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Lildeb~I laughed about your mil wearing the same panties everyday unless you are right there to catch it. My mom...LOL!! She hand washes her panties and puts them on the window sill to dry (in her apartment). Why, I don't know???!

Cat~I am so happy you are going to visit with your grand daughter. Enjoy your time together. We will be going to Idaho in Sept. to visit our daughter and sil. I didn't get to visit my son this year because of taking care of mom...I had a week off in April before we placed her. He may come up a week before we go to Idaho. If not, I will see him next spring.

YAY!! I got the room painted except for the woodwork.

Have a good day everyone!!

Some idiot here in Spokane, went and smashed out the windows at our local branch of The Public Library...Someone please run over this moron! God, it isn't enough we are poor disenfranchised and insulted we have to be vandalized as well!!!
Way cooler morning here, may help I hosed the house and yard but good last night, still gonna be nineties all week end through say Wed? blecha...
We are getting Chinese for my B-day, a place that also does American and so fp can have Chicken Fried Steak. Mom will pick it up...we don't go IN anywhere anymore...
Reading the Auntie Mame books..there's an escape!

Copied and sent the list bobbie...everyone loves it!

I will try the visualization cat.

And yes having our yard back has been wonderful!!! just go outside and use the yard, without fear of dying or bitten by a coon or snake hiding in the tall grass... we can sit in the sun for a bit or play with dogs etc.....That is the best respite for us now as I cannot really get away till home health is done with us, lest my weekly Sr companion visit when I have to go get errands done!

Good luck today Cat!! I am so excited for your visit with GD, you are so looking forward to it, it will be a nice time for you all! I am thinking of taking us crabbing soon too,
That is too funny bout the cat n insurance agent. Reminds me of this one woman who was coming up her to ask for money few times...I mean I barely know her thru others in the hood and has not come up for any kind of friendship which I don't mind as she has been drunk most times ive dealt with her then shows up asking for money, Big NO!!! Anyway on the way out Ziggy was nipping her legs all the way down the ramp! and I just giggled, lol, I am bad!

Been very busy round here, tiring but good to make progress! The help is awesome too....Pounding headache this AM, I will get over it, sinuses from all this grass I think.

big giant HUG N LOVE to you are wonderful loving supportive group and we would not be where we are without you!
Where are we anyway,lol,....just not drowning in negativity n hopelessness!

OK, tomorrow we are off to see the wizard(s). Be back late Friday and I'll post over the weekend. I've got lots to do for Amanda's visit. I'll be so happy to see her and Brad. Our neighbor has a boat so we are taking them out crab fishing while they are here. It will be a short visit. They get here Wed evening. Crabbing Sat., going to a Mariner's game on Sunday, they leave Monday morning early. So Thurs and Friday for hanging out and doing whatever. We have to share her with her dad, so it will be busy. I'm excited for her to see our home, really it's all the work we have done on the land. When we moved here, she made the trip with us and stayed for a couple of weeks. She was 13 then and she came to visit us from ND every year after up to the time she was 18 or so. Then there was college and working, so this will be her fist time back since 2009. So many things, trees, shrubs, etc. have been added and grown up since she was last here. As a little kid, she always loved being in the yard with me doing this and that. We use to make leaf soup; a garden slant on a tea party. When I talked to her the other day, she said: "OK, you crazy plant woman, I love you and we are so excited to get there. Cant wait to see all of you." Gee, we hadn't even been talking about plants. Guess she knows me.

Jen, I want to you seriously start thinking about a road trip. Start picturing it in your mind and telling yourself that this is something you can do.

Juju: Wow, major congrats on getting the weeds knocked down. Must feel like you opened up a whole new world.

Sharyn: Love the girl cave. You know we all just need a little place that is designed just for us and the things we hold dear. Sounds awesome and it doesn't have to be perfect.

Meanwhile: We boarded our dogs around 4pm today. I must say it has been a restful evening. No up and down, up and down. We got to watch a movie all the way through and my hubby will get to sleep all night. Almost like putting my dad is respite. If I didn't have to be up early and out the door to Seattle, I'm sure I would have felt rested and relaxed.

Lildeb: Take care of that thumb. Hey, I always send you extra lives on Candy Crush. Don't you play anymore? It's a nice place to zone out and get your mind occupied with something simple.

