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Hi deef ...I'm doing great. Still hanging around...I feel a little guilty for feeling so good. I miss my mom, I don't miss the stress and exhaustion. I really wished I could help out more, so many suffering. So many on the wild journey I was on...if I can help them through some tough times then I feel my there was a purpose for what I had endured. It's hard to break away from this wonderful group. I hope you all don't think I'm stalking you. Well. Maybe just a little. Love you guys!

Last ost is supposed to say---on top of her Ambien--about the Requip ( ugh-I am drained)

Sounds Iike lots of good eatin' going on!!! YUM. -well, except for the venison-no offense -I have tried it -just not for me. I tend to eat fish or fowl only.
Deefer--- I am so impressed by you posters that can remember so much about other posters!!! I wish I could do that but I get started and then draw a blank. I hope you guys don't think I don't care-I do!.

Mom is back with my Dad. Overall things went really well. It was not easy, of course, we had one really rough spot when she got mad because I would not let her sleep with her Requip bottle-and would not let her take another one soon after she had already taken one. On top off of her . She had a bell that she rang when she needed me and she kept ringing it and ringing it when I told her she had to wait for her next pill. I do think she is addicted to the pills-whether physically or just mentally- she is definitely addicted to them. I finally called our 24 hour pharmacist ( this all happened at like 12 AM) and talked with her and she said my Mom could have another pill without fear of overdosing -just that it would make her dizzy. The bottle says one pill a day 1 to 3 hours before bed-she had already taken 2 that day. Anyway-it was a mess for a bit - I really wish I would have been told before hand that the doctor told her she could take up to 3 a day ( something I found out after I called my Dad) .
My daughter had some rough times dealing with the change of having my Mom here but she did pretty well. At times I felt like they were both vieing for my attention and mad if I helped one and not the other. I know my daughter felt a little jealous. When I showered my Mom and cleaned up her stray facial hairs my daughter started yelling for me to shave her. ( in case anyone missed it -my daughter,16, has a syndrome and has special needs). And when my daughter would get up for school and need help my Mom wanted to get up at the same time. I told here she had to stay in her room until my daughter left for school ( she leaves at 6:30) unless she had to use the bathroom. It was too chaotic for them both to be waking up and needing help at the same time -and I wake up VERY crabby!!!
My husband helped A LOT! But he did get pretty stressed at times. Mostly when my daughter would act out. My daughter needs a set routine and having my Mom here changed that quite a bit so she really had to buck up. And she did. Only there were times where she became overwhelmed and acted out. But now she says she misses Nana and wants her back so that makes me happy.

I ramble. My mind is still kind of reeling from it all. It was hard. It was emotional. You guys know. You do it more than I do. Blessings to you all!!!

