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Blonde and pregnant

The other day my neighbor, who is blonde, came running up to me in the driveway just jumping for joy! I didn't know why she was jumping for joy but I thought, what the heck, and I starting jumping up and down along with her.

She said, "I have some really great news!" I said,

"Great, tell me why you're so happy."

She stopped jumping and, breathing heavily from all the jumping up and down, told me that she was pregnant!

I knew that she had been trying for a while so I told her, "That's great! I couldn't be happier for you!"
Then she said, "There's more." I asked,

"What do you mean 'more?"

She said, "Well, we are not having just one baby. We are going to have TWINS!"

Amazed at how she could know so soon after getting pregnant, I asked her how she knew.

She said....

(You're going to love this!)

"Well, that was the easy part. I went to Walmart and they actually had a
home pregnancy kit in a twin-pack. Both tests came out positive!"

When you have an
'I Hate My Job day'

[Even if you're retired, you sometimes have those days]

Try this out:
Stop at your pharmacy and go to the
Thermometer section and purchase
A rectal thermometer made by
Johnson & Johnson.

Be very sure you get this brand..

When you get home, lock your
Doors, draw the curtains and
Disconnect the phone so
You will not be disturbed.

Change into very comfortable
Clothing and sit in your favorite
Chair. Open the package and
Remove the thermometer.

Now, carefully place it on a table
Or a surface so that it will not
Become chipped or broken

Now the fun part begins.

Take out the literature from
The box and read it carefully.
You will notice that in small
Print there is this statement:

"Every Rectal Thermometer
Made by Johnson & Johnson
Is personally tested
And then sanitized."

Now, close your eyes and repeat
Out loud five times,' I am so glad
I do not work in the thermometer
Quality control department at
Johnson & Johnson.'


If you haven't got a smile on your face
And laughter in your heart...

Maybe you should go and work
For Johnson and Johnson!

Enjoy life now - It has an expiration date!

Sweet Little Poem.

A fart is a pleasant thing...
It gives the belly ease...
It warms the bed in winter...
And suffocates the fleas.
A fart can be quiet...
A fart can be loud...
Some leave a powerful...
Poisonous cloud
A fart can be short...
Or a fart can be long...
Some farts have been known...
To sound like a song.....
A fart can create...
A most curious medley...
A fart can be harmless...
Or silent...and deadly.
A fart might not smell...
While others are vile...
A fart may pass quickly...
Or linger a while...
A fart can occur...
In a number of places...
And leave everyone there...
With strange looks on their faces.
From wide-open prairie...
To small elevators...
A fart will find all of...
Us sooner or later.
But farts are all bad...
Is simply not true...
We must never forget...
Sweet old farts like you!

Kinda brings a tear to your eye...right?

Why not send this on to other old farts
And bring a smile...or...a tear to them!

I'm supposed to respect my elders, but it's getting harder and harder for me to find onel

Wow Pam! You sure are a busy gal! Keep lookin for more help! You definitely need some relief.
Hi everybody. On my way to bed but wanted to check in. Mom is in the hospital. She is dehydrated, constipated and her white blood count is up and they don't know why. They put in a cath and got a urine sample and said it looks good so they think the UTI is gone... So, now to figure out if it is just the dehydration making her wbc higher or some other infection. Took a ton of blood so we will know more tomorrow. My sis is staying with her tonight and I will go back in the morning. She was much better even after one bag of IV fluids! I told hubby she was constipated and that I hope they get that cleared up before she comes back home...haha...he said he knew she was full of sh*t-so I told her what he said before I left her with sis and she laughed and laughed! She hasn't smiled in days! We thought she was dyin last night! Scary. Scratch off another life for that cat. We are up to about 39! Gnight all! Mame

Hey Jen,
I can't even imagine the hell you are in. Wish you were here with me and my little boat family.

Welcome mesquite! Yup, nothing like orifice sounds to really make you appreciate living alone!
Keep venting because it really works.

Cuz! what was that joke about the old lady and the silent gas!!
Hope cuzMike is feeling better. Is there any news?

The boat is buttoned up and as ready as we can make it for the rain. The place I left a few weeks ago just had a powerful microburst with fierce winds but I don't know if there was any damage yet. Hope not.

Pam! how are you coping with your new information?

Meanwhile! how are you doing? How's the foot?
Kuli! how is your friend doing?
Mame! wassup?