Bobbie: That cat with the antics. I so get it. I use to have cats and they were so able to make themselves clear. I remember having an insurance agent at our house. Bla Bla for so long. It was close to dinner time and I really wanted him to leave so I could get on with it. The cat jumped up on the table, did the ass is his face thing, then turned around and reached her paw up and smacked him gently on the cheek. I was embarrassed because I just sat and watched. I agreed with the cat 100 percent. The agent looked at me like what this about. I said, "well, it's dinner time for all of us and she wants you to leave." He left. Good kitty!!

Sorry for who I missed. I've got to get to bed.

Take care of yourselves.


Two stories:

There's another discussion about how much TP someone's mom uses: so much that it stops up the works. We have the reverse problem: No more than 4 squares. EVER. Guess what's all over her hand before she's done? And, I'm here to tell ya that she uses those four squares as many times as she can fold them over.

Ugh!! Oh .. I forgot to mention .. she loves biting her nails. Soooooooo gross.

Then, today, during our trip to the doctor's, she was munching on a chocolate covered fiber bar. It wasn't finished, so we set it aside in its wrapper. By the time we got back all the chocolate had melted, and slid into that catch-all tray in the console, and she started to pick it up to finish. "Edna! Ack! Do you have any idea how long it's been since I cleaned that tray?" I started to grab it from her and she's all, "nono .. it's okay, I'll finish it." Oh, please. I'm imagining all the critter germs crawling all over it. We JUST got over a UTI. "Oh, honey .. we have more .. I'll get you one from the house."

She actually reached back into the trash to retrieve it, and yanno .. I'm driving on the freeway. I managed to push a napkin in her hand to distract her.

Sometimes it's the little things, yanno?

Do you know what it feels like to go to bed early, sleep all night, wake up 1st thing in the morning feeling refreshed and energized? Yeah, me neither.

Bobbie, glad u was able to find that walnut. Maybe u should put it in the empty Tylenol bottle. I am so glad the air got fixed for as my daddy told me, I have turned citified. Got a chuckle with your fat-cat strutting down toward u with the face deal? Why do they think that we want their ass near r face when it is bedtime too? I like the part of the ‘tough tity n the city,’ for their n r own health is very important. My mil is still somewhat independent but hates it when it’s her once a wk bath time n that is with help now. I just have to be ms. Boss if that means being healthy for all n UTI free for that is a pain n the royal ass when they get that mess. I have to make sure she changes panties at least every other day to prevent that UTI. But, if u doesn’t watch she will put the same dirty ones back on. So, I feel like a detective sometimes too.
I like #1, 6, 9 omg #11 just cracked me up! Lol thanks I needed that one. #15 is so on it teenagers! The payment was funny too. The stars n pain was cute n so right. I’ll admit it, Guilty here.
Cat, I know u have to be very excited with your granddaughter coming to see y’all. She sound very smart with a 4.0 n dealing with everything else n I bet she will do just fine on her CPA exam. I hope all goes well for Friday. Please keep us posted on how u r doing. Saying a prayer and a big hug.
Sharyn, that girl-cave sounds amazing n a lot of work. I bet it will be well worth it.
Jen, what the world r u doing up at 3am? That just a pee break for me.
Mesquite, your dad is hilarious.
Cuz, that was too funny. Between you n Bobbie we can get in a few laughs. Thanks you two.
My poor thumb is starting to hurt more due to accidently slightly slamming it in my car door earlier today. I guess I can be grateful that I still have my thumb. I hope everyone is able to get some rest.

Visiting Nurse came and PT today! Feeling encouraged! And tired... More later. Hugs to one and all! Mame

Owned it BOB Miester!!!!

hmnnmm pay back? with grandpa...I'm afraid it would be the other way around at this point. Don't recall him ever cleaning my feces off the walls...but if it makes you feel better to think so...

It was 70 degrees last night when the wind was blowing at 3 AM! We are gonna die here...Jen

Good morning,
So nice to walk in our yard again. That kid is amazing, he cleared 1/4 acre of waste high weed/grass combo n hauled out into the trailer in 2/3 hrs shifts. spent the morning having coffee out back, playing with dogs and just wandering around pulling weeds here n there. Feels great!!!
Gotta make it quick! I know what a relief to you novel today, lol!!!!
Meanwhile, I missed the part about you delivering the foal, I tend to skim when Im so tired...that is amazing.
Love the "one liners" bob, that first one I just saw on FB cracked me up, so true....I feel this with that darn ER Dr's I mean how do they get thru school, baffles me!!! I'd love to see their GPA, lol!!!
Mame, glad you n mom are back home! now maybe some rest I hope
Jen, books are a nice escape...damn neighbors and that rude! well we will eat Chinese yum, Chinese all day!!! When we get together
Cat we gonna do this, lol. a carrot for your treatments....stay strong, sounds real positive, we are praying!!!
Sharyn.. good luck painting!!

