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Get a load of this! I'm driving to daycare to pick up Mom and I see the ambulance in the lot!!! I was like oh sh!t!!! But as I pulled in I could see Mom sitting near the window inside. Apparently a lady was climbing onto the bus and her knees gave out. She ended up kneeling on the floor of the bus for at least 15 minutes. She is very heavy, so no one could lift her up. Even the EMT's had a tough time getting her up and onto a seat.
The surgeon is going to do the scope on my FIL tomorrow, so he will be in the hospital until then. Not happy that all he can have is clear liquids!
Mame, sorry I got "boat time" again. I came in from errands and my husband got back from the hospital at the same time. We needed to get to the bank and Walmart before I had to get Mom, so I sat down and typed a quick comment to let you know my FIL was okay. I didn't even see the count! I have lots of boat time stacked up, so if anyone needs it, just say "when"!
Daylight savings time is in less than 3 weeks and we will have light until after 6:30. That is always a welcome sight! My daughter's ex boyfriend of 6 years, used to be a professional motorcycle hillclimber. He was the youngest to take the championship when he was just 17. We used to travel to most of his races and would be in Penn. and New york a couple times a year for races. We went to Las Vegas twice for the AMA National Championship award dinners. It was lots of fun, but very scary. he and his dad used to build the bikes from the ground up, Great guy, like a son to us for those 6 years, but stuff happens!
As for my sibs talking about vacations, I just zone out now because of an incident with one of my sisters last summer. She was a real b!tch to me and said awful things that my cousin was the only witness too! She doesn't talk to my sister very much after that! I just act like it never happened. Don't need that crap in my life!
Yogi, I don't check my wall unless I get a notification. I haven't gotten any since last week for hugs, so it appears I missed a few! Sorry. Glad you get to see your mom 3 times a week, but 60 miles round trip is a lot! Especially with the price of gas. It's such a vicious cycle to visit when there is distance involved, but I know you will make sure you get there and she will definitely love seeing you!
Stormy, I sure hope your mood improves! If the sun comes out, get your butt outside and soak up some of that natural vitamin D!!
Austin, sounds like you worked hard to clean out your mom's place. I already had a conversation with Sharon, the nurse, before we left the ER. I thanked her for running a tight ship in th ER and for keeping her sense of humor through it all!14 cats, wow! We have 11 in this house, but that's between 4 apartments. My King Tut is huge like a Maine Coon, but looks more Egyptian. He's tricolor, unusual for a mail, and his main color is pewter gray with white and tan markings on his face, belly and legs. he is also double pawed and has thumbs as big as my pinky finger!
Wow Sharyn, 66 degrees sounds great! We are expecting another 3-4 " of snow by morning. tell your sister to chill out and hopefully you can get an appointment tomorrow! Don't you just love cat antics?
Jen, I still say once the weather gets warm, you may really like the short hair! Doesn't that short stubble feel neat! Love that you covered it so Mom can't see your bald head! Why don't you take your hat off at the dinner table for all to see? Maybe FP would have a seizure or something!
Mishka, Thanks for letting us know how the party went! Sounds like everyone had a great time. Bet your mom was proud of herself after all her "organizing"! I'm sure your dad really enjoyed it.
LilDeb, hope a;; goes well for you tomorrow! Screw everyone else for a while! Get yourself better and worry about the rest later. Early Happy Birthday to you, too! It's our 40th wedding anniversary on March 3rd and my daughter and sil are taking us to the revitalized Hawthorn Theater in Worcester, to see Rain and their Beatle's concert. Should be a fun time!
Geez, where did the day go? I just realized it's 10Pm and "Smash" s on! Hope I don't fall asleep and miss it! Night everyone!

Yes, we have to have a sense of humor, don't we? My Mom 'moved in' with me, without being invited, in 2008. My husband (deceased 2008) cared for her since '82, when my Dad died. We provided a home for her on our property and that was so much better, having her in her own home. When my husband died, she just 'moved in' and since then my life has not been the same. She cooks ALL the time and eats stuff I cannot stand -- chicken livers, liver and onions, just gross stuff. I recently retired and looked forward to traveling and now I can't even sneak out to the drug store without her. She's physically fit and doesn't like to be around other seniors because they are OLD. She will be 89 this year. Not sure how much longer I can deal with my house constantly smelling like bacon or other forms of pork, which makes me gag.

