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jen, i also have the doors and windows wiiiiiiidddddeeee open now that the temperature is in the double digits here. still a bit brisk for some, but its way better than the smell. in my house, if his window is open, it blows his smell all through the house, so the minute he is out i open his windows wide and shut his door and seal the bottom with towels so that his room gets aired but not into the rest of the house.
i went away for ten days and i swear it took me three days of scottish air to get the smell out of my nose. then relaxed for three days. then had full on panic attacks three days running before i came back.
we are now into sundowner time here, which translates into opening and slamming doors contantly, walking up and down the stairs 100 times or so from now til his son comes home. today i am trying to finish a deadline and it is driving me INSANE!!!
give me strength lord, please.

Gmornin all
Sharynmarie-so sorry your mom is the way she is. As much of a pain my mom can be-I am blessed that she does think of others. It was funny-she didn't go to daycare all winter cause of a knee problem I had, and the snow-and when I told her it was time to go back, she said, "you're trying to get rid of me!" to which I burst out laughing. So she laughed too. I reminded her that when she was in rehab for 2 or 3 weeks she kept saying that to me and how she wouldn't eat and she couldn't believe she did that! "I did THAT?" So, we had another good laugh. Thank God for humor... Wish it was easier for you. Good luck Saturday.
Jen-you just get it out girl! Soooo nice you can air the place out now... My mom has lost the sense of smell-so she has no idea of how it can get. The winter months are brutal cause she hates the "fart fan" she says it is too loud... and it's like-just another couple minutes I am spraying Lysol.... ugh. Enjoy the sun and breeze!
Mom is up early today-she knows she is doing something on Tues and Thurs but isn't sure what. Most days she sleeps till 11! She seems to like the daycare-she just doesn't remember any of it. So I guess the feeling of it being nice will have to do. And if that keeps her going -and getting up on daycare days-then that is ok by me. Going to pick up my new glasses while she is there today. I can't wait. Well, I gotta run and get us ready to get moving. Have a decent day all! Mame

Cuz: So sorry to hear about your MIL. Geez, we all know no one will live forever, but it's sad to see them take that fall that puts the end in sight. Sending white light.

They leave for an hour to do a dr update verify getting new wheelchair..get back I have ALL THE DOORS AND WINDOWS OPEN IN THE usual.

Get back, comes in fart pants says..."she sure likes fresh air." atupid and annoyed like.

Yes I prefer it to a house that makes me REEK OFF OLD MAN PISS AND EFFLUVIUM CALL ME CRAZY! Why won't he die!?

he goes into bathroom, faaaart braaaap cuss cuss damn stumble stumble. Just f*&^ing die you perverted old bastard just f*&^ing die!

Any how bright sunny day here little air blowing cool and fresh...

hope rest of the week goes OK for everyone, sorry your troubles keep adding up cuz you are due for a break there I think!

Hi to all, deef diane bobbie rip mame, lil, sharynm, and all here living the Jen

I went over mom's house gave her her meds and we went grocery shopping. Now confrontation from her, she mentioned the community but I just nodded my head and we were fine. This was all after 5 phones from her arguing and hanging up on me. Alzheimer's is puzzling to say the least.!

Cuz~I am so sorry to hear about your mother. Hugs to you and your wife.

Mame~Unfortunately, my mother really does not care about anyone elses health issues. It's all about her, always has been and always will be. I cancelled the lunch but we are still planning on moving her Saturday. If she refuses to stay, tries to leave, then she leaves us no choice but to get a conservatorship. She does not realize that my sister has control on her accounts now. Mom's elder law attorney filed it with the courts and did all the paperwork putting my sister as trustee. This is all in accordance to my mom's wishes if she should become incapacitated which she is. The conservatorship will be paid for out of mom's estate. I wish my mother was the type of person who could find happiness within herself but she has always looked for it in other people...mainly her family. Hope today is good for everyone!!