Love to all, hang in there. Sorry who I missed out back on patio and battery
gonna die right quick, just got the warning....

Peace out,

I wish I could explain it away as paying me back for toilet training,LOL!! I could understand that.

I am happy to hear the good news some of you are sharing...Mame, your mother is getting stronger, Cat, your cancer is caught early and treatable, meanwhile, you are out riding your horse and what a special bond you have in the delivery!! Jen, soaking up some sun while reading...good for you to have some time of peace! Bobbie, glad you got through the anniversary, and yes sometimes those feelings come on like waves, we just have get through it and releasing the tears helps. Juju, you are making lots of progress, so happy for you! Cuz, your jokes are always a respite, you give and give more!! Everyone a big hug and hello!!

Not much going on here, off today and tomorrow. Working in my daughters old room...have spent over a year now trying to remove these horizontal lines of paint buildup from having a wains coating on 3 walls. I have sanded and sanded to smooth the lines even have made much progress but just not looking how I want. Today I used rubbing alcohol on the lines, that soften and help to dissolve the paint, then I used a putty knife to scrape more off. I decided I have spent too much time on this project and it is just going have to be as it started painting the room today too. I hope to finish the painting FINALLY, tomorrow. Gonna pull out the old carpet and eventually put in laminate flooring when I have $$$. My version of a girl cave with family photos, my kids artwork when they were little, craft room, office. A big order for a small room. Take care everyone, hope the week is good. Midget and Tiger are having sibling rivalry issues...Tiger smacked Midget good tonight...she will help I hope,LOL!!

Home from hospital! Mom is amazing. Too tired to post to you all! Thanks for being her for me. More when we are settled ok? Mame

Bobbie: Thanks for all the jokes. Cuz has something to live up to now. The one liners are so funny.

Just wanted to tell you that my granddaughter, Amanda, and her husband are coming for a visit next week. What a joy that will be. They planned this about 3 months ago and time is ticking down. I feel very blessed that she would take the small amount of time she has away from jobs and school to come this way.

She had two wisdom teeth pulled yesterday. She and her hubby have paid off her car and every month work to pay down their school loans. There will be about $1,800.00 out of pocket for the wisdom teeth as they don't have dental just yet, but they will manage it. She gives me hope for the future of this country. They just work hard, get things done and are happy with the life they have made. She's just 23 years old. Got the soul of one much older and married such a calming spirit. I thank God everyday for the good things that have come into her life. She is still carrying 20 units per semester; working no less that 30 hours per week and so far a 4.0 grade average. She has a great partner/husband. Two more semesters and she can take her CPA exam. She amazes me, but she makes good choices and I really respect her judgement. I am so grateful that she is doing well right now.

My son tells me that all this positive stuff skips a generation.

Hugs to all, Cat

OK... I know that we've heard some or all of these but they are fun anyway.

1. Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

2. I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather.. Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car.

3. I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.

4. Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. "Yes" is the answer.

5. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

6. We live in a society where pizza gets to your house before the police.

7. Women might be able to fake orgasms. But men can fake a whole relationship.

8. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list.

9. Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

10. If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.

11. Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny. If you see him without an erection, make him a sandwich.

12. We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public.

13. War does not determine who is right - only who is left.

14. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

15. Children: You spend the first 2 years of their life teaching them to walk and talk. Then you spend the next 16 years telling them to sit down and shut-up.

16. Politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They should both be changed regularly, and for the same reason.

17. My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch.

18. Having sex is like playing bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand.

19. The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

20. Evening news is where they begin with 'Good evening', and then proceed to tell you why it isn't.

21. Fighting for peace is like f**king for virginity.

22. If sex is a pain in the ass, then you're doing it wrong...

23. To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research.

24. If God is watching us, the least we can do is be entertaining.

25. If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea... does that mean that one enjoys it?

26. If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of payments.

27. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.

28. How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire?

29. A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station..

30. Some people are like Slinkies ... not really good for anything, but you can't help smiling when you see one tumble down the stairs.

31. Did you know that dolphins are so smart that within a few weeks of captivity, they can train people to stand on the very edge of the pool and throw them fish?

32. A bank is a place that will lend you money, if you can prove that you don't need it.

33. I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted paychecks.

34. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.

35. Whenever I fill out an application, in the part that says "If an emergency, notify:" I put "DOCTOR". What's my mother going to do?