I agree, stay on top of it Sharynmarie, do not wait for others on stuff like this.

Maine Coon cats are huge too, seen them on TV. A lot o cat! Always liked the Russian Blue one's myself.

deef it probably would have done more harm than good. People who don't know your mom won't know her "routines" and behaviors and"code" ! Ya know?

Hope everyone is doing OK.

I called the neurologist's office. They have the results but the dr. hasn't read them yet. I gave them my number and hopefully they will call tomorrow for an appt. I am not going to wait for my sis to act on this. Thanks everyone!!

Dtflex, I hope your mom settles down n the medicine kicks in for her n you.

Deefer, sounds like u made a good choice taking her back home for that is horrible what happen to your mom with the adverse effects of that med. Not like we don't know better sometimes. I hope she is able to get some rest PD meds start working so u can get a little break. As for hubby that is what I told him if he every had to have another procedure or test. He had also been drinking that rot gut crap again. I told him he Won! He can drink himself to death for I don't care anymore. As for the past few days he hasn't been drinking but I will not hold my breath. I just gotta focus on me n getting well. It was funny about u letting the nurse that the thermometer was not in yalls room. Gotta have that sense of humor. ; )
Linda, hang in their girl n so sorry for your pain.

Gotta go eat my jello, yum. yum and ginger ale. mmm good. Thanks everyone for being their for me. I will try to get back on when I can.
Please let Jam know that I am thinking about her n I pray she gets to feeling better real soon.

Cattail, thanks n he needs a few kick n the ass! That is what the Neice said too n she was going to have a word with him for she even said that, I shouldn't even have to be worrying about how to get home n such.
So, hubby called me this morning while I was trying to get stuff for the house for I know I won't tomorrow. Anyway, as I am talking to him, you know when u r n so much pain that u tend to hold your breath sometime, he asking me r u n that much pain? He had no idea i was that bad off. No f.. ing shit! Not getting the surgery done for sympathy or attention for I can find better ways to get that done! He took part of the day off. so that the mil can stay with the Neice down the street so she won't have to be dragged up to the hospital. That way she can get all the one-on-one attention for most of the day. ; ) I told him that I called my bro from Fl that he said if he needed to come up he would. I just wanted him to know that even though my family members r scattered they r their for me. Of course all y'all gals too. ; ) It is nice to feel your loved. So, he feels guilty n asking what I want for my b-day which is not till March 1st. I just want my car in my name. No joint name on the title. I will remind him again on my b-day.
As for now, the nurse called from hospital n we r still on the go for me to be their at 5:30am yet dr won't be their till 7am. Hubby will be able to stay till 10am. Of course, if something was to happen n hopefully not then, he will take whole day.

Book, thanks for uplift n also the tips for the after surgery. I will be bringing a soft pillow. : )

Hi all,
I try to read all the posts and comment but I still have a hard time recalling who is who once I start my post- so ((((hugs))) to you all!! and to all your elders!!!

The party went pretty well, btw. We ended up telling my dad a day before the party as my Mom was getting anxious about it and , of course, he said he already knew. But it was nice to see all the "Aunties" and my Uncles who I have not seen in a very long time. And we all celebrated my Dad.

DEEF! You got boat time again! You plan this don't you? HAHA

Wow Deef-hope fil is ok! And I completely understand your mom not never remembers hospital visits either...
Mom is really not with it this morning. When I asked her how old she was she said "I think 15." Which would explain why all the things I was trying to remind her of were so foreign to her! Poor thing... I told her she would remember things after she ate... and if she didn't, I was here to remind her. She was ok with that. Poor thing. :(

Fil in the hospital. They found blood in his stool, so they are going to scope him when they can find an available surgeon. All the blood work, etc. was fine, so may just be an irritation in his stomach from the aspirin he takes every day for his heart. Go figure! Fix one thing, break another. Will let you know when I hear more.
Mom went off to daycare this morning, like nothing ever happened! I asked her if she remembered going in the ambulance yesterday and she looked at me like I"M CRAZY!!!!