Cat! check in if you can and let us know how you are feeling!

ok, going to bed. I think the rain may come in the night. Supposed to be a lot so it's a good thing this is a boat.


Pam, you gave me a chuckle with the hubby. I just read your post, I tend to skim at times, bad eyes !! you have got your hands full. I hope you can get some more help! Don't forget to take care of you, too!!

Still here bobbie, unfortunately...

Hey to Deef if you are there, Hope you are OK...

Welcome Pam and I hope you have help there!!!

I thought it was just me who had to listen to constant gas and belching. I've learned to walk out of the room. It's like being in a car with a dog that's gassy (or is that gassie?). Geeesh

Cuz, sorry to hear about your brother. He is in my prayers.

Bobbie, I can see both of your points between a cargo n the ocean. I hope the weather will not be so bad n I hope y'all have the boat fixed. Please be careful n u can have all that swaying back n forth. Just thinking about it makes me nausea. u sure u didn't send that blastic non-stopping singing bird toward r way? I luv to watch n hear the birds sang but u r so right about that one! It like, if u haven;t got u a female bird just give it up already. I guess they don't give up either. ; )
Sharyn, I don't think any care-giver can be a girly girl or manly-man for the stuff we do. ; ) I think that is how I hurt my lower back from cutting n pulling tree limbs for someone got to do it. Sorry u still n pain. Sound like Midget likes to get around in the AL facility. Sounds like everyone just loves her. They say that animals can help lower your blood pressure. Good luck with the barking deal.
I hope your arm ease up on the pain so that u can be pain free soon.

Pam, You have been through a lot n trying to take care 4 people n your own family too is a lot on someone plate. If u can get some help please get it, if nothing else at least to help keep your own sanity. ; ) On the other hand, that is too funny about your husband n the panic look on his face. Reminds me of my hubby when I had to leave for a few days or I was going to go crazy n my health was deteriorating too. This is a great place to come to just take a breather or release some stress. Just knowing that their r others dealing with somewhat similar issues. Welcome n keep us posted on how You r doing.

Juju, I try to go with my gut feeling too n normally it is right about something whether a strange to don't trust to a yes, that person's seem just right. Go with the gut feeling. It good to hear your mom is doing a little better, "One Step at a Time." Good Luck with the Alz walk n even though we r not their physically, I like to say if its okay with everyone that, "We all support you with the walk for Alz."
Cat, I hope u r doing alright?

Hey Pam, Very Funny! you are now officially a crewmember of the Boat!
Congratulations and welcome again.

Juju! you are getting your business handled and good for you.

Cat! How goes it?
You might like this:
We are docked across from a beautiful area that is packed with birds so the birdsong is a welcome change from the countless My Cousin Vinny trains that ran right next to the boatyard we were in and the noise of the TraveLifts and grinders, etc etc. After all it was a working boatyard so I can't cry about it but it just underscores how pleasant this place is in comparison.

Anyhoo, there's one bird that makes a call like the first 5 tones of the National Geographic theme...
You know the one. Go ahead and hum it in your head. I'll wait.
Yup, that's it.

There's another bird that sounds EXACTLY like one of the Kitty's toys. It's been driving us both goofy. I think that she has her toy out and is dragging it up and down and she thinks I want to play with her and shows up looking for a good time.
Ahhh...happy problems and a very cool move forward for yours truly, the Ship's Cat: Clawshank the Decimator (the reason we can't have nice things) and the Boat Angel.
We have come a long way and couldn't have done it without you guys and that's a fact.

OK, closing in on boat time... who's going to get it haha.

Pam: when we hit a post that ends in 00 that person gets 'boat time'.
4 caregivers from the Grossed thread have already been to the boat for real and we have plans for more!


Thanks Bobbi and Juju. The welcome is appreciated. I have been using the "just think of the boat" mantra all morning. Hubby heard me and immediately started asking questions... "What boat? When are you leaving? Do I have to deal with your parents? Are you taking them?" Made me laugh at the panic in his face. I explained the boat and when Dad called demanding I come over immediately, hubby actually said it to me! Hey, it works for both of us now. :)

Welcome Pam....yes you are not alone...I joined actively about 2 months ago?? Anyway the support and just the ability to vent has been amazing. Our life has changed so much for the better. Although the patient is not going to get better the worlds of wisdom and love shared here is immeasurable and improves our quality of life both caregiver and caregivee, hehehe. As you said to know we are not alone. We can share and vent with those who truly have been in the trenches!!! I found friends and family who are present to witness the challenges are not willing to understand and support as much as those who actually do it....Keep coming and writing it out, as bob told me, and you will see things get better, maybe slowly but things will get better!

