all do in public when something similar like this happen to one of you in public? I am normal the good person n take n take but for some reason I cannot hold back if it involves insinuation I am the liar. Not to mention I went off on my bro a wk or so ago stating that some people have to work. I do think I am pre-meno n that may have to do with it some or I am just tired of folks not appreciation me for what I do n I am not a liar! Help for advice is needed here.

Jen~I just want to add that we are all at different places on our journey to being healthy and it does not matter where we are, we are loved and accepted here. You always have a place to come to no matter what is going on...I hope that makes since to you!!

Pooh!! It posted on me before I was ready. I do understand!! You are loved and appreciated here!!! Hugs to you!!


I have actually considered suing for wages....I suppose if I had the guts to do that I wouldn't be here eh? But it is a thought. Can't imagine the fall out. I am in here on moms computer having just called the SSI lady to give her more pertinent info that will in no way help me get SSI, I mean really! Moms laying looking at a magazine...
Who'd I have to be to turn around and say mom I want to be paid...She does most of the work now and I get room and board...
I am glad you understand at least.

Been watching the fires here too, hoping for rain but only seems to fall where they don't need it. figures.

A big Hello to everyone!!

Juju~where are have been quiet lately, hope everything is ok with you and mom.
Lildeb~Yes the military is still not as helpful with PTSD as they say they are. Your upcoming vacation sounds great and I hope you can relax.
Jen~I don't know what to say because I don't know what steps you are ready to take. Either way, you are supported and loved here!! Bobbie's advice is great!!
Austin~I can not say how happy I am for you!! My friend who also has found love at 73 is just so happy. You deserve it my friend!!

I have been so engrossed in following the Rim Fire only because it is in all the areas of the Sierra's I spend time in. Those of you who are familiar with CA...they have issued advisory evacuations for Pine Crest and Twain Harte because of falling ash. It is 20% contained which sounds small but considering the terrain the fire fighters are dealing with this is good progress.

Working on getting things organized here at home. My son and dil will be here either the 5th or 6th of Sept. I asked for the 7th off so we can have one day together, take him to see mom and a family dinner. I also asked for the 14th and 15th of Sept. off so i can get organized to go to Idaho to see our daughter and sil. Not sure how this will work out taking Midget with us...her barking may be a problem but my daughter said not to worry about it. If worse comes to worse, I will put her in her kennel in the garage at night.

I hope everyone is as well as you can be with all the caregiving...have a good week!!

Well, I just got a double post... Maybe admin will remove one of them!

Thanks all,


Sue him Jen. Figure out what you would have made in your field for however many years and then add punitive damages for the abuse you suffered when you were a child and the abuse you continue to suffer today after all these years of indentured servitude.

Ask your counselor for some attorney names. There has got to be someone who will take this case for a few reasons:

Addresses the 'enslavement' of family members to be caregivers when their options are removed by keeping them from earning a living.

Addresses the secrets kept by family members who sexually abuse children and then continue to live their lives purposely oblivious to the damage they have caused.

Your mom will not be happy but as you understand, she is not right and you are being victimized by her and of course by your abusive grandfather. It has to stop so you can finally live your life and you need resources in order to do that.

Sue him sue him sue him. When, over the course of the 3 plus years that you have known me through this forum, have you ever heard me advise suing?

Linda! Good to see from you!

Internet has been spotty here so am going to post this before it goes out again.


Sue him Jen.
Figure out what you would have made in your field for however many years and then add punitive damages for the abuse you suffered when you were a child and the abuse you continue to suffer today after all these years of indentured servitude.

Ask your counselor for some attorney names. There has got to be someone who will take this case for a few reasons:

Addresses the 'enslavement' of family members to be caregivers when their options are removed by keeping them from earning a living.

Addresses the secrets kept by family members who sexually abuse children and then continue to live their lives purposely oblivious to the damage they have caused.

Your mom will not be happy but as you understand, she is not right and you are being victimized by her and of course by your abusive grandfather. It has to stop so you can finally live your life and you need resources in order to do that.

Sue him sue him sue him. When, over the course of the 3 plus years that you have known me through this forum, have you ever heard me advise suing?

Hey Linda! Good to see from you and I hope you post more often! We all need each other not just me!

OK, Internet is spotty here on the Creek today so I am going to send this out if I can.


Linda dear heart enjoyed your drive by -love hearing from you-I do not think Bobbie will desert us-we need our Capt'n and all the crew-so check in when you can. I forgot how to cook and never enjoyed it the husband did not appreciate but my new boyfriend loves it and helps and does dishes-his late wife trained him well-he is much neater than me.

