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There is just something so yummy about the having the Director of Risk Management kissing your arse! I played STI till I got what I wanted and then went bipolar and whipped out the contracts administrator on em....they did not know what they were getting themselves to find a lawyer with a heart!

HOPE EVERYONE IS DOING GOOD. I can do no more I got the proof in my hands JESUS TAKE THIS WHEEL.

I just have to add guys how stranger than fiction this all panned out...that Thursday was eeg/catscan day. had I not cancelled that I would have never got this opportunity I just had. and then that same day we are in the ER anyway. initially I was like omg I just cant win for trying. today it is a blessing that I was in the ER...not only do I now have complete control over mothers care I got the answers I need on how much care I should ethically put in to her. and yes everything does happen for a reason and I now have peace, based on my former mindset I may have put her thru unnessary discomforts....I lost so much time already and now maybe not much left...I will spend the rest of this time just loving my mom, unconditionally, out of this world

Good Morning Crew,

We moved the boat yesterday and spent the night tied to a bulkhead on the river in a cute little town. We have another long day of driving in a heat index of 105 degrees before we put in at our new home.
It's interesting to see your boat through someone else's eyes and even though we are not finished with paint and varnish, there was a crowd of people when we docked all wanting to know: What kind of boat is that?
(hopefully it's one that works...)

The non boat owners are hilarious in that they want to talk the talk about boat meaning: Break Out Another Thousand... and the guy that said that got told that the next cliche he wanted to offer up would get him mistreated by the captain here.
Bounce the dinghy's mushroom anchor off his smug attitude.

The Cat, Able Seacat First Class Clawshank the Decimator, was not a good sailor yesterday because she spent the entire time underway chewing my a**.
I know that she is going to miss her home dock where she could sit out for hours and torture any unfortunate crabs that happened to haul themselves on top of the boards not knowing that there was a tiger waiting for them.
I guess I will miss finding crab parts as love offerings next to my bed. omg.
Who knows what she will find to do on the next dock.

I had an interesting time getting to know the boat again and remembering how slow she is to respond. It's like driving a huge bathtub.
Single screw, full displacement hull and 55 tons. Darn, what was I thinking? haha

OK, off to get this thing ready to move again. It's hot, it's muggy it's a boat!

Love you guys and I hope you all are doing the best you can with what is going on in your lives.


And I really had to swallow my pride to become the S. T. I. in mind but the job sure makes me look the part, especially that morning in the mindstate I was.

Pajama parties are much more fun than a pity party!!! cant wait to get her up in few hours and love her like I never could before, shame free!!!!!!

THANKS again everyone this has been the most emotional ride of my life....but I just could not figure out how to save MY SUNSHINE one short month ago...


and now I have to go back and find all these comments for my pian n suffering. again no idea if we will get anything and don't care if I stop the butchers, or change the butchers...but sure be nice to be rewarded with a roof over your head..even a sinkhole lemon soggy roof! I mean we are so close, 1 yr of my old salary or the price of one of them their proffesionals Beamers is all I want to pay off our mortage and we are freed financially I can bring in medecaid then and get some decent skilled help for me!!! I PRAYED, MY BFF BEGGED ME TO STOP QUESTIONING AND JUST PRAY AND YOU WILL BE AMAZED AT THE SIGNS PUT BEFORE YOU AND sure as sugar "JESUS TOOK THE WHEEL"!!! She is "my Angel" oh and DR K

She was putty in my this is EMPOWERING. I started my STI impression Saturday morning when I realized this just cant go on....
One should not have to shake in fear of bringing a loved one into a hospital!
I devised a plan on the car ride up....had I not called an ambulance for ma n put her in car like usual, wouldda been diff I woulda stressed after that! when it's 90 out n I gotta push my body to limits! (my back is fried this past months) hmmm could it be due to having to haul and fite with my mom to get her back where she was the day home heatlh released her. 2 days after fall.....she just kept getting worse n worse everyday...I was thinking it was my fault been cutting her p/t down to let her rest from going boom on her butt. then I just pushed her n pushed her...with a broken back..she couldn't tell me!!!!
THIS IS FREAKING HEARTBREAKING TO SAY GOD BROKE HER RIBS SO I COULD FIND THIS ERROR....BUT FINDING THE WAY I DID I NEARLY LOST MY MIND AGAIN!!!! (But I truly believe it, she sacrificed her ribs to give me what I thought I could never get PROOF, SHE IS IN THERE I was anguishing this whole 4 months, not on if but on HOW can I do this) I don't have it in me.....well THE SYSTEM IN PLACE TO HELP US, HAS MESSED WITH MY SUNSHINE FOR THE LAST TIME. WE ARE OLD N SICK BUT NOBODY'S DARN DOORMAT!


