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Good Morning All: My brother called me from Ala n was talking about a new Chinese’s restaurant that he was at n I asked him where, so he’s giving me detail so I tell him to go ahead n order me a diet coke n I was on my way! I luv Chinese food. When I got there, he n his girlfriend had already eaten. Like WTF! Come to find out he was only telling me about the place yet normally when he calls about a place he want to meet up. Oh well, he paid for my lunch n we got to talk a little while before he had to go back to work. I did go off on him on a conversation that he was talking about making a trip to Fl but he goes for other reason n I was actually trying to plan to go myself. However, he will work all that day Friday n leave at night then return back on Sunday. I on the other hand like to spend time with my family n relax n not just drive down n run back home. He tells me that, “some people have to work for a living.” Yep, that was the ticker that set my ass off! I let him have it in full force!!! Anyway, everything calmed down n we were all back to r normal self. Of course, who is normal in this world anymore? Lol Anyway, I may not get to go on the 30th anyway due to the caregiver place may take that day off due to the holiday.
Tsoto, I hear ya loud n clear on the poop deal. Ug!
Juju, it does seem that some dr’s like to nickel n dime u to death. I do hope it is for the best interest in this case n that u find out something that will help.
Meanwhile, u poor thing n I remember that show too. I have two pack rats n r house. Let’s just say the apple don’t fall far from the tree n they will keep anything! I have to sneak out the trash between the two of them. It like I am the Trash Bandit!
Cat, sound like it went pretty well n when they get extra tissue normally u shouldn’t have to go back n do it all over again. That online posting I guess can be seen good n bad. Bad that u have to find out online. Yet, good if the result r good n they will be great! That way u won’t have to worry so long until the dr get back. It just seems to me the ‘unknowing’ is what bother me the most. This way u will know n U R going to Ace this sucker because Maggie has left the building! Okay the booby. : )
Kuli, Jen, Bobbie, cuz, Sharyn n Book wherever u r, I hope y’all have a good weekend. I feel like I am still missing a few on here? I didn’t do it intentionally, got mil breakfast n med done, load of clothes going n need to cut the back yard at this house before it gets too hot. Everyone have a good weekend.

Cat~Glad to hear things went well and you are doing ok. Hugs to you and still praying.

Not much going on just working, visiting with mom and keeping up with things here at home.

Still got you on the prayer list Cat. Glad you are doing OK. Hugs your way.

So glad to hear the surgery went well, Cat. Hoping for good results.
Juju, hope you get to go home soon.
Jen, are you hanging in there? Miss you.
Everyone have a good weekend.

Cat - Will continue prayers for good news for you. Sounds good so far!! Hugs ~ Kuli

If her hair was clean, maybe have a good gross laugh about this and figure you will have an interesting story to share one day? Be glad she didn't mistake it for toilet paper.

Hi Everyone: Lot's of posts and I need time to catch up. Meanwhile, I did read yours. Put an ez up in her front yard and she can put her stuff out there and have a Sanford and Son's sale.

Ok, update on the continuing saga of the my friend, maggie the breast tumor. Thought I would name her. By this time, I hope Maggie is completely out of my body and resting comfortably in a lab for processing.

So, pre-op was not as bad as I imagined it would be. It wasn't as bad as the original biopsy. They didn't have to squish me black and blue because they had put a chip in my breast to mark the spot of the previous biopsy. The lanocane stings when they deaden the tissue, but inserting the wires was not so bad. At the end they bombarded me with lanocane....sting like crazy....and then injected the radioactive stuff that is supposed to really sting. It didn't hurt that much at all, probably because of all the lanocane. Also, I was pretty zoned out on Ativan. I didn't sleep at all the night before and was so darn tired, I think really emotionally tired, plus just regular tired.

Everything went well. Woke up in recovery, stayed for a while and then on to second recovery station. We got home around 6pm. I hung out until 9pm and then went to bed and slept like a rock. They sent me home with percoset, but I had some vicodan from my root canal and took one of those instead. Put some Advil on the bedside table, but didn't need it.

