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Cat You are on our prayer list. Hugs

Little old Bruce goes to the doctor and says, "Doctor I have this problem with gas, but it really
doesn't bother me too much. They never smell and are always silent. As a matter of fact I've passed wind at least 20 times since I've been here in your office. You didn't know I was passing wind because it doesn’t smell and it is silent".

The doctor says "I see. Take these pills and come back to see me next week."

The next week the Bruce goes back, "Doctor," he says, "I don't know what the heck you gave me, but now my wind, although still silent, it smells terrible."
"Good", the doctor said, now that we've cleared up your sinuses, let's work on your hearing."

Deef: I'm thinking about you. Any chance you can give us an update and some more info about how you are doing? We are here for you.

As to my BC. I am signed up to a thing called My Chart, so anytime something new is posted to my chart, I am alerted by email to check in and read. So last Tuesday, around 10:30 pm, I get an email that I have a new test result. I check in and find out that Swedish reviewed the tissue slides of my original biopsy. The tests Swedish did came up with a different result than the original biopsy interpretation. According to Swedish Breast Care Center, my cancer is not low grade, it is high grade. The cells are not well differentiated, meaning they look close to normal. Instead they are more abnormal looking. On a scale of 1 to 9, 9 being the highest, I am now an 8.

I have decided that I will not know what they heck is going on until the lumpectomy is performed and we have a good lump of tissue to dissect. I talked to the surgeon and asked if she thought I should cancel my Alaska trip. In short, she said the time saved could make a difference, so no Alaska for me.

Lumpectomy is set for August 8th. Going to pre-op appointment this Friday. I'm putting my faith in God and accepting that everyday is a good day and it's time to start living in the moment. Not worrying so much about dying, but I would like to make the best of the life I have.....something we all need to do. Every moment is a gift and we all tend to think tomorrow is the answer. Tomorrow is a figment of our imagination. Now is what counts.

Blah, Blah, don't mean to go on, but just a reminder.

oops that was supposed to say 12 hrs day on the respite program!!!
n The gray is just getting grayer, but I have the stuff with me to get it done in case I find a shred of energy to do...
Love to you all!!!

Well first day to ourselves and enuf energy to get things done the stacks of paperwork I was working on and had to throw in boxes out and reorganized, I was literally in the middle of cleaning out files n cabinet so stuff was everywhere....Contractor came n met me last nite and seems pretty sharp but lots of the work will be our responsibility so I am now forced to drop everything and get app filled out for the housing rehab program (help with financing and grants for home repairs) and going to make sure I get the respite app done too today n tomorrow and drop all off Thursday when mom goes to DR then I can start respite care I have to drop n pic up 25 miles away but it is a mem care residential facility so they should be able to care for her decently there and no cost to me, not sure how much time but in a brief talk with director could be 2-3 times week for up to 2 hours a day!! that will be wonderful if she qualifies, don't know till I get her up there Thurs.
Well our county is now a declared state of emergency the large fires are 15-20 miles south but I just read our favorite river spot has be closed I was thinking of trying to get out there for a lil break, hahahha....dreams!!! the wind has blown lots of smoke our way today, a haze is in the sky...not just plumes from afar! Thunder (n lightning) storms are on the forecast again but it is at least 10 degrees+ cooler this week. Sure makes a difference just for getting out n about. don't think it will help the tinder situation...I really need to give the yard a good soak but cant. THis is kinda scary but I am not going to dwell on it. nothing I can do

Well exhausted still, mainly mentally much to catch up on, bills to pay stuff to take care of but we are doing has been locked in bath most of the time..i probably pissing him off good! lol! oh well he shudda not pee'd on me

Bob you crack me up, I like to pee on him too, lol!!!!

gotta go, love to you all!!! Hang in there, I am...hahahha


Water tests in the loop, tech guy says they should be OK, will hear today if it is bad, or by letter if it is OK....Still feel SICK but it could be heat, stress, old man feces everywhere!!!

