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Bobbi, so sorry, you don't need the stress. It is it a full moon or something? Last Friday, Indio had a meltdown. His electric bill got lost in the mail, so had to call to get the balance, and pay over the phone. He just couldn't handle it. I had to take the phone and do it. He was ready to get his electricity turned off.

Glad some folks are making progress with this and that.
Another insane day on the boat.
Roller coaster emotions just wear you out and I know you guys know exactly what I am talking about.
Hard for me to concentrate on anything.
Onward and upward.

Mame~glad your mom is responding to PT and will be walking again soon. Sometimes I would like to run away...!!
Juju~Wow....a redo in your home!! It sounds like quiet a mess but at least you are getting it fixed and all will be like new again. I hope the hotel is comfortable and easy access for you and mom.
Bobbie~Sorry you are dealing with another meltdown...hope it is better now.

Juju~Yes the painting is done, but still a lot of work to do in that room. All in good time. We lost power early wed. morning for a couple hours and even with a surge protector on the old HP computer, I guess the hard drive finally died. I am forced to learn windows 8 on the computer we bought in Dec. I finally figured out how to import pictures from the camera on then upload on F/B and flicker. Good thing we took all the photos off the old computer months ago.

Cat~I hope your healing from the biopsy and enjoying the time with your gd. Alaskan trip sounds like fun!! Sending you hugs!!
Meanwhile~I wish I could get out on a horse and just let the breeze blow through my hair!!
Cuz~Sending you good thoughts, prayers and Cats white light for your brother!!

Have a good Sunday everyone!!

I read about your just irks me, I feel for you...I don't have any close family but my "friends" did the same thing...they would complain on how horrible their wonderful lives are and knowing how much I just want a few hours to myself promise me some help but always be too busy with their social life and vacation/getaways I recently just deleted everyone from FB and dont even talk to them anymore..they have not even called to see whats up with me...I feel better for it but still in shock n disbelief of human behavior sometimes.
I only say all this as I totally understand where you are coming from...I cant believe how insensitive people can be...they have no idea how much that can hurt us who just want to get away for a lil bit and absolutely can't....I am in your corner all the way! And Happy belated bday Jen!
Bobbie- I was gonna say with the previous meltdown and your comment about we have enough to deal with...that again is why I dont even care about a partner rite now...with what I went thru with my last one trying to manage him and mom, I could not even begin to want to get into that again, and will have a whole new perspective and boundaries when I finally do...I chose loneliness over craziness all around, It is brutal but left me to find me and am better for it, doesn't work for everyone but for me it was good I feel happy now but I know lonliness will be a constant battle I will fight, who wants to be alone?? No one but I want peace as well, craziness is just wasted energy...Again I say this to let you know I totally understand what you are saying and going thru...

Mame: So nice to hear you confident about taking care of mom in her new is funny when I brought mom home from hospital in Feb I was terrified of the bed ridden/wheelchair bound situation and have now just champed it, like you said...not even realizing I did till I did, lol, if that makes sense. Good for you. you are a star!
Sharyn: painting came out good? I mite have missed that one. nice to have your "Cave"
I wish I was better at wording all this stuff but you all have totally got my support and love and respect!! You are wonderful peeps and I would not be here without you!!!
I went and looked at hotel yesterday it is very niceand roomy I couldn't help but think a cheap Motel 6 as that is where we stay with pets and our budget... I think Insurance can give us two adjoining rooms so we have enough space, the handicap room only has one bed...I am trying to think positive: maid service and buffet breakfast daily!!! I can stretch that into lunches too, so just snacks and dinner I have to worry about! and the cat (n ziggy) escaping the room, wreaking havoc in the halls...we shall give it a try!
They said we can bring her hospital bed and lift chair in if we need as well so fingers crossed this mite be a lil break I need, just have to do our bed pad other laundry n few dishes (has minifridge, micro, n wetbar/sink and I will bring few small appliances n dishes to cook with, etc) mite have to bring over file cabinet as well but restoration company sed they would move all we need for us to function properly there.
I kinda feel a little lonely again this past weeks as been to busy or exhausted in eve try to get out like I wanted. but I am happy with the recent choices I made to break some ties!
Caramel sauce I burned so no good but banana cream pie is yummy!