I've been good all day. Sore, but that is different than pain. Tomorrow I can take a shower. Yeah.

My surgeon called me after we got home. She told me that she had removed the area in question and the lab had reviewed it. (This is done while I am still under) The lab felt there was still some tissue that needed to be removed to give us the clean margins required, so she removed more tissue. I'm hoping that we have all we need now or we will have to go back and do more. I'm optimistic that we are good as these folks are specialists and only do breast cancer.

I will get some results later next week. I don't remember if I told you that my suegeon will be gone next week. We agreed that she will post the pathology results on my online chart and I can read them there. She will personally put some notes along side and I can email her with more questions if need be. It's nice of her to do that while on vacation. I will meet with her on August 19th to review everything again and have a meeting with the medical oncologist right afterward.

So we shall see what comes of all this and what is the next step in the process.

Hugs to all of you and I'll read up here on the posts as soon as possible.

Sending love and white light.


Cattails, hope the procedure went as well as possible!

Jen, where are you girl, I miss your posts, hope you are doing well I am thinking of you always!

Have a great weekend y'all! hang in there!!


Just got this thru Lift Caregiving FB feed:

Tips for being resilient:
It is important to have strategies that work for you so you can cope with all that you are managing and can be the resilient person that you are.

Different things work for different people, and some people are more resilient than others. You may know in your mind that these techniques work but find that it is hard to actually do them. Try picking one new strategy to try each week.

