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actually I that is not true....I just should not have to do it alone, that was my point. she is so close and I know she loves my mamma as much as I do...I don't want to do it alone anymore!

uggh...I hate that "saying" I am using..i don't like it but it cracks me up and I need a laff....(S.T.I) I read something here someone wrote and It absolutely releives my stress somehow... Anyway it is rude I am sorry!

I guess that would be next for us on Thursday with VA assess the damages n see if we should get outta dodge...I say yes if we can! I wanna move closer to my friend to help us.... not sure if we can but she is here to help me do this I am positive dad wasn't as hard as this is gonna be......

I think cause that is what is next to deal with....angry we bought the lemon on the block apparently....I shall try to refrain..not all may understand my humor!

Love you Mame.

Meanwhile: Best wishes on the flipping attorneys. OMG. Why is it so hard. How's the foot.

I also went in and did my best skipped tooth inbred imitation and got the Patient Advocate to document, for me in writing, her mistake of the day when I picked up records and recorded on Ipad yesterdays explanation! and more to come on that front! ahh kicking a** and takin names this time! May not evolve to much but sure better than sitting on the pity pot!

Juju, your dealing with Dr's, and I'm dealing with lawyers. Thought the will was all probated, and settled. Now I find out it didn't get filed. Lawyer I paid to do that is not returning my calls. GRRR.
Juju, you have not failed anyone. Your there taking care of your mom the best you can. Boy that sink hole does sound scary.
Mame, hope you can get out tomorrow. Send the rain my way. It is dry and hot here.

another amazing day.... this appointment was already scheduled b4 incident and back specialist in same office didn't even have to go to two offices! And DR K her surgeon was the port in the storm last time and was absolutely wonderful with us today....things mite not be great outlook but I was validated. I have never felt so trusting and comfortable with a DR ever I sed that from the our first meeting....but since HIP is cleared we no longer see him... we didn't even talk about the hip....we talked about ER incedents, he advised me if you go for it, leave fosomax out, I would not win that one, but the rest...go for it!!! and what I need to do for to proceed to get her proper care, etc. in his professional dr speak he confirmed for me the hospital here sucks! gave me excellent options...ideas and even allowed me to explain MY ailments in MY hands/back and took a look/advised..... I am I got to do the painful task of documenting everything.. including this crazy rant somewhere here....I don't even wanna look....but could help with case! idk..pain n suffering for sure! but will it help idk??? or get us anything idk??? oh well
was a great day and I have no more poison in my heart for the system and not doing enough or being able to do enuf! Now I can just love my mom without guilt for failing her and the whole family! I am free!


Hahahahaha. Hi FLEX!!!

Mame, you got BOAT time!!!!

I tend to stay on this thread for the most part...sometimes I will chime in on a new question that arises... but I am happy here and finally have those of you who have been on here for a long time straight! I used to have to go back and reread your profiles etc. I can't imagine keeping lots of ppl straight on different threads!
Mom didn't go to daycare today. Her back does seem better. I cleaned her rooms...dusted and vacuumed. She is happy. The daycare requires she go at least once a week so I talked to the director and said that I can't be sure she will make it all this week...It just depends. Happily, she said they are loyal to their people and aren't going to go fill her spot or anything...She does have a good reason too so that helped! If mom keeps going like she is today-maybe she will go Thurs! We'll see.
Juju-a sink hole? Did you see the one in FL a month ago that swallowed a whole house? And a man inside it? That is some crazy sh**!!!!! How big is this hole? You need to put up a fence around it to keep anyone from falling in again. Good grief-how scary! Glad you found your BFF again!
Spooky-hide the scissors! And welcome!
Cat-so sad about the bird eggs! Bummer. And your Sheltie-I hope his tummy troubles are not too severe. We are so attached to our fur babies!
Hi Bobbie and Emjo and Jen and the rest of the crew.
Rained all day here today and yesterday. About to go out of my mind with bordom. Not that a sunny day is any less boring! But I do get out for a walk with the dog on less rainy days. Son returns home tomorrow morning from his trip out to Washington. It will be very busy around here again. Also, he is very chatty! So, changes in store! Well, hubby is pulling in the driveway! Ba-bye! Mame

True that.