Thanks Jen! And I bet you look great! As long as you like it-who cares what anyone else thinks! Have fun at the store! Mame

Yea Stormy-maybe he meant 3 weeks! We can hope! Austin-I love the Maine Coons too! But holy cow-you need to brush them all the time or they get matted!!! Beautiful cats tho. Sharyn-I wish for 66 degrees!!! It will come soon I know.... Yogi-thanks.
Mom is still snoring away so I am getting lots of little things done! It is good to get up early and just work away at things sometimes! Usually I am interrupted so often I never know what I was working on let alone get anything accomplished! Gotta start bringing her into the day tho... I always tell her to "wiggle your toes!" And that "I will be back in 5 minutes!" Like she did to us when we were kids! She laughs unless she really has no clue who I am or who she is at that moment... some days are clearer than others! Mame

Mame, Glad your pup is feeling better, sprain is seriously ouchy

Gah black bloody stool is not good Deef, any updates on him?

Weeel I cut it to the inch with craft scissors and then used nose trimmers to get it to the scalp the shaved it in the 3 Am but I had been thinking of doing it for over a year so it wasn't a spur of the mo' thing.

Mom is still upset, not saying anything about it, won't even look at me, but she has not SEEN it I have kept a stocking cap on all weekend so she did have to look. Gah mother you saw my bald when I was born! Aunt is a beautician so getting tips from her, will be probably 2 or 3 inches by end of summer, it seems to be growing fast.

Gonna do the shopping today, see who thinks I am sick and who thinks I am crazy....

Have a good day all, no ER trips....

Deef, as I wrote you when you gave me a hug on my wall, I am still seeing my mom 3 times a week, more if I get the chance. My sis and bro see her the other days. Thank you. I hope all is well with you. Sorry to hear about your FIL . My great grandfather lived to 101 1/2. Still healthy and a sharp mind. I don't know how he did it. Age related decline is what happened but he wasn't on any meds.
Hi Mame, I hope you can have the best day you can have. I know it isn't easy. Blessings

Deef~i hope your fil will be ok. Wow, 103 years old, the things he has seen in his lifetime!
Stormy~I hope your dad will be ok and no more bleeding. Yes 3 months seems like a long time.
The only one having a temper tantrum here is me cuz sis is flaking out on me. We have not heard from the neurologist about the MRI but I think I will call their office today, it was a week yesterday so they should have it.
I have a white pitcher in a bowl with silk flowers I arranged. In the morning my cat loves to run through the house like he is on catnip. He thinks he is hiding behind the pitcher, then he will charge me...stop and run back behind the pitcher. Too cute and he makes me laugh first thing in the morning. I am off today and tomorrow but I have a busy day planned with mom, paying bills, getting her hair cut. Have a good day everyone, it will be a warm 66 today, wish I could get the roses pruned.

Deefer that is great how the ER nurse was upbeat if you get a chance a nice thing to do is to call the ER on her shift and thank her -thank you to a nurse goes a long way in her heart-even if she is not on duty who ever takes the call will tell her and others will hear about it and maybe make them think how what they say makes a difference or write a note and send it to the ER. Linda good to see you posting we never did get shirts saying OBMAJ -I do not think we will ever hear from AJ again the KAW started at that time -I believe. I am sorry you have fibro the arthrites group have a book about fibro which is great-I know I would rather have the pain than the unbelievable tiredness I take Cymbalta which helps I started taking for depression when taking care of the husband and after he died the rhumatologist told me to keep taking it for the fibro. I laughed at you saying you went to goodwill and having a margaritta -I said hell my goodwill does not have margaritts-that is my store of choice. We cleaned out mom's apartment-my sister and I she had 3 refridgators yes 3 and we took about 1000 books to the Salvation Army store and she had about 100 turtleneck shirts which fit me and my sister-maybe 5 vacumns -never did find a small one I gave her as a gift. My cat was distressed while I was away-told him he was going to boot camp-at my sister's -they had 7 cats then last march found 3 kitens and thair parents so that made 12 and when my mom died they got her two cats -so now they have 14-I think one week at their house would be good for my spoiled kitty-I wanted to trade their Maine coon cat for my cat .