36. I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian

37. A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.

38. I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you.

39. I saw a woman wearing a sweat shirt with "Guess" on I said "Implants?"

40. The shinbone is a device for finding furniture in a dark room.

41. Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but will check when you say the paint is wet?

42. The sole purpose of a child's middle name, is so he can tell when he's really in trouble.

43. God must love stupid people. He made SO many.

44. Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.

45. Good girls are bad girls that never get caught.

46. Behind every successful man is his woman. Behind the fall of a successful man is usually another woman.

47. Some people say "If you can't beat them, join them". I say "If you can't beat them, beat them", because they will be expecting you to join them, so you will have the element of surprise.

48. Why do Americans choose from just two people to run for president and 50 for Miss America?

49. Crowded elevators smell different to midgets.

50. You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice.


Good Eveniing Crew,

Everyone, thanks for the words of encouragement for my folk's anniversary sadness. Man, it just rolls over you sometimes and you do the best you can.
I thank you all. Very sweet and kind.

Mame! hope your mom is doing ok! Is she still in the hospital? How are you?

Meanwhile! Congratulations on getting to go for a ride! That is huge. Love your horse stories and the fact that you delivered this horse is incredible. I forgot which foot is busted up and am wondering how you get in the saddle.

Hey lilDeb! ya, the ants will cause havoc and so glad you got the AC running again. It is way too brutal without it.
The Cat has balls and toys out the ying yang but you know how it is... empty Tylenol bottle is way more interesting and I found that walnut she was banging around behind a door.

Kuli! how are you and how is your friend? Hope all is as ok as can be.

Juju! thanks for the food ideas. I want to try the caramel one but am too hot to do anything about it yet.

Cat! thanks for the kind words and yes it would be cool to meet up somewhere although I am somewhat tethered to this here boat for the near term.
Glad you got the ashes to rest. Sometimes executive decisions are the best all around.
The Ship's Cat is a fat female and makes her demands known. She is sitting in the saloon under the table and can see me all the way in the front of the boat in my cabin as I write. She will come down in a minute to stand on the keyboard and put her ass in my face. Nice.
Love that you are thinking about rescuing Jen out of there and eating Chinese 3x a day. I LOVE Chinese food and will eat it until my ankles swell.
Good luck with the MRI on Thursday and the surgeon on Fri. I hope you will check in before that. You will prevail.

Jen! The LaBrea Tar Pits are pretty amazing. You just stand there and the bubbles come up out of the goo.
There's a lake outside of Reno called Pyramid Lake. I always thought that dinosaurs would come walking by at any minute it looks so Jurassic. If you feel like it look it up in Google Images. I get the same feeling with the LaBrea Tar Pits even though they have vegetation around where there's no tar boiling.

Flex! Wassup!! Hope you are ok and we all hope you check in when you can.
Deef!! Ya, we miss you big time.
And Linda and Rip and and and ...

Cuz! How is cuzMike doing? How are you and Joyce and Diane and Aunt H?

Sharynmarie! wassup and how are you feeling? I have been trying to take it easy on my neck and it is stiff and sore but not as bad as it was. How is the tingling?

Mesquite! Funny one about the languages. You never know when a bi-lingual episode will attack!

Emjo! Hope you are doing ok... are you having a tough one today? Boy it happens doesn't it? Maybe we can come up with some more laughs here in a bit.

JennyM! Welcome to the Grossed Out Thread. I see that you are caring for your husband and I can't imagine how hard that must be. Hope you are getting along ok.
If you don't know how gross it can get yet you will and boy it doesn't have anything to do with what it's like to potty train a kid.
Doesn't mean we don't love them but it doesn't mean it's not gross either. It just is.
Common error for newbies to bark at us with that one so no biggie. Like I said, if you don't know yet you will.

Spooky! Welcome to the thread! Yup that's pretty gross!
If your mom hasn't had a bath in a long time you know that she's got Dementia and at some point you have to get her clean or get someone else to get her clean.
My mom went for a bit until I realized that I had to wash her myself. It wasn't easy but I had to do it because the wafterons were coming up like they do off a hot pie on the windowsill. Just didn't smell as good to be sure!
I would get her all clean and shiny and in the beginning she acted like I was killing her but she got used to it and I worked hard to make sure she was safe in the shower with a shower chair and a handheld shower thingie.
Sometimes they get scared of falling in the shower or tub and because of memory issues they forget to connect the dots about getting a regular bath but I am sure you know what I mean.
It's hard to deal with and it feels so hopeless but the time comes when what they want doesn't matter and you have to do what is necessary for their health and for your family's health.
I just had to tell my mom what the score was going to be and I tried to be cool about it and not like a dictator but oh well, whatever I had to do to get her into the shower so I could scrub her because if they don't wash regularly they will get UTI's and they are a pain to resolve once they get a hold.
Mom called me a nazi a few times but that was better than her being sick and at the end of the day it was easier to just take the situation in hand.
Spooky, if you can hire someone just do it whether your mom wants you to or not.