Well have a good Sunday and take care of yourself y'all..Love to you!!!
Peace out,

Another meltdown in progress. I am beginning to think that he is sick.

Jenny I feel your pain.

Cuz, sorry that cuzMike is in the black hole. A terrible place to be for sure.


My husband was bitching, "You expect me to wear clothes that haven't been pressed?" So I spent six very painful hours with a bad rotator cuff pressing his clothes. Mind you, he's only going to get back in bed and sleep in his clothes, anyway... So then he goes into his closet to get dressed. After the worst thrashing about sounds and his constant assurance that he was, "Alright! Leave me alone!" He comes out naked, "There's nothing in there to put on." I check and EVERYTHING, including winter wool suits, are all in the middle of the floor in a messed up pile and some of the items are torn and pulled all apart. I give up!!!!! He can wear underwear from now on! Or at least until I can stand it again -- but absolutely no more ironing! Before this horrible disease (dementia) he was so gentle and sweet.

my cat is protesting that I was away-it does not matter that while he is complaining I am already home with him-he now likes the bf more than me-of course he does not spray Benji when he is bad or say no to him-last night he followed him out to his car-he never goes outside.

Hey bobbie Update on brother Mike. We went to some lawnmower races today and I didn't think he was going to make it all the way to the end of the races. His heart etc is doing GREAT but, his legs are just about shot. He has a handicap license plate so he only had to walk no more than 10 feet to get to the bleachers but when he walked back to the truck to get something to eat he had to finish the races sitting on the back of the tailgate because he couldn't make it back to the bleachers. I sat on the tailgate the rest of the day with him. We could see the track with no problem so it didn't matter to me. He goes back to the doctor sometime in August to find out if there is any hope for regaining his legs or whatever. He is starting to end up in the same black hole that you gals keep talking about. I took him out fishing this morning before the races and he enjoys that because I have pedestle seats in the boat so he can sit up instead of down with his knees in his throat like the smaller boats have. It kind of hurts seeing him like this knowing that he is 2 yrs younger than me. Life goes on but it still hurts seeing him like this. Everyone else is doing just fine. Hope your body takes some much needed rest OK? Love ya Cuz

Well, foot seems to be getting better, but if I try to do to much it really starts hurting again. It's hard not to push it.
Cat, you have such a great attitude. Have a good vacation, and a speedy recovery after your surgery.
Deb, hope, MIL doesn't have anymore of those night, panic attacks. If she does, maybe Dr will get her some sleeping pills?
Been cold and rainy here all week, sun finally peeked out this evening and made a beautiful double rainbow.
Speaking of cats, got the cranky old barn cat down this evening to brush mats out of his hair. Took Sis to help. We've had this old cat at the ranch for 12 years. Someone my husband was working with didn't want him (was going to shoot him). He does scratch people if you try to pet him. But, Sam brought him out here to the ranch to be a barn cat. He's a beautiful Russian Blue, neutered male. I brought home a couple of orphan kittens (several years ago), and old blue cat sort of adopted them. They were only 4 or 5 weeks old, and old blue would wash them, and let them sleep snuggled up next to him. But, he is getting old, doesn't keep himself groomed much. Took a curry comb to him this evening, he actually seemed to like it (at least I didn't end up bleeding).
Bobbi, so good of you to get Diane to your boat. I'm sure she could use the break.
Mame, how are you holding up?
Oh, Juju what a mess, hope it goes well. Dealing with contractors can be quite the job.
Jen, sorry to hear about the attempted break in. Did Monte wake up and bark?
Hope everyone has a good Sunday.


Yes, my Dad is competent. He just has a killer of a sense of humor. No offense to the Kennedy's, of course.

Survived 42, bro has left over bits to help fix back fence...sleep all day and I'd do it again...gah glad thats over,
juju I can't imagine not reading what would I have left...
Cat hope your bruises heal fast!
Cousin just told me she and boyfriend are going to a cabin by a lake for a weekend vacation...How nice for you..Jesus...Does she do this on purpose?
I am thinking yes. Ignore it...Move on...