So sorry to hear this Cuz! Poor thing. 95-wow! What a long life and it sounds like she has been fiesty till now. Hugs to you and your wife.
Sharynmarie-I am sorry mom is not cooperating. Can you make her go? She will probably like it once she sees it. I have a hard time getting my mom to go to daycare 2 days a week...I lay the Catholic guilt on her when I have to and sometimes it works. I know that sounds bad. At first, I told her I had made Dr appts and since she couldn't be left alone that she had to go or I would miss my appts. That worked. I hope you can find a way-cause you really need this. I struggle with whether God wants me to be miserable taking care of her or doing something else. Sometimes it doesn't seem enough to be keeping this demented 86 year old alive and happy-and for what exactly?...cause that is what my life has become. What about me? I am sure we all ask that sometimes. I am sorry and will send positive thoughts and prayers your way!
Jen and Deef-ugh-the leg thing! My hubby has a bit of it but only when he eats sweets. He will be sitting there watching TV and his legs will just jump! Or in the bed-and it wakes both of us up. So sorry you both lose so much sleep with it! ugh!
Conzzie-welcome aboard! Glad you could find a few laughs here! Feel free to share you funny stories too! Good days, bad days whatever-feel free to vent away if you want!
Meanwhile-what do you think of WW online?
Cat-how are those Elk doin? It will be nice for the winter when you get the breezeway closed in! Always something to be done on a house isn't there?
Hey Lildeb-how are you doin?
Flex-how are you holding up?
Austin-yea that was terrible in Boston. So senseless. I hope they catch the person/people who did it. I have to distract mom and find good things for her to watch on TV cause she wants to watch every second of something big that happens. For days! And it is never a good thing that happens! She was always like that...but I take control now cause it is too much for anyone.
She did great at Daycare yesterday. Got her there a little early so she could have her hair done. Everyone makes a fuss and she loves it. The hair lady comes on Tuesday mornings. All the little old ladies look so happy on Tuesdays! My sis had to test a kid at a school near the daycare so she stopped in and visited. Mom loved it and introduced her to everyone as her daughter-ME! haha. When I came to pick her up the aid there looked at me (and sis was still there) and she goes "Oh my God-you guys are sisters aren't you?" She told us we look exactly alike! We told her we lie all the time and say we are twins but sis is really 6 years oldere than me. (Caregiving has made me look older haha) We had a good laugh. Another niece is getting married. End of May. I have been looking for a dress and yesterday found 2! I bought both and will have hubby and sis help me decide which to keep. I am super excited to have a choice! I think that maybe all the fabric dust in stores gets me feeling sick cause always after a day of shopping, I have a sore throat and headache. I feel like crap today and hope it goes away quickly. It is beautiful outside today-already 53 degrees and I think is supposed to hit 70! Maybe mom will sit out on the deck for a bit. We can watch the birds.
Well, have a good rest of the day all! Thinking of everyone and wishing for happy moments for us all! Mame

Sorry about that last post it didn't come out like I wanted it to.
On another note. My 95 year old mother in law fell and broke her hip last week. She has been in rehab at her assisted living home but has complained about pain since they fixed the hip with a pin and two screws. My wife and her two sisters were really frustrated because the doctor told them that it was a nice fix and that she could put weight on it right away so they tried getting her up and she just complained that it hurt. She is a fighter not a quiter but it just hurt. They ran some blood work today and found out that her liver has something elevated in it and it is shutting down. They have called in Hospice and are getting a hospital bed put in her own room. She said she is ready to go home and doesn't want to fight no more.

The Guy Who Used To Sutter

These two guys meet after not having seen each other for many many years. First guy asks the second guy,
"How have things been going?"

The second guy speaking very slowly tells the first guy, "I w..a..s a..l..m..o..s..t m..a..r..r..i..e..d."
The first guy says in amazement, "Hey; you don't stutter any more."

The answer comes, " Y..e..s, I w..e..n..t t..o a d..o..c..t..o..r a..n..d h..e t..o..l..d m..e t..h..a..t i..f I s..p..e..a..k s..l..o..w..l..y I w..i..l..l n..o..t s..t..u..t..t..e..r."
The first friend congratulates him and than asks again about how he was almost married.

"W..e..l..l, m..y f..i..a..n..c..e..e a..n..d I w..e..r..e s..i..t..t..i..n..g o..n h..e..r p..o..r..c..h a..n..d t..h..e d..o..g w..a..s s..c..r..a..t..c..h..i..n..g h..i..s b..a..c..k a..n..d I t..o..l..d h..e..r t..h..a..t w..h..e..n w..e a..r..e m..a..r..r..i..e..d, s..h..e c..o..u..l..d d..o t..h..a..t f..o..r m..e a..n..d s..h..e t..h..r..e..w t..h..e r..i..n..g i..n m..y f..a..c..e.."

"Why should she throw the ring in your face for that?" asks the first friend.