Gotta laugh, and hope, and pray

Well, the white stuff is falling AGAIN!!! I'm sure there will be no daycare tomorrow, so that means Mom and me all day, AGAIN!!! Oh well, I'll park her chair in the window so she can watch me shovel for a couple hours! Everyone else will be heading to work early, so my husband and I will have to do clean up. At least we won't have to dig all the cars out of the driveways. I parked mine on the back lawn so it would be easier to use snow blower and less shoveling. It's been really cold since last week.
Mame, I saw 2 robins in a tree this morning. It was only 22 degrees and they looked like they were sorry they were here! I have 6 sibs too, and stopped asking or expecting help from them 3 years ago. Less stressful for me. I don't even call them when we have an ER visit. If they can't take the time to call or stop by, then I shouldn't be expected to keep them informed. I have enough to keep track of! Plus, whenever I have a conversation with one of them they always say something to make me feel bad or question my decision to care for Mom, so I just don't deal with them anymore. The oldest of my brothers will come right away if I need him, but doesn't visit otherwise. He has told other sibs that they have no say in how I care for Mom, because they don't participate or help physically or $$ wise. My oldest sister is always sending me $$ if I need it. She is in Virginia, so can't be here to help, but spends 2 week every summer helping me with Mom and is the only sib that truly see's what I am dealing with. Then there are the 2 sibs that are pissed because all Mom's $$ is going for her care and the house was signed over to me. Too bad! My dad always wanted me to have the house because I have always lived here, and he wanted it to stay in the family. By the way, the Irish soda bread was delicious! My gf came over after work tonight to have some with tea!.
Jen, N.E. boiled dinners have always been a family favorite here!
Sharyn, My dad's grandparents on his dad's side were from Ireland. My maiden name is Shea!
Linda, hope your husband gets to rest! When I had my shoulder surgery, 4 years ago. my wonderful sibs left me to care for Mom by myself less than a week after the surgery. I had 24 staples in my shoulder for 4 weeks and was supposed to wear the sling for 6 weeks. Yeh, like that was happening! I was picking Mom up off the floor with one arm!
LilDeb, How are you feeling? Are you still hurting from your surgery? My shoulder is still bothering me, but exercise is helping it some. I'm hoping we don't get the 8"plus that they are saying for around here!
Shirley, I'm exercising hard twice a day and watching what I eat closely. It paid off because I have lost 3 pounds since last Monday! Yay!!!! Feeling sore, but much more comfortable. I want to lose at least 25 lbs by summer, so I have my work cut out for me!
Diane, are your sibs still at your house? Sometimes getting their help is more trouble than it is worth! Hope you managed to get your work caught up and some rest too!
Miska! How did your week with mom go?
BJ, You still hanging in there?
Stormy, Hope you are feeling better and you get some answers for your dad.
Yogi, Kuli, MsDaizy, how are you all doing?
Bobbie, how's that knee doing? Hope you can get around better! Hate getting old! When you hurt something, It takes twice as long for it to get better.
A shout out to everyone I missed! Sorry, guess I better exercise my memory too!
Got to get the kitties fed and get my butt to bed! Can't wait to see how much snow we have in the morning! Night everyone!

Linda, bone-spurs sounds very painful n I am so glad that your hubby surgery went well. As for taking care of the mil do what is best for you n your family for you already walked that road once. We all know it is not easy to be a care giver. I wish your bil the best n hopefully, he will be able to make the best choice for what would be best for her n himself. Just try to support him what ever he decides.
Sharyn, I hope Dell will be able to help you. They were pretty helpful with us a time or two.
mame, sound like spring has sprung in your yard too. I hope u don't get too much snow. Weather here is suppose to drop a little too n I was just starting to enjoy the springy weather. I use the blower to blow off the yellow pollen off the porch for hubby gets sinus real bad in spring time. I hope u can get some rest.
I hope everyone else is able to get some much needed rest.

No corned beef in the stores here. St Patrick's day is sort of a non holiday here. But, the left over venison made some great stew. The days are getting long enough, I have time to saddle up a horse and go for a short ride after work. Great stress reducer. Went to the cemetery on Sunday, watered the tree, and visited with Sam.
Hope everyone has a good week. Love Shirley

Yeah that's what we have; The New England Boiled Dinner. Corned Beef, cabbage, root vegetables..don't care where it came from...just where it is going down my gullet...

Hope everyone is having a good start to yet another week...

Sharynmarie, No judgement in whatever your decision may be, for you only know what is best for your mom, yourself n your family. I think the positive attitude is a great start for yourself. From reading from other people's post, it may take a little while for your mom to transition to a new place n then again, she may love all that one-on-one attention. Good luck n let us know how y'all r doing. Sending u lots of hugs.
Deefer, you sure have your hands full with your mom. I bet u have learned a lot as you 'learn as you go,' while caring for your mom. I hope your shoulder is feeling better n let someone else shovel that white mess.

Bobbie, I don't know how u do it on that boat. Plus, u sitting their n just heard a big splash as if something bigger is after something else, yikes! And u think nothing of it. What about when it gets dark n creepy out their on the boat? You r more stronger than I will ever be. Not to mention as the boat sways back/forth. All the power to ya. : )
Diane, You know some family members do a little n they think they have done a life time worth. They have no freaking clue what u have to do on a daily basis n what u have given up to care for your mom n their mom too! If he don't say anything smart to you, I just brushed it off n do what is best for you n your mom. As for healing, I think it will just take some time for you. I hope u were able to get the much needed rest for yourself. Sending u hugs.

