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Oh Deef,
Condolences and love. You are an amazing daughter and friend. I think sometimes that our moms and dads recognize each other in the light because of the bonds that we have made here.
Be easy with yourself now and this boat awaits you when you are ready.


I'm sorry for the loss of your mom Deefer...Keeping you and your family in my prayers..God Bless.

Deef~I am sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself, Hugs!!

Been a rough few months and I just wanted to let you all know Mom passed away at the ER a few hours ago. Lots of stuff going on here, so I will try to give the details later.
I'm doing okay, and am much better than I thought I would be. Hope to have time to catch up with all of you soon. Love Deef!

Fooking excellent Jen. omg. Now you need tongs.

Cuz! No need for it here, I am doing fp laundry and he has a sock he apparently stepped in his poop with and ground it in...lovely, now he is shitting on the floor...

Cuz you got my day started

Romance Gone?

and I am STILL laughing...
this is just hilarous still laughing !

The middle-aged couple had finally learned how to send and receive texts on their cell phones. The wife, being a romantic at heart, decided one day that she'd send her husband a text while she was out of the house having coffee with a friend.
She texted:
If you are sleeping, send me your dreams.

If you are laughing, send me your smile.

If you are eating, send me a bite.

If you are drinking, send me a sip.

If you are crying, send me your tears.

I love you.

The husband, being a no-nonsense sort of guy, texted back:
I'm on the toilet. Please advise.

(Brings a tear to the eye, doesn't it?)

I love swimming Jen, wish I lived close enough to come pick you up and take you to the pool everyday. I haven't been swimming all summer either. Cast on my foot and all.
great suggestions Jenny M. Oh, oh, now we have 2 Jenny's.

Jen~Swimming sounds great!! Glad you got new prescription.
Mame~Good news about your mom!
Take care everyone!

Hey everyone. Mom is doing better every day-I can get her up and into a wheelchair without another person now. She is putting more weight on her legs and moving her feet. I just got caught up with all the posts and don't have the energy to address each one of you-but know that I care about you all! Mame

Went to doctor change prescription, got a Tdap shot, gonna look up fee s for swimming at the YMCA...doing Ok here, wish it'd cool off, but at least it aint Sunday again...Moms being way nice here, must really not want me to move out and be all fp all the time on her own. jen

Miss you Deefer...

Guilt! the gift that keeps on giving...

All good ideas Jenny!

I think we ALL need some: 1) Time off; 2) good drugs &/or alcohol, 3) fantastic sex or other stress relief; and 4) $$$$$$ to get rid of dependence issues and guilt issues? What 'cha think?????

I just suggested it because I know a few people who went through the process of getting disability and it took a lawyer to navigate all the paperwork. Standard procedure seems to be that the govt denies the first few tries.
One guy I knew lost a leg and got turned down 3 times.
The lawyer is a bulldog and the guy at church might drop the ball and disappoint Jen and since the lawyer is getting a commission he or she will get the job done. The specialists really know the ins and outs since that is what they do all day.
Besides, if you do the lawyer thing Jen, you keep your power and you don't have to put up with any family or family bs. It's worth paying a professional.
Takes a little while and like I said, it's retroactive so you can get a handful of checks all at once.

ok, off to bed.
love you guys.

OK: Read Bobbie's suggestion to Jen. Maybe that's better. IDK. Just want you to get some real help.

Jen, we must have been typing at the same time. I'm so sorry for your pain and anguish. Is Basic Health insurance through Washington State? It might be worth checking with the social services guy to see if you can get a place of your own. I say that because it could finally qualify your for Medicaid and you could stay at your mom's place part of the time. Give it some thought? I know it's scary but it might open a lot of doors for you. It sounds like your bro wants to help you. Ignore his stupid wife. Maybe it would be good to eliminate any future discussions with your asshole cousin. Let your mom have the pleasure of speaking with her.

I'm praying some real help comes your way. Don't give up and don't completely write off your brother's social service contact. Maybe, just maybe, something helpful could come from it. You've got nothing to lose.

I am sending you white light.



Cat!! ow ow on those titties. Ow.
I got my own boat time!

I accept this Boat Time on behalf of our sister Jen who is pissed in the Northwest.

Yup the BA is now HB until he straightens up. Not holding out a lot of hope there. I kind of think he has the early onset.
Not kidding. So sad but I can't do this and that's just how it's going to be.


Jen! Disability is a good thing! Get a lawyer to set it up for you and you can find someone because the gov't counts on you being too screwed up to do the paperwork so there's law firms out there that will deal with it. It's a bitch but time is going to pass anyway and it's retroactive to when you file so you could end up getting a decent check... ENOUGH TO DO WHAT YOU WANT WooHoo!
Maybe even take out a hit on FP!! (JOKE)

So What you want to stay with your mom? However you choose to do it will be A-OK.

