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No FIreworks, too tired when 9pm rolled around! I could have predicted that but I was hopeful!

BBQ'd, didn't even have to fuss about KFC. Survived another hol. what ever. Brother the cop agrees with cousin the pot head that we should have put fp in a nursing home long time ago...they both temper these statements with I know couldn't have done it!( All the care giving you guys have done...)...Yes, whatever thanks for that piss off! No really...Anyhow, heat down, sinus headache in its wake. Yes, just keeps on...Got some extra sleep this afternoon...I recommended it highly! Oh God why did you turn the fan off?" (becasue we weren't IN the room ma) good god leave me alone, she is gunnin for something nasty to say, to find fault with some where I feel it, her defense mechanism...After Grandpas fall out of bed and Monty's very likely last bit if life here stress level are high.

Have a good rest of week everyone...Jen

Enjoying a relaxing 4th with the 2 pups on the deck. About 80 degrees here ~ I know for some of you that would be a cold wave. So sorry for those baking today. My dad always loved the 4th of July so I'm sad sitting here, knowing I won't be enjoying it with him this year. Hugs and wishes for peace for all caregivers ~ Kuli

Have a happy safe but fun 4th everyone!!

Quiet day here. My sis came and we bathed mom and changed her sheets etc-I am as good as any nurse in a hospital after this week! Being bedbound is very different for me to have to deal with but it has worked out ok. Mom was awake at 6:45 and wanted juice and food! Gonna have to make her lie on her sides more tho cause it looks like her skin may be breaking down a little on her back & butt. Put her on her side and put a pillow behind her to hold her there. She is ok with it. She even got a little grumpy with me-that I was rushing her or something! So, I think she is feeling better! Wanted to get up to pee. Was raising her hands/arms up over her head-without me asking her to exercise! We were hooting and hollering at her which made her feel good. Since this is the Grossed Out thread-I have to tell you a new gross thing for me!!!! Usually, while bathing mom or changing her shirt an occasional mole skin will fall off...well, it grosses me out. Today, when I washed her back-about a million fell off! I was trying so hard not to gag and mom & sis were laughing at me!!!!!!! I guess they got all dry from lying there... Oh it was sooo gross! I washed, rinsed and dried her good and let her lie on her side with no shirt on for a bit and then used cream with aloe and rubbed it in her back. Doesn't happen when she is up and moving and when she is getting full bath/showers...never gave something like that a thought. Ick.
Anyway, one bro-as I said is supposed to come visit. No idea when. Haven't heard from any others. My kids are around and so is hubby so we will grill some food tonight and I will make salt potatoes or potato salad or something... Too hot to eat outside. Hazy, hot & humid here! AC cranking!
Hope everyone has a decent day. Happy 4th of July! Mame

Happy 4th to all
Wishing everyone a moment of relaxation and summer fun today!

Inet was down all day yesterday, kinda set me back as I was In need of it, had planned to research few things and finish paying bills. I saw, stopped n talked with the tech working on the "box" yesterday on way up hill, guess It was a system/equipment failure. I do depend on Inet for a lot being homebound with Ma and that was our plan yesterday...Plot change, lol!!! Caught up on some movies this week, had free PPV coupons expiring 6th.

Wanda's daughter Linda and I are going to grill up some grub today...I am so tired tho, and kitchen is a mess....I usually wake up raring to go and I am just dragging this AM. I have got to get that cleaned up so we can cook today!
Nice n cool out so I got the fan pulling that nice air in as house is still hot!
clean patio first in the cool! We plan to go to Fireworks down the highway, 1 small town away, couple miles! I always plan this but when 9:pm comes been too tired to go..hopefully I can nap today as I am beat today! We can see them in the distance from here but not the same, way nicer to be close!

I got ahold of the church for Linda and we are setting up a service for Wanda next Saturday. LInda picked up her Mama/urn yesterday.

Prayers to cat, thinking of you, I got a good feeling bout this, especially when my friend shared her babynews in same conversation!