Deef-That was funny what you said about kicking the kitty out of the house. Made me laugh, I needed that. Thanks, I hope you can get your mom and fil straighten out.
rip- it must still be a full mood..... Not in the mood to deal with family (dad, sis, or bro) sigh......................
Mame- I know when I heard that it was going to take 3 months to get results back I thought that I had heard my sis wrong but she said that is what the dr said. And I think that is bs! I might could understand 3 weeks but 3 months, give me break...
Well, its going to be another depressing day, raining like cats and dogs here and suppose to do it all day long..... ugh...... I wish I could kick this mood off of me.
Love and hugs to all of you! Stormy

Mornin! Gonna be warm here in the 40's! The sun is staying up later and making us all very happy! The dog wants to sit on the deck alllll day. :) Hopefully a quiet day here. No dog watching etc. My dog's foot did well with the puppy here yesterday so hopefully we are over his "sprain". Still on doggy advil for any swelling or tenderness. Did I tell you that I had 24 mourning doves at the feeder the other day? I have 2 pair that are always here-but 12 pair?!!! Surely a sign of spring!
This new sport my hubby is doing-well I am not sure what they call it exactly...He says "Trials" It is a motorcycle that has no seat, is very light and they ride over rocks, and logs in a very careful, deliberate, controlled, patient way. It is a lot about balance and patience... There are pegs you put your feet on and you stand the whole time. The Trials competitions have a point system and putting your foot down is points off etc... Hubby is having a great time with it. It was fun to watch him. They are doing it in a big warehouse right now-bringing in scaffolding and logs and tires etc. When the weather is better they will be in any woods around... Takes a lot of coordination. Not my strong suit! I will just watch!
Wow Deef-sorry you had to bring mom to the ER and now hubby is bringing his dad. Never a dull moment. Is there a plan for FIL if he can't stay alone anymore??? And I hope you don't mind me asking-but how do you respond to the siblings telling you about there upcoming vacation??? I think I'd hang up. And yes, my mom is the one who has those vasovagal responses. I don't shower her alone anymore because of that-since it has happened in the shower. It used to only happen when she was sick. Now I never know.
Linda-I understand your anger at the woman in the Dr office... My mom always told us to be kind to ppl and to acknowledge them, call them by name if you know it... I hate to see ppl be mean. So sorry about Sheba. And the fibromyalgia... Glad you had a good time with sil.
Flex, sorry your bro won't be helping for a while... none of us can afford to lose anyone who helps-wish it were different.
Jen-It is so fun to do something like shaving your head! You go girl! And when mom says anything-tell her it will grow back.... (even if you plan on keeping it that way!)
Stromy-3 months for a biopsy...hmmmm that is wierd.
Cat-how are those Elk doing??
Hey Kuli, Rip, Yogi, Lildeb and Bobbie and all the rest of you out there! Hoping each of us gets a moment of our own today! Mame

Well, the race is on again today!!! FIL called at 7 and says he doesn't feel well. Had a BM and his stool was black. Ah, the days of gauging our health by the color of our sh!t is not something I look forward too! I answered the phone and he is hard of hearing, so It took a minute to get him to understand his son would be there as soon as he could wake up and get dressed.
Of course when my husband didn't show up 10 minutes later, he called again! My husband was grousing the entire time as they were just at the ER last weekend and stayed overnight for observation. Nothing was wrong, but i think at almost 103, he is scared to be alone now.
I think I will go back to bed after I drop Mom off at daycare. Hiding under the covers sounds like an excellent idea! Damn old kitty I took in for the winter has gotten in the habit of waking me up between 5 and 6 AM every morning! I may have to kick his a$$ out the door for a couple hours to remind him why he is now a house cat!
I'll let you know how things turn out here when I hear anything!

I need boat time so I have to comment....he he he

Mom sure was in a full mood today!!! PA looked at me real funny like when I blamed her actions on the full moon, but the nurse agreed with me wholeheartedly!

