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Well, Sam got a jury summons, the 2nd one since he died. I call and tell them they need to take him off the list. The lady said it came from the tax office. He hasn't paid taxes in awhile either. Go figure.
Kuli, good to hear from you.
The more I do the better my foot feels, it is just stiff.. Haven't gone back to the Dr. Probably won't go back.

Love you, flex. It all just takes time. Allow yourself to take whatever time it takes. You DESERVE it! Hugs ~ Kuli

Jen ~ You are one of the strongest women I have had the pleasure to know. You hang in there because I KNOW a better life is in your future! Love ya, Kuli

The woman at the AP asked to interview me through a woman at NAAFA, as she was looking to speak to fat women who had had bad experiences or doctors who refuse to treat them based on weight...I had mentioned my last Pap and said I WISHED the doc had was that bad...

Glad to see you Kuli...

Kuli, I used to wonder why mom was holding on to life. But in her mind she was not disabled as she was in reality. She didn't remember that she had been in bed for two months or that she wasn't able to walk around, cook, clean the house or garden. In that sense I am glad her dementia didn't allow her to see what her life was like. I hope she also forgot all the times I lost my patience with her.
I too wished my mother hadn't fought so hard to cling to life in the end. I think the last two weeks of her life were the hardest. She mumbled a lot but I couldn't understand her most of the time. The last week she really didn't mumble or make any sounds. You could only tell she was in pain by how she made up her face. Mom managed to hang on 7 days after she stopped taking in any fluids. Like you said, thank god for morphine. I miss my mom more now because of the finality of death, but I've been mourning her loss for years. I haven't quite figured out what to do with myself yet, but at least I am working full time and James and I are trying to find our new normal.

I have to be at work tomorrow at 5am to see a group off so I am going to turn in a little earlier tonight. Good night dear ones.

Thank you Kuli! I needed that! Hugs to you!! Thanks for lurking ;)

Hi all. Yes, I am still lurking, still reading, just not posting often. Mame, I too lived hoping one morning dad wouldn't be at the kitchen table and I'd find him snuggled in bed in eternal sleep. Or that I would walk in after work and find him resting comfortably in his favorite recliner forever more. To me he had no quality of life. And yet, he never acted like his life had lost any quality. I was always amazed when he would greet me in the morning with a big smile and when I would ask how he was, he'd say still kickin'. He had plenty to complain about - constant back pain, balance problems so he ALWAYS had to use a walker, loss of some eyesight in one eye that prevented him from reading and playing his beloved solitaire, pain in both shoulders from fractured clavicles (from falls), pain in his hands from rheumatoid arthritis, shortness of breath from his CHF, loss of sensation in his upper lip from the way the breathing tube was secured when he was on the ventilator, having to have an indwelling urinary catheter and having to change bags/empty bags - well I'm sure I could still go on and on. I used to joke saying he was like the terminator - you could keep blasting at him but he'd keep on going. He rarely showed disgust with his limitations, he rarely complained, he rarely seemed frustrated or angry. And still he wasn't able to get out easy by dying in his sleep. After the fact, I was actually glad he didn't go when I wasn't there or I would feel guilty for not being there. But I do wish his passing had been a little easier for him, a little more comfortable. He was conscious and talking until the very end and we did everything possible to try and keep him comfortable. Thank God for morphine. He knew he was loved, he was surrounded by his family and his dog in the comfort of his own home. He used to tell people that each morning that he would wake up he would thank God for giving him another day. I think the measure of quality of life is something each person has to determine for themselves. I don't regret that my caregiving days are over but I miss being with him. Once she's passed, you will be relieved for her being at peace but you will be surprised how lost you are not having SOMETHING to do every minute of every day, SOMETHING to worry about day in and day out. So hang in there. You are obviously a survivor like all the caregivers here and have put your mom's needs above your own. You're doing a great job! Hugs, Kuli