Sometimes I think the hardest part is just doing what we know is right even when the mom or dad is pissed and telling us not to. Tough titty in the city but it has to get done. If you can afford help then get it! Your health and your family's health are more important than whether your mom is pissed!

I hope you keep venting it out because it really helps. You are more than welcome to hang out with us here and we will do our best to make you know that you are not alone.
You too Jenny!

DaughterLinda! Thanks for the nice hug! Hope you are doing better and glad you are giving yourself the time and help you need to keep on keeping on.

Pam! How is it going with your stepdad!

Christina! What are some of your favorite songs to sing?

Bookluvr! Hope things are more under control for you and I think of you so often. One of the other boaters gave me some chart kits for the South Pacific. I don't know if I will ever make it down there in this trawler. If I had a sailboat I would be all over that but I would have to take extra fuel even though this boat has a 2500 mile range with 1300 gallons of diesel that is still not enough.

OK, I know that I have missed out on hollering at many so post and chew me out!


My mo made toast yesterday and used her fingers to put the butter on.Seeing as she has not taken a shower in months,i threw the butter away!! yuck...

Are they paying you back for toilet training etc?????

Thank you for the laugh. I especially needed it today. That is hilarious!

My Dad and I were visiting my Mom in a nursing home and their lawyer was with us. I was standing and talking to the lawyer when my Dad let out a huge gas bubble from the nether region. We both looked at Daddy and I asked him if he was ok. "Yes," he says, "I was just speaking French. Would you like to hear me speak Spanish?" The lawyer and I at the same time said, "NO!!". I lost it for the rest of the day due to uncontrollable laughter.

One day, while going to the shop, I passed by a retirement village. On the front lawn were six old ladies, lying naked on the grass.
I thought this was a bit unusual, but continued on my way.
On my return trip, I passed the same retirement village with the same six old ladies lying naked on the lawn. This time my curiosity got the better of me and I went inside to talk to the retirement village Administrator, and asked her:

"Do you know there are six ladies lying naked on your front lawn?"
“Yes,” she said, "aren't they darlings?” “They're retired prostitutes ........they're having a yard sale. "

Well all I can say is Home Health always calls the morning or somepoint prior to make an appt time....
Tired, goodnite y'all!

crap! hit button too soon. She weighed 81.5 n that is awesome from 72lb in April. I asked her how long will Medicare pay for hospice to come out n maybe she can get another supply of Ensures before they stop. She did mention that her health is doing a better that unfortunately they may stop. I did let her know that particular Hospice center has terrible communication skills. The lady their was suppose to had called me back about respite break during that time I thought I may have had to go back to Piedmont Hospital due to the toxicity of Prograf my anti-reject meds. I never heard back from that hospice. I finally got the nurse n nurse aide to start calling ahead of time if they were going to come early n not just some pop-up! Back to head area, the dr called the place to inform her about my concerns n about that situation.Just in case it happened again that Joe-would have somewhere to stay instead of dragging her to Atlanta with us. I even told the dr that I had called them a couple of days ahead about my situation n it wasn't a last minuet call. That they had ample time to get back with me whether she qualify or not! The dr said she suppose call me sometime today n to let her know if I still have that problem.. Well, no phone call today n I stayed home all day until 4pm n no message on the answer machine either. I am not surprise. At least the nurses call ahead now. Of course, their social worker tends to pop up n I asked him why didn't he give me a call instead of just popping up on the spot. He stated, he was near the neighborhood n thought it be okay to swing by. I don't won't to say too much to him for he is the one that get the mil cases her Ensures mailed to her. I still told him a call would be nice.
Has anyone else had such problems with a hospice? They only come once a wk for she is still a bit independent n that is fine but a curiosity call would be freaking nice! If the head lady from that hospice that the dr spoked to today on the phone, n if she don't call sometime this month then, I will let the dr know n look for another hospice if its still needed. That is enough to give ya stress, ...Gotta go n hubby is distributed mil meds. but asking questions. night all.