And all of us, struggling with health issues, stay strong

Sharyn. good your getting doc gave me Nsaids and muscle relaxers I had from last round in for this...I did not fill the Nsaids $$, Tylenol!! Did try the flexerol at nite only, drowsiness, that did help, I am sure!
Meanwhile..thanks and hope your foot is coming along..i think I was not on here when you injured it, so not sure what your injury was but recovery is sounding good.
I need to bath /groom all the critters here, have had no time for them. We have had a major flea epidemic this year town wide...everyone is struggling, like I have never seen before...Global warming, Hehehehe?? Poor Ciara is suffering the worst as she Is allergic to them!
Jen that is so funny, I am so retarded when it comes to all my gadgets! and when they malfunction OMG I am lost! Thank goodness for customer service like yesterday!!!!

Bob, Boat is looking good, sweet!! I am sure you are too!!! We are our worse critics, for me anyway! I feel bloated today, been eating a lot this week..had a few weeks of nothing to catch up on I guess!
Thanks on the dogs, they n the cat are all very good looking animals, but all a lil crazy in their own way! Sis obsesses on the cat"s every move and Zig wants to hunt him. cat just stays up on counters tables to be safe when he does emerge from his safe room...It is a zoo sometimes, lol!!
Still no cake, maybe today as it is cooler, or a pie with these berries that are in season and abundant now!!

Happy day to you all, have a great day! Mite be KFC for us too if I don't find my mojo this morning!

Luv n peace
Hugs too

Cat~Still thinking about you and sending prayers!! Hugs to you!!

meanwhile~Sam sounds like a real gem, can professional grooming help with that undercoat during the summer months?
Jen~Your post reminds me of my son would set up her webtv and these speakers for hearing impaired to the tv. It would take him a couple would unplug everything before going to bed, son would have to do it all again. We finally gave up because she just wouldn't stop unplugging everything...she still does it in Al/memory care.
Bobbie~Just keep working on that boat and living the life you want...I envy you!! I know it's hard work but it is what you want!!
Juju~I wish I was having a big 4th get to together but I'm not. Hubby n I both work tomorrow. I am off Sunday-Wed. week.

I will make an appointment with my dr. on Monday regarding my arm. I already warned my hubby that the dr. may have me go out on disability so I can rest my arm and PT. I don't want to have to go that route...but I have to take care myself and he supports that.
My sis is in no hurry to sell mom's house...I don't want to sell it either...but...since I live in the same city as mom, I am the one who is running back and forth seeing to the trash pick up from yard service and stuff we are throwing away...I am going to have a talk with her about this because I can't keep running back and forth because my work schedule will not always accommodate it and she doesn't live in town.

Happy 4th to everyone, enjoy some quiet time and enjoy some family/friend time!!

Sam's old dog, grows such a thick undercoat in the winter, it takes all summer to shed out. Don't know why, he sleeps in the house most of the time. But, he loves to be brushed. If you stop, he follows you around begging for more, more, more. He is such a sweet old dog (13), his mother was a red heeler, but daddy must have been a great dane.
Oh, Jen, I hate tech problems. I usually end up having to deal with that stuff too. Just because no one else will. But, no one gives me any hassle, because they don't want to, and they know I'd happily walk away if they did.
Mame, hope your mom is doing better. Juju, sorry about the aid not working out.
Hope everyone has a nice holiday tomorrow. Love Shirley

If your cable company charges thirty bucks and hour to instal and trouble shoot PAY IT!!!! My God what a horrid day. trying to re boot and hook up cable and program remotes has just taken three years off my life...A teenager could have done this in twenty seven minutes! With out dirty looks and yelling!!! Good God do I need this...

Mom is not hallucinating today! Just very sleepy! They must have tired her out yesterday! :)

Morning all,
I want to live vicariously thru you all so who has got something good planned for the fourth?

