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Hi everyone, our r air went out today n of all days it was 90degrees n the house n 85 outside. We had all the windows open n ceiling fans running full force. We finally got someone to come out but had to pay time-n-half by the hr. It was freaking ants all n the n around the relay conductor where it wasn't getting any sparks to make it run because of the ants. Isn't that something! Luckily it only cost 105.bucks to get it going again but it was well worth it n we were afraid the mil might get over heated too, even-though she wouldn't get out of those sweat pants. She is so.... hard-headed. She has a early am appointment with the Geriatric doc tomorrow so I am going to try wrap this up quick n get my butt n bed.
Bobbie, sorry about your parents n I hope u r able to get some rest. Try not to eat too much more chocolate. Oh crap, if it helps u feel better go for it! sounds like kitty needs a ball to knock around in the boat. : ) Those horseflies can sure put a bite on ya so be careful. U can call r mosquitoes r state bird for they can tote u off. I do hope u r able to get some rest on this upsetting day for you. Sounds like your parents had a great loving bond together with that many years in marriage.
Mame, sorry to hear your mom still n hospital n that who said that is suppose to be the place to get some rest, yeah right! I would try to stay home n take a break n let the sibs stay with mom if possible. That way u just may get some rest.
Juju, wish I was their with you with all those classic cars. I luv looking at old cars n muscle cars but oldies the best. Glad u had a good time n at the services.
Jen, Deef, Ladee, n those I may have missed but not on intention, I hope ya'll had a good weekend. got go try n get some zzz for tomorrow.

I finally got to go for my Sunday ride. Have taken a few short rides around the pasture, but this felt like the 1st real ride since I broke the foot. Rode the 13 year old Peruvian Paso. He is so smooth. Way more expensive horse than I could afford, but he was born at the neighbors house, and got tangled up and stuck, during delivery. The neighbor couldn't get the Vet out in time, so called me. I'd just worked the night shift at the hospital, and been in bed about an hour, but pulled on some jeans and ran over. Got the neighbor to hold the mare's head, and I managed to untangle his feet, and pull him out. So then I started going over everyday to check on the little fellow. When he was old enough to wean (5 months), the neighbor let me buy him for very little. So he is pretty special to me. Kind of high strung, but really smart, and fun to ride.
Mame, how is your Mom and son? Hope everyone is doing better.
Bobbie so sorry your missing your folks.
Juju sounds like the milk may be the culprit with your Mom, anyway, worth a try.
Deef, Jen, Cat, Cuz, and everyone else, hope your doing OK too. Love Shirley

HATE No-see-ums! Used to live down south....don't miss those b**tards.
Hope you are ok Bobbie! Tough time for ya!
Mom is still in the hospital. Was gonna leave her alone overnight tonight-we stay around the clock-but thankfully when I told bro he said he would stay and just take tomorrow off. It is just too tiring to stay the night as they wake her up soooo many times during the night. Oh-let's do a breathing treatment at 4am. None the rest of the day when she is awake! Guess every shift has to have something to do! She is much better. They say she can't come home till Tues. Whatever. I am just going with it... trying not to get too stressed out. So, I will be back there early a.m. and PT is going to get her moving. She has stood up the last 2 days but no steps. She will get there. I will have to call the rental van place to bring her home so it is easier for all of us-instead of having to move her from chair to car to chair to house...They will wheel her all the way. Don't care what it costs. Some things are worth it. The sibs have helped out with taking time with mom at hospital so I don't have to be there every minute. Thankful for that. Somehow still exhausted. Well, off to bed. Hope everyone is ok! Love you all! Mame

Sorry about your anniversary sorrow bobbie, those days do kind of creep up on ya, even if your watching. Were they happy together? That's the most important bit for them. That they had that.

Hey Deef hope you are doing OK in Ware there....
Thinking of you here in Spokane. Have a safe week everyone, Jen

Was a sad day for me. July 14 was my parents anniversary. It would have been 68 years. Hard to imagine. eh, what are you going to do.

I hope everyone is doing ok and having as calm a weekend as possible. Raining off and on here and very pleasant now and not too hot.

I miss them and am crying off and on just like the rain.