Hope your neck is doing better Bobbie!

Have a good Sunday everyone...

So good to hear from you!

So what's up with his complaining?
The Boat Angel had a meltdown again today... maybe the planets are in the wrong spot.

Is your friend suffering from anxiety? That's what I think the Boat Angel has...
Can sure ruin a good day, especially when we think of what we all have been through. Just take it easy already!


Bobbie looks like we alike cats when I have been away he scolds me for hours and days on end-my gentleman friend-boyfriend does not sound right since we re in our 70's-could not believe it-he picked me up from the small airport my brother in law flew to when I came back from PA. he carried on for hours-I was about to sray him with water but my friend said you can't do that-the next day the complaining started up again.

Bobbie: your cat continues to entertain me...yup she is running the ship! lol!!
glad you have the boat angel to lighten the physical load!!
Mame glad your mom is home and feeling better, hope you are getting some kind of rest now!
I think the heat is everywhere this time...East n NWest coast anyway, we are preparing for the high temps again!
So I need to take mom for a chest Xray Monday also as she is developing a wet cough and some flem(don't know how to spell properly) it is going to get crazy with the move and maintaining her properly.
Jen, Our neighbors had some kind of fight going on this morning..dogs barking and upset, I go out and hear the arguing, and cursing going on for a bit then a kid came out of the drive with a torn shirt...that was the end of it tho....I hope, n thank someone is popping off a gun in the hood nearby getting the dogs going again.

I had to settle them down last nite before bed something was up so I spotlighted a lone deer in the middle of the road out front. I so love the deer wandering time. I should see some in day soon then since they are down now! got some cool pics of couple in our yard last year!!!

Hang in there my friends!!

My dear, sweet demented husband just looks at me with that wild look in his eyes and says, "Why are you so crazy?"

Well slept in (7:30) and up and at 'em this morning li'l less confused over the whole moving situation...I do need to find a house or just make sure we can come back soon as dryers are done...without kitchen of course they will have to put temp floor down over entry so we can get wheelchair in n out...I can go thru the other entry no problem but not ma n Wchair....and if we don't have her hosp bed n lift chair my back n neck will give out again, been borderline tolerable, lately! They said they will pay for food we have to eat out etc but she cant just eat anything I do need a kitchenette, my cusinart, sink etc to prepare moms special diet...that has been such an adjustment she used to eat most all same stuff but not last few months The cat will just have to deal with being locked up, least he is with us! So I am calling the insurance company next!
Moving day should hit a 100 degrees or close, lovely....It is an inconvenience but tolerable I guess......end result will be good as you said Bobbie!!

This might be a good time to take a coast trip since we are out of home anyway on the hot days coming up! I will let you know how my caramel sauce came out I must try that and I am using up some banana's for a cream pie!

May you all have the best weekend possible. Sending our love to you all, all are out rock!

Have been waiting to hear what the progress is with your health. I am very happy that you are pleased with your doctor(s) and that you are going to Alaska and that you have the situation in hand. Also glad for the fact that this biopsy went better than the last in the fact that you just felt the tugs. Ok, onward and upward to the next step.

lildeb! ya, msdaizy is right, and yes, delusions or hallucinations are part of the disease. I used to use the 'safe and sound' mantra with my mom and tell her over and over that she was safe and sound and nothing was going to get her.

juju! hope you get a new everything out of the deal. How nice that would be! Yes, It would be a pain for a bit but then everything is clean and nice and works like a charm. That tub sounds like a good idea and I hope you can get all of that to happen.

Sharynmarie, I am sorry that your mom is having a rough time of it. Of course it makes everyone's time hard but they can't help it. Hope your sister got through it ok.
Sorry that tingling is still there but thrilled for you that you now have a girlcave. Very freaking cool.

My neck is stiff and sore and I am sure that there is something awful up in there. Thankfully the boat angel has taken over the physical burden of all things boat and I am just doing the hunting and gathering role and coming back with stuff we need and groceries to keep us going. My body was just going to quit on me if I didn't make some changes in my work habits.

I don't know what to say to those of you who are hauling your moms or dads up and down. It's a crippler!