Here are some strategies to get you started:
•Acknowledge the reasons for the choices you make. Caregivers sometimes feel that they do not have a choice. Sometimes you actually do have a choice; you just may not like the alternatives. For example, your loved one could take the bus to their appointment, but you would feel guilty if they did. By deciding to drive them yourself, you may be choosing to avoid feeling badly rather than asserting that you won't do something that you don’t want to do. If you recognize the reasons for your choices, you will feel less resentful about the outcome.
•Apologize if appropriate. Guilt is appropriate if you have actually done something to harm someone else. The best response is to make amends and apologize.
•Be physically active. Regular physical activity is one of the best ways to manage your stress, anxiety and sadness. It is important for your physical and mental health. A brisk walk several times a week will make a big difference in your emotional well-being. If you’re having trouble making time to be active, remember that even five minutes at a time will help. Try it the next time you are struggling with negative emotions and see how you feel.
•Breathe deeply or try calming exercises. When we feel stressed, worried or upset, we tense our bodies and our breathing becomes quick and shallow, rather than deep and abdominal. Try taking slow, deep breaths so that your belly rises when you inhale. If this is hard for you, try it while you are lying on your back as a start. Deep breathing can be done at any time, any place. It is important to consciously relax on a regular basis to calm your body and mind. Breathing is a fundamental part of stretching, yoga and tai chi, which are all easy and fun relaxation techniques. Remind yourself that what you are feeling now is temporary. It will pass.
•Count your blessings. Focus on the positives. Even if your loved one’s situation is much worse than you had expected, there are still positives. Remember the things you love about your loved one and think about the good times you shared. Try doing things you can still enjoy doing together. If you focus on the good things, you’ll be less likely to struggle with your feelings of sadness or grief.
•Divide tasks into manageable pieces. If your responsibilities feel overwhelming, break them down into small pieces. Dealing with each part individually won’t seem so intimidating. Make a mental list of the tasks and try to think about them one at a time. Try writing your list down to help you feel less overpowered by a situation.
•Express your feelings. One of the best ways to reduce your sadness or frustration is to express your feelings regularly. Find a way that you can “vent” when you are feeling down. Bottled up emotions will not go away; they will only get stronger and cause problems. You can share your feelings by talking with others, or you can express them by writing in a journal, dancing or doing artwork. Do what is best for you.
•Focus on the present. Sometimes we grieve about the future we see before us. Potential losses can be very real, but focusing your attention on them will likely cause you grief and sadness. Think less about the future and concentrate more on the present. Things might now be like they were, but they aren’t yet what you fear they will become. Enjoy what is available to you now.
•Get enough rest. Many caregivers carve extra minutes or hours out of their day be sleeping less. Although this may give you extra time, it will likely affect you in negative ways, emotionally and physically. When you don’t sleep enough, you are more likely to be short tempered and feel resentful. You will also be more prone to illness. To stay emotionally balanced, make getting enough sleep high on your list of priorities. It will help you be a better caregiver!
•Get help. If no other family members can share the tasks of caregiving, look into support offered by government and nonprofit agencies. Whether your loved one needs help with transportation, preparing meals or minor home repairs, there are programs that can help. If someone else can handle some of those tasks, then you will have more time to do the things only you can do, such as loving and caring.
•Get more information. Fear, worry and anxiety seem to thrive on uncertainty. Learn as much as you can about a situation that concerns you. There may be good reasons to worry or be afraid. If they are, you need to get more information so you can manage your level of concern appropriately. Once you are fully informed, you may view the situation differently and find ways to make it better. Remind yourself that worrying is not productive and only causes you distress.
•Join a support group. People who are “in the trenches,” just like you, know exactly what it’s like to be a caregiver. They have many similar experiences and can listen with empathy. Many of them have grappled with the same issues you’re facing and can offer useful tips and suggestions. A caregiver support group provides a safe and supportive place to share feelings and get advice. If you can’t physically make it to a local support group, consider joining our on-line caregiver community.
•Keep your sense of humor. Blessed are the flexible, for they do not get bent out of shape. Do what you can to see the lighter side. Set aside time now to do something just because it is fun, especially if it makes you laugh. Laughter is not a luxury; it is a remedy for the stressed and overloaded. Keep a list of things you like to do for fun, and try to include one every week.
•Limit the time you worry. It is easy to let fears and worry overcome you. Try keeping them in check by setting aside a special time to focus on your concerns. Make this your “worry time.” Keep your worries off limits for the rest of the day. If you have a troubling thought, write it down. Start a “worry list,” and address it during your “worry time.” Let it go until then. This allows you to stay focused, be productive and keep track of your concerns so they don’t dominate your day.
•Set up “worry guidelines.” When thinking about your loved one, it helps to have a clear sense of what is normal and what is a cause for concern. Get the information you need, and then decide when you should start to be concerned. Specifying what to be concerned about and when will help you focus your attention on action instead of worry. This can help you keep your fears in perspective.
•Look at your accomplishments. Chances are you have already done many things to help your loved one. The next time you feel guilty, acknowledge all the good things you do. You may be surprised to discover that you have much to feel good about too!
•Set limits. One of the best antidotes to giving too much is to learn to say “no.” Easier said than done, for sure! Start by listing the things only you can do versus the things that someone else could do. You might also list the things you really like to do and then the things you don’t enjoy. Once you’ve made your lists, look into options for having others relieve you of the tasks you don’t like and those that don’t require your participation. You will feel less resentful when you do only what you can.
•Think in terms of “I regret.” Guilt and blame go hand in hand. It can be hard to say “no” when others want you to do something. Saying “I’m sorry, I can’t…” or “I feel sad that I can’t…” might feel awkward, but it acknowledges that you are truly sorry that you cannot do all that is requested of you. In a subtle way, this changes your answer from being just negative to being apologetic yet aware of the disappointment it may cause.
•Take a break. We all need periods of relief. If you’re feeling emotionally overwhelmed, take a break…ten minutes, half an hour or whatever you need to work through your emotions. It helps to do something to express your feelings. Find a private place and cry, go for a walk or job, call a friend, write down what you are thinking or draw. Release the built-up emotions so you can think more clearly.
•Take time for yourself. You cannot get water from a dry well. You need to do things that replenish your inner resources. These do not have to be expressive or time consuming. Take the time to do something you enjoy, something you enjoy, something that is just for you. It will help you avoid feeling that your life is only about other people and not about you. Keep a list of things you enjoy, and try to include at least one each day.
•Talk with a friend. An old Swedish proverb says, “Shared job is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow.” Talking with a caring friend who may be able to look more objectively at the situation will bring relief and help you regain perspective.
•Try meditation or prayer. If you cannot physically get away, then take mental or spiritual breaks. Set your worries aside and clear your mind. Some people take a mental break to pray or meditate, some just unwind. Let the world spin for 5, 10 or 20 minutes without your help. It will still be there when you get back, but you will feel refreshed and have more energy ahead of you.
•Try to understand. Sometimes a loved one of other family member will say something to make you feel guilty. On one hand, there may be no excuse for it. On another, it may be a sign that that person’s emotions are reeling. They may be acting on a lifelong pattern or may be responding to fears or losses associated with illness or aging. In either case, you can keep from falling back on guilt if you remind yourself that the other person is probably scared or hurt.

