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Gunfighting Tips

A Cowboy sitting in a saloon one Saturday night, he recognized an elderly man standing at the bar who, in his day, had the reputation of being the fastest gun in the West.
The young cowboy took a place next to the old-timer, bought him a drink and told him the story of his great ambition.
'Do you think you could give me some tips?' he asked.
The old man looked him up and down and said, 'Well, for one thing, you're wearing your gun too high. Tie the holster a little lower down on your leg.'
'Will that make me a better gunfighter?' asked the young man.
'Sure will,' replied the old-timer.
The young man did as he was told, stood up, whipped out his 44 and shot the bow tie off the piano player.
'That's terrific!' said the hot shot.. 'Got any more tips for me?'
'Yep,' said the old man. 'Cut a notch out of your holster where the hammer hits it. That'll give you a smoother draw'.
'Will that make me a better gunfighter?' asked the younger man.
'You bet it will, ' said the old-timer.
The young man took out his knife, cut the notch, stood up, drew his gun in a blur, and then shot a cuff-link off the piano player.
'Wow!' exclaimed the cowboy 'I'm learnin' somethin' here. Got any more tips?'
The old man pointed to a large can in a corner.
'See that axle grease over there? Coat your gun with it.'
The young man went over to the can and smeared some of the grease on the barrel of his gun.
'No,' said the old-timer, 'I mean smear it all over the gun, handle and all.'
'Will that make me a better gunfighter?' asked the young man.
'No,' said the old-timer, 'but when Wyatt Earp gets done playing the piano, he's gonna shove that gun up your ass, and it won't hurt near as much.

Juju, so sorry your mother is hurting like that. Enjoy your cocktail

I mite not ever have time to paint my toes or dye my hair but I am going to see if I have enuf energy to make it to ice machine n make a pina colada in magic bullet I brought for ma's food puree....I haven't had a cocktail in weeks!!!

OMG her GP managed to screw up the whole CT scan appt....we have a brace for knee, slightly more sturdy than the one I bought Saturday... n cat sed "eyes rolling"!!! and I must put her thru the misery of getting in n out of the car again tomorrow...I seriously have never seen her in so much pain my whole life....going over door jam in wheelchair she screams...I am more than livid now...these are the damn doc's again. How the hell do they get thru med school, I should have gone with my gut and taken her than waiting and following their direction.
I must go before I say something I regret.....thanks for the vent....
Love to you all for letting me be and blowing it out!!!
hang in there!

Cat, I am so proud of you for your wonderful resolve, it is scary and your mamma did ya right!! Prayers and white lite to you X10!


Best to juice the above recipe.

Cat~Totally agree the mac and cheese is not a healthy recipe, however, if you and others are interested in cancer fighting is one
2-3 carrots
5-6 leaves lacinato kale, maybe about a cup and a half once de-ribbed and roughly chopped
2-3 celery stalks
half a cucumber
juice of 1/4 to 1/3 lemon
couple dashes of habanero hot sauce
a drizzle of olive oil

Meanwhile: Thanks for the smoothie recipe!!! So glad to know that Omaha is thriving. That boy has an amazing spirt, but bottom line, he knows he is loved. That's some good medicine in itself.

Oh, Cat. I sure hope everything goes smoothly and as pain free as possible. Your very brave. Thanks for remembering Omaha. He is doing wonderful. Getting huge, almost 16 hands and still growing. Had his teeth checked last month, and the Vet said his permanent teeth are coming in and looking great. His baby teeth were terrible because of the malnutrition. He banged his eye a couple of days ago. Not bad, but a little nick in the lower eyelid. Been putting antibiotic in his eye 3 times a day. He is really good about getting stuff poked in his eye. Just flinches a little. He is so trusting, amazing after everything he has been through.
I have smoothie recipe I like. Blueberries, raspberries, and flax seed meal in the blender, add to yogurt (maybe some honey or stevia for sweetness). Some pecans or walnuts on top is good too.
Prayers, white light, and anything else positive I can think of going your way.

Juju: You just keep ranting. My heart goes out to you and I admire all you endure and the progress you have made. Your mom is so fortunate to have a daughter with such compassion. Just try really hard to do what you can to take care of yourself too. And thanks for thinking of me.

Meanwhile: Glad you got out for a ride......not long enough, but a ride none the less and it's good to hear about Omaha. Sounds like he is doing good. Blessings to you for giving him a good chance at life. How is that Adobe Abode doing? Give us a progress report.