Mame! Hope you can get some rest in the midst of everything you are taking care of. Hard I know.
Meanwhile! How is the foot doing now that you are riding again? Hope all is well on the ranch!

Jen!! Glad you are working on that trip even if it is only in your head for the moment. That's always where great things start... in our heads!
Hope your cop-bro establishes some scare in the neighbors and everyone leaves you guys alone. You have enough to deal with.

Mesquite! Marilyn? I think that's fabulous! Tell him you're having Bobby and JFK over for lunch to see which one you're going to pick. Man oh man, is his doctor serious that he's competent or is your dad just messing with you and are you a way hot babe that looks like Marilyn? We are all loving this one!

Dreyfuss! CityZoo!? egads! Not enough air freshener in the world......

Cuz! If you have a minute tell us how you are all doing and how is cuzMike?

I texted Diane/Flex yesterday and she wanted me to let everyone know that her computer has been acting up and that's why she hasn't been posting. We are going to try to see if she can come to the boat again but this time stay a longer. How cool is that?

LadeeC, ewww. They are just off their rockers and ya, what they'll reach for and try to eat is about the only thing that I think we can compare to a little child. Of course the little kid is a lot easier to stop than someone who is bigger and stronger and has years of willful behavior on their side. Yikes.

Spooky! How is it going? Check in with us and let us know how you are doing!

Christine! Rip! Deef! Kuli! Everybody!

OK, it's now quarter to 6 in the am and time for coffee.
It's quiet and still here up the creek off the ICW except for the griping of the Cat as she wakes up and comes to me to complain about the lack of chow in her bowl.

OK, fed the ship's Cat so we can all move forward here on this boat without fear of the Cat doing something nuts like starting the Main or slipping the docklines. A hungry cat is a terror.
2 days ago I didn't move fast enough to get food in the bowl and she almost shredded a Chesapeake chart kit. JeezeLouise.

OK, all for now and I hope all of our crew checks in and lets us know how they are doing.

Love all you guys way more than you know.

and of course I never got close to dying hair or baking some goodies that chocolate cake is still on my mind and the caramel sauce I will do in the am rain or shine I have everything and sounds good I can do something with the apples from tree n that. went berry picking at the mailbox the other morning got over a pound of nice blackberry's in just twenty minutes but the thorns are wicked!!!
Yum yum, they "WERE" good! hope I can get some time to get more blocks of bushes down by the river a few blocks away!!

LIl deb it does sound like the delusions or hallucinations that are common in dementia, I think, we have not had them yet to that level anyway, Just flashbacks now n then. but I have heard of them from others. Maybe some medication would help for those times. idk...I glad that part is over and you are sounding so strong. NIce to have the GD visit and your vacation to take up the waiting time till surgery. We continue to keep you in our thoughts n prayers.
Sharyn so sorry your ma is giving you guys grief, good you are able to set boundaries....maybe she will get lonely enuf to realize...hahahah...been there done that, not gonna happen.
Meanwhile...I loved that post about getting a good nite sleep n waking up refreshed, I literally lol'd, no kidding!!!! Hope you are getting some more riding in!!!
Hi MS daisy...glad to see you around the site again...
Kuli.. hope your friend is doing better!
Jen hang in there, visualize and read those books...I wish I could read but It just puts me to sleep or I have such difficulty I must be A D D.... I envy those who are readers as I do enjoy a good story!!!!
Bob meant to say while back your last post was so nice, like the long ones(from others, lol). thanks for being our captain!
Well the insurance adjuster was out today and our roof n hole is ceiling in master bath is not covered so I must take care of that on own. He says we need a whole new roof as it is worn pretty bad but can patch/fix for the short term.
The water heater leak, he had said depending on plumbers report whether it would be covered. It is not the water heater but the water line under heater and did fall under the covered issues. could have went either way depending on plumbers findings...(glad plumber was available short notice, he was in area just finishing up another job and came out while adjuster went to lunch) However it has reaked havoc under the house. The entry way is getting worse by the day and told that the only thing keeping us from falling thru is the interlocking hardwood, if was carpet we would have broke thru subfloor as it is partical board and completely saturated. They are going to bring the heaters and blowers out to dry it and need to tear up the whole back side of the house along that waterline and put new subfloor n up...our back bedroom, laundry, kitchen, dining, and masterbath will be destroyed. We will need to move into a motel or somewhere on Monday...for probably a month or more. This is going to be a total pain in the touché. I still have home health coming etc…. but I guess I should be happy to get all the work covered...and it will be new everything...the kitchen counters n cabinets, floors, vinyl and hardwood (for hardwood, if the cant match completely new not just partial) probably new tub too as they will have to take that out, can turn that into a walk/roll in shower for ma!
Omg yes this is going to be a challenge with ma n the dogs n cat…to move to a hotel room. I am not loving the idea. We really need to find a cottage type or cabin or apt or house to rent, etc…with a full kitchen and the space for all our handicap aids and laundry….etc….egads we are just getting a normal back from the last drama and enjoying our yard again!!! But they will be here to pack up that side of house n move us Monday morning they said so not sure what I can do bout it as adjuster is off till then, ugghhh!!! I am going to call the hotline in the morning again to see what else we can do….
Well that was the whole day getting that evaluated and the clean up team walk thru etc…I got none of my chores done. I still have so much to work on here I have been trying to get to all week, the respite program app, etc.…now we have to prepare to move out, ugggghhhh But it could be worse they could have made us leave today or we could have went the non covered route so we will just have to make it work!!!!