To think how that term S.T. I. sure did come full circle....I could have never put myself into that position if it wasn't for my mama. And it freaking worked....When you give your mind a 6ys vacation. it comes back saying THANKS FOT THE NAP! this just mite work....

MMM...sleep Is good! :o)

yay, round 1-julie I got them to put in writing what I needed!

Thanks everybody!

Thanks got it open...went to the computer shop and put whole thing on disk!
nothing juicy in attachment....darn but enuf to maybe help! idk but no formal response yet five till five....

Yeah, the outside of the adobe house is painted (finally). I think it came out cute. tan with dark brown and an orange brown trim. My sister and Indio had to do all the high stuff, I can't climb a ladder with my broken foot. Now if I can just get the inside finished. Still a couple of holes in the sheet rock to fix.
Juju you need a 9 year old, they can do anything on a computer. Or, maybe your friends son, that was going to mow the grass, could help.

Nice little heads up that internal documents...use it!

juju~I am not computer knowledgeable, but can you put the email in another file to open, some else may have more help for on that but I know my son has transferred pics or emails into something else so he could open it.

And proving what kind of support they are offering...thank you lord for that email might help me!

no concern whatsoever for our plight!

omg i just got a response, they accidentally emailed me there internal conversations with attachments...i cant get them open it is some kind of dictation, but the email sed wheres the "person" who took this report Thursday she sound like gonna be a problem
... omg i am going to kill someone but not cause fortunately I, ME got the email now if i could get the files open id be golden!

OR something very close to that! anyway mom is been so lovely....that what DR K helped with too...screw all these test cat scan bone scan mri...P/T O/T etc...put her in bed n love her! she just gonna get hurt more n more...I guess the standing was for we were pretty active till last year.. we camped went down to river to play with dogs, craft fair etc... now if she have to lay to change diaper idk what we gonna do??? trapppppeeeeddddd agin

it is also much easier when i have her here and comfortable than beating my head against the wall with her in rehab...25 miles away! I called home health and expedited that as i need the social worker there she was an angel of calmness. i told em you need to get her to ME now before i flip and they are helping... idk i will not let this happen again...expedited fiduciary to haven't heard back but she coming tomoro....she sed she would help me..i sure hope so or we wont have a chance...when i called it sez XYZ legal services so FAITH N PRAYERS PLEASE YOU ALL....THANK YOU!

I just solved the problem by emailing my request to the top!
requested they tell me what to do to obtain the records we have already requeted twice came up 25 miles to get and do not have yet!
and what information they could provide on patient advocacy services as they are causing our family undue stress and affecting my mothers quality of life
As a "patient Advocate" we do not feel we are being supported in the manner of that tille. Please have a written response by days end or i have no choice but to elevate the matter... i have a sick woman at home i need to be taking care of!
end of story!!!

anyway feels good to get the ol brain tape is my name...I worked contract in defense electronics. Purchasing and production. I can juggle a few balls now n then.
i could not get ahead of them till now tho...i had to for ma! and me!
thanks meanwhile means a lot i haven't slept in almost a week i cant eat...i cant believe this is happening for a 3rd time i told you guys i had some venom to it is spewing in the right least i am going to give it my all....i may not get anything but my pride, but i got dressed and came to the party stead of taking us off the darn cliff!

Thanks for asking about the foot, Cat. It feels fine as long as it is wrapped up tight in the boot. 2 and a half more weeks, and maybe???. But, I don't want to get my hopes up.
Sharyn, I would feel like you do. The staff can only do so much. If they are trying to do what is best for your mom, you have to work with them. Don't know how you can convince your sister of that. Maybe tell her if she doesn't like it, she should quit her job and take your mom home with her. (maybe try to say it a little nicer than that).
Juju, I don't know how you deal with all these red tape type people. That is an amazing feat in itself.