Sharyn: Yummers on the mac and cheese, but I think I am going to have to do more in the food category that is cancer fighting. Checking out some web sites and bought a couple of cook books. Need to do some raw food things. Smoothies and just basically eliminating sugar and those things we know are not good for us while increasing the things that are most beneficial.

Hey Bobbie: This would be a good time for you to stop with Bejeweled and give us some good recipes for healthy eating. Haha. Seriously, I would appreciate your input.

Ok: Next step for me is the lumpectomy this coming Thursday. I am not the least bit concerned about the surgery, it's the flipping pre-op shit that makes a few beads of sweat burst forth on my tired brow. Dang, more time in the tittie vise. I just hate that.

So, I have to be at the hospital at 6:30am. The town is booked to the max on hotels so we will get up way early and drive there. Leaving here at 3:30 am or 4am. When we arrive I go to the imaging center and back into the vice of the mammogram machine. Dang. They will numb up my breast....this hurts....and because the malignancy is so deep, I can't hardly take a breath when I am squished to smithereens in the vice. It feels like the machine is clamped down all the way my ribs. You can hardly take a breath. Just the loss of being able to take a breath is a panicky feeling. I'm comparing what is coming to what it was like with the first biopsy. I also remember that the numbing meds didn't work so well on the first biospy because the site of the tumor was so deep in the breast. How can this be any different? I'm not stupid.

So, they numb up the breast and you are in the vice all this time because they have to use mammography to guide them to where the surgery needs to take place. Trust me, this is picture after picture. Squishing forever, cause once you are in the vice, you don't get out until it's all done. Picture after picture, don't breath, like I could breath anyway. So when they are certain they have the lay of the land, they insert wires into my poor boobie. The wires are tiny, like a hair, but they need to be on both sides of the area that the surgeon has to remove. Now no one told me how they direct these wires into place, so I am wondering if it done via needle. However it is done, I'm not looking forward to it. Got to be special because they gave me a prescription for Ativan that I need to have filled and ready to take 30 minutes before I get to the hospital. Once I get there, I take another one. Whoooooo, didn't have to do that for the first biopsy. There's a clue.

Another treat during this procedure is the injection of radioactive material into my breast. The surgeon said, and I quote, "It stings, but it's not too bad." Eye roll on my part. Right!!

The good news is that according to the schedule that I have, I should only be in the torture chamber for 30 minutes. Oh God, I hope that's true. I can do 30 minutes, just don't make it an hour, ok?

Surgery is scheduled for 9:45am. I will go to last...........and wake up......hopefully......and go to two levels of recovery and then I AM OUT OF THERE!!!!!!!!!! We have been given a fast track pass for the ferry that takes across the Sound. We get to go to the front of the line so I am happy to know that we won't have to wait too long to get across the water and be headed home. We will be hitting the big traffic, so that pass will save us some time.

Have any of you seen that dumb camel commercial about Hump Day. It makes me laugh. If you haven't seen it, google it. Hump Day commercial will get you dialed in. That how I will feel when I leave that place...............Hump DAY, Yeah!!!

I really love this woman who is my surgeon. She is just awesome. She will be on vacation the week after my lumpectomy so I had a choice; I could come back to Seattle and meet with her nurse practitioner on the 15th of August, or I could wait until the 19th and meet with the surgeon and the medical oncologist. I chose the later. Of course the results from the pathology report will be ready a while before the 19th, so my surgeon will post them on my online chart and I will sit here at my computer, all by myself, and read the facts of the matter. Kind of creepy to just be notified of your stage of cancer and all the other details in such an impersonal way, but what the fuck. It is what is is. I'd just as soon get it this way and meet with her and the med. oncologist at the same time on the 19th.

I'll tell you something.......I watched my mom go through a lot of tests, pain and various surgeries. Bless her soul, she could sure be a difficult person at various times, but she was one major trooper at other times. I feel like she left me with some calming memories. If she could go through everything she went through with surgeries and anxiety, I can do the same. I think I would be far more fearful if I had not gone through so many situations with her. She gives me an example to follow and one that I feel at peace with. I can do this and I'm grateful for my mom showing me many scary things can be conquered.

Sending you all the best wishes for conquering your scary things. Keep me in your prayers and send me that white light. I'm scared, but I will be ok.

Love you,


Juju, rant away if it helps. That's what we are here for.
Yummy recipe, Sharyn.
I did get to ride this weekend. Rode the youngster (Omaha) yesterday, and Cory today. Didn't get to ride very long. Still trying to finish the work on the adobe house.

