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OH Sharyn! My heart aches for you and your mom! Change is so difficult! Hang in will get better. Hugs to you!
Got out and had a good time last night. Dinner & drinks and good conversation. Still haven't talked with hubby about work...will do that this morning. He never showed up at the restaurant-texted telling me he still couldn't leave... I was disappointed but what could I do? So, I just enjoyed my friends. He came home and my sis was still there with mom and me. We were putting mom to bed and he seemed ok. So, I will keep you posted!
Happy Saturday-or as happy as it can be. Hugs to everyone! Mame

oh car thing should have said
30 min of where are they, and the phone rings, bring chains n his bro
its moldy that was my car for mom we need it and this STI did this to ma. if he had pot to piss in, it would be mine but who wants a pissy pot!

I am sad bout sis...she limpin real bad last couple days, guess I gotta take her in, ughh just more cash out the window but I love her..
Oh ya I finally got my DR apptm today, I do have osteoarthritis developing, that scares me cuz ma has it bad!! oh and my severe back n neck pain is stress, ha...wonder where that comes from, I have no idea??? and I am diagnosed with compassion fatigue. I hate pill poppin but an occasional Xanax can work wonders! did this week. I found one in the travel kit, I had seen it at beach house, thank goodness!
OMG I have been writing so many emails lately I almost signed that sincerely and full name....that is too funny! I am cracking up!

S'mores are good, very, very, very, yummy!!! I sure wish I could share my s'mores with you! But I cant cuz they here with me! Oh well had a looonnnngggg nite taking care of my mama. Now I know we can leave outta town tonite, no worries and have such a nice time visiting my BFF, and we are going house hunting, see whats on the market. gotta decide if we rent my place out and rent down their or what the houses look like in our budget. maybe we could buy still, IDK....doubt it, never be able to sell this pit I bought us! ugghhh real estate law Is way diff in cali that Oregon....I got screwed on this deal too....I don't know if I ever told you guys that I happened to land on the one house in "??? that went down the hill in mudslide, we didn t find out till 2 dys before closing...I had no more house in n everyone packed up moving van loading up..I had no choice but to just go for it and then flip it when I got here.. and the rest is STI history, haven't caught a break since...oh like the handyman who went to get supplies in my car. that is a good one. a "friends?" babydaddy. So like after bout 30 min of "where are they" Can you get some chains and my brother I got the car stuck down by the river. I get there it is not stuck by the river....they were hotrodding my one splurge a reliable Subaru wagon for us to play in the mountains n snow and get ma's Wheelchair n the my babies!
anyway I arrive to find my car halfway submerged in water, took me 6 mo's to get it to run and has been a piece of crap ever since, hanging on by a thread.. my other car Is not suitable for ma at all and I cant afford to insure and register both so if it does die least I got back up but it has been stored for years. oh ya my brother blew the tranny and gave it back to me smashed front end too. it is 91 Mustang GT convertible, red on black...runs so sweet only 122k miles but body is messed up and top worn..a fun car tho, so I put a tranny in it and now it sits. cost 2k and cosmetic damage for loaning to my bro to help him out, that was just before that BS with mom and the courts. I tell you guys if I didn't have bad luck id have no luck at all...and now....I can't believe this..i cant I cant I cant!!! .Once you put the greater good in your sights look out I is nearly miraculous...I am gonna start packing for our trip
I hope you all are doing well

agree with mame...nothing is safe if you write it down...and least of all if you write it and click this is an open forum. be careful what you say...

why do they bite? horseflys?

just watched double rainbow...hey they are that cool...

no worries cattails come and go as you wish if it is time to move on thanks for being here...

sand frog videos still makes my cat go loopy...

I almost sank a sail boat....uncle had one, it were my turn to steer....rrrrraaaaaaaaa

"JENNIFER!!!!" HEHEHEHEH took to tight a turn ended up at say about a 45 degree angle hahaha... was 11. No one died!

What is Celibacy?
Celibacy can be a choice in life, or a condition imposed by circumstances.
Whileattending a Marriage Weekend, Frank and his wife Ann listened to the instructor declare,
It is essential that husbands and wives know the things that are important to each other.
He then addressed the men.

Can you name and describe your wife's favorite flower? Frank leaned over, touched Anna’s
arm gently, and whispered, Gold Medal-All-Purpose, Isn't it?
And thus began Frank's life of celibacy.

ditto sharyn...I got the VA rep here today and she can take over managing all the finances not just the VA benefits. As of next month I will not need to deal with that at me more time for MA and this issue! She Is looking for an attorney for me! OMG Amazing!

