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So the little dog took us, me n the big girl, on a walk tonite...he was having none of the back to the hotel in n out, we went up the block n around to some grass for him to poop on! nice breeze nice breeze out and not much smoke..havnt heard details lately on fire but it is still burning, bout half morning bfast buffet gang are firefighter crew now, but it was crazy smokey last Thursday all over county!

I meant the boot so bulky wearing her out or just loopy n tired from the ordeal.
Anyway Love to all of you everyone!!

Well mom has not been her perky self, maybe the gargantuan purple foot/leg of her's, ;p! I think she is feeling better pain levels tho n maybe a lil loopy from pain meds..hoping its the latter. getting busy on getting focus back on home and getting it fixed up soon as possible to move in.

oh I am ready for some coastal time, it is darn near "end in r" months for crabbing so gonna try again soon to get overthere for couple days, home health is done this week till cast comes off. Pots are gear are ready to go!
I hope we are all having a decent week, I am still very tired from last 2+weeks drama with ma's leg am 1/2 speed last couple days!
I hope we are all having a decent week, keep up the good work, forget the crap, lol!!

Just sayin - I think we are all hurting in some way and so need to keep that perspective at the forefront. Maybe it's during caregiving, maybe it's after, maybe it's while having our own health issues.....but I thought that's what we were here for - to support each other even if our own opinions may differ. It's like I used to say at work, if we, such a small sample of a community cannot get along, how can we EVER hope for peace around the world. Hugs to all no matter where they are in their own situation ~ Kuli

Oh Jen, you know I love you.
Started my day with a well needed laugh. Thanks, buddy.

I wish she'd taken her mom's profound advice, then she wouldn't have had to waste a post at all...

Just working; and lurking. Hope things are getting better for you, Jen. Miss you. Sharyn, sounds like a good decision, to let your sister take care of herself. Maybe it will be better for her in the long run.
Had to take Mom to the Doctor today. That is always an ordeal. I forget who's mother said "if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all'. Well, my mother has always had that backwards.

I just to say that I decided not to be a buffer for sister anymore. I have become to entangled with trying to understand why mom doesn't give me a bad time when I visit her. It could be many things...I am not handling the finances, my approach to mom is not threatening... I don't know...but I decided after our dinner with mom on Friday when sis asked me if I had cash I could give to mom because she wants to have some cash. So I looked through my wallet and purse and came up with $7. I gave it to mom. Later in the parking lot, sis said, "I should have been the one to give mom the cash, now I am the bad guy and you are the good guy." I told her, "that is your problem...there is no good guy vs. bad guy!" I ruminated about this all weekend...was very hurt by her statement because it really showed me a side of her that I thought she had gotten over. I am detaching from her emotionally and she will have deal with mom. It is not my fault that I don't have these scenes with mom like she does and I am going not to let it take away from the relationship I now have with mom. Sis is still very dysfunctional in her thinking. Well enough venting. I hope everyone is well. Bobbie, you said well and sorry it had to come to you!!

Moving on.

Happy Birthday Deef! What trouble are you going to get into today? When you coming to this boat?
You would love where we are right now. Cute clubhouse and crabtraps that we can use. BBQ and big deck. Nice people and as this is an artist's colony, your art would really be appreciated here!

The Boat Angel is yanking up the teak decking in the cockpit as we speak. I don't know if we will put it back down after the bedding has been cleaned and sealed or if we will choose to glass the cockpit and move on. The teak deck is pretty but a pain because each board has to be caulked for a watertight seal and the caulking begins to degrade in the sun the moment it cures. *sigh* We shall see.

oh lildeb! the owner finally thanked us again and again for stuff done and that goes a long way. Makes it easier to do the little things for people when you know that it's appreciated.

Big moon on Wednesday so the tides are ripping through here and are higher high tides and lower low tides.
Nice ocean breezes as well. We like the breezes because they keep the no see ums away.


Let me jot that down..... haha

As my Mom would say, "if you don't have anything good to say, then don't say anything at all".

Well, I just recieved a message through the back channels and got the other side of the story about the 'Maggie' issue.

Suffice it to say that I am using this forum to apologize to this person who has not posted on this thread for ages (and we miss her) for calling her an idiot and a coward. That proves to me again why I am not supposed to respond to drama before I have had my coffee.

This is something that actually didn't have to be brought to the thread and could have been handled in the back channels but wasn't.

Sorry that feelings were hurt and I hope that everyone can just move on and understand that we are all different and so we respond to situations differently.

I hope that Cat gets better and I hope that the person who was saddened by the name for a tumor understands that it wasn't meant to be offensive to them or their loved ones. The hot exchange of messages and posts when we are hurt can make things worse so next time try not to do what I just did and lash out with hurtful language, especially when I didn't know the whole story.



Thank you CAPT'N Bobbie for being the voice of reason once more-I hope that Cat changes her mind 99.9 folks here are great and supportive-you and I have gotten and given support through the years I have been sticking around for about 5 yrs. on AC I was a mess and losing my sanity with caring for the husband and will never forget the caring and support I got here and am trying to pay it forward.