I fixed the cable, took four hours but it works, and mom did A DEAL AND GOT HER CHANNELS BACK . so she's happy. Monday was much too much. Hope Tuesday is quieter...Thanks for the support and concern all...and for listening to me grouse some more...

Deef, I have been thinking about you for so long now. I am really sorry about your mom's passing. You have been the most amazing daughter and I don't think I could have ever done what you have. I want to say more, but I don't want to say it wrong so I will wait a bit, I have more to share about my BC situation.

I'm bushed and going to bed. Had a great time with my Granddaughter. It was really special to have our small family here together. So grateful for those times that are so special


Good Evening Crew,

Deef! Thinking about you and hope that all is going as well as possible. Tough time for sure.

Juju! I can't believe what you are coping with. Thanks for the hug and thinking of me in the midst of dealing with your burdens.

Jen! WTF next. Can't believe the water has gone bad on you. Eww. Hope you got some answers.

Everybody! Shout outs to all.
I haven't been able to get online for I don't know how many days now. Right now is a fluke. I have been able to read a little and hand out a Like or 2 and then the WiFi disappears and I can't get it back. Frustrating but nothing compared to what you guys are dealing with.

I will try and do a little more research to get more answers for the questions about disability. I don't know much but will try to get a little more info for those who might want to look into that.

We had a severe lightning strike here 2 days ago and it fried a boat that we moved away from 5 days ago. If we had been next to it, we would have lost all of our electronics. Incredible. We are very thankful. It can happen at any time to any boat and you do the best you can to protect yourself but a direct hit is just that. What's wierd about this is that the mast on their boat got hit TWICE in about 5 minutes.
So much for that old saying about lightning doesn't strike twice.

Juju, this Cat peed on me when we were in mom's house dealing with the estate sales and all that sadness. Stress response. I got so stressed out I almost peed on the Cat.

Hope everybody is doing as well as they can with what they are dealing with.
Cat!! Thinking of you.

Hang in the best you guys can and when it's really bad thinkoftheboat. It's still here for you.


OH gosh..Jen ..hang in there!!! Your such a trooper!! Hope Water Co can help n get that figured out, don't drink it, Boil if you must use to bathe etc....

Well the cat is really showing his displeasure with the move...he pee'd right on my legs n blanket last nite when I uncovered the bed to lay down. I thought weird he sit on my legs (if he wants love he sits on my chest) so I kicked him off n sure enuff......ughhh he got his first spank! I knocked him off me and banished him to the bathroom....I am gonna get thrown outta here if he keeps messing up bedding!!!

Got the rollaway for ma, least I wont throw my back out on top of all!

I really do need to get home again this was total BS to move me out the way they did....contractor explained it was to get storage and transport money for my stuff! ugghhh!!! I am ordering a pods and getting my stuff back and repack it properly and move home as soon as dryers are out!

NO, it was going to good to last..
skip ahead grousing in tow...

After cleaning up i feces off walls again and toilet twice, the cable has gone out box died, and the water is coming out smelling like petroleum!! Water dept coming at 1...God what more can we do this is much too much!!!

yes an eyedropper to force the water down is a great idea too it saved my boy when he was a baby, he was real sick when I brought him home from shelter....

Jen~Glad you are feeling somewhat better and looking into swimming. Can you get out to take a walk to park, sit in the shade and read for awhile before going back home. Anything that will get you out more and the exercise will help to produce endorphins (sp?) to help with the depression.

Juju~Happy to hear you are getting some much needed rest. I can't imagine what it must be like for you and your mama right now but you are handling it much better than I think I could.