Ate almost a whole box of cookies between yesterday and today.
The Cat got into the nuts.
I have a stomachache and she is still batting a walnut around and I can't find it.

They have horseflies here so I am sleeping with a flip flop.
They also have no-see-ums which are like little flying teeth.

Love you guys more than you know.


Thanks cuz, will need boat time...

Made it to the service, It was brief but nice and then a casual donut n coffee social hour / reception? after. I am so glad we were able to swing it! Was very nice to get us out and meet the new church contacts I had been given by MSW last week! Glad I did it, I almost did not but then I could not miss Wanda's tribute!! (Ma did have a minor blowout, right about leaving time, manageable)

Now exhausted n staring at my boy belly up on the pile of clean laundry on the couch...I shall not disturb him....ha...just don't want to deal with it, nappy time for me too, long nite!
Take care and keep your chin up!!!

Peace out!

Too funny Pam, Sometimes you do got to just get it out, tho, it does help. I will be waiting the headlines, hehehe, a little sarcasm goes a long way for me anyway
I whine too much too....I start typing a short hello it turns into a book, lol. I need to work on that. I will have that tune in my head now!

This week Is "Graffiti week" here. All the old classic n muscle cars are out n about yesterday on my trip to town. That was very cool to see so many on the road everywhere up in the "city". They put on events and shows in all the different communities around the county, at different times. I believe there is "show n shine" here in our little city park today. Some really cool cars I saw yesterday, some I have no idea what they were...long n lean for sure.

Well the big "D" has returned with a vengeance, was a rough evening n night so we may miss Wanda's service or go and just have to leave if she has an explosion. I am wondering now if it is these new protein shakes, milk based, I put her on. I will try soy or almond milk, I think. her drinking some Gatorade to rehydrate...otherwise she is fine, good appetite and no complaints of stomach ache or anything so I am kinda puzzled.

Other than that we plan to make the best of the weekend, and maybe go see some of these cars today on way to service, if we do make it there. That will really bother me, if I cant make it to Wanda's service. I will call a couple peeps to see if they would stay with her, I doubt it on short notice and is fun/river day around here! fingers crossed!!

And I just have to say you all write so eloquently and thoughtfully...that is a gift in be proud of!!! Something for me to aspire to.

Hoping everyone is coping is rough life to live, you are all stars for doing all you do!


I am realizing there is a clear downside to this amazing site. I just spent an hour typing out a long whine about mom, little sis and dad and poor me trying to cope. I re-read through it before posting and became ill just seeing my own whining. It made me realize how much that crap runs through my head. I have never been such a pity mouse, what has happened to my strength? Seriously! I keep hearing Linda Ronstads"poor, poor pitifull me" in my head. Jeez.

Just to regain my pride and self worth, I vow to post positive or at least humorous stuff from now on. So, if you hear of a woman in So Cal who snapped and beat her sister to death with her own disgusting, crap covered dog, it's probably me.

Hi everyone!! Welcome to a weekend.

The graveside service was really great. It turns out sil's mother was a Christian so the service followed with psalm 23. My sil's dil (married to sil's son who passed on May 9) presented my sil with the ashes of her son today. It was very heartfelt gesture that brought everyone to tears. She said they could share him because that is what he would have wanted.

i am worn out so I will catch up with everyone later. Hugs to all!!

Pam, put on earplugs and blinders and enjoy your babies! Make a schedule for tending to your parents for their usual needs and that's it. I'm mean. Maybe get some movies for your parents to watch to occupy them. Lalalalala. Have fun!

Cuz, You are the sweetest guy:) Always thinking of someone else. You have spent so much time posting Long and Funny jokes here for the last few years just to give exhausted caregivers a laugh and distraction. What a Guy. Big Hugs:) xo

#1 son came by with my two beautiful granddaughters yesterday. Hubby & I get to have them all to ourselves for two weeks starting next week. These two are the light and joy in my life, so I am tickled. Two whole weeks of pool time, crafts projects, baking and lots of cuddles. Best cure i can imagine for a bit of the blues. Downside is when my parents realize the girls are here, they up the demanding and manipulation in a bizarre competition for my attention. Does anyone else have jealousy issues like this from those they care for?