" W..e..l..l, I s..p..e..a..k s..o s..l..o..w..l..y, t..h..a..t b..y t..h..e t..i..m..e s..h..e l..o..o..k..e..d a..t t..h..e d..o..g, h..e w..a..s l..i..c..k..i..n..g h..i..s b.._.._.._..s"

two bad nights with the legs! Napped this morning, but still exhausted after hauling Mom around and dealing with her after daycare. Going to bed after I take my Requip and a little something else to help me sleep. I need sleep!!!!!

glad you bro is on the mend cuz.

my legs been doin' the crazy dance too Deef, I just lay there and kick for three hours...

Peace to the victims in Boston.

Pass on the religion...

Hope all are well....

Well here I go!! I told my mother that I need to rest because of lower back issues, tendonitis in my right arm and because 3 of her dr.'s have said she cannot live alone, she needs to think about moving to assisted living temporarily so I can rest. She is concerned about her dog, the house and being alone. I reassured her she will not be alone, she can the dog with her, and the house will be looked after. I told her we can go have lunch there tomorrow so she can meet some of the people and they can reassure her also. She was receptive to that so I already made arrangements with the community. I take that back, I just got the first call from her and she hung up on me..God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

Well this has just made my day. I am laughing out loud. Thanks for letting me know I was not the only one. Kinda made me think back when I was a child what silly stupid things I must have done to my mother. lol Got to be payback time. My moom has dementia but still has a great sense of humor, we laugh all the time. Keeps us both young. Thanks again

Everyone in the country is sad but especially in the northeast-here we go again-I so feel sorry for the kids entering their teen years they have seen so much -I went through World War 2 but that took place far away and no 24 hr a day news to have to watch.

Great news Cuz! Love and hugs to you and your family

UGH!!! Got some sleep last night, but none the night before! Every once and a while my legs go berserk and I have a few bad nights. Sunday was the night from hell! I wear a "Fitbit" activity tracker all the time. When I checked my sleep on Monday, it said you have not shown any sleep recently! I knew I had a bad night, but thought maybe the tracker stopped working. But when I checked the activity chart online, it showed that I had not slept at all! Guess my legs had a party and forgot to tell me!
I was passing out in my chair last night, so went to bed early, only to have the same thing happening all over again! I was ready to cry! I still feel like I got zero sleep, but at least logged about 4 hours in between all the wrestling with the sheets. My brain is barely functioning, so I will check back later after I get Mom off to daycare.
On a sad note, I was shocked to see the news about the Boston Marathon. Can't believe the hate people act out on others! The Quabbin Reservoir is less then 10 minutes west of here. It is Boston's main source of fresh water. It has been on lock down since the bombing and vehicle traffic has been banned on the damn and dike since 9/11. We love to walk there and I hope they don't keep it closed for too long.

Thanks for the update Cuz. Glad it's good news. Cat

Update on my brother. He has been removed from intermediate ICU and is in a normal room. Has all the tubes out except for one drainage tube. He has been walking the floors and is starting to lose the 20# he gained during the surgery. Thanks for all the support. You gals are great. Hugs to all of you.

Mame: So sorry about your mom's dreams. It is such a cruel and horrible disease. Why is the world does she have to relive the bad times of her life? Bless her. I saw pictures of your mom on your FB page. She looks like a sweet heart. She does have one big blessing in her life and that's you. Keeping you both in my prayers.