Jen-glad you are sewing! That has to be a good outlet! When you mentioned “not caring only providing services” I think I have days like that! My mind keeps going to the stages of Caregiving that Bobbie posted one day. I think I go back and forth through several of those stages. Zombie is the one that pops in often! Just wondering how one gets an interview with the AP???
Flex-great to hear you chime in! I too wear the same things day after day… I saw a saying on FB that said-“No one important saw me in that yesterday-I’ll wear it again today” or something like that and it really made me laugh! The story of my life!
BJ-I like turkey liver at Thanksgiving & Christmas…but not too often. Funny thing is-I have offered them to my dog and he walks away!!! Scares me when the dog won’t eat them!!!
Sharyn-boy you are sure going thru a lot! Hang in there-it sounds like you are on the right track. Hard to not talk to her for a while but it will be best in the end. Tough stuff! Great that the home is so accommodating and helpful. They have been thru it all I am sure! Sounds like you and sis are getting along ok…. Good luck with all the house stuff and glad you are going to get out and take pics etc. Hope jury duty is uneventful…and you will still get credit for doing it even if you don’t get on a jury!
Cat-so glad you are going to stick around!!! And great advice-get something done first thing in the morning-shower-and then have a sense of accomplishment right off the bat! I always try to make the bed as I am getting up…that is my sense of accomplishment! Funny-hubby will say, what did you do today? And I will answer-not a thing! And he will laugh at me and say-did you take care of your mom? And of course I did…. Weird how I don’t count that as an accomplishment!!
Cuz-hope your bro gets what he needs and heals well! And you be careful with a heat index that high!!! Love your Travel Plans!!!! Definitely sharing that one!!!
Meanwhile-how are you doing without the cast? Been back to the DR yet?
Bobbie-great post! Names we haven’t heard from in a while! Hope they chime in. Keep cool! I believe in a post you said “arg” and now you are drinking rum! You turning I into a pirate??? Haha Hope you feel better!
Hi Juju and Frustrated and Deef and everyone else out there!
I am actually doing pretty well. Hubby’s situation at work is not good. But a nice visit to my counselor helped me to see that there is no good in being anxious about something that may or may not happen-AND most importantly-that we will get through whatever does happen. Cause we will. So, I am trying not to dwell on the negative there and just take each day as it comes. Kind of how I have to deal with caregiving. Which is hard for me. I know not all of you believe that there are lessons we have to learn-but I truly believe if there are-that is the one I am being bombarded with so I will learn it!!!! I have always wanted to just roll with the punches…but I am a fighter! I don’t accept things the way they are and am always looking for a better way. And we all know, our loved one is not going to get better…there is no better way to look forward to… So, the fighter in me just wants it to be over. I love my mom. I know I will miss her when she is gone. But this quality of life sucks for her-at least I think it does! And it sucks for me! So, I find myself always thinking of her death, or that I will walk in and find her dead. Or I won’t hear her breathing on the monitor in the morning. I feel terrible how much I think about her dying. So, a week ago or so, I decided to tell myself that she is going to live for 7 more years and that is that. (7 is her favorite #) I am trying to psych myself into just going from day to day-without thinking about her dying. Put it out of my mind. In my right mind, I know she could go any time-but I am playing this game with myself so I won’t think about it daily-or hourly! Call me crazy-but if that is how I get thru this and roll with the punches without wishing her life away then so be it. I was happy that Bobbie shared her dream of being arrested to have a few days off and sleep! We are all in this so deep. I really don’t want mom in a NH. I do want to care for her to the end. I do love her and I want to show her that love and be loving-not resentful and angry that I have no life. AND, I don’t want to feel guilty for these thoughts when she is gone. So, I am trying to live as though it is what it is….cause it really is! If I can change the voices in my head, maybe I will be happier with what I am doing.
She is doing ok this week. Her back was better and then we ate out on the deck and I think she sat funny in the chair and her back is out of wack again. So, we are still dealing with back pain but I do think she is mending. Her spirits are good. The weather is beautiful so that helps. No daycare this week. Hopefully back next week. Not going quite as crazy being cooped up cause my boys are here for conversation and entertainment. And the weather is nice so I have been getting out every day while mom sleeps for a walk with the dog. And, I am counting down the days till our vacation in August. Something to look forward to is soooo helpful! Love you all and so happy to have found you all! Mame

Sounds like you guys are getting a lot done there Sharyn...been there, doing that! feels good to know it's out of the way. Any chance your mm is experiencing sundowning?

I will try to keep this short but can't guarantee it because once I start, everything just pours out like a cloud burst, Lol!! You might want to make some popcorn!!

Sis and I met at the community today to sign a new lease agreement due to the move to memory care, then we met with "E" the head nurse in memory care. He told us mom was doing well, eating, participating and she is pleasant 80% of the time, the rest of the time, in late afternoons she becomes despondent, doesn't want to be around others or talk. He said this is normal due to moving her and that it will take a month to a month and a half for her to adjust. He suggested we have them set up a phone in her room where we can call her but she can't call out. We told him mom like to organize and reorganize files, etc. so he is going to set up some files with non personal paperwork so she can organize it to her hearts content. Isn't that great they will do things like this for a resident!!

After we left there, we spent the day until 8pm tonight going through mom's house. We are pretty much done inside. Now we start the storage room, the rafters (I know Christmas decorations are stored up there through the crawl space in the ceiling), and the tool shed in the backyard. Looks like we are going to have to replace the central heat/air to sell the house now that the info has been disclosed to us but fair is fair when selling a house and the a/c is on it's last legs as it is leaking refrigerant which happens to be $64 a pound to replace!! The unit is over 20 years old. Sis and I will meet up again on Saturday.