Sharyn, yes I have been using "readers" for years. I find that lately they are also difficult as they only work if I keep my self steady in one position. Moving forward or backward things blur up and I am constantly on n off with em...
What I was hoping and I am not sure of is something more all around as it seems to be getting worse. I am not sure real glasses will even do it tho!

Well, well it was a busy day again. Momma is doing good from the flu incident...still need to make sure she is hydrated enuf as she lost so much so quick, but RN gave her a thumbs up and reinforced hydration.
Hired one gal yesterday, she will come 3 times next week to "catch up" round here then we will get a regular schedule worked out and I still want to get the other gal in as an alternate...I am not sure how to work this out as I want them each to get enough hours to make it desirable but I cannot become stuck without help when I need it either. or if one does quit suddenly again I have some back up.. will talk to HHA's MSW (social worker) on this see what she suggests and also I have some info I found about writing up "contract" with the expectations and rules.

It did get kinda busy yesterday again so hoping today I can get some more of this admin stuff taken care of...and find a place to put the Costco loot, the prices but man bulk is bulk...and this house is not going to get any bigger. along with the critter problems I have some totes to put some of it in.

BTW the one critter who was keeping me awake, in the vents, last month seems to be gone, thank goodness! Also need to get my S'mores stuff out and put that to use before it spoils!!! Been on the back burner for a bit!!! As mom's current care is number #1.
And I really do want to get started on the ALZ walk promotion, that is important to us. We had to go hundred miles last year and this year they are doing it in our closest city, only 25 miles, hope to get more peeps actively involved, if it is possible, lol!!!! Well me n ma are going no matter who else supports us!

another funny thing. I have not been outwardly stressed for a while but I do have an old issue popping up again. When I was a workaholic back in the Silicon Valley I used to suffer terribly with disappeared when I left the workforce and has now resurfaced, hands only this time but they itch n hurt at times...I have some cream from days past and seems to be helping and it is more of an annoyance than an issue..but just ironic I put my old skills back to use and this comes back....better than just being burned out but not a coincidence I am sure!!!
Jen hope you n monty are ok!
Cat...thinking of you as always!
Everyone..(I will have to make a darn list of names so not to forget anyone) have a good day with your challenges, Love n support to you all, hang in there!
Peace out,

Welcome Pam.
You have made it through so much and now that you know that you are not alone you will make it the rest of the way.
Knowing I wasn't alone made all the difference to me and helped me survive this most difficult period in my life...and I didn't have anywhere near the responsibilities that you have!
omg on the 2 heart attacks!
The worn out that you are feeling is the universal reaction to the pressure cooker of stress that caring for the elderly and sick places us in.
If you can place your parents and get more help with your husband you will heal.
It sounds harsh when we come to grips that it comes down to them or us. But it just is. If you read all the posts you know the struggle I faced and many others on this thread faced.
You already know that I have stated again and again that if I had it to do all over boy oh boy would I have done it differently.

I hope you keep writing here and updating us on your progress.
You only have to post twice to be considered a valued member of this crazy crew and by writing out your story, just like you have, you help others struggling with the same issues.
And when it gets so tough and so hard to handle, thinkoftheboat. It's real!

Here's hoping you can now think your way out of the situation you are in so you can face a happier future.

Cuz! How is cuzMike today?

Big rain coming and the boat angel is outside working to get us sealed up and ready.
The Storm formerly known as Chantal will be a soaker!

Love you guys and hope everyone has as good a day as possible with what you all are dealing with.


Hello All! I have just spent the last 6 hours reading through all these posts, and I just have to say...
Thank You. Each and every one of you. I can't remember how I found this spot, but somebody was looking out for me. I have been depressed and at my wits end for a few months now and thought I was alone with all these feelings. thank you for letting me know I am not alone, and more importantly, for making me laugh more than I have in too long.