Jeeze Now What?

Who is idiot enough to call someone out on naming a tumor? Everybody's got family and friends they've lost to cancer. So what?
Got the fuzz to identify yourself here? I doubt it ya freaking coward.

Hope you feel better Cat. I know what it's like to be sent hurtful messages from people who don't have a clue and it's not funny. One of the main reasons I don't mess with FB.

Don't know who the martyrs are, after 3 and a half years since the thread started up I have seen mostly good and a few bad come through here. Some folks just want to stir up drama.

Cat, as you are well aware, it's your cancer and if you want to name your tumor Hay-Zeus so what. I thought it was a good idea and as I am well aware, what I think has absolutely no bearing on anything so rock on all.

I know that you have wanted to leave for awhile and we will miss you. I know that you said you would stick around for Jen and I know she will understand because no one has to stay here and when we are attacked it makes it very difficult to stay and be supportive of others.

Whatever you decide you know that we all care for you and hope that you get through this most uncertain time in your life without the crazy of being attacked by someone who is supposed to be one of our own.

Here's a thought: I wonder if the person who has a problem with Maggie as a name for a tumor had a problem with Rod Stewart when he used the name Maggie as a name for an old cougar who was creeping on that college kid....?

Happy Monday Crew and please know that I love you guys. For what it's worth.


Cat I so hope you will not leave GO-you have been a part of this family for so long and you will be missed-don't let stupid people ruin things for you-and the rest of us.

Hey Juju: Yeah, eye's roll, but this hurt my heart. There are a couple of people on this thread that think they walk on water and love to be the martyrs. I screw up sometimes and stick my foot (feet) into my big mouth, but I always pay for it because I agonize over hurting others and I feel real pain because of it. Not so with some.

I am done here. I have sent admin a message and soon I will be among the anonymous. I don't want to be here anymore.

Please don't anyone get me wrong. I am not looking for any pleas for me to stay. I am just outraged and since this is the home of vent and live. Well I'm venting and you can be sure I intend to live. I will do it among people who truly care about me and believe or not, there are many that do.

Oh Cat....that is absolutely ridiculous, eye's roll! I hope you will be around to spread your white light once again here!! Lots of it to you and love n prayers too!! You can name your stuff, whatever you like! Next it'll be ma's barney foot ;o) More love and.....

Hey everyone: This afternoon I received a hateful FB message from a GO person who was offended that I called my malignant breast tumor "Maggie." Seems that was her mother's name. Oh and she has lost friends to cancer. Gee, I can see why she feels she is extremely unique and has every moral justification to rip (no pun intended) me up one side and down the other.

I hope you all know that giving my tumor a name was just my way of trying to be brave and make light of it. If I offended anyone else, I am sorry. I think those on this thread who care about me, know that it is mutual and I wish you the best.

This is just too ridiculous and I'm so done.

Best wishes to your futures and God's peace to those you love.


Well, I had plans for the, clearing out things in my soon to be craft/girlcave...but poor hubby had to work graveyard last night so he is sleeping. I don't want to run the vacuum or make a lot of noise because he is going in again tonight. It is hot and muggy out...we have had cloud cover since yesterday. Not trying to be negative but I do not do well in humidity, it zaps my energy and plays havoc with my sinuses and going outside is not going to happen for this wimp LOL!! I guess I will work in the kitchen, there is always something there that needs to be done!!

Cat~Bless your aunt!!! I love to hear about elders being involved especially with babies. You will have to tell us about the shower, I bet she did a great job planning it. I went to JoAnns, bought some yarn, a young woman was there with a baby. She asked me some questions about crocheting as she was buying yarn. I asked if this was her first crochet project, she said "Oh I am not making it, I am buying the yarn for an 83 year old friend who insists on making a blanket for me!" She was excited because she has no elders left in her family so it was special that this 83 yr.old wanted to do this for her.

Lildeb~I feel bad for my sis too. There is just some friction between her and mom. Our dinner together was fine, no problems. Mom's newest thing is asking when she was born, how does that make me. She asked over and over so I counted out the years by 10's on my fingers for her and she said 84!! That is old enough!! We may meet again on Monday for dinner with mom since I won't have a day off again until next Sunday and sis won't go by herself for now. The dynamics between sis and mom is difficult as sis has so much anger from our childhood. I am detaching from that part of it with my sis until she is ready to put the anger down. The thing is, my mom can change in a heart beat and i could be her target next month, LOL!! Enjoy your vacation!!

I am thinking about you all, enjoy the weekend!!