I noticed cuz...

hey Kinda hope you are doing good, so so here. stitches out tomorrow, lil booger gone...the cyst I mean....;)

lil, one day at a time and I need to remind myself of it and not start catastrophic mulling in my head...

Counselor nice, won't be back in till Monday after Labor Day...thinking of volunteer work to get me out, but balking at it. I'd have to pay bus fare to go work some where and not get paid...I am not sure I am up to that right now...maybe in a bit...I already "owe" fart pants $230.00 for all the co pays and borrowings of this last month...Pathetic. I mean really...Pathetic...

Linda, u just hug your little Katie Jo. That the way I feel about my Vera the putty tat. Glad u was able to pop in on us. I try to as well sometimes for so much seems to be going on with all r lives. I hope u r able to come on back n join us again when u get a chance.
Onlychild, U r a hoot, join the crazy farms as someone on here would say. ; ) Welcome.
Okay, I am so tired n not going get much sleep again here tonight. I had a 42 low blood-sugar wee early n the morning today around 2ish. Treated it n went back to bed. Tonight I have a 60 here at 11pm. The other night it was over 220! Speaking of a roller coaster ride! I think I am going through what is called, “pre-menopause” for I haven’t had a cycle in 3 months. I have been clipped, burned, tied on the other part so no pg going on here with these eggs. Lol. Not sure what a hot flash really is but I stay warm here lately at night no matter what my sugar runs n normally I am the person that is cold at night. I have trouble falling asleep here lately too. Ah!!!
Enough of that area, Why didn’t anyone tell me that for me to go on a few day vacation with the hubby that my job was going to triple? I not only have to get r stuff ready n meds ahead but the mil as well. I finally got her packed with clean clothes, soap, hair washing stuff, teeth stuff was a fun ride around the stores about 5, for not all stores carry those Prolygrip strips. The cushion ones just don’t fit no matter how much u trim them to fit her bottom lower teeth. The adhesives would just ooz out n what a freaking mess that was with her! I felt so sorry for her but so freaking frustrated trying to find some. I finally got a grocery store going to try n order some. Yeah, there is a God. At least the strips I can cut one n half to fit the inside of her lower false teetht n just slap a whole one in the top part. ; )
Back to packing for her, I got her a soft teddy bear to cuddle with at night while she at the assistive living. I packed her some mac/cheese, veggie rice that they can microwave for her if she doesn’t like what they have plus it easier for her to chew. Don’t forget her Ensure plus for they have helped her keep the weight on too, a whole 80lbs. Now if I can get my weight back up. Got the forms all filled out n copies of her health insurance n etc… Now just waiting on Hospice to give me a copy of the T.B. test results tomorrow n to see if they will help pay for her night at the Asst. Living. If not, oh well for we need this short break. Oh, got my bro to check on the out n indoor animals while away too. I had to make pictures of what animals r NOT to get out of the house n which one needs his meds. Oh, I also told my bro if he value his life that to not let my Vera-kitty outside or to get into any dog-food or cat-food except, what I have out for her. She the one that has the Ibd n that surgery a month ago. I was surprise that my bro volunteer to take care of the animals so we could get a break. So, hubby n I jump on that one. Now, hopefully, mil will be okay n eat while we r gone. She tends to push her independent by not eating n not knowing that is hurting herself in the process so I am like the Game Warden watching her during eating time. I hate being the bad person. I haven’t told her again about the stay at the Asst. Liv. N us leaving for she was going all off on me the last time. So, not sure when to tell her or just wait the last minute for she will continue to repeat herself n drive me crazy. Sorry so long winded. I hope everyone else can at least get some rest. I will as soon as I get my b/s back up. I am so excited but nervous about mil at the same time.

Nobody noticed but bobbie got BOAT TIME for being post # 28000. Its been fantastic being able to be here this long. Hopefully we will all be here for the next
couple hundred thousand posts. Love ya bobbie and enjoy the boat time girl.