For those who are interested: The mac and cheese recipe...I used medium cheddar cheese, goat cheese with red wine, and gruyere cheese..which is a mild swiss cheese. You should be able to get all 3 at walmart which is much less than a regular grocery store.

I started with a rue...3 tbl spoons of flour and 3 tbl spoons of margarine, butter or lard (must be a fat). Whisk the flour and fat together in a fry pan on medium heat stirring constantly for about 4 min. Have all the cheese grated and add it to the rue. I used heavy whipping cream but milk will work just fine, add the cream or milk to the rue and cheese and thin it to the consistency you like. I also added red pepper and crumbled bacon....this is not a recipe for those on a diet. Boil the macaroni until done, drain and add to the rue/cheese mixture. Add additional cream or milk as desired. Put in a 9 x 13 glass dish top with bread crumbs....seasoned or plain and bake at 350 until bubbly. Use your imagination with the cheese choices and enjoy.

Juju~I plan to work in my girlcave the next couple of days. My son may be visiting the first week in Sept. and I must have an organized place for him to stay while he is here. Going to go to home depot tomorrow to check on shelving and crown moulding. Blessing to everyone has been a busy nine days straight of working, I am tired but relaxed. Had a great visit with mom today and will go back tomorrow. Wishing everyone a happy week, progress, and peace!!

Thanks for listening and apologize for my ranting!!! I am so tired and upset I don't know what to do!! Rested all day yesterday and need to get chores and bills done today I did not get to the bills last week but I found them, lol!!!!

Well just want to say I am sorry for all my post this week and appreciate all putting up with it
Jen--how did the water come out, did you hear yet bout the test? I am still thinking of a road trip north...we can get you out for a while..when this latest drama is settled n house up n running.
Bob--how are things there. are the stars aligning, lol....but seriously, how is it going? how is the boat?
Lil deb--hope kitty is on the mend, still improving. I caught my boy assuming the position and spanked n scolded him, hope he is getting it..i must make sure to scoop box constantly but last time it was clean...ughhh It was wee hours and didn't see puddle....pulled plastic to go to bed and splashed it all over me n the room...don't think it was a lot but still gross washed up changed pjs n went to, uncovered, other bed stacked with boxes.
Sharyn--how are things with you? Did you get any more work on girlcave..I am going shopping today or tomoro for rebuild items that should be fun!!
Kuli--how is your friend doing? hope she is getting the help she needs!!!
Cuz--thinking of your brother and hope you all are doing ok
Cat--I always am thinking of you and soon as we thru this we might just have to getaway and grab Jen and come cheer you up in your recovery!! I hope this procedures are as comfortable as they can lumpectomy done awake or must you go under???
Meanwhile--Hope you are getting some more riding in on your precious delivery and foot is doing well.
Christina, Austin, deef, flex, jenny and the other newer ones and all others I did not mention we are thinking of you and everyone here, always in our prayers.
We have a lot of love and appreciation for all and so grateful for your support.
Happy Sunday all.....Hang in there

oh sharyn that mac n cheese sounds good. I got a green salad with scoop of seafood salad on top. Mom is hopped up on PK's and enjoying a "fresh blackberry" milkshake from a sidewalk burger café down the is really yummy, I had some. she is loving it but spitting seeds everywhere, I don't care!!! We are watching TV n holding hands It is creeping up to 90's again...
They say the fire closest to me is reaching national attention level, I know the guard was called out but I have not heard anything on the little bit of nat news I have been able to watch!! It is crazy tho my BFF cannot even go outside at her place, air quality warnings and smoke is thicker down there than here but ours is larger...I don't get that maybe cause it is flatter there, we are in a valley and protected??? Anyway there are so many in diff areas from No. California to Eugene and heat is on way up!!

ok have a good weekend y'all!!

Hi all....How are you all doing...Meanwhile that centipede fascinating but kinda icky at the same time..i do love all critters until they are a nuisance, lol..I remember first moved here found a jeruselem cricket..bout 2in at least I had to pics and google to find out...he did look just like jiminy cricket! And my snakes n frogs I find all the time..actually a frog was in moms bed pad laundry I was doing rite before I left house...I have that hamper outdoors and sort it there but brought it in n started loading machine fromthere and froggy jumped out at me scared the peeps outta me n had to try to catch him to put out that was funny..

Relaxing with ma today this has been too crazy and I need to be with her today!!

my apologies for going on n on this week has been rough! Thanks Cat and Sharyn for the thoughts and well wishes! And your white light back to you Cat you are going thru so much as well!!!