I have jury duty this week but so far have not had to go in so.......tomorrow is an adventure day for me and maybe Friday too. Next week is back to work :(( I'm recharging the battery in my camera and I will leave early tomorrow to take pics...who knows, maybe I will go to Yosemite Nat'L Park. Have a good night and a better tomorrow!! Hugs!


My Travel Plans for 2013-2014
I have been in many places, but I've never been in Cahoots. Apparently, you can't go alone. You have to be in Cahoots with someone.
I've also never been in Cognito. I hear no one recognizes you there.
I have, however, been in Sane. They don't have an airport; you have to be driven there. I have made several trips there, thanks to my children, friends, family and work.
I would like to go to Conclusions, but you have to jump, and I'm not too much on physical activity anymore.
I have also been in Doubt. That is a sad place to go, and I try not to visit there too often
.I've been in Flexible, but only when it was very important to stand firm.
Sometimes I'm in Capable, and I go there more often as I'm getting older.
One of my favorite places to be is in Suspense! It really gets the adrenalin flowing and pumps up the old heart! At my age I need all the stimuli I can get!
I may have been in Continent, but I don't remember what country I was in. It's an age thing. They tell me it is very wet and damp there.

Wow. Tony Soprano just died. 51. Heart attack. Jeeze.
and ol FP just keeps on keepin on.


Good Evening Crew,

Cuz! How is Mike feeling today? I hope that he gets some relief. I can't imagine.
Juju! Glad you have a plan. That can make the problem seem smaller. I was always a big List person. Gotta make a list.
You're doing a lot better Juju! Keep venting and writing it out. It works as you can see!

Shirley! way to go with the translation on cuzMike's situation. Thanks for that. I have no medical knowledge.

Jen! So happy to see you check back in and we are all ready for a Jen post anytime you feel like lobbing one over here.
Cat is right, it's not going to last forever it just seems that way and the 'seems' is what's a bummer.

I know when I was in the thick of it I thought about going out and getting arrested so at least I would get a place to lay down and someone else doing the cooking. I figured if I did something stupid on a Friday night I wouldn't be out until Monday afternoon.
Of course I didn't do that because I wouldn't leave my mom but I had a good time threatening myself with it.

lildeb!! how are you feeling and how are all those tests going? I keep meaning to ask and get in the middle of a post and then space it. Not-so-early-onset....
I hope you're doing ok but maybe you'll let us know?

Mame! are you circling the black hole or have you beat it back and are getting some fun in somewhere. Let us know.

Lindaheart! What are you up to? Let us know! We miss you!

Christina! I have been feeling better in that I can chime in here and there and always enjoy seeing your posts.

msdaizy! how is it going? Hey Book!

BJ I am still laughing about the pork. omg. Ages ago I used to do a bit about 'Babe', the movie with the pig. Bottom line is at the end of the joke I would say:
Sure could go for a BLT right about now....
The audience was usually horrified. I loved it.

Frustrated! keep checking in, it makes a difference.

Sharynmarie, how's the no phone thang going... Hope you are doing some things that you have been putting off... like going to a movie or just not jumping up and down to someone else's rhythm. let us know.

Kuli, Rip, Miz, Cricket! Kelleybean, Pam, all crew past and present, I hope you guys are doing ok.

I have been feeling punk for the last few days and it just boils down to being heatsick and the fact that I can't drink. I didn't think we could move anywhere hotter but we did and the heat index has been around 105 for the last week. I step outside the boat and lose my mind. The boat angel has no problem with it and works outside while I hide inside. I know I will do better in the next few days.
There was a boater get-together a few days ago and I had some rum. I am such a pussy because it took 2 days for me to get my act together again. Arg.
Wish I could smoke a bone. haha.

A huge T-storm roared through here about an hour ago and really cooled things off. Nice.

ok, will check in later and I hope everyone is doing as well as they can with what they have to deal with.
Crew Call!


Oh ya, well i finally got the diagnosis on me and my pain n issues...was so releived to have new good NP...However went to pick up meds Sat and it was nearly $250...trying to get ahold of dr from here but we are playing phone tag. as i do not get cell reception where i am staying! I am going to have to research them anyway...I will no longer put anything in my body by RX after the fosomax incident. I could not even get tylenol outta the hospital, after midnite when i got back to her after situating dogs. i went n bought next AM tylenol and thermacare heat wraps! I am in so much pain. i did have flexorol i found in med chest from while back, helps but make me too drowsy so that is why i stopped...i had forgotten about them. found in ma's bag and did help me sleep good. but now up n running pain is back! idk what to do bout this situation...ibu n tylenol i guess!! Cant very well massage my own neck n back! oh ho hum n a bottle of rum!!!
Thanks for letting me vent again...I have a plan today at least!
Onward n upward!