Love the swimming. Ahhhh.

1. Find an attorney to help you file the disability papers! It's worth the cut they take oh yeah! Google disability lawyers with your zip code.
2. Screw your brother's 'guy at church who knows... blah blah blah...'
Get your own lawyer and don't depend on anyone else.
3. How you spend your money when you get it is your business... whether it's on someone to help out at home with FP and your mom or help for monty or whatever you want!!

Pissed is better than despondent. (did I spell that right?)

I told you guys about the time I called the suicide hotline?

I was about 3 and a half years into caregiving and hadn't slept the night through since I started and was just ready to end it all.
This beeyatch gets on the line and the first thing she tries to do is to get me to make an appointment to come and see her the next day at 85 dollars an hour!! WTF.
She told me I needed a 'friend'. Well I got so hot that I told her to go pee up a rope and that was when I realized that I was on my own. (Before I found you guys)

The next few days I went out and got some Prozac and Xanax, slept a night all the way through and started to think about boats.

Pissed is WAY better than suicidal.

Jen you will like it when you get some cash and have some options. Too long you have been in the stew.

ps: I threw up a little in my mouth when I read the part about sucking face with FP...
Turkey sandwich tasted like a turdy sandwich the second time.

C'mon Jen... Get the Boat Time!

Hey Christina: I got married when Mercury was in retrograde. Don't recommend it, but after 40 years we got it worked out.

Bobbie: Sounds like homeboy could use a little time in the tittie vice. If they can't get his nipple, they can crank it down on Big Jim and the twins. Dang, my boobie is tired of tittie twisters and needles. Oh well, round 3 of black and blue coming my way on the 19th. I'm telling you girls (you too Cuz), if I get another positive in the future, both these boobs are headed for the compost pile. I'll take flat over dealing with this shit again. It's just creepy.

Hey thanks for caring about me.

Love you all,


Mercury in retrograde...I think it is trying to kill me Christine!

I was up at three Am, God it looked beautiful out, QUIET, no one out just the cool clear sky....

Hey bobbie...I could have stolen a credit card and found my way to the boat...It has crossed my mind!

Thank you all for support I NEED it!
Glad the biopsy is benign cat stay well there!
Thanks bobbie and juju, insenstive's the word. And it flattened me....
I survived a birthday I rushed through, then ended up in the psyche ward of the ER the next day...That comment my cousin made really hurt and I just went and cried in moms room, I was laying on her bed crying and she came in...and took her Diabetes pill and wrote it in her Diabetes diary and....left shutting the door...I couldn't take it anymore. I called my brother my abusive ex brother and cried and said "If I don't get out of here I will kill myself..." He came...he brought his wife...the immature, selfish bitch no one likes...The one who sucked face with grandpa when he was in the hospital getting him all excited...God what an awful evening. made me wish I had killed myself by the time I got home a 3 AM. She said "No Jenny, it's no problem, we had some people over and D was going to play D and D with friends so we shoved them out and I had to call for a substitute to take my Sunday School class and we won't go to church now, but it was no problem..."


Half way through my psych evaluation Blood tests mind you BLOOD tests! And having to pee on the floor to pee in a cup and being watched on the crapper, they can't leave you alone in psych...I went from miserable to Pissed Off!


i made a plan...A list in my head as they wouldn't give me a pen and paper...

1) I want to go back to therapy

2) I want to get on different medication

3) I want to get on disability or something some how

4) I want to be able to go swimming twice a week

So I started this morning and after three hours of phone and computer work i went to the basement and formulated a plan to kill myself,then fell was that bad. It is still all jarbled up in my head...the conversations with people at Basic Health the carrier, the woman who laughed when i mentioned my insurance, the one who said "Basic Health...? Oh God..just a minute" and came back after three seconds and said "we all fill up..." The words deductible, co pay, your part, percentages, first 12 visits, plan, program, carriers, ask who, call and see, verify, look into...Oh God...This is how they cull the herd, if you can;t get in you die..or kill yourself just to stop the confusion...In 1979 I got therapy but picking a name on a LIST! BAM IN! those days have gone forever...

If you are rich or so poor you are om Medicaid you are set, anything are fucked!

So i am fucked..but the YMCA had lap swims at 5 to 9 five days a week...All I need is 200 plus dollars to join and go...great great back to square one...But still PISSED so I am doing OK here...

I am going to keep looking into EVERYTHING!

My brother wants me to MOVE OUT...I have a dog that is essentially dying, mom who is losing her marbles in all the fucking elder care no money no resources and he "knows a guy at church who works for a social service agency, and will look into getting my into an apartment and on disability." Note I did not ask for this...Yes, I am a coward I want to stay at home with MOMMY fuck you! Go shoot someone and leave me alone! I'll fix my own God damn life or die tryin!
And next time i need help, I will call 911!