I am the only caretaker for my mom, stepdad, wonderful but broken hubby and on occasion, my mentally disabled little sister. I have been doing this full time for just shy of 3 years now. It all started after my eldest sister passed away and I came home to spend a couple of weeks with my parents cause I didn't like how my mom sounded on the phone. Within days of my arrival, I knew I was moving back to California (from Washington state) and taking care of them. . My parents were both severely malnourished and both had pneumonia when I first came home. They are both diabetic and had been too ill too care for themselves for 3 weeks and no one knew. I have siblings who swear they were taking care of them "when they had time", which I found out meant they stopped by once a month or so. The whole thing scared me so badly, I swore I would take care of my parents for however long I had left with them. It took 2 months to get them stabilized and well enough that I could go get hubby, put our house up for sale and everything we owned into storage. But by the time I got back to Washington, hubby was in serious condition and it took a month before he was strong enough to travel. So much for those who swore to take care of him so I could take care of my parents.

Within 2 months of our moving in with my parents so that I could care for them all, my husband was losing too much ground from the stress of living there, so I began to look for a rental for us. The day we were to sign the lease, dad had a bad stroke, but I got him to the hospital within 20 minutes and saved his life. I used to be kind of proud of that. Hubby and I stayed for another 4 months before I found a rental 2 blocks away. I moved my disabled sister from an hour away to within a block of my parents to centralize all I was caring for. I had no idea what I had set myself up for.

2 straight years of care taking 4 people wore me out. They were all doing great, but I had 2 heart attacks in 2 days in February 2011. I immediately sought out help with my parents and sister, but it took a year before nurses were obtained once per week for each of them. In that time, my heart has weakened further and now my dr suspects either Lupus or MS. I think I am just worn out. I read in early posts where Bobbi had said she added 5 years to her moms life, but it cost her that much off of her own. Seems about right.

Ok. That's my story. Now I can post without having to do that again.
Thanks again for all your humor, wisdom and grace while I learn to be better at this.

Bobbie~The dr. told me to use heat on it too just as I think meanwhile or mame told me that...I am sorry ladies, I don't remember which one of you told me. I am more concerned about the loss of strength in my arm because I am not what you would call a girly girl, I am much more at home pulling weeds, pruning roses and hiking thru the wilderness than getting mani/pedi's, LOL!!

Today is a better day, I visited with mom (Midget came too), she was so happy to see midget!! Mom was really good today, we took a little walk, she said two of her former co-workers had been in to see her right before I got there. Midget makes her rounds to all the residents who want to see her. We even stopped on the assisted living side so midget could greet some of the people who remember her living there. After leaving there, we went to petsmart and bought a cat tree for poor tiger. I put him on the top perch, he seemed to like it...hopefully he will accept it as a place to come in the house and get away from the dog. I think I am going to save up some money and have midget trained to stop her barking (she was very restless last night, barking at every noise she heard), and to teach her to ignore the cat.

Thinking about all of, cuz, kuli...sending out prayers. Mame hope your mom is getting stronger everyday, meanwhile hope your foot is healing, are you? is work going, are you adjusting to this new journey? Lildeb, I hope you are able to get the creatine levels down, take care of you!! Juju...happy to like the interviewees and hope they work out. Can you get a pair of glasses from a pharmacy if you only need them for reading...much cheaper.

Take care everyone! Hugs!!

Good Afternoon Crew,

Kuli! what a lot of sadness all at once for your friend. Glad she is where she can get help. Maybe just knowing that she can put the burden down and have others care for her will be helpful.

Cuz! Wow about Mike! What can they do for him so he doesn't suffer so? I can't imagine the pain that he's in. Awful.

Cat! postponing appointments is tedious. They'll get their ducks in a row before you know it and at least the questions will be answered and you will know exactly how to move forward. You gonna be ok gurl.

lildeb! I guess it is a big boat but considering what it looks like next to a cargo ship it's pretty small haha. All about the point of view. When I have to wash it it's big. when it's raining and I am stuck on it for awhile it's small.

The storm will be a soaker and here this weekend. Right now we have good weather and we are working on the outside. It's starting to look nice!

lildeb you are right about the 'letting go' part. Our parents try to stay alive to please us I think and then when we are ready they are ready. Not everyone to be sure but I think the caregiver being ready to let go is a huge step in the end stage process. It's sad, sad, sad.

Flex! Didn't you have a birthday recently? Hope you had a good time. How are you doing?


Sharyn! I read about your neck and I bet I have some of the same issues. I have the tingling and soreness and I am afraid to look at an xray of my neck. Ow Ow so I can appreciated the pain that you are in and I hope the meds help.
sorry about the loss of your brother's mil. So many losses....