Thx bob and I know, but can hardly keep up with one "home" thread

Is all good you are welcome here too!

sorry - posting on the wrong thread - that kind of morning

Waiting for a phone call from my mother's ex doctor's office to find out what happened at her last visit with him. The nurse said he has seen him 8 times, so he should have a good idea about her issues, and that they looked after her very well. I agreed.

She seems to ne on a high right now as "the scheme to get her out of her ALF" hasn't worked. Her paranoia is increasing, I can't go down this week, but maybe in a week or two.

sharyn - the business of having everyone agree is familiar to me. Mother wants everyone "on her side" and gets upset if you disagree - no matter how carefully you phrase it.

I cant help it now....OMG my mother just greeted me in her usual way...then added out of the blue looking right into my eyes.."I love you...there Is some good stuff going on in there"...

rosebud -I recognize what you are saying. M mother was diagnosed a few years ago with Borderline Personality Disorder. She is narcissistic and is increasingly paranoid. I have cut myself off periodically - for months and once fir a year -for my own mental health. I had diagnosed her informally many years ago and it was a relief to hear the professionals say it. She is 101 now and pretty healthy physically and lives un an ALF. I could not possibly take her into my home and I don't know how you do it. I a 75 now and have my own health issues, but would never have been able to take her in. It isn't easy as it is, and emotional abuse still sets off a lot of stress at times. Take care. I love my mother too, and want to help her as I can, but have had to emotionally detach as much as I am able. Be sure you look after you!

That is when I truly understood human nature!! WE WALKED ALONE

all these people who post their love n support post it too look good but don't do a thing!!

ok so this is now full circle here...what started my discontent with these friends is the alz walk last year...I posted regularly once a week for months my progress I donated $50 and if each one of my friends gave $5, the cost of a 6pk or pack of smokes we can all do something to help and crickets....not one person donated a darn thing, not even to walk with us. I was heartbroken!

Just have to add I used facebook to bring awareness to the plight and beg all my friends to get with their folks and start this discussion early so you don't live this h***.....the responses have been wonderful! I hope I can help somehow...I am so helpless otherwise

now I have to decide to I fight for mom and sacrifice more of this time where she n I are really making progress...or turn the cheek which is immoral to me, to take care of my own like everyone else..... this will be a heartbreaking decision for me either way! this one I must really just see how it pans is out of my hands. Jesus take the wheel!

And this friend n I walking thru yard to get supplies to cover roof that is caving in. with tarp n 2X4's so we walking along yappity yap and out of my peripheral vision I just see her drop into ground...omg..we freaked it that was like a scary was noon on a clear day and all the screaming that went one heard a thing...she was 15 ft down a hole in ice cold mud water and I could not get her out I almost fell in...I had to stop n think for a moment and get her to calm down then I was able to think she could touch ground so I ran for the extendoladder...and I dragged her a** out...

I tell this story cuz Thursday after our whole ordeal at ER... came home at lil ziggy escaped trying to get ma in and went for a critter up the mountain I caught him as he was going thru fence....
but at 2am I had to forge thru waist high grass in this yard, pitch black not nowing if it was a deer or mountain lion he was going after...etc..and if it was in my yard etc in the grass etc....
I think that compounded things for me......we need to do something, move or repair cant keep going...

anyway taking ma in to ortho dr today and pick up her records....then out to eat... we deserve it...I wanna be served lol!!
LOve you guys!

QUOTE OF THE DAY: someone sent me this last nite..." I was gonna reward myself for a hard weeks work with a glass of wine, but then I realized it was Monday" perfect for my did she know? lol? it is the littlest things that work for me....a quote, a joke, a song...It really got me outta my head and relaxing....slept 6hrs last nite but b4 bed I cleaned kithchen and found so many plates of food...I cant eat much..i try couple bites and that is it..yuck...nothing taste good but im starving...Ramen is about it...when I try to sleep n hunger pain keep me awake...Ramen!! I love Ramen, not!

My mom doesn't have any visitors...Its sad.But she clearly drives people away,with her attitude.She had that even before she got dementia.Yesterday she cut off a bunch of her white hair on top of her head..she is obsessed with dying her hair every week.You ought to see my bathroom counter.It will never be the same.

meanwhile I agree, be different when i am independent or rich or both....

Clorox wipe down everything he touches...i listen...then act.