Cuz, that does sound like the Doc is talking about your brothers hemoglobin. 6 is critical, but if he is retaining that much fluid, it might not be a true value. The excess fluid is diluting his hemoglobin. But, he can't have much energy with those readings. Sure hope he gets to feeling better.

Juju, your mom is so lucky to have you. I'm sure you will do the best for her, but don't forget to take care of yourself.

Thanks for your support!!

Nice n rested her! have a plan to rent my house out and realtor is looking for a rental for me here! i may have no choice but to put her in SNF at this point there is so much to get i will start on that once I resolve her health issue's today! Interviewing n touring the facilities. ALL I WANNA DO IS BE WITH MY MOMMA NOW, THIS SUCKS!!! Hopefully the chaos will end today!
That will be my last resort! i have the names of 4 here tho..i have no home health or hospital at home to use so it may have to be while I sort this out!
Hope you all are hangin in there!!!

Cat~It was hard taking the phone away from her but we had to so it forces her to put her energy into something else. Thanks for thinking about will pass in time!

Juju~Keep us posted, praying you get the answers you need so you can have a care plan for your mom's needs.

Sending prayers your way, Juju. High marks to you for leaving that area and going to a better hospital. Keep us posted.

Hi everyone....It has been a crazy 48hrs! I was so disgusted with the records in ma"s Hospital file. After I got an hour of sleep Sunday nite. I had no choice but to pack up and get us to a real hospital. I couldnt even get dressed, at some point monday morning became painfully obvious i needed to get ma taken care of properly. I thru as much in the car as i thought i would need. and took off asap in jammies..5hrs in no a/c heat and ma cant open window, she get so cold. I was sweaty disgusting mess by time i got there. She is in hospital now and we are getting her re-evaluated! Still having admin issues...but I will pray we get her taken care of. I have a stress knot in my neck like you wouldnt arm is going numb at times, ughhh but we gettiing her taken care of.
I grabbed 3 tshirts and apair of leggings outta laundry, and guess what...when i finally get a shower and go to put em on...they are moms..hehehe so i gotta go to walmart tomoro and get something to wear. I took the most restful nap today and know i will sleep good tonite...MY intention is to never go back to that pit of a town permanently, anyway i hope. I did not sound good from what i heard today but they have not got our history yet. So they had admitted her Monday and tomoro i will get together with the team there. I brought my lappy but no time yet...i will enjoy catching up with you all soon PRAY FOR US!!

Sharynmarie: Just want you to know that I am thinking of you. So sorry for the issues with your mom. I think you are doing the right thing by staying away for a while. Sending you encouragement. Don't let her manipulate you. Hugs.

Hope the med changes help, Cuz. Probably hemoglobin count should be 12, but is 6. Sending prayers. Cat

Hey bobbie Got Mike to the dr today. He said that all the major valves in his left leg are clogged but the blodd is finding its way through to the bottom and backup.
The swelling is due to all the water trapped in his legs. He changed some of his meds. He also said something about being anemic. He has to go back in 6 weeks for a blood work up to see if the med change is helping. Something about the count should be around 12 but it is only 6. Right now if he walks over 50 feet he has to stop cause his legs hurt so bad. He can't really excercise so his weight shot up since his last visit 3 weeks ago. Its probably just water weight cause he hardly eats anything. I will keep you informed as I find out more from dr. Long distance hugs to you. Love you Cuz

This thread is so again cracking me up! I can so relate!

I just jammed the machine....God I hope not permanently...

Pork livers, I am getting sick just thinking about it....

Speaking of Pork Liver, we had a cat years ago (Fluffy) who simply would not eat regular cat food. We had to get a special recipe from the vet and make this cat's food at home. One of the ingredients was pork liver. We had to make regular big batches of this cat food concoction and then freeze it in small amounts for everyday meals. I hated the smell of that pork liver cooking away on stove. To our great relief, however, Fluffy loved this food and happily gobbled it down.

Jen: Good for you. I have a lot of fabric too. All kinds of different stuff that you would be welcome too. I'm not very good with a sewing machine so I would rather have the space than the fabric. I can send it to Diane to send on to you.

FP is not going to make it to 95 so don't even think of it. Seriously, don't think of it; there's no point. Just do something positive for this day.

When I could get into the shower before my day started with my dad, I felt better, like I had already accomplished something for myself. I had already moved out of the holding pattern by taking that step.

Hugs and white light, Cat

BJ, so sorry you're being grossed out. Forgive me, but your post made me laugh.....she's smakin and eatin......My imagination is running away with that.

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