After reading that post I guess it's evident that I like Poultry.

Yay for the lump instead of the entire bump! Way to go Cat.

Who was it that said they play Bejeweled? I need to go to a 12 step group for that one.

Shirley! yup, the cat was showing you something was wrong. My cat did that and I took her to the vet and they got her fixed up right away. She jumped into the empty litter box that I was cleaning and peed and it had blood. She's good now. Sleeping on my bed with her head turned upside down. You know how they do.

Hey Christine good to see from you. I don't know why he's acting out but I am about done. I don't care if it's potassium or planets I am sick of crazy people. F**k this life is short and I have had my fill of feeling bad because of someone else's actions.
Piss on it and I am not fixing leafy greens. He can haul his own ass to the WinnDixie and buy some f**king chard.

(I am really cracking myself up here.... on a roll... let's see what else I can say I am not going to do...)

AND ANOTHER THING... I just don't want to listen to someone be an a**hole to me. I have had enough over the years of mean people and homeboy has crossed a line. I appreciate what he does to the boat but in the long run it's my mental health so next case. This has been going on for almost 2 years and I am toast. I just wish he would take a damn anti depressant already. I can hear him in there sawing logs... He lay down at 7pm. Sound like depression anyone? hmm?

Tomorrow I am having people over for chicken tacos at 7pm. Hope he's awake for that...
More later. I am going to fix myself a turkey sandwich and play Bejeweled.

Hope everybody is doing ok with all of their issues which I know are way worse than mine.


Cat, that sounds like good news. Have a great time with your Granddaughter. Christine, so good to hear from you. I know what you mean about not being able to sit and read, can't watch TV for more than a few minutes either.
Deb, hope your cat gets to feeling better. My house cat is on the 9 lives special diet, with a cranberry powder sprinkled on top. Sometimes I put a sprinkle of salt on his food as well. Last time he had a problem, I was sitting in the bathroom, and old cat jumps in the bath tub, and pees. It was all bloody. I think he was showing me something was wrong. Because he usually never has an accident in the house. He won't even use a litter box, he goes to the door and asks outside.
Jenny, hope; you have some help with your husband. He sounds like such a handful. So hard, when someone you've known for so long is just not the same person. Terrible disease.
Juju, good luck with the remodeling. Hope things are settling down for everyone. Love Shirley

Second biopsy came back benign. Scheduled for lumpectomy on August 19th.

Sorry for all the each of you are going through. Believe me, my heart feels your pain and my prayers are with each and everyone of you.

I'll write more later. Trying to get caught up before Amanda gets here.



Cuz, just read your post about your bro n I hope their is something can help his legs. That is so touching of you taking him out fishing n it sound like he was very comfortable too.
Austin, I have a indoor cat Blu that has been fixed yet for some reason he will sometimes want to spray. I use a spray bottle n mix about a few tsp of white vinegar n that keeps him from spraying. Of course, their is the douche smell. right now Vera my baby is feeling ill. Hopefully she will better in AM. However, They all have their own personality when they r well. ; )
Jenny, sorry to hear about your husband n this sad illness that we all deal with one way or another. I wouldn't waste any time u have ironing for he's not going anywhere. Save some of that little energy u have for yourself. Can u hide some of those clothes so it won't be such a big pile? I had to with my mil for she have them all over the place except in the drawers that I have labeled. It still drives me nuts sometimes. Someone told me that, I will have to pick my battles. It does get very hard n very, very frustrating at times. I couldn't even imagine if it was my husband. You r a very strong person. Vent away n some more. Sending u lots of hugs.
Juju, Hey maid n breakfast buffet is the way to go when u have to do what is needed. At least it seams that your insurance is helping n that is some good news but we all know their is, "No place like home." Be careful with Ziggy running lose n not accidentally getting out the door. Lock that door where your mom can't open it. I know u probable already done all of that anyway. Glad to hear u r enjoying the cream pie n it does sound yummy. Eat some for me.
Bobbie, hoping u r having a better day. I think u need to give that cat his walnut back. Hope that give u a little smile. Sending u cyber hugs.
Christina, thanks for the life preservers for this is a great place to come when the time is allowed. I hope everyone can get some rest for whatever it's worth.