Juju! Yup, this is the Grossed thread and man oh man some of the caregiving things are gross. No 2 ways about it.

Mame! Hope you are doing ok!

OK, shout outs to everyone and back to the boat for me.


Mame-i did not read all your post thru I missed some bad eyes I have trouble but I agree with Cat. you are doing a great job and honoring her wishes. I think she will improve strength wise once she gets up n going with VN and some PT etc...of course the bedbound will weaken her but they are amaziningly resilient I have found. Mom is weak too now and barely standing from our back incident but we are working on strengthening her up here and I hope the same for your mom.
Gosh that bug/flu/whatever was quick n brutal....she is better just getting some more fluids and nutrition today! didn't want to overdo-it yesterday case she started back up with the vomiting! RN also will come today instead of tomoro to make sure she ok!

I absolutely loved 2 of the four interviewee's so I may hire them both to have options. They both were just wonderful and glowed with mom. immediately drawn to her and touched n held her hand. You don't see that with all. and although they are not allowed to recommend the OT was here today (along with speech/eating) and knows the one gal and had wonderful things to say bout the family n ethics etc....within her limits, which I could just tell already but that was a comfort. Although the last one who flaked out was great with ma, knowing what to do etc...I did get this shady feeling, but had no other option at that time. I am going to go with my gut from now on!

Contractor showed up in the middle of all the appt's n ma drama...was a crazy day but productive

Should be slow her today, we need it!

Sharyn, Cuz, Kuli....prayers for your family n friends struggling! I wish the best!
Everyone have a decent day!
Bob hope the boat is not rockin too much!!
Luv Juju

mame Brother isn't doing good. His legs are getting worse and because he can't excersise and with his meds, he is blowing up like a balloon. They have him on like a water pill but its not working to good. I'll keep in touch and let ya know more as I find out.

The Baptist Preacher & The Kentucky Redneck

A Baptist Preacher was seated next to a Redneck on a
flight to Kentucky . After the plane took off, the Redneck asked for a
whiskey and ice, which was brought and placed before him.
The flight attendant then asked the preacher if he would like a drink.
Appalled, the preacher replied, "I'd rather be tied up and taken
advantage of by women of ill-repute, than let liquor touch my lips.

"The Redneck then handed his drink back to the attendant and said,
"Me too, I didn't know we had a choice."

My friend was admitted to an inpatient psych unit last night. I'm so glad she's somewhere she can get help. Her mom's funeral is tomorrow morning and I hope she won't feel bad for missing it. Her mom's had Alzheimer's for 18 years and hasn't known who her daughters are for years but it's all just such a terrible situation. Keep sending prayers. Cat - so sorry for your delay. It's so hard to wait, not knowing what to think. I know, I've been there. Hugs and wishes for peace to all ~ Kuli

Cuz, all I can say is, OMG! I could not stop laughing for this is way too funny n not so funny too. Finger Paint, hide/seek poo paper, trace poo n the awful smooth sailing pooh. Thanks for sharing.
Bobbie, u must have a big boat or just double up on the jackets. Be careful on the water with the weather. I would be defiantly sea-sick if the boat goes back/forth rocking. All the power to you n be safe.
Kuli, You n your family r in my prayers n sorry for your loss. Please keep us posted on how the surgery goes n how u r holding up too. Just remember that, we r all here for you n your family.
Cat, you didn;t won't to go just yet for all that mess anyway. Insurance can be a pain n the ass royally! At least u got a call to let u know before you got all the way up their. Weather was actually nice today for a change. Florida folks were getting it pretty bad too.
mame, you r already doing the right thing n that is what your mom wants. It does sound like she is tired of the hospitals n could be ready to go to a better place. I think it more harder on us care-giver than anyone else to '"let-go." Not giving-up but letting-go. You r already doing everything that can be done. You have a big warm n loving heart. hang in their n keep us posted on your mom.
Hi to Jen, Book, Juju, sharyn, n anyone I forgot but not on purpose.
I hope everyone is able to get some rest n a pooh break.