Cuz, like your joke. How r u doing?

Hello all! Well, I guess my snotty email letter on Valentine's night to the bros who don't call/see mom worked! 2 of the 4 visited yesterday and the other 2 called her! I about fell over! I found out I have one sister in law mad at me-and I would think she would understand because she takes care of her dad and has issues with her own siblings... oh well...nothing I can do about that. The email was to my brother-not I cannot tell my brothers that time is running out and they should call at least on Holidays? wtf? Just cause she has given up on her sibs doesn't mean I have given up on mine. She did get mad at me the time before when I had sent out a snotty letter that went thru her email...telling me to pay ppl to come be with mom... I guess she is missing the point I am trying to make. Yes, I want time away and have 6 siblings who should help-I do accept that they won't...but does that mean they can't call or visit? That was my point-that they should have a relationship with her. I seriously can't imagine what is going to happen to my family when mom dies. I think she is the glue-with my help-holding us together. I am running out of energy to keep it up and when she is gone-I don't know if I will care to. Sad to think about. Anyway, brother my with 8 yr old niece came over and she was in her beautiful Irsish Step Dancing dress and danced for mom! It was beautiful and mom was happy.
Son and gf left yesterday to go back to college. Won't see them for Easter. It was a really nice visit and I really got to know gf better. Sweet girl. No corn beef and cabbage here-was toooo tired from all the goings on here and sister and family didn't come over (mom was beat and so was I)-and they were bringing it! Mom and I had a nap and then we had soup and sandwiches. If there are any corned beefs still in the stores I may pick one up-I love it!!!!

Sharyn, glad you got some answers and there is no judgement here! You do what is best for you and your mom! And like someone said-if I had known then what I know now 9 years later...I may have done something different too! 24/7/365 is a killer...mentally and physically. And there is no end in sight here.

Meanwhile-hope you enjoyed that horse ride! Wish I could get out there with you! Love to ride!
Linda-hope hubby heals well and quickly!
Flex-can't believe your bro and so sorry for you. Made it worse since your expctation was your sis would be the one... Your work sched sounds so busy too! Keep your head up woman!
Bobbie-does sound like a peaceful way to spend some time! Enjoy! Sending healing hugs your way.
Jen-hope you enjoyed the corn beef and cabbage!
Lildeb-my dafodils, tulips and crocuses are all coming up! And I saw 2 Robins in the yard this weekend! We are gonna get some snow today but it won't last long...and my bulbs seem to be hearty so they will be fine.
Deef-I really think you are the Everyready bunny with all your energy! I have a bro who always makes the Irish Soda Bread for Easter. Yum!
Cuz-thanks for the laughs!
Stormy-how is that thyroid med balance coming along? Make sure you tell the doc about any remedies you try... they may interfere with meds.
Well hello to the rest of you out there! Start of a new week... tired and still pulling myself out of the dumps but getting there...or faking it well! Not sure which haha.. Have a decent day all! Mame

Lildeb~Thank you for the info on the computer. This computer from Dell was customer ordered for photo editing. It is suppose to have photoshop elements premier already on it. When I search for it, I can't find it. With my HP, all I did was plug in the usb port to upload the photos from my camera into photo gallery then I would open up photoshop elements 9 to edit. When I plug into the port on the Dell, nothing comes up so I can click on something to upload the photos. I am going to call Dell for help. I am not very mechanical or techno savvy so I need them to help me.

I had to work today but wish I didn't as I would have loved to make Corned Beef and Cabbage today. I don't know if I told you all, but my dad was from N. Ireland and I try to make Irish dishes on St. Patrick's Day to remember and honor him. I can still do it on Wednesday when I am off since Corned Beef is not really Irish but English. I prefer to make traditional dishes such as something with Fage (an Irish potato pancake). Not trying to be a downer on all your St. Patrick's Day celebrations since Corned Beef and Cabbage is considered traditional in U.S. and I am an American too, so I honor that as well. I will take some Shamrocks out to my father's grave when I am off on Wednesday if I can still find some, if not, he will enjoy roses just as much. I miss my dad, especially on days like today because he instilled such a pride in tradition with our Irish heritage. Enjoy your Corned Beef and Cabbage, as I know I would have if I was off today!!