Bad news first, the caregiver I hired as she had committed to 4 nites a week, flaked out and only showed up two more nites then just left a message on the 3rd nite Sunday, saying she will not be back...I kept her pretty busy so think she mite have been overwhelmed by the work to be done here, nevertheless I am stuck high n dry with absolutely no help again. Our sweet Wanda Is not here either so I not sure what I am going to do to get errands and shopping done...too hot to be carting mom around with me. Her daughter did offer to sit with her today while I do few things, bank n shop etc...but long term I am in a pickle.
Good news, New home health agency Is amazing and a step above the last!!! They are full of helpful tips n tools and very very knowledgable in every aspect.
very pleased with the group so far, but I don't think they will be around very long and we have the basics down already, from last run in March/April!!

And BFF down south made the announcement this morning that the stork will be visiting their family! We all are praying for a girl as they need some sugar in that spice mix down there...Dad n boys 7 n 12! I get to see her pregnant, I am so excited, felt I had missed out on that experience with her.

I was calling her to put Cattails in her prayer group and got the happy news! (and then a hang up as she went running for the bowl, hehehe, which is what prompted her to take the test!)

Cooling off a bit here each day! Hope to catch up outside a bit this coming week !
I think I will finally breakdown and get eyes checked n some glasses it is getting really bad to read...I can type good cuz I know the keyboard but uggghhh the site issues are getting worse!

Stay cool to you all. and funny stuff Jen, Cuz. Everyone hope you are doing ok with these daily challenges!

Luv n Hugs to everyone!!!!

Thanks Bobbie-I think I was freaking out because to go in on a holiday sucks!!! I just felt I should do it now to get it overwith... feeling it is inevitable. However, mom has woken up and ate a good b'fast and seems pretty with it. So, I am holding off for now. I actually told her I as thinking about it and she said that she doesn't want to go and that she feels better than she did... Not sure how much stock I take in her assessment! But, for now, we are staying put here at home and hoping for the best! Hopefully that crazy hallucinating yesterday has died down and won't rear its' ugly head that bad again for a while!!! It was really over the top for her... Now that I think of it, she always gets really loopy in the hospital-I guess I just thought it was the change-and disorientation... Maybe it is just the meds or the sickness. I am feeling better about her now-can you tell? I just want to do the right thing. Thank you. I also have been brushing my dog a ton lately-there is hair everywhere!!! Every time I get the brush out he tries to run cause he associates the brush with a bath! I have been doing it so much lately tho that he isn't trying to get away but still has that look in his eye-like-is this JUST a brushing??? haha.
My wonderful bro who always helps me is on vacation and the sweet thing keeps calling me. Just got off the phone with him. I hope he can relax and enjoy! My bro from out of town called Sunday night, apologized for not having talked to us much lately but is dropping by tomorrow for a visit with mom. Another holiday... no expectations here! haha
Thanks for listening! Mame

Hey Mame,

My mom hallucinated too. I just went along with it and took the Texas Flyswatter to the 'people in the closet' and stuff like that.

I was also able to say to mom 'that's the disease talking'.

Of course I don't have any idea if any of this pertains to your situation because all dementias are differerent and I am sure not a professional.

If she is peeing and everything else is tracking maybe you can relax a little?
Anybody else got an idea so mame can just look forward to the fireworks and not the emergency room?

Got to clean this boat. I am brushing The Cat twice a day and the shedding is off the charts. Think it might be Hot this Summer?


Completely agree and understand that Juju!!! I think that all the time!

Glad you survived the heat too Jen! Wicked humid here today and tomorrow! AC cranking! Had to use washer & dryer yesterday with it on and was afraid I would blow the circuits but it didn't Sharyn!

Mom is pretty loopy. I am used to hallucinations but this is extreme. Contemplating a trip to ER today to beat the holiday rush. Maybe I can have her assessed and outta there by tonight? She isn't up yet-will decide after I wake her and see what she eats and how she is. Ugh. I don't think she is getting dehydrated cause she is drinking and peeing but something is going on. Maybe she would be the same in the hospital until the UTI is completely gone-but I would think after 6 days of antibiotics she would be better than she is. I hate making this decision-to go or not to go...Constantly second guessing myself. I'll keep you posted! Mame

somedays I am glad mom is so easy as it would be impossible for me to do it alone if she was a different person, but somedays I wish there was someone else around this house to talk to, or just be quiet with!! (or cook or clean something once in a while be nice too,).......the dogs can only look like they are interested, but when I use the walk or ride in car words, the truth comes out, that is all they care about, hehehehe!!!