Jen If you need to use my boat time, feel free to use it as often as you need to. I can't get away right now anyway. Hugs to you.

To everyone:
I just have to say you all are amazing strong supportive wonderful people!

Give yourself a pat on the back!!!!

Hugs to you all.

Stay amazing as you are and keep on trucking!!!


Oh that is horrible Jen, one of our toilets is out and I wont replace it till I figure out why it keeps spewing poo every three months or so. Made some progress with contractors this week, found some community rehab programs, picked up an app today. We will see....the water heater is on now on bypass so I need to flip a handle to turn on hot but it is there when we need....wondered why water n heat were so high....that has been spewing under house for months the hardwood has buckled over the last few weeks, right at entry to home so it is a tripping hazard now....head in sand method didn't pay off, lol....I can only laff now cuz I have been miserable for too long, and somehow I cant anymore! I have no control over is falling apart but I am happy to watch it crumble, hahhahah again only cuz my misery meter is not able to accept anymore...we hit rock bottom I guess!!! wish I could rub some off on you, Jen

Well that story is to say, Maybe I should come get ya, JEN, probably not too far and take a trip to the ocean or Columbia River Gorge, want to see! !!! Give Ma n ol FP a " friendly" gesture on the way out, lol!!! We are needing a crab trip soon as ma is good to travel again!!! Months end in "r" are best loot but may not be able to wait! Crab is good food! I got bout 40 nice ones on last crab/campout last September!!!

Jen "The Professional Grouse" here... AGAIN. I have to stop hoping and praying for good to happen, things just keep getting worse....

"gurple gurple GURPLE GURRPLE" yep...basement drain backing up...and the seal on the basement toilet is leaking so that is probably broken now and the toilet will need to be taken off re sealed $$$$$$$etc....great, swell, lovely and of course it is all my fault...waiting to Roto Rooter and hoping fp is gone before they come, mom worried about getting him out and a truck in drive way...does any of that really matter?...Just shoot me already...Errands maybe later today. whatever, why care nothing ever goes well. well for long anyhow...Good weekend everyone, hope it is saner where you are...

Boat Time for me please, if i have to steal a credit card and run away... Jen

oh n great idea for Midget to visit with the guests at the facility!!! Two birds with one stone, can visit your mom and cheer up the rest as well! Good thought sharyn!

Sharyn, your m/fil reminds me of the ol Dutch Oven, too funny! prayers to your family!!!

Sad weekend for us too....Wanda's service will be hard. I am so irritated with her family LInda her daughter called me late last nite and the SIL is up to something shady it appears with the estate and will...Poor LInda is being taken advantage of and there is not much I can do to help her. The brother n SIL couldn't be bothered with details till their vacation was over then came in and changed the time of service this week (and went home hours away, not a care ) after announcements were made, without even consulting Linda. Linda had to call everyone and get the word out, hopefully it spread, or they will miss the darn service. Now sil is being deceitful and something is very fishy in my mind. IDK what to say or do besides get an attorney to check things out...but if I didn't mention it Linda has some kind of learning disability and has a real difficult time talking and reading n writing as well an attorney is way beyond her grasp, I could just tell when I mentioned it....I am sure they are walking all over her. I am so sad, literally heartbroken, to see this happen to such a nice sweet person who has lived next to and been thick with her mother all her life! She takes solice in "she has mom with her" the urn etc,,,,it is sad tho none the less I wish I could do more but I got my hands full. I did offer to get the Real estate agent to give us an rough estimate of the value of her moms house as I am sure this SIL is not truthful on that subject, and I am going to see her today anyway.