Cat, At least she is still pretty independent during the daytime. However, I hear ya loud n clear. I know I am running out of my 9lives but getting back n gear with my own health. At least hubby is pulling his weight more. I think the Teepa Snow conference helped awaken his eyes some. glad u gave that dr a mouthful n some. It seems the 'unknowing' n 'waiting' that drives us nuts! I so glad that the breast cancer is not n the aggressive stage. Maybe u won't have to need any surgery? Saying a prayer that the MRI comes clear, clean as a whistle. Hang in their tough girl.
Diane, that little bone that Cat mention does sound pretty good right about now.. We do care n miss ya n we r just a little worry about ya.
Bobbie, I hope u didn't get soaked with that bad weather?
Juju, I hope u get some 'Alone time for yourself." At least to get that gray out n when u get done, u can do my straight-n-stinging-gray highlighted hair n its not highlights.. lol. Not sure if u should cover the toenail if u r having some issues with fungi? Sometimes all u can do is the best u can for we r all only human.
I forgot who mention something about the milk tab for the cat. Guess, I may be having a little short term memory going on here. Isn't it amazing how something has practical as that can entertain a cat. I use the tube from the paper-towel sometimes for one of my cats n he just lay on his chubby side n kicks the mess out of it wuith his back feet. Just too funny.
Took mil to her dr n she weights 81

I am getting out the only way I know how...Books and sleeping too much...Put a mess of classics on hold at library...Rabbit books and Noir and Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Solzhenitsyn...laid on swing in back and covered up make sure fp couldn't see my ass from the window...nor flash neighbors from alley. They had a bonfire last night and pot and smoke fumes made airing the house impossible, two days ago the guy has a scream fest with his girlfriend now he is having 20 people over at 2 am for a smoke fest?... whatever...
Toilet OK, drain needed to be snaked out again, tree roots...I told her....$396.00 Lovely...Cousins emailed and said they were going swimming and having Chinese food and going to her boyfriend's gig all weekend..Jesus how NICE for YOU! And she crabs at me that fp really should be in a home... You guys are really not qualified to do this!!! Well we been doing this for five years now! Yes thank you shut up!
And I wanna see the La Brea Tar Pits!

hi to Cat and deef and bobbie and mame and lildeb and juju and rip and cuz and meanwhile and Diane, L, and Pam and Christina, Sharyn Marie and everyone here at the boat launch... Jen

oh and yes a road trip sounds like a blast, maybe PacnNorWesters could meet up some time! I am game!!!!
Cat somehow I thought you were in Wyoming/Montana....Wash. is much closer!
We should do it!!! Get Jen outta there for a while!!!
Well again...hang in there all!!!

Thank you and you stay strong Cat, sounds positive so far! what a nice post that was...
Bobbie hope you are feeling a lil better today, now day has passed, sometimes crying is good for you tho...
Everyone you are in my thoughts n prayers "the boat crew"

I have begun dreaming again had a few this past week, didn't retain much but know I did dream. It has been so very long since I had a dream that was kinda interesting!
I plucked the forest above my eyes last nite, had been prior to her back/rib incident in June since I even thought to do that. I bought some hair dye Friday too, I want to cover this Elvira gray streak at my temple...and the speckles beyond, been since before her hip in Feb since I have time to think of that.

So I guess we are finding a balance here!!! Will feel good to do my hair, it really needs a cut too, prob been a year, it is thick fortunately but needs some layering/shaping or It just a long mess! Color is good for now, that will help! My friend who promised to give me a pedi has not been heard from in weeks...I am not going to chase her down. I will try to do myself only to cover the nasty fungus on big toes...for flip flop season. I got that fungus back home at the abundant Vietnamese nail shops, there were so many and so cheap due to that I guess but when working I did enjoy getting my toes done! now I cant barely reach them,lol sure could use the help, or really I should just eat healthier and do more walking but hard to leave mom!
It is gonna be busy again, new hire coming at 9 and bringing son to start on yard for me! yay! plus I got several things that must get done asap, with the housing and respite programs apps!

Well make the best of this day my dear comrades! Good luck and lots of love to you all! BIG HUGZ!