Meanwhile that is too funny lizbeth, I'm coming!! and well by dropping it off at your house isn't that leaving you to take care of it, lol sorry if I snippy today..I actually just saw recently somewhere that getting rid of stuff like that is a mental issue similar but opposite to hoarding. interesting

After my nap last nite I really woke feeling we were rushed outta there and he again looked at how gaunt/thin and sunken and decided on his own she was already in dying stage by some comments he made. she had been that thin for 7 years if not 8 or 9, shortly after Namenda and Aricept were given she lost weight and holding steady since. anyway I don't feel we got the proper time and diagnosis even tho he spoke intelligently and with compassion and authority. I really feel we were just rushed outta there as he did mention he is a knee surgeon and this is not knee surgery problem....although maybe same result for treatment is just rest and recover I really think after 3 appts and ct, a proper diagnosis is deserved. I feel again like her life or comfort level or any for the elderly is not considered beyond no surgery is comfort! I don't know if that made sense but I just have the feeling he did not do proper diagnosis
I did not even get advice on how long she will hurt, typically and if she will ever stand again on it....he just said go back to GP and manange pain to keep her comfy. Christ her GP office is a nitemare and they don't have a clue on how to care for her either..
I am at a loss this morning...don't know what to do about getting her the respectful proper care she deserves!!!
Tears are flowing again
good news is my BFF called and said she wants the info on ALZ walk which I have had no time to work on getting sponsors except facebook posts....she sed she is going to get it to her church group for pledges and will get her a few friends possibly to walk with us.. I am so happy bout that...we don't have to go alone this time!! and I mite get more than 2 pledges for 10 dollars...It really does blow me away that when I post the info there is not even a like....jeez people you don't have to do anything but click n give a measly 5 bucks..i would for anyone of my friends who posted any cause they were involved with.
even recently I shared a JRTerrier post about a Puppy mill bust for that breed and a friend posted I gave them 20, how sad!!...but crickets on our effort to help ALZ Org I just feel should stop commenting how much they support and love us if they cannot even pledge a few it for the cause and mamma!!!!
Well just thrilled my Angel did call just to get that info and her group started on support!!!
Hope to get some much needed administrative crap done today and just stay in for a day, been running around everyday this week like crazy but sr companion is coming this morning may just have her take ma on wheelchair shuttle across the road to the Casino for a cup o coffee and some food or something and just have a moment to myself here all alone
cat shit on bed again this morning slept with mama and forgot to cover it up cuz stripped to pad as dog peed on it too yesterday omg...I want to get home and orgainized so bad

Well hang in there and thanks for letting me blow it out again

My mother is cleaning out all her closets, and drawers. She filled the car up and brought it to my house to donate to the thrift store. Why??? Because she is dying!!! Doesn't want to leave a bunch of stuff for my sister and I to take care of. This is a women who throws away anything she hasn't used in a week. Besides she has been dying for as long as I can remember. She's like Fred Sanford "This is it, I"m coming Elizabeth".

