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Guess it's like mice. Mice are ecologically so important. They scavenge for food and eat so many things. They provide food for so many animals. Still we don't want them in our house scavenging OUR food and leaving their smelly pee about.

Termites are very good for the soil. They eat wood and poop. They have protozoa in their guts that have the enzymes to digest the wood. Anything that eats and poops in the dirt adds nutrients to it. Good when it's a dead tree in the forest. Bad when it's our house.

Yeah even spiders serve a purpose, just not in my bed! Is the termite poo useful, there is a bit here from the colony. I am wondering if it is good for plant soil?

Ok grossed out!! First thing I will do when I get home is move my toothbrush!! lol

Termites are mostly good. They help recycle the forest faster. Dead trees would build up without them. They're not good when the dead trees are in our house, though. I feel a bit sad for the termites. They're only doing their job as nature's recyclers and we zap them. Not their fault, not ours, either. Just a conflict of interest.

uber annoyed what?

I had not thought of that termites in the woods, but they have been here as long as cockroaches, so they ate cellulose before humans made houses out of the tasty stuff.

Think we caught it early...Only a contractor can say if we caught it early enough!

JessieBelle I ment to add you in the last post but messed up sorry.

Jen is the house going to croak before someone else? Hugs
Ggjj11 Ggjj11 It only gets better now your used to it. Keep venting, we are always here to help if we can. Hugs

Oh, no! I appreciate termites in the forest, breaking down the dead trees. But not in the house. Hope they didn't do a lot of damage and you can get rid of them fast. Those companies are not cheap!

Hey guess what.


We have termites. PAhahahahaaaa.

There goes another fourteen hundred bucks.

Crazy warm, here, we have crickets out chirping in April!

Oh, Gg. The gross things like this really get to me. Poop stuff is the worst. Phlegm and pee come in a way-far distant second and third. Picking her teeth with poopy hands OH YUCK. SCREAM!!!

Okay, back to normal now. I know how you feel.

Oh my I feel queasy right now. My mom picks food out of her teeth and eats it. Plays with her poop if in diaper. I go up daily but it's hard to look at her. Everything is covered with food and who knows what. I do her laundry and today her brand new nightgown was full of poop. In the garbage for sure.

Thats a good one cause my son used to work for UPS. I'll have to ask him if he tried that. Hugs to all.

Cuz - Luv the joke. This one not as funny, but this one is for you.

Little Larry attended a horse auction with his father.
He watched as his father moved from horse to horse,
running his hands up and down the horse's legs and rump, and chest.
After a few minutes, Larry asked, 'Dad, why are you doing that?'
His father replied, 'Because when I'm buying horses,
I have to make sure that they are healthy and in good shape before I buy.
Larry, looking worried, said, 'Dad, I think the UPS guy wants to buy Mom .....

Here's an old one but thought I would share again.

Priest and a Rabbi.....
A Priest and a Rabbi were sitting next to each other on an airplane.
After a while, the Priest turned to the Rabbi and asked, “Is it still a
requirement of your faith that you not eat pork ?”

The Rabbi responded, “Yes, that is still one of our laws.”

The Priest then asked, “Have you ever eaten pork ?”
To which the Rabbi replied, “Yes, on one occasion I did succumb to
temptation and tasted a ham sandwich.”

The Priest nodded in understanding and went on with his reading.

A while later, the Rabbi spoke up and asked the Priest,​
“Father, is it still a requirement of your church that you remain celibate ?​
The Priest replied, “Yes, that is still very much a part of our faith.”​
” The Rabbi then asked him, “Father, have you ever fallen to the temptations of the flesh?”

The Priest replied, “Yes, Rabbi, on one occasion I was weak and broke my faith.”

The Rabbi nodded understandingly and remained silent, thinking, for
about five minutes.

Finally, the Rabbi said . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

“Beats the h3ll out of a ham sandwich, doesn't it?”

He was slurring and slumping and had the nurses concerned and the gathering and then the we need to do some tests and then Mom with her hand over her mouth, a sure sign of her anxiety and blood pressure going through the roof...So day in a fog, mom feeling guilty she ever put him in a home, yes she just gave up after seven years of in home care (selfish b#$T$)....She is imagining the phone calls to sister and hospital visits funeral and final farewells to beloved father......
Call at 3. Elevate dilantin levels, lower the dose and right back to mr creepy pants leering (still) and guilt for mother and $12.000 a month...hope died ages ago... Jen

I would take that remote and.......well, i won't say where I would put it! :)))

After nearly 50 years of marriage, a couple was lying in bed one evening, when the wife felt her husband, begin to massage her in ways he hadn't in quite some time. It almost tickled as his fingers started at her neck, and then began moving down past the small of her back. He then caressed her shoulders and neck, slowly worked his hand down, stopping just over her stomach. He then proceeded to place his hand on her left inner arm, working down her side, passing gently over her buttock and down her leg to her calf. Then, he proceeded up her thigh, stopping just at the uppermost portion of her leg. He continued in the same manner on her right side, then suddenly stopped, rolled over and became silent.

As she had become quite aroused by this caressing, she asked in a loving voice, ‘Honey that was wonderful. Why did you stop?' To which he responded: 'I found the remote.'...

Alanscare, Absolutely! I so appreciated when grocery stores started putting those germ wipes atvthe front of the store, so that we could at least wipe down the shopping cart handles! I was guilty of taking a few extra, nto wipe down the interior of my cat, the sterring wheel, and any other surface around, justvto prevent from picking up or cross contaminating other surfaces that I touched! You necer can be too careful!