Have to add I think I WILL be taking her to daycamp as I really need a break after this, I wonder if I could just pay extra to stay overnight too so I could go to bff 2hrs away, but I will start slow, little at a time, I am so leary of it now, she is hurting so bad, but only when I move or even touch her right leg...I think I will let her heal a bit or idk.... everything else can wait now construction etc...this really did turn into another nitemare and yes we will have a nice fresh clean house but at the cost of my mothers pain n suffering.
I am flippin mad cuz they did take the bedframe off now, but she is already injured....I asked twice starting 10 days ago and even made the point that I did not get liability/ada issue as we are extended stay and disabled this is needed to prevent injury. WTF they all sorry and accommodating fallin over themselves to apologize now but her ligament is already snapped! OMG what else can she endure...I am working real hard on staying calm!!!
Very grateful we are tough women...can endure a lot!! especially her...I don't think I could ever do and go thru what she has, with my dad for 58ys and all! I would have left him, but he did have a good heart deep down, just an ill guy!! so idk....I love my mama and hate to see her hurting in this stage of her life it scares me, I feel the pain alone could do her in????

Well I will try to pipe down here and hope you all enjoy your weekend to the best you can. sending love n peace to all. Hang in there, all of you!!!


Oh dear!! Well ive had enough of buying facecloths fay or myself(dont even ask!!)

Anyway I put all my things in my bedroom AND LOCK IT (key is with me!!! AWFUL but its the only way!!! Yes my towels,facecloths,toothbrushes,sponges NOTHINGS SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!

well googled knee ligament problems and it is going to be a long painful injury, probably permanent pain situation as surgery is not in the cards for her. I fear now how much pain can her little body endure..i am fighting with my resolve this morning but I am insisting they take this bedframe off as the rollaway crowded us so bad that the wheelchair could not be on the proper side...they still say liability but I calmly explained we already have a liability as she has been injured. They are sending someone down "to see what they can do" the pods I reserved for Monday so we can store all unnessecary furniture and move back is not available in our area although the online res system checks your address so no go there, omg I was so mad but stayed calm. And it just doesn't seem safe either for pets with the rinkydink safety barriers cordoning off open floors just frame with construction netting 2" I can see pets feet tangling or just breaking they got to do something here! or we have to move and I have no one to help this time it will be me then I need to find a place, I looked into houses last week and either pets or wheelchair access etc...

sorry for ranting again I am just so sad today, I cant win, I cant stand to see momma hurting so bad, this is worse than her hip pain was. good grief poor sweet thing.

Hope you all are hanging in there...and shout out everyone..keep your chin up and I will try too also!!!

Something happened here that I had to submit my post before I was done... I am learning windows 8 a little different than what I am used to. I will make this short.

I work nine then I have 3 days off. I made homemade mac and cheese using 3 different cheeses and I must is yummy!! Have a good weekend every one, blessings and to all of you and all you are going thru!!

Hello Everyone!!

Cat~I hope the next procedure goes smoothly for you with little discomfort. Your attitude is great and while you are going through all this please know that we all are with you in spirit. Hugs to you!!

Lildeb~The first kittie I had to put down was my soul kittie. He grew up with my children, was so gentle and loved everyone. My husbands grandmother hated cats, but when she came over to visit, Max would single her out and ended up on her lap every time!! I really think he was a Maine Coons possibly a mix because his personality was so loyal, gentle. I had to put him down on April 15th 2005, the day before our wedding anniversary....that is how special he was that I remember the date.

Juju: So sorry about your mom getting hurt. Geez, can't something go smooth for a couple of weeks? I am praying for you both that she mends quickly and things get into some kind of calm routine. Really sorry, Juju. Don't give up, you are making amazing progress. Sending your hugs and lots of white light.

Went to my pre-op appointment today. Nothing much to report on. I pretty much knew everything that they had to say. Not looking forward to more squishes from the mamogram machine while they insert wires as a guide to the surgeon. I get the usual numbing from lanocaine, oh, plus I get a little ativan to help with the wire procedure. Aww, just another 30 minutes of misery and then on to the surgery and it will be over. Looking forward to getting the results of the pathology and, once again moving on to the next step.

Sending all of you my very best wishes for some lightness and happiness in each of your days.