Could be worse Mom in Law Spreads poop on the walls & denies it. You have my sympathy anyway they get gross sometimes HANG IN THERE

well long day already at 3;30 exhausted but had a great sushi/Japanese lunch in the "big city"
Mom's best diagnosis without further MRI is Planteris tendon rupture...ankle should be completely immobilized. good lord we have been bracing and icing knee all week no attention to ankle was given...omg n wt effin f but least spoke to someone with some decent sense of compassion and intelligence. Livid but relieved at same time...I believe he was closest to right of all who have seen her, feel horrible no ice was put in right area but got it now, so that all I can do
One thing tho when I just googled back home sed must do XYZ to rule out Achilles tendon for this diagnosis, not sure he did all that, just did manual exam and sed best guess is Planteris. at least he talked intelligently and made sense outcome is the same, no surgery just make her comfortable as possible it will be a long healing process if it ever does heal! Ughhh but feeling good now!!!
I shall nap now and get on insurance stuff when I wake!!

As mom says "Love you - a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck"

We get to the wake and she thinks it's all about her!

Mame, I am sorry to hear how your mom’s health going back/forth. Hopefully she will be alright soon once that bug gets out of her symptom. Glad to hear u had a good time with your old school buddies n going to Cape Cod too. I am pack n I won’t take up much space either. Lol have a great time.
Cat, sending u lots of hugs n prayers. Keep us posted on how you are doing. I still think they should just knock u out for any booby-smashing, poking or sampling to that matter.
Bobbie, glad u had a great time with the kids at the Art Campus, sounds like it was fun.
Juju, glad your new help is actually helpful for they r hard to find so hand on to her. I call her dr and ask that same freaking question! That just makes no sense with the CT scan.
Hey, Cat, Juju, Sharyn, Cuz,
Meanwhile, that was such a cute story about the little dog. U did what was best for his own safety so don’t feel guilty. Hey, at least u took the steps to make sure someone will find where he belongs or at least adopt him to someone.
Internet sucks again n got someone coming out again. Maybe they will change the box n check the outline wires down the street. Figure now that I have just a smidgen of service the Thunder starts. ah!! Vera gets her stitches taken out tomorrow n she has already chewed off 2 of the 5. She can be a very bad kitty sometimes n she can do no-wrong. ; ) Got to get off, it it ain’t the freaking weather then it the on/off internet service n it drives me nuts!
Gotta get off n hopefully r service will start working better soon.

ok so I googled CTscan and it is for bone injuries, MRI is for soft tissue injury but I was told MRI is out cuz of hardware in knee from 15+ years ago....head spinning again what a complete waste of 2 days I could be getting house done! if dr had just come in and talked to me as I requested and they told me I would see I am sure she n I would have worked this out before wasting more time n money!!! k thought nothing would surprise me again but in utter disbelief we are still going in circles with every issue we face!!! at moms pain expense!!

Ok forgot best part of this weeks medical madness, GP office called and sed CTscan results show no fractures...I replied, well we knew that from xray, we are looking for ligament damage, or tendon. Their response "CTscan does not diagnose soft tissue damage" I calmly replied your kidding me, and thanked them for the results" WTF n this true, why the hell did we do it then? Well hopefully ortho with straighten this out then tomoro...I cant see her back at that GP less cant find a new one in time for next issue....mouth wide open and jaw dropped and livid again....what am I to do if all this misinformation is being swirled around

Last I saw our closest fire was 30,000 acres and 16% contained Monday, still seen no mention of it on national news as they had stated but I have not had time for news at that time. guess I could hit their websites. Some days you are breathing in so much smoke n some days clear. I am sad for all the wildlife and communities being destroyed..there are about 8 major ones still burning thru the region, bff had air quality issues and were told to stay indoors, fun with 7 n 12 farmboys used to running wild on the acreage!!

early morning for south ortho appt. at 9 15
Good nite to you all!!!