Jen-Glad you got to air out the house!
Hey Deef-hope you got a good nights sleep!
Flex-get some rest if you can…things seem so much more negative and really get to us when we are tired. We need all the strength we can muster to get through these things! I will be praying for your friend that her biopsy will go well. And will pray for you as well. Hugs!
Meanwhile-bummer about your foot! I bet it would be hard to swim with it broken! And hurt! Hope you heal quickly! I liked WW but just had a hard time putting it into action and getting to meetings. I did get some really good ideas tho. Good luck with it! Maybe online will be better!
Cat, so happy you could go play. You had been thru hell and back so you def deserved to have some fun! It has been weird weather this spring! Yesterday we had snow in the morning and by dinnertime it was 60 degrees! The sun was gorgeous!
Bpryor-congrats on the job! And I like that picture in my head of your mom hi-fiving you from heaven!
Lildeb-glad you can get out in the garden! They say this year is going to be terrible for allergies. Mom gets terrible headaches-but so far has been ok…the trees here are just budding and daffodils haven't opened up yet... we will see what the rest of spring brings!
Cuz-I have a bit of an anxiety problem…and your little Johnny joke brought home the message in my head that tells me not to buy food from people that sell homemade food out in front of stores etc! Ick!!! Don’t get me wrong-I love your jokes! Keep em comin!
Had a sad thing happen this weekend. Mom took a nap on Saturday and when she woke up she was really sad and upset. She didn’t want to talk about it more than to say she had a bad dream. Well, I knew she would forget it soon so I was dying to know what it was. I did get it out of her. I have mentioned before that her dreams are mostly memories…well, this was no different. My dad was really mean to her…and hit her a couple times that we are sure of. And, as you may know-even if you are hit once-you always think it can happen again so you are always in fear. Anyway, her dream was about him slapping her. She seemed ashamed to tell me about it. She didn’t want to tell me who did it either-I think she thought it would upset me. She had no idea that I knew about it… I told her I knew he was mean to her…(and she said “He sure was!”) but that that is all over now cause he has been dead for 13 years. I told her she was a survivor and was strong and we are so happy she outlived him. I hugged and kissed her and she seemed better and then forgot about it. But I couldn’t. I about cried. WHY in this awful dementia where she forgets everything does she have to remember THAT??!!! Altho a dream-she remembered that it had happened in real life. I hate to see mom sad-and this just angered me beyond belief. Such a senseless disease. No one deserves this. I am so protective of mom and I can’t protect her from this. Such a helpless feeling.
Well, it is the start of a new week. We just gotta keep forging ahead! Wishing a moment of peace to everyone out there. Thanks for listening… Mame

Diane, kind of in a similar boat, we lost a old friend n didn't even know he was n the hospital for he just saw us a month ago n bamn! His pace maker just stopped working. He had it re-checked just a few months ago n was doing fine. Today we had to go pay r respects to one of my husbands cousin to cancer. It just happen so quick. I hope your friend's test come back cancer free. I hope you n James has some very nice pretty weather so you to enjoy getting the garden ready. When things bother me, I try to go outside n dig n the dirt myself, pull weeds, and plant or collect seeds n just breathe the fresh air. I hope you have a great day.

Sharyn, Saturday was an awesome bright day here in GA n I hope n Ala you had the same. I hope u got to enjoy your Saturday off as well. Glad u were able to vent n help release some emotions for we all been their n done that too. It really helps me sometimes just knowing that others r their for me.
Cat, I am so glad u were able to take time off with your hubby n actually enjoy your own life. I know taking that almost whole wk break with my bro was great for me physically n emotionally. I am able to handle the mil somewhat more n I look at life differently-little more enjoyable at times. The ocean always feels relaxing, however, u got to remember to dodge the droppings from the Seagulls. lol.
Mame, Jsomebody, Luvbob n cuz; hoping y'all r doing well n able to enjoy the spring weather. I know I have a little but the ragweed or whatever out their has been giving me a time. I had to pop me a Tylenol sinus n then I will go back outside n dig in the dirt some more because I enjoy it. Flowers r blooming everywhere n the birds r singing. ; )

Meanwhile, I don't think u need to be doing any swimming until u have healed completely. As for riding, if u r like me u will find a way that's if the horse is not all frisky. However, please be careful. : )
Deefer, I hope u r doing well? I know the feeling of losing everything u write n then goes poof!
bpryor, good luck on your new career n your mom is very proud of you n watching over you now. I heard that everyone grieves differently n that is no right or wrong way to grieve over someone. Just remember to do what feel best for you n good luck on your new career, I am so excited for you!

Hi everyone: Well, the weather has turned a bit cold and it's been raining since Easter. Today I woke up to sunshine, but while I was picking up dog poop, it started to hail. Go figure. It's hailed the past two days. Crazy!!! There is a gal that works at the local grocery store. She says it always snows on her birthday (sometime is April). I went to the store today and hoped she would be there......there she was.....I went up to her and asked, "So which day in April is your BD?" She said, "Why are you asking? Do you want to know when it's going to snow?" Yowser...Her birthday is April 30th. We shall see.

Started tomato plants in the greenhouse today. This is the first time I've done it. It took us forever to get the greenhouse built, probably 18 months. Just couldn't get the work done with my dad being ill. Anyway, it will be interesting to see what happens. Not enough heat here in the summer to make tomatoes grow well so I am hoping the greenhouse will solve that problem.