Yesterday the heat caused a circuit breaker shut off, it didn't affect the a/c, but did shut down the computer and a lamp.

Survived heat, was two degrees less than's an odd one...The cable and phones went funny and shut off and now the TV no longer works...THAT is her main source of entertainment and solace we will have a new TV by Friday bet you....

So sorry, Cat. Life is just not fair. Praying it is early stages, and good outcome.

Cat Got you on our prayer chain. Hugs your way.

Cat ~ Thinking about you and praying this is easy to treat. Hugs, Kuli

Great IRS joke Cuz! Made me smile! They are so relentless! Very hot here in SoCal but a bit cooler this afternoon.

Cat~Sending prayers out and thinking about you. I am sure you and hubby have a lot to think about and decisions to make.

Mame~Glad to hear mom is having less pain, oh those hallucinations can be tricky to deal with. I hope your glasses aren't too girly for you hubby to wear all day, a funny story, sounds like something my dad would have done.

Hot, hot, hot...110 today and tomorrow with the rest of the week 105. I can handle the heat but not this humidity along with it. Working all week till 10pm, off on Sunday. Gotta go run some errands, stay cool!!

I'm laughing so hard I think the tears ran down my leg!! I love you guys!

We are preparing to head out...It never cooled off...I have ventilated hat and put on sun screen and am bringing my parasol...we shall see. It er sticky gross already.
Mom waited til I was upstairs to ask fp is it OK if I send sister and give herself the money like last summer. Aunt needs it for air fair to visit and everything is done even so mom gets the same. HE said oh yeah...I think she thinks I will hate him less if he gives us money....Don't bet on it ma...
Going to complain here a bit feel free to scroll down...One of the rude mean things my mom does she learned from grandma hit me last night...She will suggest something or get an idea to do something and after I offer suggestions and act as if she really meant it she will pull back say she "just doesn't have the money" in a sad whiny voice...

Grandma was for ever doing the same thing, wanted to get new carpet would talk and talk about it when we walked by it in Lowe's she'd look and do nothing...and there money wasn't the issue. Well access for the fact she wanted 1956 prices in 1990.

I am so stupid i think she means it when she says stuff then I get caught up thinking we are gonna do something and Bam...Nope never mind...I have got to catch it sooner. Maybe treat everything like it is false advertizing...

Latest she "offers KFC" tentatively as if it would be a catastrophe if we didn't cook on the fourth..I a all for it, then she starts dealin' down..."I'll make a macaroni salad and we'll just get the chicken..." I just sit there feeling cheated mad and hurt and after a few minutes of silence say "I don't want to do that...I hardly eat any chicken, (hate dark meat) I like the other stuff..."
She is taken aback annoyed, yes "Well, what do YOU want?" Like it is not OK for me to want anything at all...ever! "The regular meals..."
"Well hu hh hmn I thougt it would be too hot for the potaores and gravey well "...blank I do know nothing else has been said.

i think I will keep ten bucks and put down on a list what I want. I could go in, while she is in drive through, but she won't likely take us all in case Daaaaaddddeeeee gets too hot in the car...
It has only been what, 8 months since we did KFC and likely it will be another before we do it again, can I for once get what I want!?
Stupid question, go buy lotto ticket at store...God.

Love and Less Stress, Jen "The Professional Grouse"......