Hugs and Love,


I was going to add last nite it is kinda a shame that I now finally found respite care as now is when I want to be with ma and have severe issues with others caring for her...after todays incendent I just might have to find a place for her but maybe not cuz if we were home her chair would be on proper side and this may not have happened idk, I am just beside myself Is all linked to the broken hip and back bothched up by hospital but also could be turned back on me as someone could say I can no longer care for her if she keeps getting injured...I am just fried today and devastated!!!
This is getting serious.....she doesn't deserve this pain and we don't deserve the grief, stress and complications from other peoples error's!!!!
sorry I am just really stressed out now n pounding headache...maybe time for a 1/2 Xanax day!!!

Well as all is going well, it was to good to be true. Mom was finishing dinner as I typed last nites update. I went to get her in her chair for some TV n relax before bed and something went POP and she belted out a wimper...I was steppin on her toes so I thought I broke one but checked n rubbed em and were fine, she said pain went away. putting her in bed she was wimpering again, thought it was just stiffness from a long day but she was screamin in pain and knee soo swollen this morning. took her local clinic (I just found and has xray machine) they see nothing think probably snapped a ligament or tendon and will need MRI/CATscan for determination. we are trying to get that arranged as she will be there Monday but it is leg up Ice on n off and pain meds X3 till then. I hear those injuries are very lengthy and painful. Home health was just going to release us early cause no need she was doing so good... good lord what next, I cant take much more!!! She cant take much more..... her poor lil broken body, I am just in tears this afternoon. the only thing wasn't by the book her wheelchair should have been on other side of chair but there is no room for it and she is pretty good with the transfers so I wasn't too concerned till now, crap, shit, f#$k!!!!! I cant stand to see her hurt like that, and my head is going to explode I swear!
Deef hope you doing ok, n hope the same to flex, been a while for her!
Hello to everyone..Jen, Bob, Cuz, Cat, Sharyn, meanwhile, lildeb & Everyone : Mame where are you and how you doing?
Well have a good day y'all..Hang in there.....time to ice off, lol! (Ice on, ice off) then I am going to try to relax a bit!
Peace out,

Juju, your making great progress with everything.
Found an 8 inch long centipede in the bathroom this morning. My sister beat it to death with a shoe. I think she beat it for 10 minutes, just to make sure it was dead. Then my sister goes to her quilting group at the church, and finds an 8 inch long striped lizard in the bathroom. All the other little old ladies go screaming out, Sis catches it with her bare hands and releases it outside.

Oops hit enter by mistake...
Two more contractors came by today I really have a good solid idea what needs to be done and believe we may not have as much to do on our dime as initially thought....

So good day (I think) here. Exhausted as usual. But more babysteps!!!
We are so grateful to you all and this thread and site for saving us from disaster!!! I cannot express my joy in finding it. I wish once things settle to be more of a supporter than supportee, lol!!!
Hope you all are having the best day possible! Hang in there!

Good news, The respite program accepted mom and they have no limits to the amount of visits per client so I can take her 5 days a week up to 12 hrs, OMG, that is a lot and she suggested I take advantage as much as possible before the funds or rules are changed as it is a new program...
Now my big issue is to feel she is safe and cared for properly after the nitemares we went thru at the hospitals (and the Rehab facility before I came on this site in Feb) it was awful there she had bedsores and was left alone in the corner transported improperly to xray falling outta her chair etc...I had to leave after our paperwork session and interview but will bring her back and do a tour and get all the details on the facility Monday after her other appts in town....Yes we are finally getting her CATscan and EEG Monday to determine her dementia diagnosis and stages...that issue that had me frazzled way back when I first came on the site (that those tests had not even been suggested by any of her GP's and Neuro scolded me for not being there sooner back 8 ys ago) before my faith in the med system had been shattered by incompetence! I now do not let anything surprise me and am taking an aggressive role, as time allows....
This is crazy but respite if I can trust them will be a blessing right now with all to do with house and legal, I need to find an eldercare attorney next!!!

Praying for you cat, that must be frustrating to no extent I can even imagine....Hang in there. We are praying for you here!!! Glad you had a nice visit with your granddaughter and nice to have her around to help keep your mind away from these troubles beset you!!!
Luv n Hugs,

Juju, good for you getting that respite break. Even though its 2hrs at least u don't have to dish out any $ n any small break is good for the both of you. Hey, if u can get 12hrs paid help good for you n I am jealous.
Cat, what a mess n that has to have u all upset with two different answers. I just wait on the biopsy diagnosed. I hope all goes well. Sending you some of that 'white-light' toward your way for a change. I know this is not enough as one of us being their with you n i wish I could for your biopsy to just hold you hand to let u know we all care. However, We r all here for you n sending you prayers.