Bobbie that Mexican salsa will cure whatever u ate so I heard.. Plus, is there such a thing as being a “sane care-giver?” lol Glad u r feeling better. Thanks for sharing Austin’s hug n what a wonderful love story. I just read your other post about those yummy Margaritas n Pina colodas, n I also like the Slo gin fizz. They were my favorites many moons ago. I use to love those suckers until it just didn’t agree with my diabetes type 1. let's just say I saw my body while I was laying in the bed. I don’t touch any alcohol anymore! So, drink one for me. Glad u slept like a box of rocks but be careful n make sure you eat good too.
Austin, I am so happy for you. It brought happy tears like a fairy tale except this one is real.
Sharyn, I hear ya loud n clear when it comes to military. They had tried brain wave shock treatment on my son while he was overseas. I told him to not allow them to do that for the ptsd that if he needed something like that, they need to send him back home to be treated by a counselor. I told him if they don’t listen that I would talk to whoever would listen; the media, the president whatever it took for they supposedly threat him if he didn’t get the shock treatment. I thought that was banned yrs ago. I guess they heard or were listen on the conversation for he didn’t have to do the treatment unless he wanted it done. He didn’t get it done anymore while over their n he won’t ask for help now. It’s a shame crap like that goes on behind closed doors or dust.
Jen, it does seem like people n family members tend to take advantage of those like us that r caring n giving. Sometimes, we just got to let them know that we r not their door mat. It is hard sometimes due for the person we r taking care at the time. I can feel your hurt, pain n frustration and its not that simple to just go for it sometimes. Taking little steps at a time along with friends on here for support is a positive step forward toward happiness. I believe that, you have already taken the first step n that is through realization. Plus, u have to admit that it there was some good in being the caregiver, just a little bit? Sending u hugs.
Mame, sorry life with mom seems like a roller coaster ride. It seems that all we can do sometimes as a caregiver with a love one with this illness is to vent on the bad days n cherish the good ones. Here hoping u have more good ones with your mom.

she prob did without bobbie knowing that baaahahaha , bobbie is ur teeth clean !!!!

On the bright side she wasn't scrubbing the toilet and floor with it .

hi u all . sorry i havent been on this end . im kinda lost here , cat s meowin mad ? bobbies thinkin about ending this ? austin s life is great with her new man , happy for u austin u desevrve it ! jen has cyst on her head . holy crap ! i am sooo sorry i ve missed out alot .
bobbie u can not end this , cuz we look up at you . margaritta ! hell thats the best ! doesnt it bother ur RA ? hope u had a good meal at mexcians ...
i am doing better , i clean 2 houses on friday and make me a spending money for ciggys damn it ! my MIL , is good . she healthy as a horse ! but her mind is gone ...
jen - i admire you and i think ure wonderful person . kills me to see ure hurt deeply inside , i sure hope going to counsler will help u come out of ur shell . big hugs to u jenny girl .... hope that cyst is flat out gone !
cat - i hope ure well again . i missed out what s going on with you . i saw it on fb , i thought u were talking about ur dog maggie . oh sounds like u named that tumor . ahh no name ,, just a bastard fkin cancer sonofabitch ! if i have cancer that will be named a sonofabitch ! fkin monster inside , mom had cancer and its what killed her . now my aunt has cancer in her bladder . fkin sonofabitch !
i think its margaritta time ......
love u all and i am sorry i didnt keep in touch . sometimes reading agin care breaks my heart and it hurts to see u all suffering and i tel you one thing youre all the best kind hearted caregivers ... god bless u all . i know what its like i took care of dad for 4 yrs . to this day i still miss my pa . i was lost cuz i didnt have anybody to care for , hubby let me have a miniature shuasher . katie jo ,,, shes a blessing in my life , follows me everywhere and sleeps with me . something for me to smile and hug to . shes a blessing !
i will try to keep up here , gross out can not end .. love ya all xoxo

Happy for deserve love and respect there!

Hey bobbie, deef rip mame cuz lil sharyn cat christina and evreybody else here...have a good week all...Jen

Sounds yummy Bobbie! Hope I can share one with you someday!!!!

Good Morning Crew,

It's beautiful here on the Creek with a good wind coming out of the NorthEast trying to push this heavy boat against the dock. We have all of the fenders on with the huge one pinned between a piling and the rubrail midships. They're working. The boat doesn't touch the dock and the hull remains unscratched.

Last night I learned how to make Margaritas. Good Margaritas. There's a couple here who have a big sailboat that is capable of circumnavigating. They've been to a bunch of places and although they haven't been able to circumnavigate the globe as of yet, they still hold out hope. They have learned all kinds of this and that from their varied ports of call and are happy to share.

One of the things they know how to do is make boat drinks. So now I know how to make good Margaritas and next week I am going to learn how to make Pina Coladas.

In a few months I should have a good menu of boat drinks all the way to the ones where you stick the little umbrellas. Already have the little umbrellas.

Anyway, I drank 3 of the Margaritas, made with 100% Agave Tequila so it's good and today I don't have any of the afteraffects of yuk associated with crud booze so I feel pretty good and slept like a box of rocks. Had some goofy dreams though....

OK, thought I would share my boat time with you guys.

Hope you all have as good a day as you can with what you all have to deal with.


I have my moments Renarad! haha... Maybe it can help us all! Thanks!

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