How is lil midget n tiger doing Sharyn...are they learning their "boundaries", lol??
Good for you meanwhile, least he is safe n warm...heartbreaking tho if he is truly orphaned, he is obviously a "people person" is it a no kill shelter? I did identify a stray once thru the rabies tag, I called animal control and they called the owner...we meet up and re-united them. Not all systems are the same tho and owner info may be outdated, we got lucky!!
another lovely day of drama! now home insurance has cancelled us due to roof deterioration risk. OMG what next, I must have home insurance to qualify for housing rehab program, and just because I must have it, got till sept 3 to get new policy or roof fixed. local agent called t inform me, I could not even comment, I just sed fine! I will call back later. I wonder if this claim is real reason as it is growing by the day! did the adjuster have something to do with it? Besides saying he would not cover roof leak at vent that put hole in ceiling?
From all I've seen everywhere lately I would not be surprised!

pina colada time?


I'm working at the Adobe house (by myself) this afternoon when I hear something odd. I look out the windows, don't see anyone, it is starting to rain, so decide I should go roll the windows up on the truck. Open the front door, and a little black dog dashes in, runs through the house, to dive in the kitchen cabinets (the doors are off). I manage to coax little dog out by sitting on the floor, where it comes and crawls in my lap. Poor little guy was just shaking in terror at the thunder. He has a rabies tag, but it's from San Antonio area (only 6 hours away). I went around and asked the neighbors if they knew the dog, but no takers. I tried to get him to go home, but he just begged to be picked up again. Open my truck door, and he jumped right in. I took him to the animal shelter, felt really guilty leaving him there, but afraid my 2 big mutts would think he was a little snack. Maybe I will call them tomorrow to see if they found his owners.

Got to get Midgets vaccines records for when we go to Idaho. I am thinking I will need them when we come back into California at the border check.

assandache7~Your mom sounds like she wants to be sure to be ready on time. It's funny some of the things our parents do. Yesterday when I visited mom, she had over done her eyebrows with a brow pencil...way too much. I got a little chuckle out of it though.

Awwwwww......We have to go to a wake tonight and my Mom's been going thru her closet for 2 hrs. and wants to get dressed 3 hrs early....... Ugh...

Good Morning Everyone....
Bob how fun, arts and kids, good to hear from you Captn!!!
Mame so glad to here from you! Have a great time on your vacation, good to hear from you also!
Wheres my girl Jen, I miss you!