Cat~I hope you will come back, I think you contribute more than you give yourself credit for. I know it can become time consuming keeping up with everything here, we all have our private lives to tend to as well. I wish you and your husband much happiness and hope we hear from you when you are ready!

Juju~are you making s'mores with your mom for the pj party...yummy, yummy, yummy!
Mame~Have fun with your friends tonight...I know I would be stressing too if my hubby told me it was bad. I was stressing some years back because hubby first got 3 days off without pay, then a year later he got a week off without because co-workers caught him sleeping at his desk. He does not like to admit he does something wrong so he was very humiliated. The second time they sent him to the company dr. for a physical...he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and hasn't fell asleep since. It may not be as bad as you think and I hope it isn't. Enjoy your night deserve it.

It's been a bit of a bad day especially for mom. She has been calling me since 8am...she wants to go home, wants her dog back. The move into an apartment in memory care has her confused and upset since we also removed her dog. She has called me 14 times today! It is stressful, tiring and this may sound cruel...but I only talked with her the first time she called. It is pointless to talk with her every single time but it is still upsetting to me do it. If she calls tonight I will talk with her once again. I don't think I will visit her tomorrow because she needs time to adjust. I hate this...what else can I do? Hugs

OK I did not do that twice (this time) lol!!!

Oh yummy yummy yummy!

Oh yummy yummy yummy!

Horseflies are the worst! They hurt when they bite!!!
Husbands are supposed to go out tonight too. Hubby just said he will be late and will meet me there...and one couple just backed out! Hubby is also stressing about something that happened at work-which stresses me out with worry... Can't I just be stress free while I am out with my friends instead of worrying about when he will get there and what frame of mind he will be in and what is going on??? Cause he couldn't tell me anything except that it is bad. And that he would fill me in later. Good God! I hate drama! SCREAM!!!!!!!!
Bobbie-your last post sounded so relaxed-this move was good for you I think! Keep those boats in line out there! Enjoy! Mame

haha, I was thinking that Mame went out last night.....

Guess what... they have horseflies here. Now I have to walk around with a flip flop in my pocket.


Good Afternoon Crew,

The boat is safe and snug in its new home. We are in the lowland marsh and it is quiet and peaceful with birdsong and fish jumping. Maybe I can get one to jump into the dipnet...
Remind me to tell you guys how I almost hit a bridge. Easier than it sounds.
I almost hit a bridge and then I got chewed out over the radio by a bridge tender on another bridge. He apologized when he realized that it was unwarranted. At least I didn't react, I just stayed calm.
I would have thought that the bridge that I almost hit would have had something to say but no.
Boats have no brakes, all you can do is throw it in reverse and pour on the rpm's.

Later on, when a fast boat passed me in a narrow channel doing 25 knots and threw up a big wake and almost spilled my ice tea I chewed that captain out and restored balance in the universe.

A lot of folks drive boats and don't realize that it's not a car. Wind and current act differently than the surface of the Interstate.

Juju, thanks for the nice hug and congrats on getting a leg up on the system. Stay with it my friend.

Cat, I hear that you want to sit out but why worry about 'leaving'? The cool thing here is that you don't have to; all you have to do is do what you want and if you want to come and check on your friends here you do.
In my experience most who say they want to leave eventually want to check in so why worry.
If it hurts too much to read about current caregivers, that is just the phase of healing that you are in. For awhile I couldn't really concentrate on it all so I just stood back.
Whatever you end up doing, it's all cool with us I am sure. Stay safe and have fun and we will see you whenever you choose.

Jen! Rainbows!! oh ya.

Mame, hope you had fun last night with your friends.

Sharynmarie! glad you were able to get together with your friends and how amazing is it to have that shared experience.

Meanwhile! How is that foot? Still ache when the boot isn't on it? That adobe house really does sound beautiful. I love that you don't have to worry about a big wave hitting it.

Cuz! very funny joke! For real.

DEEF!! Flex! Rip! Everybody!

everyone! have a good Friday and I hope that Cat doesn't leave and that FP goes through the carwash naked.

Everybody check in and chew me out for not doing a better shout out. Fixing to go and rub wax on the boat.


Mame, have fun tonight, so glad you are getting a chance to get out for a little while. Sharyn, hope your neck is better. Och. Have you tried a heating pad with a wet towel? Moist heat is supposed to help more.
We got almost 2 inches of rain last night. For someplace that only averages 12" a year, its nice to get rain.
Cat, sure going to miss you, but understand.