Ironically They did find someone to come out and sit with ma, so I can get out for errands, she will come today. the new caregiver I hired will be a work in progress as she is not real experienced hands on care but has a wonderful vibe and work ethic, I can tell !!! So she will start just cleaning and whatever she can to support me..and mammasit if I have to leave, not a whole lot of the hands on dirty work till we both feel comfortable with it...but sure be nice to get anykind of help dishes, floors, bathrooms, laundry etc...anything helps.
Well I went on n on again.....sorry

Hang in there everyone, take it day by day!!!! try to smile/laugh about something today!
Luv Juju

Mame, I feel you....ER has been a terrible experience, no one should have to fear bringing a loved one to the hospital. I cant believe how arrogant these DR's have been....HANG IN THERE N TRY to get some rest if you can today, see if they have a recliner or sleeper chair for you to stretch out abit Idk and bring or wear something comfy, PJ's a blanket etc., for YOU. I am in your corner as we all are I am sure..... I know my bout last month with Dr's made my neck/arm hurt so bad. I am so sorry you are going thru this and also just the pure scary feeling of maybe losing her. praying for your family and your REST!!!

Feeling numb today. Head is in a fog. Thought I would sleep well with no squawk box in my ear all night. But had weird dreams. Woke up with shoulders tight in anxiety and shallow breathing-almost panting. Writing a letter in my mind about this one ED doc-he was soooo mean to mom and condescending - had terrible bedside manner...why are some people in that profession? Gotta get up to the hospital and relieve sis. Gonna be a long day. Another crappy weekend. (Hopefully literally-and all while she is there for someone else to clean up!!!) Sorry I just don't have it in me to say hello to everyone individually...this roller coaster ride was a bit much this week. But know I am thinking of you all. Mame

Wow a lot of activity here today!! Welcome to Pam and Mesquite!! Cuz your joke are a great stress reliever, my fil was always proud of his farts in bed....he would fan the blankets to spread it. My mil would counter by spraying perfume. It was their nightly game with each other, LOL!!

Lildeb~Yes midget loves people and you are right on about pets relieving stress. My plan is to have midget trained after our vaca in Sept. I want to use her to help the other residents but she needs to be trained not to jump on people.... elderly can bruise or get skin tears so easily.

Mame~So sorry about your mother!! It must have been very scary thinking she was dying. I am glad to hear she is responding to treatment. Keep us posted. Hugs!!

Bobbie~Just stay, hubby and the cat. Sounds like you got everything under control!

We have a bird here that sings all night long. Don't know what it is but it carries on all night. It doesn't bother me....I hear it because I wake up several times during the night. Someone told me it's a mockingbird...who knows.

Christina~ A big hello to you!!

I am off tomorrow for my brother's mil's service. My sil's family is not religious so it will be a graveside service with a reception at their home afterward. It has been a rough year for my brother and many losses. I hope now that my sil can grieve for her son and her mother. Their retirement party has been postponed. Enjoy the weekend however you can with all the caregiving, grab some moments of peace and if you have the chance to let your hair down (if you have hair, LOL!), grab it with both hands and laugh!!

I'm not very good at math, but Cuz got BOAT TIME!! Yay!! You deserve it, Cuz!! Love ya like my own Cuz! More, actually:) heehee
Hey, jujubean, Pam, and mesquite: wonderful new Crew! WhooHoo!
Kuli, praying for your friend. Captain, so good to see you renewed:) xo
Jen, always thinking of you. Where 's Deef? Sending good vibes to her.
Mame, prayers for your Mom; it's always something. xo
SharynMarie--I know you! xo Meanwhile, Indigo and furry friends, xo:)
Cattails, in my prayers and loving daily thoughts, xo
Diane, xo and all Crew, old and new.
Lurking in low tide. Never far from dock. {{{Big Hugs}}}

I started out wanting to share this and ending up typing a novel

Amazing Caramel Sauce

Alright everyone, this recipe is too good to keep to myself!
I love a tablespoon of this added to my coffee and nothing more,
or on ice cream, or for dipping apples, the possibliites are endless!
Anyone can make this: Recipe yields 1 1/2 cups (although I usually double it but its just as easy to only make a half batch)

1 cup packed brown suger (I use light brown or golden)
1/2 cup heavy cream
4 tablespoons butter
Pinch of sea salt
1 tablespoon vanilla extract

Melt butter in pot, mix in brown sugar, cream and salt.
Cook over medium-low heat and whisk gently
for about 7 minutes or longer if you doubled.
I remove the pot from the heat, add vanilla and return to
cook for another minute or so to thicken a bit more.
Take it off the stove and pour into a jar then pop it into the
fridge and VOILA you're done!