Hi Deef having corned beef here too!

Just wanted to say HI!!!! Happy St Patrick's Day!!!!
I'm getting ready to make Irish soda bread and then it's corned beef and cabbage for dinner tonight!!! Yummmm!!!!
I'll check in later! Hope you all have a good day!

version . mmm think meanwhile was cooking it , while lil using it . baaahahaha im thinking its buffalo meat , and yes there is a puter name version , :-)
hi u all . im doing ok , hubby just had a surgery on his shoulder friday , removed 2 bone spurs and the muscles and all were just a small tear , doc said it ll heal up itself . taking care of my huney bun ... he ll be off work for a while .

mil ,,, bless her heart . bil is getting burnout . soon we will be looking for a place for her . i feel bad cuz i took care of my dad and i dont want to take care of her . dad is my dad , i do anything for him , i ll take care of him again if he would come to back alive . i miss us laughin together and wink , smile , i accept him in a better place . i have his picture on my ref , every time i open the ref i would look right at him and talk to him . i feel his spirit . so realy he is around ..
for mu mil ,, she s a very good woman , always treated me good , like i am her daughter , i count my blessing . i stayed over a weekend with her to give my bil a break . i thought man no way i want to do this 24-7 . i feel for my bil , i ask him if that is what he wants to do ? he said yes .. he want s to get on with his life and move on cuz he s not getting any younger . wants to go back to work , he took care of mom for 5 yrs i think maybe 6 ? my hubby and i went up there last weekend and told bil to go to sleep . he wasnt getting any sleep for a while . he slept and slept and so did i !!! hubby watched mom . i wasnt feeling good , hurts to breath , was takin short breath , pulled a muscle across the breast to my ribs , cuz i took my coat off in the van , wham freakin pulled my muscles . i thought ah shit !!! got to moms and i slept and slept , felt better the next day but were still little sore , well that tells me theres no way i could take care of mom cuz i cant even take off my damn coat without hurtin myself ! 3 weeks ago i picked up a frying pan with my left hand , my elbow felt like i was going to pop my elbow , i twisted to prevent the poppin , now my left arm is not right , it hurts still .... prob pulled a muscle there , i am realy careul with my muscles , i have to strech em so many times . think i can take care of mom ? nanana ... i feel bad tho . breaks my heart .

bobbie - id love to see what was chasing the fish ! prob gator ! love ur kitty for me .

you all are wearing me out . i read and read and felt your drained enegry and tireness . i wanted to make a remark about that one drove by and never came back . OBMAJ , ah there i feel better , oh wait a min didnt she say SHAME ON YOU !!!! SHAME ON YOU !!! heeheee ahh bite me !
weather man here said its gonn be cold for another 2 weeks . welp guess the groundhog was pullin my leg . you all stay warm !
AUSTIN !!! where are you ? hope ure ok .
love you all ! xoxox

Sharyn, I am using a Acer Aspire laptop n I use a old version called, Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8. Not sure it will work or not on a Dell? I upload the pictures first n save in a folder n then use paintshop. I hardly use my computer for that is the mil's room right now. However, I want to say that I have used it on my computer. You probable could ask someone that sells computers n laptops to see if they can help you. That was nice of the lady to work with you about your mom ordering cosmetics. Luckily, my mil don't know how to use the phone anymore but she does know how to talk on it a little.
Deefer, see u had a work-out while feeding your mom n changing her too. At least she ate some of it. I haven't had 'corned beef and cabbage' in a very long time n my mouth is watery already. Sound like both of you won the wrestling match for she ate some. We had it pretty breezy earlier today but, it ease off the temp got up to 76 degree. I would send u a little sunshine if I had any control over the weather. Flowers r popping up n so is the pollen too. I guess We can't have it all.
I hope everyone is having a nice weekend.