Jen, have you ever seen the youtube video about the double rainbow guy? he is sooooo excited about it-it is funny. I have seen a few-really beautiful! Hope you see one again soon! Must be good luck of some kind!
Cat, you will be missed on this site-but I understand. It has to be hard to read all about what we are going thru when this part of it is over for you. Painful even. You have to move on the way you have to move on! Everyone has their own way of dealing. Maybe you can check in from time to time when you want-I know you have a wealth of knowledge-and we can learn how to deal with the afterlife from you like we are from Bobbie and others. Right now, you don't want to but maybe someday you will want to stop by and say hello. Just know that I wish the best for you! Love ya hon! Mame
Juju-glad you have a new aide. Hope she remains reliable! Some are keepers!

It is Friday. I have plans for tonight with 2 if my high school friends. One previously was a caregiver and one is thinking about it! My sis is coming to care for mom. I can't wait to get out of here. Not raining today but grey. I did manage to fall asleep last night after all that sleep yesterday! Mom also slept all night again! YAY! Hope her back feels better today. She is so pitiful! Poor dear.
Hope everyone has a decent day and weekend. Mame

Oh and my new bath aide started last nite and is AWESOME. she was able to take care of mom with only needing to know where everything was. I got to deal with this without babysitting her! and was able to give me great advice on this issue! we are a team now!!!
Thank goodness for the weekend. I am going to spend Fathers day with my BFF, I need to get out of this deliverance town for a bit! Ugghhh

Hi guys....still busy busy getting this taken care of. My new bather started last nite. She is awesome we get along great, she is smart conscience and EXPERIENCED. she was able to take care of ma with no instruction. while I deal with these idiots. I wish I cud tell ya it's killin me.. I cant believe this. I cant believe how stuff keeps falling in my lap like this...
Sorry I cant spend time catching up with you all this week. My momma needs my any extra goes to this fight!
I will miss your stories Cattail, all the animals...I wuv em!
Love you all!

Stan married an attractive woman, Aggie, half his
age, in a small coastal Newfoundland community.

After several months, Aggie complained that she had never climaxed
during sex and according to her Grandmother all Newfoundland women
are entitled to a climax at least once in a while. To resolve the
problem, they went to see the Veterinarian since there was no
trustworthy doctor anywhere on the Burin Peninsula.

The Vet didn't have a clue, but he did recall how, during the hot
summer, his mother and father would fan a cow that was having
difficulty breeding, with a big towel. This would cool her down
and make her relax. He told them to hire a strong, virile young
man to wave a big towel over them while they were
having sex. This, the Vet said, would cause the young wife to cool
down, relax, then climax.

The couple hired a strong young man from Port Aux Basques to wave
that big towel over them as the Vet suggested. After many efforts,
Aggie still had not climaxed so they went back to the Vet. The Vet
said for Aggie to change partners and let the young man have sex
with her while Stan waved the big towel. They tried it that night
and Aggie went into wild, screaming, ear-splitting climaxes, one
right after the other for about two and a half hours.

When it was over, Stan looked down at the exhausted young man and
in a boasting voice said: "And that, me son, is how ya waves a
fockin' towel!"

Bobbie: Love your posts about the boat because they are about living!!!! Not everyone can claim that experience, but you have sure earned it and we all live, even me, in the grip of your wonderful stories of daily life. I love to hear about the boat, your amazing progress, both with the boat and personally. I absolutely love your cat and the rank you have given her/him.

I WANT YOU TO ALL PAY ATTENTION HERE: I am going to leave AC, just have to figure out how to do it. I've been thinking about it for a long time, but didn't want to leave before Diane's mom passed.

I WANT YOU ALL TO KNOW how much I love you and how much I hope for your individual happiness.

I spend too much time on this site with not much to offer. I'm sorry to those I have offended, but shit happens and I happen too.

I'm on Facebook and you can check various people's friends list if you want to contact me.

It is really hard to give up this site, but it is time for me to do so.

It will probably take a bit of time for me to make this happen with admin. I made an attempt or two a while back and just couldn't make it happen, but I think I will now.

Jen, do the play about your neighbors death.

Love to all of you and thanks for letting me into your world.


Juju-nothing online is confidential..... Are you being attacked? Get a lawyer now!

once she realized I dupped her. they are on the attack!

ok I do need to know if this site is confidential, The battle is on...and it is getting DIRTY...