Gonna be super duper busy now, especially the next week!!!! It is almost 1am I need to get us to bed! and get on it tomarro!!

Take care and hang in there you all...Our love to you all!!
Peace out,

Lildeb...your mom is having delusions. I remember one night mom was convinced there was a little girl with a scarred face crying...and she needed to help her. She was so frightened...I couldn't calm her down. We walked all over the house and looked up and down for this little girl. But to no avail. Do you have any lorazepam to help her relax? This is about the time the nurses fixed us up with prescriptions to help her sleep. Its so frustrating to see's like when you kids have those scarey nightmares and you feel helpless. I hope she gets better rest...and you too. God Bless.

Lildeb: I hate those things that happen; when someone else's fear is so real that you feel it as your own. Hope things settle down for your mil.

OK, back home now and here is the short of it. Had the breast MRI and another mammogram yesterday. The mammogram required another biopsy....dang, dang, dang.....which I had this morning at 7:30am. This biopsy is in a different site in the same breast. It is tiny calcifications which normally would not be biopsied, however, they are in a direct line with the biopsy of cells we know to be malignant. Consequently, they are suspicious due to the direct path of travel potential.

Should get the results by Tuesday. It will have an impact on the surgery prospects; lumpectomy vs mastectomy. I am scheduled for surgery August 19th and time has been booked for either outcome. I am going to take my planned trip to Alaska on Aug 5, back on the 12th. So I am happy about that. I have a good prognosis either way and I am fine with which ever way it goes.

My poor boob is bruised, black and blue again, but I must say that this biopsy was much easier than the last. When they took the tissue out, all I felt were the tugs. Not like last time when I felt everything. This site was easier to reach and sedate. What a relief that was.

My husband and I met with the surgeon this morning. She is awesome and so good at explaining everything. Hey, no complaints from me. It is what it is and whatever it is, I am luckier than the majority.

Have a great least the best that you can. Jen you just keep visualizing a relaxing and, at the same time, freeing time away from your asylum. It's all good when us girls are together.

Hugs and love to all of you.