We are working on enclosing the breezeway between our garage and the back door of the house. It's like hurricane alley in the winter and the snow piles up against our back door. My goal is to have it done by April 30th. Haha.

Meanwhile: Take care of your foot. I'm going to go to WW soon. I tried to do it on line, but it didn't work for me. I need the shame of a group weigh in to keep me on task.

Deef: Hope you are doing ok.

Bpryor01: Happy to hear about your new job. Picking up the pieces is a process and I can see your mom smiling down on you. You deserve it for sure.

Sending hugs to everyone, Cat

Well, I signed up for weight watchers online. Now if I can just follow it. I wonder if I can swim with a broken foot? I guess not. Still trying to figure out how to get the boot thing in the stirrup so I can go riding again, he he . Doc probably won't approve of that either.

Had a big post and lost it!!!! FFFFFF!
I'll try again tomorrow. Too tired tonight! Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Cat you make perfect sense to me. Can't wait until I have time to get a vacation. Deef, I'm very impressed with your weight loss. Believe me I know how hard it is. I've lost 8 pounds, but it has taken months. Now I can't go for my walks, I'll probably gain it all back. Anybody ever tried Weight watchers online?

Hello everyone! Hope everyone is OK. I report that I've landed a good position within the medical industry. Not Caregiving. I think my Mom's proud and giving me high five's from Heaven.

If you are still caregiving... keep strong and take care of yourself. Every day with your ill loved one is a blessing, but demand time for yourselves, your spouse and children. Don't ever give up hope.

I'm so ready to get "me" back now that Mom has passed and I've had time to deal with her death. Some days are better than others, and I allow grief to roll over me. Suppressing emotion isn't good.

The world is open to me now in ways it's never been before. I scarcely know what to experience first and my bucket list is 2 miles deep.

My prayers are with all of you that are still in the fight.

Have an awesome weekend! -B

Diane: I so understand how you feel. It's just overwhelming when those you care about have life threatening issues and you are just holding on to a thread. I don't know if you remember, but I feel I was hit with so many things at one time. My dad died on Sept. 24th. My nephew committed suicide in late October and we had to travel to Ca. for the funeral and spend time with hubby's brother and our sister in law. The time was great, but for the wrong reason. At the same time, my best friend sold her home and moved to Alaska. A really dear older lady (87) on our street fell and broke her hip. She died in early January. Another friend on our road fell down her stairs and shattered her ankle....8 screws and an 8 inch steel plate. It was one thing after another. I was so depressed through all of this. I know there were more things that happened, but my mind can't recall more right now. It just sucks when so many people who are important to your life and little community are taken away or severely hurt.

My birthday was in February and I think that was an all time low for me. My hubby was really concerned. I cried so easily, not like me but ok none the less.

I know you can't do anything right now, but in the future, when things change.....and they will change. Take some time to be free. You don't really even know what that feels like. I didn't either.

When hubby and I went to Maui last month for our 40th wedding anniversary, I can't begin to tell you how it lifted our spirits.

THERE IS NOTHING BETTER THAN TAKING TIME TO PLAY. We had not done that in so many years. On the beach we felt like children. It was so free and filled with fun and laughter.

I wish that for all of you. You will be amazed at how young you can feel if you take that opportunity to play in a new environment. We are still uplifted from that trip. Seven days with no responsibilities. Splashing and playing in the ocean. Nothing is ever perfect. I was embarrassed because I was overweight, but I got over it fast because the happiness outweighed everything else.

You will continue on and get through what lies ahead. It will happen and then I so wish you a chance to be free and a child again.

Hope this makes sense.


Revenge in the library

A guy is looking for a place to sit in a crowded university library.
He asks a girl in the research section: "Do you mind if I sit beside you?"
The girl replied with a loud voice: "NO, I DON 'T WANT TO SPEND THE NIGHT WITH YOU!"
All the students in the library started staring at the guy; he was truly embarrassed and moved to another table.
After a couple of minutes, the girl walked quietly to the guy 's table and said with a giggle, "I study psychology, and I know what a man is thinking. I guess you felt embarrassed, right?"
The guy then responded with a loud voice: "$500 FOR ONE NIGHT!!? . . .THAT 'S WAY TOO MUCH!"
All the people in the library looked at the girl in total shock.

The guy whispered in her ear: "I study law, and I know how to screw people."

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