Lildeb~Use the eye dropper to give the kitty water, I did that many times with a sick kitty to get the fever down. You might try adding garlic powder to the food and a little chicken or beef broth. If the kitty likes the broth, he/she is at least getting liquid but you can dilute it since it is salty or get the sodium reduced as an option. For diarrhea with a cat....a 50/50 mixture of boiled chicken and rice is a good food plan after not feeding them solid food for 24 hours, only liquids. Just like you would for a child with stomach flu. Then gradually add in their normal diet. I had 2 cats w/special diets. One cat had UTI's, a male siamese. I had to buy Science Diet CD formula for him, he would only eat the dry version. It worked, he was UTI free but then when he was older at 17 years, he developed kidneyr failure which requires another special diet so I put him is heart breaking to do. I had another cat who was in liver kidney so I fed him Science Diet KD. It worked for about 1.5 years then he started failing fast, wasting away to skin and bones. I put him down too. I decided that if I had another cat with kidney failure I would not put the cat through the special diet and blood work every 6 months to check creatine levels. Not only is it very expensive, but it is heartbreaking to see them waste away. Kidney failure is very common in older cats.
Hugs to everyone, hope I haven't been a downer with this info.

Deb,. I put a little water in with the canned food,(for the cat), he seems to like it. Also I put a sprinkle of salt on his dry food to get him to drink more water. Brat, loves to tip over his water bowl.

Hanging in here, G sister is dying, great great and this just goes on...maybe he'll drop fast one day and beat her to it...

Thanks Sharyn n lil deb,
Ya cat is been chronically throwing up n pooping for years but he was perfect the first few days here since Monday and it just started Friday eve so I guess he is getting comfy n he sits in window sill wanting out I can tell....I have put plastic over beds n he is still peeing on plastic now. but least I can wipe it up! don't have to strip the bed. I took plastic off last eve to nap and then woke n fed n changed ma...I feel asleep in chair while she ate and he did it in that couple hours. I would get her hospital bed here if I have to but it will really crowd the room cuz we already had to bring her lift chair here. what I am hoping is to get subfloors in asap n just come back home as soon as that is done then we can just move stuff around as needed to redo floors. I have to make sure bout the foundation and stuff first cuz I not putting new floors if the gonna warp again in the wet season. which is 2/3 year practically...
I missed the fireworks ( n whole festival) to rest but yes I also worried about the danger of them. Fortunately all the lightning fires are way south and east but terrible just makes me worry cuz It could happen anywhere..and I wont be there to get our antiques n heirlooms out...I do have the file cabinet here with all paperwork...the rest who cares. don't know that I could get em out tho in a hurry anyway.
Well time to walk the dogs but other than mom n pets I haven't done nothing but tidy up n rest since last eve... I will be recharged for the busy week, the worst is over with that crew I believe, I mean being in my house n shotty work..i will have contractor take care of what they did not.(if insurance approves) or they will have more work to do, I'd prefer to have someone else finish after this week of suprises!! Take care y'all!!!

Juju,. Thanks. She still got that crying, ‘I feel bad sound.’ She is on a new antibiotic n her white cell was elevated n a pill to stimulate her appetite for can food. Also, within that wk of bringing her back n forth, there was a wet spot when she got up from laying down overnight n it was not urine. She had a hole about size of a quarter by her butt-hole. The vet said, it sounded like an anal gland cyst that rupture n they were okay the way it looked. I research it n it seem like that supposed to be in the area ‘in the b-hole n not on the side of the b-hole? I am confused. We have IBS, UTI n cyst that rupture what a mess. She did eat a little last night n this AM. Not so sure she has drunk any water but the can food has some. I will give her some water from the eye dropper if needed. They left the I.V in case they need to give her something when I bring her back Monday. All I know is since these new people bought out r old vet that it’s not the same. If I am not seeing any improvement for my baby after seeing them then, I will have to find another vet.
Sorry to hear your cat got sick n maybe he was telling ya something. Can’t u just pull the bedding sheets off n spray it down with some water n vinegar to kill the smell? Is the town safe to do fireworks with all that bad weather? I hope your house is fine. As for home insurance, they seem to be only out for themselves. At least that what I was told when we were trying to get help when lightening hit a tree n the wind blew huge limbs down around r house. Good luck for ya gonna need it with them. The bed issue, can u just get a roll-away bed for her or is that not sturdy enough? They sometimes have those in the hotel.
Jen. Glad to hear you r feeling a little better n getting some rest. I heard swimming is good for the muscles n joints. They do that to some race-horses for it doesn’t over strain their joints n muscles when one has been injured. Glad to hear you r feeling better.