Cat, I am hoping on the less intense surgery for you. I rather like to hear no surgery is needed n everything is gone. I wish I could be with while waiting on the results for Tues. I would take that Alaska trip n live life to the fullest. You got this surgery beat through prayers n your cyber family. Sending u hugs n some white light.
Msdaizy, thanks n no we do not have any lorazepam. She had another one the other night but not so intense or I may have heard her up talking n caught it in time before she started to get panicky? I just kept telling her n a soft low tone that she had a night-mare a few times n thankfully she went back off to sleep. Just weird it’s around the mid early mornings when she has these mares or illusions? I told her to think of something that makes her happy before going to bed like something she liked to do when she was little. She had a good life with her parents, more than I can say for some of us.
Thanks Juju n I am not sure either. You do have your work cut out for you and some. However, like someone mention, everything will be working like a charm. I hope your mom’s x-ray comes out clear n maybe the flem is just due to all that mess n maybe dew going on around the house?
Hey Austin, Book, Meanwhile n those I do not know just yet.
Well, I will let the hospice nurse know about her night-day mares if he comes by tomorrow on Tuesday. She is already taking Remron to help increase her appetite n I thought that supposed to help her sleep at night? We r Having a few issues with this hospice. They just called around after 5ish n we were about to sit down for dinner. She wanted to know if the she, the night nurse could come by since my mil’s regular nurse didn’t make it out to see her. I told her that he don’t come out till on Tuesday that this is only Monday n he did make it out last wk. Plus, we were about to sit down for dinner. Needless to say, this was the same pm nurse that was supposed to had come a couple of wks ago when he was sick. However, she didn’t call till after 6ish going 7pmleavinf messages on r answer machine. We had already left to go out to eat for we were to tired of waiting on her. Back to the story, so, she calls back again n states that he will be out sick. I told her to have her boss ______ call me. She calls me n tries to explain to me that he will be out sick n bla, bla. Hubby is pist due to they waited the last minutes to call n to just send someone out. I told her we r about to sit for dinner n that hubby said just forget about this week. I am pretty sure she could hear him n background about the last minuets deal. They both had no idea that I had already talked with ____ my mil’s regular normal routine nurse n he wasn’t sick. He did mention they were changing schedule n stuff. I explain to him about the last minute deal n how my husband felt n he understood. That he would be coming by unless something has change when he goes by the office n am. I asked He will call me tomorrow if he will not be able to show up n he said, sure. I was wandering if she was trying to make up for the miss one with us? I know this is not first problem with this company. I even had the mil’s dr call to speak with the lady working their too. Hopefully, mil won’t need their services pretty soon. Plus, my cat been feeling ill. I think her IBs acting up or UTi come back. I gave her prednisone early n she been on the S/D diet food along with Proplan for awhile. maybe she needs a change for it does constipate her n I wll buy the can proplan too. maybe she got into the dog-food bowl? I can't stand when she feels bad n with that pathetic meow. If she not feeling better n Am she will be going to the vet. this is getting too long so let me go. Everyone take care.

Hi Captain and Awesome Crew,
Just stopping by to give my best wishes to all of you, old and new. I tried to read every post of the last week; juju, I have to do as you and "skim" or scan. Something happens to focus after one has been a Caregiver. Cannot seem to focus more than 10 minutes at a time without jumping up. Not great for reading, but working on it. Other tasks, no problem, like drawing, singing, gardening, praying. Lol. Just reading.
Mercury has been retrograde, those of you whose emotions and environment have been unusually out of sync last 3 weeks. It's a magnetic thing with planetary rotations whether you believe in it or not:) Should straighten out this coming week. Bobbie, about Boat Angel: is he having any leg cramping or irritability? Feed him potassium rich foods. E E Oo Oo Ah ah bananas, dark green leafy, baked potatoes-- that will fix him. Big Hug to you for all you do for everyone. Awareness of our presence at any given moment can put things in perspective.
"Being There." Remember Peter Sellers? Watching any of the Pink Panther movies can lift one's mood 100%.
Cat, Blessings upon you and I believe you will be just fine. Time for you to reclaim optimum health. You are an awesome soul. xo
All of you are amazing, your coping skills, your humor. One foot in front of the other gets is to where we are going, have faith and or hope, knowing that Nothing lasts forever, even though it feels like it.
Jen, you are remarkable, it's going to end, you're such a compassionate person, don't think I could do it. Know I wouldn't. SOB. Keep writing, journaling, fantasizing. Poof! xo
Mame, Lildeb, Mesquite, Pam: I don't know you all but you're on the right BOAT, so wear your life preservers and just float when you need to. You are supported by this huge universal crew of nurturing women. It brings much respite, security, comfort, tolerance, prayer and humor--whichever you choose to grab onto, it doesn't matter. It will get you through and you will come out on the other side even more wise. I am amazed at the changes I read, hit and miss, of jujubean and the stabilization of her bearings! WOW!
Bobbie and her vision is at the core of all this.
Not leaving anyone out: steadfast SharynMarie, Meanwhile, Kuli RN, the Beloved Cuz who reaches us beyond this thread--xo-- Deef, Diane, Miz, Austin (!!!), my precious LindaHeart, BFF Cricket, drive bys and infrequent posters. All amazing, special souls. You all have my respect and a place in my memory that is unique and timeless.
Sending you healing energy whenever you need it.
All my Love, Christina xo

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