Guess it took me a while to type! Stormy, my brother had polyps and was losing blood after the surgery to remove them. They ended up finding out he was dangerously low on vitamin B and it was the cause of the heavy bleeding internally. It may well be that your dad will not have any more problems now that they are removed. Keep an eye on him anyway and if he doesn't seem right, call his doctor right away.
Sorry it is taking so long to find the right dosage of thyroid med for you. It can be trying when you have so much already going on.
Kuli, I have a real tattoo on my upper arm, but it sure would hurt to get one on the head!
By the way Jen, what did you use to shave your head!on the head!

I find Full Mood appropriate! Great one Stormy!

Jen, You planning on becoming a monk? Just kidding! I have my niece buzz my head every couple of months. Would do it once a month, but can't afford it, so it gets clipped by me in between. But it sure feels good in the hot weather! Dries fast and you don't have to worry about the wind mussing it up! Kind of liberating and scary at the same time. I have been wanting to go that short for years, but was to chicken to try it. A couple times my niece went really short due to our yakking constantly to catch up on family gossip. It was a shock at first, but I quickly got used to it. get some hair product to style it when it grows in and try it different ways until you find something you like. I bet you will end up liking the really short style. By the time my niece is done, the back and sides are about a half inch to an inch long. Now I have her do the crown that short too, so I can just have it all straight up on the back of my head. Easier that way as I have a few "cowlicks" in the back. Hell of a way to get back at your Mom!!! Send me a picture please! In the one I just e-mailed to you, my hair has been growing out for 8 weeks and is still short, but I'm calling my niece tomorrow to set a time for another buzz. the back and top are way too long! Oh yeh, another advantage is being able to wear a hat and not ruin your do!
Diane, I understand you losing it sometimes! can't help it when you are at the end of your rope with everything else besides. Sorry your brother will be laid up for a while, At least he sat with her every week. I don't see my sibs at all. the last time I saw anyone was X-mas day. My youngest sister called me Friday night to remind me she was flying to Jamaica in the morning. And the middle brother and his wife are heading to their rented 3500 square foot house in Florida on this Friday! Been almost 2 years since I stayed at Rip's for a week. Heck I haven't even been away from Mom 1 night since then! I;m getting cabin fever and I think it's time to book me a flight to anywhere and then tell the sibs I'm leaving and they are in charge. I should make sure Mom has doctor appointments while I'm gone too! I WISH!!!
Sharyn, Any results on your mom's MRI yet?
Stormy, how's dad doing?
Linda, sorry you are so sad. Hope something good starts to happen for you. Sorry about Sheba! I love my pets and know how sad it is to lose one. Hope your new medicine helps you.
Really exhausted after today's episode with Mom. Going to watch the rest of "Castle" then hit the pillow.
Hope everyone out there can get some rest tonight!

That was suppose to be it must be a full moon. Sorry.

Jen - you are too funny. I, myself, would have waited until at least summer to shave my head. Otherwise you HAVE to wear a hat or you freeze. One of the ladies I work with did have cancer. She's in her 70's and when she lost all of her hair from chemo, she took to putting temporary tatoos on her baldness. Said it made her feel pretty! Thankfully she is still in remission. What a positive attitude she has. Me, hah! I can only wish.... Love ya Jen ~ Kuli

Hey ya'll well dad came home from the hospital today. They did the colonoscopy and they found 3 polyps. One was large, is what the doctor said. He also said that it would be 3 months before they had the biopsy results back. And I was like, "3 MONTHS". Where are they sending it to, to another country.... I know when dads thyroid tumor was biopsied it didn't take 3 months. Anywho, on the papers they gave him, it said diagnosis was a gi bleed. But the dr came in and of course he said that it could be coming from anywhere from the throat to the stomach. But I am thinking that the blood was coming from that polyp cause as soon as he came back from the colonoscopy and after they fed him they said they were releasing him. I sure hope tomorrow will be a better day for me cause I have been in a foul mood all day long. Maybe its coming from my dr changing my meds again for the hypothyroidism. They can't get that straighten out either. Someone take me far, far, far AWAY!!!! So, anyone have any ideas on this large colon polyp and what it could be???? Sorry I'm not very good company tonight. It must be a full mood. Love and hugs stormy

Good God deef what was up there! Weekend Ok what else...? No ne died here, bit I shaved my head. very light and cool and bizarre. well going back to gray blond for me! Gonna be interesting at the store tomorrow. People probably think I am a cancer patient.
Have not heard from bobbie here, hope you are OK there.
Gah Diane sounds like you are IN it there...
here things just going on the same, minus moms held in pissed at my hair cutting...another week...what ever...
Stay warm and well everyone...