I forgot, I went off on my bro for telling me that, "some people have to go back to work on Monday." Long story short, he got an ear full n some! Needless to say, he is helping us out by taking care of r pets while we go on a 2 night mini vacation. What is that? Vacation, hubby and I? Hopefully, the mil will behave herself at the asst. living n hospice can check on her while I am away. I have already check the place out n my bro has his girlfriend that works their too so that will ease our mind. I will know more by next wk. We like to leave the 31st of Sept., n come back on a Monday 2nd. Labor day weekend. To be honest, I am ready now! Someone send us some sunshine please. I have slept all day off n on yesterday. I guess my body really needed the rest n hubby has a head cold since going back to school teaching. He's been sleeping on the couch so I don't catch it. He can keep that mess. Loading him up on juices. ; )

Hi everyone, trying to catch up on the reading so sorry so long.
Bobbie, have u ever consider writing a brief statement to the owner, “You R Welcome.” Maybe then he or she will be grateful? I hope the Dock-master n his wife were able to handle the family issues without making themselves sick. It seems even harder when sibs don’t understand or don’t wont too. Glad to hear Ted is happy for caregiving can take a huge toll on our lives, good n bad. You can have some of this rain we r having just about every day. It is only 68 degree today. Please share n send some of that sunshine. ; )
Jen and Deef, please let us know how u two r doing? I feel like we r all cyber family here we miss the both of you very, very much. We r all here for you when y’all feel ready to come back to your cyber family.
Jen, glad to hear u checking in even though u r going through a tough time. I wish I could be there with you to give u a big fat little hug. My heart feels your pain n I hope u r able to come back on with us when u feel ready to just talk. Sending u lots of hugs.
Meanwhile. Colic can take a turn for the worse if u don’t catch it quick. Sounds like u have been doing this for a long time. It’s good news to hear your horse is doing much better.
LoonyTunes2, so sorry n I hear ya. I haven’t heard the person’s name Freud in a long time. The Ego, super ego n what was the other one? Oh, I stock up on Clorox wipes. Hang in there for we r here for ya.
Sharyn, dream mode away n enjoy life! It was funny about u being the buffer for your sister due to mom’s behavior. I am n the same boat so would u please come be my buffer too? Pretty please.. I took the mil to an asst living facility the other day to see about getting a chance for hubby n I to get a break n go to the beach. We haven’t been in over 12 yrs or more. I have a family member that works their so that will help but the mnl was letting me have it from left to right! I can’t believe u r doing this to me. I would have never known u felt that way about me. I try to explain n she just kept on so I tried my best to ignore her manipulating ass! Only due time will tell if we can leave on Sept 31st for a couple of days. I have to get her a TB test done n have hospice see if they work this asst living place. If not we will just fork out the money ourselves.
Sharyn, tell your sister that, I feel for her.
Cat, I just write mine on word n when I am done, I just copy/paste so that I don’t lose mine. Sometimes not drinking enough water can cause the leg cramps too. Thanks on the tip about the berries for I had no clue. As for Maggie, I am so glad Maggie has left the area n she better stay away if she knows what is best for her.
Juju, all I can say is, “good grief!” You have your hands full! Let those dr’s know they need to stop n listen! I wander how they even got their degree sometimes.
Austin, u r so right on it about Juju acting on her mom. Those dr’s seem to overlook n especially when they seem to be in a rush all the time. Sometimes u have to grab them by the reins n tell them to whoa back for a minuet n listen to what I am trying to tell you.

I am glad you,acted on your feelings-most often the family knows better than the docs-they should at least listen to what the family thinks is wrong and not just dismiss what they say-can you report what happened to someone.

A public hanging in town square is the way I visualize it, lol...I just had an old west country town flash since I am in such a small town our tresses up to the neck n the bonnet and hoop skirt, lol...everyone gathered round the gallows ahhhh the good ol days,lol!!

Funny they have the Highland games a Scottish? festival every year in one of the communities here and thurdsay at the Imaging facility one young man came in in full garb, kilt n the whole works a redhead to top it off!!! Interesting we have not gone.
Have a good weekend everyone., I am resting up with mamma today and this weekend as much as I can it has been a long 2 wks for us just glad we got our cast on now so she more stable and comfortable I hope!!
Thanks for listening I just knew there was something more to this, couldn't let go of it, it was in my gut!!
k happy thoughts for now!!! love n Prayers to all!!

Thank you cat juju austin sharyn bobbie and everyone thinking and praying for me in my situation...I will survive it, i think. But I wish it would have an expiration date, like soon....

my thoughts are with you Jen

So good to hear from you Jen, it is amazing what you deal with, allow yourself some credit and do the best you can! You have an amazing amout of support and friends who love you here, It is obvious to me how much everyone truly loves you...and I haven't been her that long!! I will keep you in my thoughts. Check in when you can and keep your chin up, even if you gotta prop it up, lol!!!! Luv you girl!!!

Jen~I too am so sorry. You are in my thoughts and prayers dear girl. I hope they can give the right combo of may take some time along with knowing we are all here for you!

Oh jeeze. So glad you checked in and so sad that you are in this pain. Unjust.
love you Jen and wish I could help too. We are so far away.

Glad to see everyone coming and going. Sometimes it's the best we can do.


Jen: I'm really sorry. I wish I was close by and could spend time with you. Do they (PW) do anything to help with medication for depression or anxiety? My heart is filled with sorrow for your pain. I'm praying for you my friend.

Love you, Cat

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