Juju~Hang in there, you are exhausted and have a lot going on. It is not easy living in a hotel while caregiving for your mom. Maybe you can take a day off of the reconstructions at the house so you can kick back with your mom. Everything that has been going on this last week has probably caught up with you and you feel like you have slammed into a wall emotionally. Give yourself a break if possible to catch your breath again. Sending you love and hugs!!

Deef- hope you are doing ok, I am thinking of you!!!

What I meant to say at entoll is I was looking forward to spending quality time bonding with momma now that I do not resent being stuck with the burden., take this short time we may have and create memories and enjoy her for the first time in my life!!! She is a different person as I have said and I never did like her very much till she became demented, however all that anger and pain prevented me from enjoying the new her, just made taking care of her tolerable and I am free of the anger and pain our family caused me and wish to just enjoy and make the rest of her life comfortable and happy for us both and do things with her now while I still can not fight hospitals and contractors...this is making me cry today as I guess I am thoroughly exhausted and need some rest!! I am tired!! I mean really tired, there is not a sole around to hand me a glass of water or whatever, just my hired help and one friend who volunteered to sit with her few days this week so I could go back n forth to house without hauling her broken body back n forth in 95 deg heat and no a/c and good god when I got there Thursday when blowers were running full blast it was miserable even at 8am I didn't look but musta been at least a hundred indoors!! anyway....
I am tired, thoroughly exhausted and really sad this day so I am going to rest and do as much with her as I can, hoping the contractor flakes out as most do, im so tired don't even want to budge!
wha wah wah, sorry im so teary this morning!! sorry to harsh this day!

I forgot to mention Mom has been doing great, what lil time I have to spend just being with her...I just have time to feed n dress n change her, in between been so busy with all other stuff...she did get a skin tear on her arm when we left the house Monday, Ziggy got too excited and jumped right on her...I hate when avoidable stuff happens like that, like couple weeks ago I was in hurry and her hand got bumped on doorjam way out of bedroom, nasty bruise.
That is one thing that bugs me, ever since she broke hip in Feb she has been bruising like crazy,,,they sed it was blood thinners they gave her but only for the first two weeks, so maybe it made a permanent change in her blood, idk, one for the DR appt. Thurs... we never made it in for chest Xray but will just have to take her this week or thurs, the cough has faded and no sign of flegm so RN sed just do when u have time.
Hospice nurse came also to consult and her determination was she is no where near hospice ready, as I kinda thought. But when that doc down south told me she is in process of dying it really freaked me out...ALL of home health agree as well, she is doing good and way better than they expected from doctor notes sent...
I have had no time to deal with all the dr issues tho and I do intend to so I am stressed about this house issue as I was just about to get legal advice going and this happens! I want these dr.s held accountable for there errors, the ones who missed her compression fractures in april...and f-up her hip in Feb!!! I never got to tell the story but it is appalling!!! That is why I am so upset about the house...I need time to work on my moms medical situation. I barely have time to breath and put feet up anymore since I snapped outta this CG coma...and now I will have to manage rebuilding the is down to dirt now 1/3 of house is open to the that has to get resolved fast as well. least the subfloor back in so no critters robbers etc can get in. Well I am going to relax somewhat last evening and have to meet a contractor around noon but then just chill and price supplies online...the plywood and 2x4's for subfloor and a few things like look into flooring and cabinets etc... but at least I wont be on my feet and running around!!! I asked the new cg to work extra hours and she has all day m-w free so I am going to use her as much as I can.
Well again mom is doing good and so glad hospice confirmed what I thought....
I am having issues here at hotel as bed is very high and I must actually scoop her up and lift her into bed, I am going to hurt myself again, she is only 100 lbs and 5' 2" but still!! I asked them to remove the bedframe so we can lower it bout 6 inches they sed no, ADA reqmts must have a rolling bed or something like that, don't make sense cuz we are in the ADA room for extended stay and need it lower so I asked again and they were supposed to call owner yesterday and let me know, I did not hear anything yet. I cant afford to throw my back out now! I am going to have to do a lot of this remodel work myself to keep cost down and get things done right to correct pre-existing problems while this is going on, ie...the mudslide!!! have a great Sunday you all and hope you are all doing well. We love you guys more than I can ever express, without you and my BFF I would not be doing good, I would be looking for that cliff to hurl myself off of !!! We owe it to you all!!! YOu are wonderful group of people!!
Peace Out,