Sharyn, I agree with everyone else. Your doing the best you can for your mother. She is so confused mentally, a place staffed with full time care givers can keep her safe.
Diane, try not to let your brother get to you. Sounds like he is being a crabby baby. So his back hurts, so does yours, I think most of us on this sight have ruined our backs. That is no excuse for him to take it out on you. I can't believe your sister won't stay with her own mother, by herself. And, your mom can't even get out of bed. See how much stronger you are.
Mame, sorry you are down in the dumps. Wish you could get out and away for awhile.
Deef, hope your walking and exercise goes well. Goodness, you are already so busy. I try to walk at least 30 minutes everyday, sometimes I don't get it done. But, I sleep better on the days I do.
Bobbi, hope your recovering from that fall. Listening to the water, and fish jumping, sounds so peaceful.
Indio, brought venison, we marinated it in olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, and pepper. Tried to cook it slow. Pretty tasty, (and not too tough).
Going to saddle up the horses this afternoon. Tomorrow, one of Indio's cousins (a licensed electrician), is going to try and fix a short in the wiring at the adobe house This cousin and his wife want to move into the adobe house when it is ready.
I know I didn't mention everyone, sorry, Linda, Kuli, Cuz, Stormy, Jen, and everyone else, I do think of all of you, and worry about how your doing. Hope Cat is having a great time in Maui.

Thank you everyone. I know I will feel guilty when we place her, but I feel guilty now with things the way they are. I have to monitor her fridge so she isn't putting things like TSP in there (I took that home), it looks like a milk carton, hubby took her ladder so she isn't tempted to climb it. As long as my schedule isn't changed, I have 3 consecutive days off next week so I can cook a lot of stuff to freeze for mom. Recipe ideas are welcomed!!

I agree, you are doing the right thing out of love and for the best care for your mother Sharyn...I hope she can get settled in some place that meets all her needs and you can have a good end after all the rest...


I just took a leaflet out of my mailbox,
informing me that I can have sex at 68.
I'm so happy, because I live at number 72.
So it's not too far to walk home afterwards.
And it's the same side of the street.
I don't even have to cross the road!

Answering machine message,
"I am not available right now,
but thank you for caring enough to call.
I am making some changes in my life.
Please leave a message after the beep.
If I do not return your call,
you are one of the changes."


Aspire to inspire before you expire.


My wife and I had words,but I didn't get to use mine.


Frustration is trying to find your glasses without your glasses.


Blessed are those who can give without remembering
and take without forgetting.


The irony of life is that,
by the time you're old enough to know your way around,
you're not going anywhere.


God made man before woman so as to give him time
to think of an answer for her first question.


I was always taught to respect my elders,
but it keeps getting harder to find one.


Every morning is the dawn of a new error.