Peace out,

Bobbie: Hey woman, I do understand the sadness of various anniversaries. My parent’s wedding anniversary is March 3rd and it was 65 years for them this last March. Still had my dad, in the form of ashes, in my closet at that time. Gee, I felt like a major shit for not having him spread under the tree with my mom. Good grief, the poor man passed the 24th of September, 2012. Felt the same way last Christmas. There he was in my closet and I knew how much they loved to spend the holidays together. Oh, and there are birthdays and Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Valentine’s Day. I use to always put a giant batch of flowers in a vase by the tree for my mom on all occasions. It was such a comfort to my dad. For some reason us sibs were thinking that we all needed to be here to spread my dad’s ashes, but then I decided it wasn’t that important. It was important when my mom died, because my dad needed to have us with him, but now it’s not so critical that we all be present at the same time. So I made an executive decision and when the short-term tenants who are living next store in my parents home were gone for the day, hubby and I went over, did the ashes and said some prayers to them both. The tenants will be leaving in September/October and we will miss them because they are a very nice family, but only here for a year due to a temporary job in the area. Actually, we only expected them to be here for 3 to 6 months initially. The extra income has been a life safer, but I miss walking in to my parents home and just seeing it and feeling it. We’ll miss the income, but it will be nice to be inside the place again. I hope it still feels like their home.

Sending love and peace to you, the Boat Angle and that beastly first mate, Clankshaw the decimator. I know I would love that crazy cat of yours, I LMAO when you talk about him and I thank you for those great stories.

Bobbie: You are sure entitled to your tears at the various anniversaries that touch your heart, but I sure hope you realize that you are a shining star and the light you gave off was a beacon in a storm. I don’t know all of your history, but I do know that you did more than your best. I wish we could all be together and talk these things out. Wouldn’t that be awesome?

Juju: Glad you made it to the service. I was worried that it might not work out for you and your mom. As always, thanks for thinking of me. You hang in there and know that you are loved by everyone on this thread. You are only a state away from me. Maybe I’ll pick up Jen and we will take a road trip to visit you. It could happen, this isn’t just BS.

Jen are you listening. We could get you away from fart pants and eat Chinese all the way to Oregon. I got a car and I’ve got a credit card. We can do this. Just don’t jump in any creeks on the way. I’ll be watching you like a hawk. When we get to Juju’s place, you have to promise to stay away from the sink hole. I must insist on this. LMAO, but I’m thinking this is doable. Seriously.

Mame: Sending you and your mom white light. Such a struggle when you have them in the hospital. You spend your time running back and forth and trying to protect them and not leave them unguarded. I have been there and done that and it is exhausting. I know everyone else has too. So sorry Mame; glad you at least don’t have the no see ums. We don’t have them in Washington state, thank God. As bad as that is, I don’t think anything that has been mentioned on this thread about critters compares to Linda09 talking about chiggers setting up a hotel in her privates. I will never forget that and it still makes me laugh and laugh. OMG, Linda can tell a story like no other. Bless her and, Mame, be grateful that your privates have not been taken over by creepy little bugs. Hope that gives you something to smile about. Love you and thinking about you always. I realize this is such a hard time for you.

Meanwhile: You are really amazing. I wish I had the talent and ability to be called by a neighbor to deliver a baby horse in distress. My hat goes off to you and my heart just swelled listening to you briefly describe what you were able to accomplish. And now you get to ride this wonderful horse who would not be here if it wasn’t for you. Awesome!!!!! Hope your foot is better and life is treating you as kindly as possible. You sure deserve the best.

Lildeb: You are such a trooper. You just keep going forward, taking care of the mother-in-law and balancing all of your medical issues. I don’t know how you do it. I truly could not have walked in your shoes. I hope you will be mindful of your importance in the universe. You are very special; more than I think you can begin to take in. You come first. Don’t know if you can grasp that, but you do. Don’t think you can cheat the hangman forever. I know that’s sounds scary, but I just want to see you outlive the MIL. OK.

Christina: Always good to hear from you. I am hoping this economy improves and life for you and your husband gets easier. I’m wishing that for everyone. Gee, sometimes it’s just so scary.

Diane: You need to fill us in on how you are doing. We’ve hardly heard a word from you since your mom passed. I understand that there may not be words to describe where you are right now, but try to tell us how you are. We know you are working and that helps you fill the hours and financial gap. Those of us on FB realize that you adopted two dogs. I don’t mean to pry, but what is up with your bro and ugly sister? Let us know when you can and SURELY you know that all of us who have been with your through all this time, many more than others, care about you just as much now as before. So throw us a bone and let us know how you are doing.

Deef: I don’t know where you went to, but I would love to hear from you. I know everyone else would too. But it’s up to you and when you are ready. Just sending you my love and hoping that you are getting support.