Hey Mame It is raining here right now, just a leetle bit. I have a side window cracked open, and we even had a double rainbow...I always look for them when the sun is still up AND IT IS RAINING.

Hope the new locale is good for you bobbie, and the cat settle in...I can see people being interested in the boat it is one of a kind not one you see everywhere...

Deef said she is doing OK just really swamped with all there.

Glad you got some help there juju and a break. both things are OFTEN THE ONLY THING BETWEEN US AND TOTAL MELTDOWN!!!

hope the rest of the week goes well for all: rip, bobie, deef, juju, Mame, meanwhile, sharyn, cat, cuz and everybody who stops by the GOthread

Hi All! What a weird day! Rained all day long...yesterday too. Mom's back was bad again today-poor thing. But she slept well last night. She didn't even call me to help her get up to pee until 11:30 today! I woke up at 6:45 and listened to make sure she was breathing and then I fell back asleep-till 10! It was so awesome! THEN, after her lunch at 2:30...she took a nap for almost 3 hours! So I fell asleep too! After 45 minutes I woke up figuring she would too and decided I would lay there till I heard her and I fell asleep again! I ended up getting up about 1/2 hour before her and got dinner ready. It was incredibly awesome. I feel like my head is fogged tho-AND I hope I can sleep tonight! I must have needed the sleep-right? Plus it is a cold, damp rainy day so I had no motivation anyway.
Son is home from his trip and other son is off on a short trip of his own! Revolving door here this summer. As it should be I guess.
Sharyn-glad midget will do as you ask. It will take time but it sounds like you are doing good with the positive training! Nice to meet up with old friends! Enjoy! Good of you to realize you and your sister have different expectations...not sure what you can do... I was thinking that instead of bitching to you-tell her to tell it to the home... let them deal with her... But also let them know that you are ok with what they do! Who has POA or whatever-or do you both? Either my siblings don't care what I do, or they think I am perfect cause they don't say boo about how I deal with mom. And if a few of them said a word, I would tell them where to go! The 2 that help out-well, they just have conversations with me, think things thru with me... So, I am not sure what I would do in your case unless you have the power (POA etc) to tell her to bug off! I know you don't want to start a fight...but I hate to see you in turmoil about what she thinks when the home is doing a good job! Sorry she has different expectations!
Bobbie-love the cat story-and can so relate! Well, not with crab parts but mouse parts being left out of love! Haha!
Juju-you go girl! You are really on top of things! Go get em!
Meanwhile-the adobe sounds beautiful! Glad you aren't doing the climbing-or trying to! Fingers crossed for removal of boot in 2 weeks!
Cat-that is what I say daily! "Why does everything have to be so hard?" Ugh!
Hey Jen! What's up at your place? Able to open any windows or is it raining there???
Gonna go see if mom want to watch a movie... Praying for her back to be better tomorrow and for all of you and the ones you care for!!! Mame
ps-I haven't been out cause we have car trouble too! Going a little insane but getting used to it! HAHA

Juju~so happy things are working in your favor...I hope all works out for your mom's benefit. Hugs to you!!

The pinched nerve in my neck is getting better...the pain today is minimal and I am wearing the brace below my elbow for tendonitis...the tingling is getting better too.

Midget is coming along...the darn little dog, not use to more than one person in her life, is just giving my poor husband hell with barking, but I turn her and walk her way from him, then turn her back walking toward my husband without her barking and treat her saying good girl.

I ran into an old grade school friend today, she was with another high school friend. We talked about the parents because my grade school friend knows what is going on with mom, her name is "MB", her mom passed away some time ago from a brain tumor. The other HS friend "C", she lost her mother to alz, and is in the process of selling her mom's home. We had some laughs and hugged, cried together. It was really great to talk to live people who understand...not that I don't appreciate talking with you all here because it is a life saver and I know you all understand. I couldn't get through it without your support because it is constant. Hugs to everyone!!

More stranger than fiction...Mom's Home health nurse n I solved the sinkhole issue! Rainy season gone n heat here went out to "show off my hole" and all dried up it is an old structure....We do not need to hire a geologist...I was fretting for months over this! I am amazed what has happened since I had my meltdown!!!
I wish I had time to catch up on y'all but I gots to catch up here!

I want boat time! I earned it!!

A lawyer with a heart, you must be joking.
Good luck with your giant bathtub, Bobbi. The image of that just cracked me up. Really, I bet the boat looks awesome.

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