All week I've been worrying my sister would cause a scene. Well, it turned out to be my brother being a jerk. He and my sister stayed with my mom Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30 in the afternoon until 6pm. I arrived home Monday at 6:05pm, Tueday at 6:10pm and Thursday I called to tell them I was running very late (7pm) since I was swamped at work. Yesterday I asked if he and my sister (since she is afraid of being alone with my mom) could stay with mom on Saturday afternoon from 3pm-9pm. He said he would and I thought everything was all ok. I called my friend in Savannah to tell her I was coming to celebrate her birthday with her. I called my brother this morning to ask if he might be able to stay with mom from 2:30pm until no later than 4pm so I could get my grocery shopping done after work and have tomorrow free to visit my friend. He replied in a huffy manner and told me that sitting with mom was making in run behind on all the things he needs to do at home. Well after that delightful attitude I called him back to say I'd be home at 2:30pm and he didn't have to stay. His responce was "I can't talk to you now I'm at the chiropractor". Tell me, how was I to know that? Why did he have to be such a prick? How I see things he just didn't want to interrupt his life but it is okay for me to give up my life for the last 5 years. Am I being too sensative?
Enough about the morons. I really don't know how much longer I can care for mom by myself. She is pretty much bed ridden now since she has no strength in her legs and I don't have the strength to pick her up by myself. Just turning her to change diapers is killing my back. My own knees have been so painful lately and want to give out on me. While I'm killing myself to care for mom she is busy talking crap and fighting me to do everything. I am so tired of hearing her say "call the police", Her delusions are outrageous. One evening it was she said about 5 or 6 men in the backyard harming women and children. Wednesday she swore there was a man in the closet and we needed to call th police. Last Saturday she told the Jehovah Witness ladies that one of them was sleeping with a married man and then she demanded they get out or she was calling the police. Ah, and she told the chaplain from hospice that some mane was chasing chinese men in the back yard. She is always demanding police, doctors, nurses and anyone else she can think of.
Sharyn, you are doing the right thing for you and your family. I don't know if I will ever recover physically, mentally or financially from being a caregiver for the last 5 years.
Cuz, thanks for the jokes. It looks like you are getting more snow again. Mame, I understand the being down in the dumps. I've been weepy all day. Not sure if it was lack of sleep or being so mad and disappoined in my brothers behavior. Enjoy you sons while they are home. Bobbie, I'd love to hear the water lapping against the boat and the sound of fish jumping. I know you are working your but off, but it is so relaxing on the water. How far are you from Savannah?
I need to hit the sack. I didn't go to sleep until 2am last night. I am exhausted these days and have so much work to accomplish. Between today and April 30th I have 17 groups to finalize their tours. Some are day trips with 3 buses each. I also have 3, 4 & 5 day tours going to Washington, DC, New York City, Atlanta, GA, an eco-tour on the west coast of Florida and Williamsbrug, VA. I'm going to shut up and go to bed. I hope you all have a restful night and a great weekend.

You are making an intelligent choice and yes, it is heartbreaking.

Long time readers know that I would have done it differently had I known what was coming but I didn't know and there you go.

24/7 caregiving is a killer and I am so happy that you have made this decision for you and your family.

That was a lovely post by the way and a great thing for others to read who are struggling with the questions of caregiving a Dementia parent.

Deef!! You always amaze me. I hope your shoulder is feeliing better. My left side still aches but I think that it might be getting better.

I am laying in my bunk with an open porthole just above me, listening to the current lap against the hull. I just heard a fish jump out and splash back. Something bigger than him is on the hunt.
Everything has to eat.

Now I'll be thinking about getting up and making a sandwich.


Sharyn, You are doing what is best for you and your mom! I don't blame you one bit for going that route and I certainly hope it works out for all of you.
Had I know I would still be caring for Mom 5 years later, I might have made a different decision, but now she is too wild for a facility to take her without drugging her to the max to keep her safe. She can't be alone for 1 second without getting into trouble! They would not be able to restrain her in a wheelchair like we can at home. It is the only way I can get anything done! She has no clue of what is dangerous to her. Grabs electrical cords and pulls them. Reaches for the space heater even though she feel the heat and is constantly trying to stand up if not in her special wheelchair.
Then there's the $$ issue. The LTC lasted 4 years with home care. It would have been gone in half that time! I know she would not have lasted more than a few months in a facility. When she was in rehab for 4 weeks, she wouldn't eat, was always trying to leave and never got her meds on time, so she was a constant mess and had to be kept in a wheelchair right in front of the nurses station so someone could keep a constant eye on her.
She is easier to manage now that she is in the wheelchair during the day. Before that I needed to be with her constantly or pay someone to watch her when I needed to go somewhere.
You are so lucky your mom is the way she is. Mom's PD was making her fall all the time and the added dementia robbed her of the ability to reason what was safe to do and what was not.
Please keep posting and let us know how things are going for you and mom. I imagine it will take some time and lots of red tape to get her placed, so keep us informed when you can!

The neurologist said that mom's test results were all normal. The MRI is normal for her age and the reason they do the MRI is rule out strokes or a brain tumor. So...he looked at my mom and told her, "You have Alzheimer's." It did not register with her, she just giggled.