Everyone thanks for providing this wonderful outlet, I would be drowning with out it. I love you all so much I cannot even say...I hope someday I really can get some boat time or visit with some of you for real. I dream of a lil vacation maybe soon! with or without ma, now my preference is with her!!!
I have to start with a positive note here...the gal I hired for in home help Is wonderful...she is bright hard working and reliable so far and her young adult children are as well. The boy cleared my yard few weeks ago in two mornings I may have mentioned and they all came to the house Monday Her, her son, dghtr and their cousin and went under the house and cleaned up the mess the "restoration team" left (insulation n plywood and the mud cakes from previous slide) did some more yardwork, brought chainsaw to trim and remove tree's I did not want...all by noon. More work to be done but they sure don't mess around!!!
Got CT scan done yesterday and made my own appt for new orthopedic specialist to look and advise on moms knee....I actually made two, one south, Thurs, and one north Mon. will decide today and cancel one out I am pretty sure I will go south as sooner and nearer where we would like to move. Either are little less than 2 hr haul. She is stable but still wailing with every touch n move. My poor girl. The CTscan was done at the beloved hospital that butchered her I was leary but had no time to resked again once I realized may be another option in town, imaging facility, I had thought that was the only one but didn't want any more delay. The good news Is I casually requested all her xrays from Feb (to try to see if I could get the files the risk manager prepared and obviously omitted from the records they provided to me in June) and bingo yes I did get the missing smoking gun document. I was excstatic about that but still have had no time to even find an attorney or prepare my outline of the debotchery there. Just feel lot better having in hand, what they trying to hide!!! It is in my head clear as day...and notes everywhere just need to get it organized. Ha ha ha I can barely keep us going here but I have faith again...It was starting to wain this past week.
Still delays and issues with getting house rebuild started but getting a bit done as I can.. I told adjuster it will be delayed due to mom's injury... he had no problem but still I want to get home...these pets are making me crazy and the extra work, n cramped quarters are difficult. I bought a hotplate in town yesterday and couple camping pans to make something a lil different than microwave and powdered eggs but brkfst buffet is a blessing as I thought I stretch it to lunch for ma....yogurt banana boiled eggs etc..make egg salad..she gets biscuit n gravy n the "scrambled egg stuff" in the early am, nice n soft. They have a pancake machine I am going to hijack, a button and the lovely lil cakes just come rolling out...
Daycamp: I took her for first time after CTscan so I could get errands done and of course now everything has changed...Her worker called me right after I dropped her off stating she is approved for 20 days thru Jan which equals bout 1 day a I wish I didn't use one whole day for couple hours but guess it was ok. Director of facility swears not to worry she will get me more time as she states people are not using funds..i do not hold out hope if SSvc is in control they are not very attentive...fry's my ass tho as I in a conversation last week w/ director she sed are you the one who needs respite cuz you travel to Europe....omg they are giving away to people who do that and I am nearly killing myself and haven't had a day off in four plus years and only a handful in the nine....anyway we will see and I was not pleased with them when I picked her up...
went thru 2hr intake last week and the most important things I mentioned is limit coffee as she will only ask for that and then fill up, not eat and keep her diapered properly as we are fighting bedsores, mechanical soft diet as she spits anything out that she cannot swallow right away...mashed/puree foods are needed. Well she was soaking wet and poopy, they countered well she was happy and had tons of coffee...omg...then I inquired on what she ate "pizza and mashed potatoes but left the potatoes" she cant eat pizza, don't know how the hell she ate pizza but sucking the topping off n spitting the bread out and the protein powder I brought was to be mixed in potatoes she didn't eat...OMG I just smiled and said thanks and got us in car(changing her in parking lot as we stood her up cuz she was soaked) I will type everything up and bring it on a clipboard or something and have them log everything when I go next time cuz I really need the day even if it only 1 day a week, it is still twelve hours just now to fill the day with errands in town so I don't have to go back n forth 2 hrs on road! they did leave a note in bag I found at home saying she was changed at 4:50 have no idea if BM tho I will call. Now that she is on PK's again all day she is constipated so I have been giving her meds for that so I need to know if she pooped or not!
I will just take charge but I couldn't yesterday as things are crazy and just dropped her off hoping they would be instructed per our intake directions!
I will not let this help backfire!

Well I am going to be busy beyond imagination but trying to stay calm and focused best I can....blowing up will not help anyone!! and so much to do need to be organized bout this and calm cool n collected.

Have a good day my boatmates....I am always thinking of you and hoping for the best for us all!!

Good Morning Crew,

The last week has been a blast with the arts camp program here. I got to teach and learn and the kids had a great time.

Cat, the input you requested:
The Kushi Institute in the Berkshires, Massachusetts.
This is a place you can Google and learn about their programs which include recovery from cancer surgeries and treatments.
General Health:
Healthy Healing by Linda Rector Page. Available on Amazon. Excellent book.
Norman Walker has written a handful of books on juicing and can be researched on Amazon.
Omega Juicer model 1000. Looks like a little R2D2 sitting on your counter and works like a charm.
Hope everything goes well for you and you recover from your ordeals quickly.

Everyone rant and rave as much as you want because that's what this is for.
I hope everyone is doing the best they can with what they are dealing with.

Shout outs to everyone!
We are running the dock for this week so I have to go and help tie up a boat.