Deef I am so sorry for your loss-take care June

Thanks Lil. Doin OK here, got new prescription. Looking into therapy and swimming.

Temps below 90 after 10 days of it...Thank God!

Been sleeping like the dead since I got my Tdap or Dtap shot. Ga that was awful!

At least I have it. No whopping cough for me thank you and it has been spreading in WA of late.

Still thinking of deef and hoping you are OK.

Hi to Rip and thanks for the updates. Jen

Good morning all....

Lil deb, so sorry bout your kitty, hope she gets to feeling better...mine is 17 and has Poop problems...I never thought of IBS in a cat but that is probably what he got....I just thought he fussy, if his box isn't spotless he goes where he likes...killing me...and he throws up everywhere. OH he was good here at hotel till yesterday, and then he pissed yesterday then crapped and barfed on hotel bed last nite. I think he is fed up with being contained indoors and is letting me know.... I am going to get some plastic to cover beds up. I cant afford to be charged for damages etc...ugghhhh!! Dogs have done well no accidents yet but they are usually pretty good. least that I can find, lol!!

Well Thursday night I got more than 3 hrs to sleep and slept right thru a nasty Summer storm....stuff got wet at house that was left out...who da thunk in the middle of 95 degree days rain, but then I finally watched some news last night and our whole valley is ablaze....lightning strikes started over 100 fires OMG! The hotel this morning is packed with firefighters at the buffet! I saw a weird color haze in the sky yesterday n thought it was weather but It was all the smoke I I worry bout my house too. it is a tinderbox in my back yard and the hills it butts up against....well least we are not there and it is cooling off now..should drop to low 80's.. there is the Summerfest in our lil town this weekend too...fireworks display tonite...we are in hotel about 8 miles south and been exhausted so don't know, we will probably not make it, but usually camp this weekend and have never been...many booths and vendors, activities, rock crawl: a 4 wheeling contest etc....

The house is now down to dirt, ready for new subfloors after the dryout is complete...boy that restoration team was a piece of work. long story but I am agast again at the lack of organization n coordination...things just got thrown everywhere plumbing parts, appliances, accessories are scattered tools that were on porch are missing and god knows what else...they packed all our stuff and I found one shoe in one box and another somewhere else...etc... I left notes taped to door they had to go thru to salvage countertop and hardwood floors and was ignored, I caught them before dump and they had to bring back...owner was shady and caught in lies about his responsibility and work...I could have been stuck with some bills if I didn't question my insurance agent bout what he told me but I had too cuz he made no darn sense and was evasive...leading me to be suspicious! ugh... well they will be gone once dry now. just to recover my missing and lost items and my furniture they carted away against my desires!!! but I had no time to think and clear room in shed!
oh well.....they will have to pay if things are lost or I will get them too pay is another story..i think I will ask insurance agent to hold there payment till settled and deduct from their payment,as they are not trustworthy already proven! I recalled yesterday after incedents that a aquantance worked for them and mentioned owner and issues she had with him, so that just confirms my thoughts.
Anyway off to check on things and get the plastic sheeting to cover furniture....and some cat food after mom is up fed n dressed. busy morning then I am going to relax in the room and vegetate for the afternoon, maybe a nap!