I am seeing stars so tired! of this is not the fight I should be fighting!'
I FEELING SO HELPLESS BUT CALLLED LEGAL/VA see if she could come sooner or get me phone number or something b4 tomorrow eve apt

I will not put my mom back in that "place"

I just cannot fathom that it is an acceptable answer.. I mean I know the records I must be given but I not sure on this...she sed it is confidential but I must know what was done!

Thanks sharyn! im just so disgusted with this hospital, but Dr K in 10 minutes had set up a plan for me next time something happens..non threatening urgent care and ER major south and hour to grants pass, much better hospital...andyway I probly already typed that in another fit...

this system is gonna stroke me out I swear!

juju~I don't know about the hippa patient confidentiality but you might ask Ferris1, she is I believe or was a nurse and may know more about POA regarding hippa.

Yesterday mom was moved into the memory care unit.Yes, she is upset she has been moved and that midget is not with her. Here is the small problem that is going on: The community moved my mom's bed, dresser, tv, phone. I felt this was fair of them to do that because they are not a nh where they provide the bed and dresser. When sis and I went to the community yesterday, sis was very upset because they did not move mom's clothes from the closet, a nightstand, lamp, towels. Plus mom's couch was missing from the apartment, wasn't in the new studio apartment cuz it won't fit. Sis said we need to demand to talk with "A" (the community relations director). I told her I disagreed because I felt they were fair in moving for "us" mom's personal belongings that were heaviest. Sis did not want to take time off work, she would have preferred the move take place on a weekend at her convenience, but the community prefers moves are made during the week. The couch was moved downstairs but they realized it wouldn't fit in the studio so they stored it in a laundry room because by that time, there was only one man on shift. Then my sister was angry because my mom was eating dinner in the memory care unit when I had told them we would be having dinner with mom on the assisted living side. Mom really didn't eat much because she was upset. So we took mom with us to the AL side for dinner and mom ate with us. My problem is are my expectations too low or are my sister's expectations too high regarding their responsibility to accommodate "us". I feel my sister does not want to be inconvenienced and is expecting too much. Then when I disagree with her, she becomes passive aggressive by not really talking with me. I am very happy with the care my mom is getting and that is the priority. Sis was not totally happy I removed midget from the community on Monday. It was the second time they have called me complaining about her barking. Sis wanted midget to stay because they had said midget would only get a week to 10 ten days to adjust to the memory care unit once mom was moved down there. I felt it was best to removed midget because they are not dog trainers and can't be expected to deal with her barking. Sis wanted to leave midget there for the full 10 days to see if she would adjust. Well gotta go, going to see if there is anything else I can move downstairs for mom.

hI EVERYONE.hope you are hanging is gonna get busy round nice to have the old HOME HEALTH Gang out...they are a level of comfort...we are going to have to make some decisions tho...Man it just keeps coming ...He doesn't give us what we cannot I figured out If I just crawl in bed with my momma, since she really is there, not a shell....I calm right down! I never have done that before, and it works, we snuggled for a while this morning...
so I am now calm and going to get this taken care of... so what happened Is I specifically asked for patient advocate files to be included in medical records...I was clear and had her mirror that she understood what I want...she called me at 1 sed ready, I went to get em...started reviewing them with her. asked her to show me where in this 2inch pile is the specific things I am looking for..
she acted like she didn't know what I was talking I made it clear and oh oh are not allowed to see those??? and we are at an impass
next stop back doctor, mom has a fairly recent L1 Lumbar fracture. it should have been caught in the last ER visit for the fall, which they already had terribly botched long story short...I have been draggin my mother around trying to get her to stand, and transfer with a painful back injury and she could not tell me......I am fuming again but I have gained my composure for my and moms sake....

I am seeking legal aid for my mother so I retrieved all of her records from the hospital today, went to patient advocate and asked her to show me where to find in this pile of papers the two complaints I filed with you verbally...she stuttered and said that is not patients right to see those records...I am to tired to fite and I pad went dead so I will call her in a bit to ask her to repeat what the rule was cuz I am confused I don't understand why that would not be part of the file. when we spoke on phone it was my main request. complete files including complaint and follow thru actions....she sed she would get em for me and now...that is not my right??? these guys are pissin me off something fierce...I need It and I need it now!

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