Christina was right to call you Linda Heart. You are so gentle hearted. I find myself losing it all to often with mom. She whines and talks to imaginary people all the time. Then she is having temper tantrums a couple times a week. Last night's episode upset me so much I couldn't sleep. I think I can deal with the physical decline much better than the mental decline. Kathy, I hate having to take mom to the ER. Most of the time they leave it to me to undress and dress mom but this last time they took care of all of that before they took me to her. She called the nurse an SOB. Luckily he had a good personality and only laughed. She tells people off, including me, daily. Even her favorite caregivers she gives a hard time. I think the help I was getting from my brother has come to an end again. He fell on the weekend and went to the doctor today due to bad knee pain. He only has to sit next to mom for 2 hours, but I guess he isn't up to dealing with her BS. So I will be rushing like a made woman to get everything done at work. I have 5 buses going to Washington DC this week and one heading to Charleston. After this I have a breather for about 2 weeks before the real mad rush starts again.
This week hospice has to re-evaluate mom to recertifiy her care for another 3 months. Between her falls, visits to ER and losing weight I think she will be recertified without any problem. I know she is certifiably crazy!!!!!!! And I'm not far behind.
Okay, enough of my grousing as Jen would say. I'm not good like Mame and can address everyone, but know you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Try have a good night. Howl at the

Love ya,

Linda: I'm sorry for you pain, both physical and emotional. Sorry about Sheba and your aunt and the young people dying. Sorry for old people who are treated badly. It really sucks. You take care of yourself.

Hugs, Cat

hello you all . i see u rip ! and i also see u book !!! :-) ~~~~ austin !!

went to rheumatoid doc , while waiting in the waiting room with my husband , a nurse wheeled out an old lady out to the waiting room , saw a ytoung bitch stood up and the old lady waved and smiled at her the young bitch just frowned at her and went behind her wheelchair so she didnt have to look at her , i got choked up cuz i always made sure dad sees what im doing otherthan push him around . i thought who in the hell are u bitch !! i was so upset , i wanted to attack her ! she wheeled her away . hubby looked at me said i felt ur pain he saw tears rollin out my eyes . he thinks that bitch works at nursing home and she just hauls that poor old woman to dr . i told him if i had that job i would greet the old lady and ask her if everythings a ok ? talk to her and tell her ok r u read we re leavin now etc , talk to that old lady please !!! nope . she just a bitchy ass bitch just gotta do that to make money . obmaj !!! then nurse called my name , i went inside and cried some more and told the nurse that i havent took my meds and i am just so torn up , i told her what was going on . shes a sweetheart felt my pain her eyes were getting teary too .... i was so glad that hubby went with me . cuz if he didnt i prob be in jail ... i dislike young punks caring for elders with no respect , dont they know the elders are humans too ? what the fk ever !
anyway i do not have rha . i have fibromyaligia .. changed night time med to something eles , rest of meds stays the same . i ll go back in 6 weeks for a ck up again . did the blood work too . says i am too tenses and i need to excerise my muscles before gettin out of bed , strech , i told her i always lay in bed think about what i gotta do today and the list gets longer and longer then i get fussy and bam i ache everywhere . today back of my neck ached ,
well i shall look up on internet and start learning how to treat the fibro .
sheba passed away friday am . just hit me bad friday , thinkin of all the love ones around me passin , aunt opal i didnt make it to funeral , ice storm came and left . but i left friday night m i had to get away from home . i was gone all weekend . stayed with my sis in law . we had fun , shop at goodwill store , damn i love that store ! had some good margaritta too . she and i both was in needing a good time and we did and now we re happy go ladies , except today this morning ! that young lady realy ruined it !
someone mention JAM , im sorry for jam . my heart goes out to her , huggin her in cybers .
love ya all nighty night xoxoxo

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