Good to hear from you Mame. I was thinking about you! Glad mom seems a little better. Hallucinating, sounds new to you all?? Scary n frustrating, I feel for you!!!
So funny bout the glasses, well now you have an alternate, least not the carkeys I guess, been there done that,stuck at home! Yes crazy weather rain and heat, especially sad bout the loss of that group of firefighters, prayers!!! I got our routine back and have the morning news on the tube, as usual, saw today heat west coast and rain east/south....
I remember cat mentioning that last week...It is a mess out there, holy moly!
well today should be the peak of the heat and drop 6-9 degrees each day and decent for fourth.
Wanda's daughter has invited us for a bbq on 4th, last nite, we discussed maybe doing it here, we are better equipped (wheelchair ramp, etc). She is doing ok, I brought her Pizza Sat nite. Good that she Is planning ahead, they would always grill n watch fireworks together. Wanda had been given a nearly new lift chair, and she wants us to have it. Very thoughtful, she said Wanda just loved us, and talked about us all the time so she felt that would be good use of the chair as she knew ours broke(laying in living room busted when she came up to tell me). I really had only met her briefly, once, and we are becoming fast friends, very sweet and funny lady!!! She is a bit disabled with reading n writing and needs help with some of the arrangements so I will do what I can.
Cattails...we are sending a prayer your way this morning to our new friend! Hoping for you comfort in the interim. Maybe drastic..... but an aggressive surgery could be an option? I know it is a lot to take in, don't mean to pry or push anything, just an idea! whatever know you are in all our thoughts

Hope you all are doing the best with the day n weather!

Cattails, Flex, Meanwhile, Kuli, Bob, Mame, Austin, Cuz, Sharyn, and all, whoever I missed.....LOVE TO YOU ALL!!!

Peace Out,

Good Morniing Crew,

Remember: you are not Sick, you just have an Imbalance.
What you are doing will bring you back into Balance and you will be Well.

Yup, that's what I believe for what's it worth.

Rainy here but cool. Nice out actually.

Mame! funny about your husband and your glasses! Hope you get some energy soon. Know the feeling.

Welcome to the Home of Vent and Live Echomom and lkmichael! Write it out and get it out of you.
Yup, we don't love them any less, we just reserve the right to be grossed out and vent about it and then continue on.

Juju I like your dogs!

Cuz/Christina! funny jokes! Really liked the one about the receptionist. Will be repeating that.

OK, everyone's who lurking, if you can get up the energy hit us all with an update here on the Grossed thread.

Captain Hardass started a cool thread with Where's Everybody From? It's nice to see all of the responses. Wish I had a map to stick some pins in.

Working on a boat here. Same ol'. Boat's getting prettier by the day.
Wish I could say the same for myself.


This is the first time I've been on this page. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for making me feel better! I laugh a lot at the things my parents do (Mom has Alzheimer's, Dad has Vascular Dementia) and I feel guilty sometimes. But if I don't laugh I'll either cry or poke my eye out with a fork. I, too, hate eating at the table with my parents.....the chomping, the noises, aaaccckkkk!

So sorry about the news Cat! Definitely praying for a good outcome. {{{HUGS}}}

Took mom off the pain meds cause the antibiotic seems to be working and she is eating and drinking more and not in so much pain. Gonna start my own PT with her today as I have not heard from Visiting Nurses yet and it is time to get her moving a bit so we can get her out of bed and walking again. She is soooo loopy and I thought it was from the pain med-and it did seem to ease up when I took her off but last night and today she is introducing me to the people in her room! I don't know if it is sickness, being bedbound or what that makes them hallucinate like that. She is having conversations...and last night while watching a movie with her she asked a question and I answered and she whipped her head to look at me and said-"I wasn't talking to you." Oh boy! Other than that tho-she seems better!

Cuz-loved the jokes and seriously, the bathroom one is right on the money!!!!!

Too tired to write too much. Feel like I have been hit by a truck. Maybe if the rain holds out I will get out for a quick walk with the dog. On a lighter note, hubby calls this morning from work to tell me he knows where my glasses are! He wore them to work!!!! Drove all the way there with them on! Guess I will try his if I need to today!!!!! Sun is out for the flooding right here where I live but there is flooding just east of us big time! So much terrible weather around the nation. Is mother nature going thru menopause or something??? Mame

Thanks Jen. Hugs, Cat

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