Juju~Midget is a cutie and she knows how to work it,LOL!! When I went in my mom's house looking for her, I called out to her and she peaked around a corner into the kitchen...and you can just tell by the look in her eyes that she has something SHE knows she shouldn't have. I walked around the corner and she grabbed up the glove giving me a dirty look and growling at me, LOL!!! When she does that even with socks, I just walk away and the game is over!! Last week my hubby got mad because I left the door open to our bedroom so Midget could familiarize herself to it (Hubby wants it off limits), I had some folded clothes in a laundry basket on the had some socks of hubby's in it and Midget stole the socks. When hubby got home from work, he told me, "From now on I don't want this door open unless I am here to supervise." I started laughing at him and said, "You take yourself too seriously, it is just a's not personal, the more you make things off limits for her, she will react just like a child and explore it taking your belongings, LOL!!! He has lightened up since then.

Dr. said I probably have a pinched nerve in my neck. He was going to order an x-ray which I was fine with but I told him I was told by 2 different Chiropractors that I have osteoarthritis and bone spurs on my neck. He prescribed a muscle relaxer and said if this doesn't work then we will get an x-ray. I am only going to take 1/2 a tablet a night since the pharmacist said it will knock me out with 4 times a day.

Sharyn, that midget glove story is so cute frustrating but cute and the phone....they are so resourceful for their desires aren't they..makes me wonder sometimes...

just cleaned up round 3 and we are running out of blanket/bedding now so I must start hosing down the mess out on the laundry line...bbbaarrrfffff n get this stuff washed up urgently! thank goodness this is the grossed thread, lol, sincerely lol..or I would not be able to take it...gotta find the humor in it!
Dooty calls!
Luv juju

Yup that is some poop stories!! Only a few personally identify with now but ya never know what the future will hold for us. Ironically I was up all night with ma, she did not feel well. She started out vomiting so she sat up in recliner, me next to her on couch, side by side, nodding off here n there for a few minutes...woke up at four am to a foul stench...omg, it was everywhere out the top of diaper, down her legs the grace of god It did not escape the pad and chair survived unscathed. Got her cleaned up and in bed sitting up. I layed down for a bit and woke to a repeat poopformance. Usually doesn't bother me but It was just everywhere again, all the bedding n her nightgown etc.....she was visibly not well last nite but seems to be fine this morning, maybe her dinner didn't agree with her, leftovers, mite have went south on us, ??idk??, hoping that n not a bug. She is alert and happy this morning, no tummy ache and boy last nite I could just hear her belly grumbling something awful. So believe the worst is over. Getting some fluids in her and see how it goes.

Well I got an updated list of caregivers finally from my SR case mgr (I mean how hard is it to print a list for us, been asking since Feb, oh she has been moved to new position, so I have new worker now too, will talk with her today!) called them all yesterday and shockingly 5 have responded Interviewed 1 yesterday and 3 today! ((2.5 yr old list.12 names 1 responded to say she was booked n 5 of were bad numbers)) And the Sr companion group believes they will be able to replace Wanda for me. I was kinda unsure bout that as when she had surgery n was out for a while they had no one! So helpfront is looking up and the new HHA have been wonderful!
Got ahold of the home insurance company to come look at our issues, water heater leak, roof leak/ceiling hole, few other stuff..see if we can get somekind of help with the costs. worth a try! oh I should ask them bout the sink hole maybe they can help there too...need an engineer excavator to properly fill and stabilize the empty structure, apperantly the just covered top with wood and couple feet of dirt and it went that scary day!!!

Cat that is so frustrating... I hope you can get in as soon as possible, the uncertainty or the unknown is brutal. Lots of love n light to you also!

Mame I do forget my doc gave me some Xanax last visit...but I haven't been that stressed lately. I don't feel the need YET to take them, lol!!! Since the last hospital stay anyway...did need a couple, I break them in half, specially when they sed ma had 1-6mo's!

Meanwhile love the horse stories

Cuz you sure are great at coming up with the research and the funnies, on top of it!!!
Bobbie stay safe n dry, we need our cap'n!!!

Flex furry friends are nice!! Enjoy!!
Cat and Kuli's friend are in my prayer group. and Jen's li'l Monty too! all of us!
Everyone else, whoever I missed, hang in there, and thanks for the support and hope you all are doing well with your challenges.
Busy day again

Kuli~So sorry for your friend, sending positive thoughts and prayers.
Cat~Sorry you had to postpone your appointment, I would be disappointed too.

My brother's mil passed away last night, another loss for his family just 2 months after they lost their son.

Blessings to all of you, you are in my thoughts, hugs!!

Mame: Just want to say that I think you are doing everything right with your mom. You are very responsible in the way you care for her and you are also honoring her wishes. Whatever her in and out mental status, I think your mom definitely has the comfort of knowing and feeling your love.