Deef~You were right, he prescribed Namanda. When her PCP diagnosed dementia 2 1/2 years ago, we started her on Namenda but she only took it for a month then refused to take it saying "there is nothing wrong with me." I told the dr. today that because of how the DPOA is written, we need to know whether she is incapacitated so we can legally make decisions for her. He said..."We are incapacitated." So now we start the legal process and mom's elderly law attorney will work with us to get a conservatorship.

It has been a rough for us since last year at this time to now. Mom refusing to take medication, accusing us of stealing from her, times where we just didn't talk. Even though she has been abusive all my life, I love her...and it breaks my heart to hear she is incapacitated. She has always been very controlling, frugal with money...and now she doesn't know what is going on. Yesterday when hubby and I were putting up her vertical blinds, she could see me, yet I heard her say, "Where's Sharyn?" "She must be at work." She went off into her own little world at that moment. I said, "Mom, I am right here." She said, "Oh, I guess you are." While this diagnoses opens more doors for us to help mom, it is still heartbreaking. My father passed from Alzheimer's so we know how things will progress for her mentally and physically. I do have high hopes though that by placing her in a memory care community that she will thrive and be stimulated mentally to prolong her life. I can visit her, take her shopping, out to lunch and work on making good memories to pass on to my children and set an example for them to follow. I told my daughter, I know I have bitched about grandma, her and her abuse, but I do love her and I want positive memories of her without the constant stress of day to day caregiving. I hope you don't think this is a cop out on my part by not choosing to be a 24/7 caregiver that so many of you are.Thank you for all your support and Hugs to everyone!!

"What is a weekend?" I have no idea...some vague recollection comes to me...time off of regular day to day hassles, initiated in the last century?

Yes, have one all!


Sharon, no rest for the wicked! I decided to exercise last night instead of going to bed early. I need to go for blood work for cholesterol this month and I need to lose 25 lbs, so I started counting calories and exercising on Monday. I can't be like this anymore and I feel much better after exercising. A couple weeks of good food and less food and exercise should get my counts down enough to satisfy the doctor and maybe I can drop 5 or 6 lbs in the process! I'm actually surprised at how well I'm doing with the walk aerobics considering how out of shape I have gotten! But I refuse to go through summer like this again!
Sorry your sister bailed on you! Mom used to double pay her bills or throw them in the trash! It was pretty scary when I first started doing her paperwork! Good luck with the neuro visit!
Shirley, glad to hear your mom is doing better! Makes it easier on you. Are you having fun with that house or is it more work than you thought? And please don't feel bad about having it easy or us! I for one am always happy when someone gets out from under caregiving.
Mame, nice to hear you are feeling much better. Having the kids home does help! As for weekends, I was just saying I can't believe it's that time again! I have help all day both weekend days, but that means get Mom's house in order before hand and plan her meals etc., so I can get my things done while they are here! No $$ to go anywhere, so it's project time at home.
Mom was uncooperative again this morning. All hands and now she keeps her eyes closed and reaches out like a blind person! I got pinched, poked, prodded and groped, all within 1o minutes time! Getting her to open her mouth is getting harder and harder too. Thank God for daycare!
Okay, off to exercise, then laundry and vacuuming!
Hope everyone has a good day!

Feeling better. Older son popped in last evening and younger on break so I had both my boys home for a little while. Nothing like having a full nest! Mom is so happy we have a new Pope. So funny, when the TV station was replaying the afternoon events (that we had watched) again that night-she acted like it was the first time she had heard it! Poor dear. However, the next morning the first words out of her mouth were, "So we have a new Pope!" Amazing. She feels terrible that the other Pope resigned...that "he must be sick or has dementia. Poor thing". Haha. She really has no idea. Just the usual down in the dumps here. Great all of you that are posting! Keeps me feeling less alone! Sorry for all your trouble and that I don't have the energy to speak to each of you! Know that I am thinking of you all and sending hugs! Mame (Oh-I have to mention a Downton Abbey line since it is Friday-and us all being caregivers-each day is the same as the last... The Dowager Countess asks "what is a week end?" If only it was cause we were all so rich that we didn't know-or care!)