Best Sex Ever

The husband leans over and asks his wife, “Do you remember the first time we had sex together over fifty years ago? We went behind this very tavern where you leaned against the back fence and I made love to you.“Yes, she says, “I remember it well.”“OK,” he says, “How about taking a stroll around there again and we can do it for old time’s sake?”“Oh Charlie, you old devil, that sounds like a crazy, but good idea!”
A police officer sitting in the next booth heard their conversation and, having a chuckle to himself, he thinks to himself, I’ve got to see these two old-timers having sex against a fence.I’ll just keep an eye on them so there’s no trouble. So he follows them. The elderly couple walks haltingly along, leaning on each other for support aided by walking sticks. Finally, they get to the back of the tavern and make their way to the fence.The old lady lifts her skirt and the old man drops his trousers. As she leans against the fence, the old man moves in.Then suddenly they erupt into the most furious sex that the policeman has ever seen. This goes on for about ten minutes while both are making loud noises and moaning and screaming. Finally, they both collapse, panting on the ground.The policeman is amazed. He thinks he has learned something about life and old age that he didn't know.After about half an hour of lying on the ground recovering, the old couple struggle to their feet and put their clothes back on.The Policeman, is still watching and thinks to himself, this is truly amazing, I've got to ask them what their secret is.So, as the couple passes, he says to them, “Excuse me, but that was something else. You must’ve had a fantastic sex life together. Is there some sort of secret to this?”
Shaking the old man is barely able to reply, “Fifty years ago that wasn't a electric fence.”

Mame~Hubby has been juicing on and off for a couple months only once a day. I hope your mom gets to feeling better soon. It does seem at times that progress is made and then setbacks happen. It is hard on both of you. Enjoy your deserve it.
Juju~Your mom is one tough lady. I know this is hard for you seeing her in pain, I sure hope the dr.'s can do something to ease her pain. The situation you are living in is difficult and I hope the day camp works out. I did get my hair cut but have not had time to dye it yet. Not much progress on my girlcave since I have taking care of things for mom the last few days.

Mame: Have an absolutely fantastic time.

Hi All! Mom was getting better after her hospital stay...but has come down with a cold and is very weak again. Can't stand or walk. Seems like we took 3 steps forward and 5 back! Ugh. I had 24 hours away this weekend with old high school friends. Was so much fun and laughter. Hoping to get mom better by the weekend cause I leave for the week in Cape Cod! If not, my sis and bro are going to have to wing it! Visiting Nurse is coming once a week, aide to help bathe 2x a week and PT 2x a week. The PT was shocked at how fast she got weak. But he agrees that she can bounce back. Fingers crossed. I am just tired.
Juju-you must be exhausted! You are going thru soooo much!
Cat-your attitude is amazing! My prayers are with you especially while in the "torture chamber!"
Meanwhile-I laughed hysterically about the centipede and lizard! Glad you got out for a ride.
Hi Sharyn-recipe sounds yummy! My son just bought a juicer and it is sooo cool watching it work!
Hey Lildeb and welcome Kazzaa. How is our Captain doing? Jen-I liked Gerry Rafferty too...Hi Linda09 and Daizy and Cuz-haha, Austin, Kuli and Deef-how ya doin? And Flex and anyone else I may have missed!
I can't keep track of the days of the week but on Facebook-someone always puts up that commercial of the camel on hump day! It is very funny....Good advertising right? Haha
Mom is napping and I should be too. Can't keep my eyes open today. So much to do before vacation. I am sooo looking forward to it. Never been to the Cape. And, don't get vacation very often-it has been years! So, I am getting excited. Would be happier if mom was healthier. Oh well, it is what it is!
Hope everyone is doing ok! Mame

ouch, good one....
I have to add we were talking bout the Hump day commercial at DR wtg room today that Cat talking about, love it. Lady there made it her ring is pretty funny! and the Old Macdonald one too!

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