Sharyn, sorry to hear about your mom n you know you can only do so much. Hopefully someone can calm her down. I was glad u was able to get a few chuckles from my mil panties for they can keep u on your toes. Hey, at least yours washes her panties. I have to sometimes do the sniff-test in case she did change n put them back into the drawer.
Cat, I don’t play that game anymore. I have been playing one a little similar but with more choices called, Bejeweled. I was hooked from playing on fb that I got hubby to get the game for me last Christmas n been playing since then. I hope u have a great time with your granddaughter. Take lots of pictures n enjoy your-self.
Jen, that is terrible when someone vandalizes a library n now your tools. Tell them to take all that time n get a job. Maybe, a light sensor would keep those thieves at bay?
Juji, that was a good one, the Library Bandit. Lol /thanks I needed that one today.
My finger feels much better n only slight bruise. The mil scare the crap out of us this am. She has had a couple of early morning nightmares or something but this one just scared the shit out of me. She was screaming down the hall way at 7am why no-one was getting ready to help danny n the ditch. Danny is her son. He is right there in the hall trying to tell his mom he is fine that he is right here. She mentions same thing that he was n accident n we need to go n he tells her again. Then she names her husband whom been deceased since 95 n Danny tells her that n I see this going no-where. Her eyes were wide open n it seem so real to her. I walk her back toward the bedroom n she telling us to get her car so we can go. I tell her the car was sold a long time ago. That didn’t help her for she just repeat it again. I then told her that the car broke down. Then she told me to call them n let them know we won’t be able to make it. I told her I already have n everything is taking care. She finally started to relax. I helped her to bed n she told me she probable couldn’t go back to sleep but I reassure her that I took care of everything n all is fine as she went off to sleep. I ask hubby about if he or someone had an accident n he mention she had a bad car accident so that may explain why n she probable got the person confused. I just know it scared the crap out of me n hubby. I asked her did she remember about her nightmare-day-mare n she don’t remember anything. I hope she don’t have another one like that again. Is this normal to have these more often as the disease start to progress?

Sis visited mom after her work day...not a good visit again. Mom was yelling and screaming, a caregiver tried to soothe mom down but it didn't work. Mom is making it so we only visit once a week or less. She is too unpredictable.

Have a good weekend everyone!!

Look forward to a day when I can leave the house and freely go wherever I want for as long as I want. I know I will miss my mom...but I can't help but long for the freedom. I am taking pride in being able to bathe and change the sheets with her in the bed! I am becoming expert at this. The PT is going well...she should be up walking soon. I am glad for that. I am just tired. Thanks to all for your kind words and thoughts.
Thinking of you today Cat! Hope everything goes well. Praying for you!
Sorry you are having troubles in the neighborhood Jen. Hope the cop cars scare whoever away.
Juju-don't know much about the Alz walk but am impressed with those who can get into that, physically, mentally and timewise...
Welcome-Mesquite-or should we call you Marilyn?
Hello Littledeb, Meanwhile, Sharyn, Bobbie, LadeeC.
Welcome-Dreyfuss, Jenny & Spooky!
Hotter than h-e-double-toothpicks here! Can't venture outside at all. Good thing I have no where to go!
Love you all! Stay cool if you can! Mame

Brother the cop will come by tomorrow and check it out; the attempted break in here. The cop car and uniform will help if neighbors see... He will also assess the re build of the fence along the back. This may get it done! Jen

aw man that sucks Jen, maybe the library bandit, lol....
I am so exhausted lately but good to be busy than pitiful!
Got signed up for the Alz walk today, I wanted to share the link but I don't want to offend or be a peddler. What is the etiquette for stuff like that, any thoughts?? hahaha I should have asked that question along time ago on a bunch of stuff I post, lol!!!

Mame hope things are well, sounds good but exhausting.

So tired, catch up later! LOVE N PEACE to you all!!!


Someone tried to break into our locked and boarded up garage last night. I thought I heard something at 3 or 4 AM...Great great...One more thing. Mom is freaked out. Time to sell those old tools before someone steals em eh?...Jen

My dad lives with me and he has been found competent by two doctors. On occasion, I will test him. One morning I asked if he knew who I was. Daddy looked at me and said, "Yes, you're Marilyn Monroe". It is confirmed. There is nothing wrong with his memory. :-)

Bobbie~The tingling is still there. If I tilt my head backwards I really feel it...LOL...good thing that is not a normal position to hold my head!!

Grossed out? My father continues to use a washcloth to clean up my mother's messes. He then tosses it in the kitchen sink to use as a dishrag. Another issue is her diet. I have told him that she needs something besides the outdated meat and canned goods that he feeds her. The results are horrific. I am thankful I invested in a carpet cleaner. This house smells like the city zoo.

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