Wow it was 95 when i started my post, thought well maybe in the AM i mite try for boattime, lol....i gots one too....i shared somewhere else while back...

An elderly woman went to her DR with a nagging problem....
She tells the doc, I have been passing silent gas at an alarming rate.
In the grocery store, in church, at home, everywhere doc, Silent gas!!!
As a matter of fact doc I have passed silent gas as I sit here, several times.

The doc looks at her, pauses, contemplates the situation and begins...the first thing we will do is.....get your hearing aids adjusted !

Mame-how scary thinking and praying for your peace of mind and momma's too..laughter is good, really i was just reading how healing it can be....gotta laff at the crap sometimes or looneybin is around the corner. Just fyi but you may know...some of those painkillers will cause constipation, they have us on stool softeners and laxitives with them, as needed for all, of course.
Try to get some rest and relaxation a bit while you can, hard to but is a break for you...idk, i could never relax when ma was in hospital. sounds like a good idea tho....

Bob stay safe n dry or........ get hammered n bodysurf at midnite like we did in Barbados, hahaha!

Oh I love the sound of the birds round here, all the morning chirps of such variety...I heard turkeys up on the hill couple months ago, that was a first! I
in wet months the frogs are in the ditch behind me nite n morn serenading, I enjoy them too, it is pretty, there must be hundreds out there!!!
don't take the time to sit n have coffee listening anymore but just open windows and enjoy! the deer will come down for the apples too in certain seasons which must be coming up as apples are plenty n growing, my ALz moment..hehehee!!! Ziggy found a fawn skull n leg when he was a pup I caught him trying to bury skull on one of his escapes...i am pretty sure a cougar got it as the fur n more bones were in a corner covered in leaves n debris....wildlife officer sed cougars corner their prey n bury like that and fence was broken...that was skeery for a while or maybe dogs idk i couldn't see my dogs doing that but a stray??....Nature beautiful but cruel!!! Oh ya the sinkhole has become a snake pit, contractor told me, well least a couple, lol, wonder what they living on down there, bugs? idk....critters of all kind don't bother me less they making a racket, or mess, lol!

yup my life is still a mess but i am happy and doing the best i can to get things taken care of lil by lil gonna take a while....i no longer feel like i need a change or break, i love spending every minute with mom as there may not be as many as i thought, and just doing few things everyday to move forward.... i am not feeling like i am missing out on life anymore... i chose this life and i mine as well make the best of my choice.... i literally could walk away at any point but i would not...I have recently eliminated people that were making me feel bad...and i don't feel like i am missing anything or one.....funny i saw a FB quote last week that sed "i am not depressed, i am just surrounded by ass*hole*s" I laffed so hard, I so got it not the only reason but life is nice even if i have less friends today than months ago...
Sure miss my Wanda/mom. Her services are coming Saturday! I want to go visit my BFF soon now mom is stabilizing, that will be nice, maybe next weekend idk...

Sweet dreams y'all, saying a prayer for everyone tonite!!!!

Aw. Cuz, you beat me. You get the boat time. Can't say you don't deserve it, with all the jokes you post. I told the one about the Baptist preacher and the redneck at work today. (Work with a bunch of Baptist's, so couldn't resist).

Can't resist. BOAT TIME. But I should wait until after the storm.
Foot is doing better, thanks for asking Bobbi.
Sorry, I've just been lurking. Have to get to bed, take care everyone.


It was my first time ever
And I'll never forget
I'd do it again
Without a single regret.
The sky was dark
The moon was high
We were all alone
Just she and I.
Her hair was soft
Her eyes were blue
I knew just what
She wanted to do.
Her skin so soft
Her legs so fine
I ran my fingers
Down her spine.
I didn't know how
But I tried my best
I started by placing
My hands on her breast.
I remember my fear
My fast beating heart
But slowly she spread
Her legs apart.
And when I did it
I felt no shame
All at once
The white stuff came.
At last it's finished
It's all over now
My first time ever
At milking a cow...

Gotch ya

Cuz, you are a straight up goofball and that's how I know we are related.

OK, NOW I am going to bed.

Who's going to get boat time?


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