Love you all and hope things are going ok for you all!!!


Deef, so sorry for you loss. You are in my prayers.
Jen. My goodness! I had no idea that the YMCA cost so much. Take Bobbie advice with an attorney if u can get one. I had to wait until I was almost dead on dialysis before I could get approved! Plus, once u get approved u may get the ‘back pay’ from when u first applied that’s if they still do that anymore n it will help some too. Maybe the SW can help your situation as well.
Cat, glad to hear the first test was not positive n those blasted booby smasher machine is a killer sometimes. Plus, u got poke in that area with a freaking needle. Ouchy! Hoping the 19th test comes back negative so u won’t have to deal with that mess anymore.
Bobbie that would be that plays the Bejeweled. I think when it rains it pours sometimes. It just has to get better at least that what I keep telling myself. Sorry u having such a time with him. Just kick him n the ass n straightens him up then go play Bejeweled. Lol about the tongs for Jen. Omg. That was just too funny, thanks.
Mame, glad your mom is doing better.
Soorry I haven't been on here. My cat has been in the vet off/on since Monday. First Uti n she already had IBS problems for years. Now, some sort of anal glad cyst had busted n fever. Went to go visit her today n spend over an hour just trying to baby n comfort her some with all those dogs n back barking. They had her on i.v. for fluids n got her temp back down so that good news. I could tell she wasn't a happy camper for leaving her their overnight for she was giving me hell! They all said that, was first time they even heard her meow. Well, she is Siamese so she normally talks all the time. Maybe that’s a good sign she starting to feel better. Hopefully, Saturday I will get to bring her back home.
Meanwhile, where r u finding this cranberry powder?

Deefer My condolences to you and your loved ones, Glad your mom is at peace and both of your suffering has passed...It was a long hard haul and we all know it here...Thinking of you. Jen

Deef - I am so very sorry for your loss. This is such a difficult time. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you that you find peace and focus on the good times you had with your mom. Love you, Kuli

Deef- I am new here but I wish you peace and condolences to your whole family. I feel for you!!!
I felt rude of me to post about us and our troubles when you are in the place you are. I also felt I should address you separately. My apologies for my insensitivity!!
I am so sorry for your loss and again hoping some kind of peace is with you now!
Our love to you!

Oh Deef. So sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.. Debbie

Hi all,
First time to get online all week.....lots going on this week on this boat..My love and prayers to all!
My feet are killing me they packed all my good shoes and I think my arches fell hauling my fat ass around all week coordinating this move, morons, and mom in cheap flipflops and the stressknot is back, arm is going numb again.... to say the least about how it is going!!! I again am disgusted with the quality of professionalism/work which seems to dominate here in every field...ughhhh...I heard the most ridiculous statements ...enuf bout us...least we have a roof over our heads but I am literally ready to drop from exhaustion!!!!
My prayers to Deef although I am not familiar with her I am always touched and care for everyone on this site and this thread! God bless you for all your hard work and may you find peace!
Jen - sorry you are having a tough time, hang in there and skimming sounds like you are taking a lil baby proud of you!!!

Bob love it, F the chard and stars...but I have to laff I first read that as a reference for my endeared way, no bashing the chard, lol. stay on top of that! You deserve peace n happiness!

Mame so happy mom is doing better!!! I bet you are absolutely beat too!!! Keep up the good work

Cat so happy things sound good n positive like I sed I had a good feeling when I got the news same time as my BFF's new baby. Blessings and your white lite still with you!
Funny one Cuz!!

Well my 10 minutes of foot rest is up mom needs a change!

Take care EVERYONE and keep up the strength my dear comrades!!!

Deef At least mom doesn't have any more pain and suffering. Sorry for your loss. Got you in our prayers.

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