Sorry everyone seems to be having a more difficult time than usual. Everything pretty calm here. Mom is doing better for now, even driving in to town to do her own shopping. Kuli, you have lucky spoiled kitties. I know it isn't taking care of a person, but they still get to be part of the family. My sister and I have 2 horses that are 31. Should get rid of them too, but can't. Jen, glad you got a chance to air out the house. Not much new here. I am learning how to do stucco over adobe.
Thanks for the jokes Cuz. Hope everyone gets some rest. Love Shirley


A teacher is explaining biology to her 4th grade students. 'Human
beings are the only animals that stutter,' she says..

A little girl raises her hand. 'I had a kitty-cat who stuttered.'

The teacher, knowing how precious some of these stories could
Become, asked the girl to describe the incident.

'Well', she began, 'I was in the back yard with my kitty and the
Rottweiler that lives next door got a running start and before
we knew it, he jumped over the fence into our yard!'

'That must've been scary,' said the teacher.

'It sure was,' said the little girl. 'My kitty raised her back, went

Sssss, Sssss, Sssss' and before she could say 'Shit!', the Rottweiler
ate her!

The teacher had to leave the room.

I hear you on going to bed early Deef!! I get off work late so I sleep late in the morning and work called me before 8am asking if I could work today. I said no, I have a dr. appt. for me, have to get blood work, take mom grocery shopping, and pick up the head rail to her vertical blinds and put them back up. 3 hours was spent getting the blood work and the dr. appt. I will try very hard to NOT make an afternoon appt. again.
Lildeb~What a day you had!! I can't imagine what you and the other ladies/gentlemen go through caregiving 24/7. I ,however, I can relate to when you think you are going to have some down time for yourself and everything falls apart. If I'm not giving up a day off to in to work, then it is something with my sister not coming down to help mom that day. I am frustrated because we bought a Dell computer and everything is so different from our HP. I can't find programs or how to upload pics from my camera, the program to edit the photos...Grrrugh!! Thank God hubby is so mellow!! He is my rock and I don't know what I would do without him. He is so good about helping with things I can't do such as putting mom's blinds back up. I am not very mechanical. My mom received a duplicate receipt from Merle Norman Cosmetics. She has used their cosmetics for years and she phone orders what she needs and it is sent to her....we don't have a Merle Norman in town any longer and mom (when she was driving) quit driving on freeways back in the late '90's. She ordered moisturizers for day and night, and other stuff totaling $193.96 in December but she forgot to pay. Now she is saying she never ordered it, someone else did. I called and made arrangements for mom to pay over two months. The woman who owns the store was very understanding since she figured out mom had dementia a couple days ago when mom called her. In the future, she is going to call either me or sis when mom places an order. This week has gone by so fast and tomorrow we go to the neurologist for his evaluation results. To remove the bad idea of the appt. from mom's mind, we will have breakfast at IHOP again. I have to schedule an appt. with her PCP for a TB test too. Kudos to all of you caregivers and hoping you all get a good nights rest or at least a break from things tomorrow and over the weekend!!

Rough bedtime with Mom! Hands everywhere, grabbing and reaching. Trying to stand up the entire time I'm washing her! Getting the diaper on was a real treat as she kept bouncing and grabbing my hands, my shirt, the diaper, and anything else in her path! Thought my shoulder was going to give out!
She did well at daycare and ate tons of corned beef and cabbage. It was St. Patrick's day celebration today. She just loves her N.E. Boiled dinners. Managed to get her to eat beans and hot dogs with a bit of potato salad for supper, but it took about a half hour and my holding her hands down with one of mine. Felt like I was at a wrestling match today!
It got really cold here today! in the 20's and very windy. Supposed to be that way until next week I guess! Just when I thought I could catch up on the fuel bills!
Tired, so going to clean up from supper and get to bed early if I can. I can't believe another week is almost gone!
Hope everyone had a good day and wishing you all a nice peaceful night!

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