Diane: I hope you are doing ok. Love your new fur kids.

Has anyone talked to Deef?

Cat-was writing when you posted and missed it! Sooooo sorry you have to postpone! Can't imagine how that feels. {{{{{Hugs!!!!}}}}} Hang in there! Love you sista!

Kuli-prayers going our for your friend! Wow-what a lot to deal with at once!
Sharyn-omg that is soooo funny that mom is sneaking to use other peoples phones!!!! Made me lol!!! Amazing what they are capable of!
Bobbie-will be thinking of you and wish you safety through the storm!
Cuz-that really was awesome that you could find the old post and share it! Sooo funny! How is your bro doin?
Lildeb-good to see you back! Hope you get the respite you need-even if only for a short while!
Jen-glad the poop machine has been off line for a while.
Cat-big days ahead for you-hope you can keep us posted as we all care for you and what you are going through! Prayers and white light and positive thoughts going up for you woman!
Meanwhile-glad your sis's horse is making new friends and would have loved to watch him put the youngins in their place!
Juju-Don't worry about being self is you and your mom-like most of us...what else have we got? I read what you say and shake my head in agreement constantly-been there done that or yup, going thru that feeling at this moment... it is what it is. Keep on keepin on!
Welcome Nicenurse!
Flex-how you holdin up? Hope you are doing ok going through all your mom's stuff. Tough job but can be wonderful at the same time.
Mom is better from the UTI. However, she has been bed bound and is now very weak. I am just not sure she is going to bounce back this time. Just a feeling and as many of you have heard before-she is a cat with way more than nine lives and she loves to say "fooled ya!" So, we shall see. PT from visiting nurses is coming this week. Mom is not eating much, she is drinking. She says she is feeling better but is just tired, and she is sleeping a ton. Maybe I should try to get another urine sample to make sure the UTI is gone? She is soooo much better than she was that I think it must be gone. If I have to take her to the Dr it will have to be to the ER and by ambulance which she told me yesterday she does not want to go there. I am a bit afraid maybe she is shutting down...but she isn't doing much so why would she eat much right? She is pooping a little and peeing. I find myself holding my breath in the morning when I get up and go in to see if she is still breathing. The siblings who care to talk about it have all said, whatever happens, happens. She has made it clear she is feeling better and doesn't want to go to the hosp. Ugh. I just want to do the right thing.

My son seems to be a bit better from the throat pain, headache and vomiting. He was living on advil and Tylenol. Now he has diarrhea. Poor kid. He has been pitiful. I am cleaning door handles and water faucets and the TV remote with Clorox cleanup all the time! I hope no one else gets this!
I feel like I have just been going back and forth between him and mom constantly! And my hands are raw from washing so much! But, I do think things are looking up.
The visiting nurses finally called and will be coming out and as I mentioned-promised PT this week for mom. Their assessment will make me feel so less anxious!
Doing ok on 1/2 my anxiety meds even through all this. I have been on it (full dose) long enough that now on half dose, when I start to feel the anxiety brewing, I can talk myself down-and to breathe normally. It takes a minute but it works. I know how I should handle the anxiety and I can feel it getting ramped up, so I do think I can wean from the meds completely. The weird dizzy feelings I first got when I dropped to half have gone completely. I look forward to my next 1/2 drop in a week or so!
Hot and humid again here. Hopefully a reprieve from the humidity this weekend. Fingers crossed! Hope everyone has a decent day! Mame

Hi everyone:

Wow: That is quite a volume on poo!!! I must say there were several on the list I recognized.

Well, here's an update on my situation: As of today I do not have the rest of my biopsy report. Guess the 4th of July holiday has really slowed things down. I was supposed to be in Seattle today for a breast MRI and then meet with the surgeon tomorrow am. At the last minute, we were told that the insurance company has not yet approved the MRI, which is required, so I can't get it done today. As a result, I'm not going to Seattle today. I can't see going there, staying the night, boarding the dogs for two days in order to talk to a surgeon who can't speak specifics about my situation. So we've rescheduled for next. Good grief.

Lildeb, sounds like you are having some terrible weather. Mame, I hope things have improved at your house and your son is better. Bobbie, stay dry. Jen, Sharyn, Juju, Cuz, sending hugs. Kuli, sending some white light to your friend. Meanwhile, hope your foot is better.

Sorry for who I missed. Best wishes to all.


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