OH oh cattails thank you....ALZ walk.. this Is a good time for that...since I have o few of my friends attention. I went last year with ma, made a weekend of it in Eugene...just got flyer over weekend...I will do that to distract me!! work on pledges..perfect timing!!!

Meanwhile: You probably know this, but if it is a raccoon getting your chickens, they normally eat the stomach matter and leave the rest. If it's a skunk, you should get a sense of the skunk smell. Googgle it and see what you can learn. Some of the stuff I learned in a chicken 101 class we took in early spring.

Hey everyone, sad day in mudville. Our little Kildeer pair lost all their eggs. I'm pretty sure it was due to crows. Can't be too angry as everyone needs to eat and feed their babies. The Kildeers did have an earlier brood that did well. Still waiting for the baby quail to show up. Should be soon.

Only one group of geese this year. They have 3 babies and we love to see them. I guess we are being selfish, but we are sorry there are not two geese families. Don't know why, but they know better than us what works.

We are worried about Marcus, our sweet boy Sheltie. He has an IBS situation and we have had him on special food and now on a new set of meds. Still has blood in his stools. I'm scared on some level. He and Mattie, our other sheltie, are such good friends. You never find them but a few feet from each other and the play together with all their heart and soul. I just don't want to lose one of them and have the other left without.

I continue to raise money for the Alz walk which isn't until late September. I have to admit to another selfish wish. I had hoped I might meet some new friends during this endeavor, but everyone the makes the meetings are employees of facilities, most of which I am sorry to say I know, and the one other person is busy taking care of her mom. Hey we all get that. But I will keep on. I've raised a few thousand and will continue.

Sending love and white light to everyone. Cattails

at least I know my BFF has got my back...she sez I can move down to their place if things don't work out...they have a lil farmhouse on an acre and a camper out back... she sed we will make it work!!! at least I have that!!!
and HER. actually her name is Angelique. I have always called her "my Angel" and now she is!!! We were best friends back home.. we got in a spat over something stupid, 1998, parted ways 2006 I move to Oregon, 2011 I get a FB message...They have seen my face in the feed for the local music community down there...right were I wish I woulda moved if I had known 95miles south.
anyway...its like hey we know you. We got together and it was just like old times., I feel so at home and loved with their family!! She is a beautiful person I had always reqretted our spat and now she has been the one getting me thru this since then, the only one, teaching me to have faith and pray...she had her prayer group sunday take care of us and all this good happened monday! I am amazed because my ,mom denounced religion and was so unhappy and no w it is saving me...I don't get the bible. but I get faith in a power greater than yourself,,,,anyway I must type something happy here so I can go take care of mom without crying so I did. I found "my Angel" that is how I will do this!

I line mom's laundry basket with a garbage bag... And use one of mine for the clean stuff. Mom watched a movie out in our living room with us tonight. Her back is really bothering her and I hope she sleeps well. Poor thing. I should be in bed but just wanted to check in... Kinda lonely here... if it is ever any different! Anyway... I told mom tonight that I really need to clean her rooms tomorrow. That I would set her up in our living room with the TV and dust and vacuum her rooms.... She says, "oh, I should do that" I told her that I thought her vacuuming days were over and she says, "Are you calling me an old lady?!" I tried not to laugh, and told her she could dust but that I was afraid the vacuum was too heavy and she might fall... She liked that answer. :) Off to bed. Mame

Ok how the heck am I going to do this:
How am I not gonna let her see my stress... I just got her so happy and now she is asking me why I am crying how do I do this?

Mame~We had 108 degrees on saturday then sunday night...thunder, lightening and rain, today overcast in the 80's. Go figure!! I wish I was more like you because I cry whenever I talk about my mom, when I hear the Star Spangled Banner. Baptisims. weddings, you get the drift. It gets embarrassing at times!! I hope your mom's pain is manageable!!
Jen~Clorox wipes are a gift, I use them to wipe out mom's laundry hamper after I do her laundry before placing clean laundry back in it.
Bobbie~I love the civilians are so right!!
juju~I am also spending a mint on is a grieving process and I am still grieving the loses my mom goes through as well as the losses we as a family are experiencing.

It has been a challenging day dealing with Midget's barking. When she can't see me she barks...when she is quiet I reward her with a treat and tell her quiet..good girl. It is going to take a lot a time. She is officially kicked out of the community so if I cant get her trained,she will have to go to my brother's house. Have a good night and a good tomorrow!!

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