Has anyone heard from Deef n Book?
Mil not having anymore day-night mares n retaining her 80lbs so that is good news. My baby Vera is finally feeling better since she started the new antibiotics. I just have to keep her from biting the stitches out until it time to get them pluck out. Hubby goes back to school Thursday n the students go next wk. Happy-happy, joy-joy. At least he has been trying to help with his mom.
gotta go cook something for supper. ttyl.

Hi All: Going try to do this quick before weather gets bad again or we lost the net again. Bob, I hear ya when it comes to internet. Drives me nuts when it is so slow that I don’t have the patient to stay on.
Juju, u r sooooooo welcome of the goody gross stuff. Lol That plastic on the bed was a good idea. I would put his butt up in the bathroom too for the stuff he is doings. Too bad he won’t go in the tub for that would be really easy to clean up. What about giving him some cat-nip to help calm him down? I hope all your stuff is okay n not messed up with the rain. Seem like u got some stuff. It’s amazing all the stuff we collect over the years. Hey, at least when it is all done u will have really nice floors. Glad u was able to get the roll-a-away bed for your mom. At least that will be little relief for you.
Jen, The ole saying, “When it rains it pours.” That was mine kind of luck last wk. sorry u r having such a time with some bad luck. It just has to get better. With all the things coming by your path I can see why u feel yucky. However, what a handy-woman u have become fixing the cable n your mom too. I hope u get to feeling better soon.
Meanwhile, thanks, she is feeling much better n talking all the time since they started her on a new antibiotic. They also stitch her up Tues to close the hole. I started putting a little water n her can food. Doing research to find out what is the best can food to prevent her IBD from getting bent out of shape too. She has also been on prednisone for year due to the IBd n has a sensitive tummy. I now have to make sure she doesn’t pull the stitches out until her ten days r up.
Mil hasn’t had any more night-day mares so that’s good news n she is keeping her weight at 80lbs which is great for her. Hubby starts back school Thursday n the students go back next wk. Yeah, for he is driving me nuts at the house all day. At least he has been trying to help with his mom but sometimes he is just all n the way. I know how to get rid of him for a little while, just turn on the vacuum cleaner. Lol
Sharyn, wow n so sorry u had to do that to your kitties. They r like r own children n I my heart goes out to you. You did what was best for their health. Vera about 12yrs n they just started her on Science Diet and Royal SO. She has been on prednisone n the dry SD for years n that would constipate her. The dry CD she didn’t like. Now I am doing research on types of can cat-food for IBD to find what is best for her to prevent her tummy from acting up. They had a few recalls a few yrs ago on the Science Diet so kind of scary to feed it to her. ( I used the eye dropper that came with her first antibiotic. Come to find out it wasn’t the water but where the stupid bowl was located! Why do I have to pick the dumb animals is beyond me. I guess, I fit in the same category.

Thanks juju cat and Linda.
talked to deef she is OK swamped with the after effects of family loss, and gonna take some time off. But she is OK.
Listening to Lobo here. fp out of house at foot app. God that feels good: him just NOT HERE!

Cat hope the biopsy is quick and thorough and everything is OK.

bob miester....

Love Gerry Rafferty...Sad he died...

changed meds today...shall see...cheapest swimming I can find $31 a month. Got to figure something out...

hi to rip and lil and juju and cuz and meanwhile and cat and Christina!;)

hi u all . just heard about deef . deef i am so sorry for ur loss . big hugs comin at ur way , xoxo
cat - prayers been done .
jsomebody - i am so so sorry for what ure going thru , i sure hope that u will get some help and feel better ,
i agree ymca is all about money ! it should be go by base of ur income . i wanted to join but walked backwards when they expect me to cough up what i have . nanana .
i am doing ok , trying some meds to treat fibromaglic so far its doing the job but still ache here and there , at least i dont feel like i been hit by a bus anymore ...
i havent been drivin by lately so i know i missed out alot . just caught the part where deefer lost her mom .
i grief everytime i get on here and its not healthy for me , tnite ahh what the hell , now im griefing for deef , jsomebody , all of you ! meanwhile - did u break ur leg again ? oh lordy ,
bobbie - hi there :-) . hope to see u one day soon when i make the trip back down ...
christina !! xoxoxox
love you all and take care ,
austin - hows ur guy ?
my mind is a blank and i dont know what eles to say .
love you all !!! xoxo

Cat,Your in my prayers too.

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