OK: Breast Cancer. Getting the breast MRI this Thursday plus another mammogram See the surgeon Friday morning at 10am. I finally got the rest of the biopsy report last Thursday evening. Good God, we are talking one day short of two weeks since the biopsy. Let me just say that I was getting very upset. Very Upset!!! I was pissed off. How could this take so long? I’m giving you the Reader’s Digest version here. So my local doc calls in the evening to give me the biopsy results and asks how I am, I say I’m a bit frustrated, he says why, I say do you really want to hear this, he says yes. About 10 minutes later he says something and I have to stop him. I said, “Chuck, I’m not done yet.” He say’s, “OK, carry on.” So I did. I love this doctor.

Bottom line, I think I have a treatable breast cancer. It is also run of the mill breast cancer; meaning it is not a high grad aggressive type. It’s estrogen receptive, but most breast cancers are, so I am in the group that gets the most attention/research and has a good treatment outcome. It’s not tricky, at least from what the biopsy results show. It’s not HER2 positive, which involves a weird protein issue and would throw me right into chemo. It’s ductal vs lobular. I’ll take that. Ductal is the most common. Lobular presents a higher chance of the other breast being affected.

The cells taken in the biopsy are well differentiated, meaning they look close to normal. So they are not mutating rapidly, which means they are not as aggressive

So this is the biopsy. Hopefully the breast MRI will not show anything else and require additional biopsies of other breast areas. I’ll know more later.

Well, I wrote this all out on Word. Sorry for the length. Just wanted to respond and share my news. I do lurk, but I do care for all of you.

For those I missed, you are probably grateful. Sharyn, I’m thinking of you. Hugs to others I overlooked.


Oops I must have hit paste or?? by mistake, very tired tonite. That is my curry cauliflour soup recipe I was looking up for ma tomoro. It is very tasty tho.....give it a whirl if your into it!!

No see ems, oh fond memories of being devoured alive....Nice multiuse of the flipper, lol!!!
Bob, Sorry your feeling down, cookies are good, kitty is resourceful li'l one!! (mine likes the plastic pull ring from the milk jug top....price is right!

Meanwhile nice to get yourself back up on the horse for a nice ride!
Deb, no A/C no good, lol, glad it is back on, don't know what I do without mine.
Jen, hang in there..hope the toilet situation is worked out, what a mess..
Mame hope you get some restful sleep tonite knowing she is doing better is your friend doing,
hey there to everyone!

Yes the shakes I believe are the culprit, I meant to say they are whey protein powder which I mix with milk. The RN sed that whey could be doing it (with the milk, she never was a milk drinker maybe lactose intol. idk...kinda sad I have no clue why) they are the Body builders type shakes, last hospital sed they would be better bulkier than the Ensure/Boost type. more protein etc.... So she spent the weekend on the rubber mattress n watchin tv in her room, kinda a break for me today, no tv till just a bit ago, and no growling to make me banana's was nice quiet day here, a bit of a break to have her in her room all day! I do miss her tho, realized today been so busy lately haven't spent much quality time with her past few weeks.

Anyway, so tired tonite...ready for the pillow party already! just a few more things to get done then I am out.
Love n appreciation to you ALL!
Peace out

1 tablespoon canola oil

1 onion, chopped

2 garlic cloves, chopped

2 teaspoons finely chopped ginger

2 teaspoons curry powder

2 teaspoons cumin seeds, ground

2 pounds cauliflower (1 medium head), roughly chopped

1 russet potato, peeled and diced, or 1/2 cup rice

2 quarts water, vegetable stock or chicken stock

Salt to taste

Freshly ground pepper

Chopped cilantro for garnish

1. Heat the oil over medium heat in a large, heavy soup pot and add the onion. Cook, stirring often, until onion is tender, about 5 minutes. Add the garlic, ginger, curry powder and ground cumin and cook, stirring, until fragrant, 30 seconds to a minute. Add the cauliflower, potato or rice, water or stock, and salt to taste and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat, cover and simmer 30 minutes.

2. Using an immersion blender, purée the soup (or you can use a regular blender, working in batches and placing a kitchen towel over the top to avoid splashing) until it is very smooth. Return to the pot, heat through, add freshly ground pepper and adjust salt. Serve, garnishing each bowl with chopped cilantro.

Yield: 6 to 8 servings.

Advance preparation: You can make this a day ahead, but you may have to thin it out with a little water or stock when you reheat.

Nutritional information per serving (6 servings): 71 calories; 0 grams saturated fat; 1 gram polyunsaturated fat; 2 grams monounsaturated fat; 0 milligrams cholesterol; 11 grams carbohydrates; 3 grams dietary fiber; 31 milligrams sodium (does not include salt to taste); 2 grams protein

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