Cuz, that was so beautiful and priceless! A good lesson for all of us, but even more so for those people aghast that old people deserve to be treated out in public with respect and honor! Thank you! HUGS!

A son took his father to a restaurant to enjoy a delicious dinner. His Father was already a pretty old man, and therefore, a little weak, too. While he was eating, a little bit of food fell from time to time on his shirt and his trousers. The other diners watched the old man with their faces distorted by the disgust, but his son remained in total calm.
Once both guys were done eating, the son, without being remotely ashamed, (helped with absolute peace of mind) helped take his father to the toilet.
He cleaned up his leftovers from his wrinkled face, and tried to wash the stains of food from his clothes; lovingly combed his hair gray and finally cleaned his fathers glasses.
On the way out of the toilet, a profound silence reigned in the restaurant. No one could understand how is it that someone could do the ridiculous in such a manner. The Son was going to pay the bill, but before you leave, a man, also of advanced age, rose from the all diners and asked the son of the old man: " don't you think that you've left something here? "
The young man replied: "No, I haven't missed anything". Then the stranger said to him :" Yes you've left something!
You left here a very important lesson for each child, and a hope for every father!" The entire restaurant was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.
One of the biggest honors that exist, is being able to take care of those older adults who cared for us too. Our parents, and all those elderly who sacrificed their lives, with all of their time, money and effort. They deserve our utmost respect. If you also feel respect for older adults, share this story with all your friends.

A friend of mine had this on a facebook post tonight and I wanted to share it with all the beautiful caregivers on this site. I do have respect for all of you ok? Hugs again.

Thanks for the info Pargirl. I will have him check it out because he will have to have another one down the line sometime if he makes it that long. Right now he is doing super. I have to take him Friday for blood work because he can't walk from where they have the handicap spaces to the front door of the office. The need to check on the kidneys to see if they are indeed getting better. I dought he would want to go through the dialysis. Hugs to you and thanks again.

Bottom line folks, as a Caregiver, hygiene is very important, E coli, hepatitis, giardia, herpes from cold sores, and a host of other bacterial and viral threats could be lurking on every surface. Don't feel bad if you get tired of something or some habit they may have, it is ALLOWED, lol. A common sense approach is in order though, if we are caring for elderly persons with limited cognitive and physical abilities, personal phobias about bathing and caring for themselves, then that creates an environment of germs and cross-contamination between bathroom and kitchen which is a serious SIN in home-care. My mother likes to lick her fingers as if she is eating bar-b que with every meal, the only problem is she is not eating bar-b que, she uses her fingers to scoop butter out of the butter dish, or peanut butter out f the jar, she puts her fingers in everything in the refrigerator to the extent of spoiling some foods overnight. So whats wrong with that you say, well my dear mother is unaware that she has IBS, changes briefs multiple times a day, has frequent accidents and tries to hide each and every one of them, hides soiled underwear or clothing, is resistant to bathing, hates to shampoo her hair, hates to remove her dentures and soak them, gets frequent cold sores and pink eye, is constantly picking her nose and playing with her dentures, adjusting her diaper in her pants all day and has an OCD method of disposing of her soiled brief that definitely requires effective hand washing. I love my mother, but this is the truth after 3 years of caring for her, its no condemnation of her but I don't share anything between us, I am on constant duty to protect her and myself from contamination or anything that could worsen her conditions or have me getting shots. E coli is found on everything in society from shopping carts to light switches to refrigerator handles to equipment at the gym, door knobs, women's purses, you name it, that's a a well known fact so be wise and be safe, who needs something else to worry about on top of everything else that has to do with everything else that we already have to worry about, LOL what does get my mother to bathe sometimes is telling her she smells bad and others are going to smell her too, she wants others to see the best of her while I get "clean up on isle 1 again", LOLOLOL, stubborn as can be, what can we do, absolutely nothing except come here and let it out thank GOD....
When they start to use items they shouldn't, restrict access to that item to solve the problem.

Hi cuz.....every time my dad has a procedure that has to do with dye they his urologist has him take these pills for his kidneys. They protect them from the dye. It's a special compound (you can't get it at Walgreen's, CVS, walmart etc.) you might have them try that to protect his kidneys. Glad things are sort of looking up for Mike. North Texas has been hit hard by weather this year. Hope it's all over for everyone's sake.

Jen, Linda and everyone else,my brother Mike made it home from hospital today. The kidney numbers are back on track so sometime down the line He can if he wants to go back and have another stint put in. He's doing real good right now. His breathing is better because the heart is getting more blood to the lungs now and his sugar is back to where they want it for the pill he takes for it, and his weight is down to 280# +-. So that is also good.
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers, he doesn't care for that but I do so thanks again.
Weather here in Michigan is lookin pretty good. It will be in the 70's by weekend so time to get the boat back home and get her ready to go fishin. Hugs to all

oh lord ! so sorry ur brother had to go thru all that , mercy sakes , my husband said that having an open heart surgery is nothing compare having bladder cancer . tmr he will have chemo pour into his bladder . burns like hell he said . am hoping that will be the last of it , he had to deal with it over a year now . oh lord ...

Hope he recovers well!

update on Mike. They put in a stint this morning and were trying for a second one when the dye that they put in the blood for xrays started to shut down his kidney's. They immediately stopped and brought him to recovery. The procedure lasted about 2 hours. By 5:00 tonight they had hydrated the kidney's enough that the numbers were starting to get better. He had to lay flat on his back from 9:15am till almost 4:30pm where they did raise his bed up only 30 degrees but he still could not move around yet.. They would have to knock me out if I had to lay flat for that long. My back is screaming just thinking about it. Mike's breathing at heart rate were 100 % better after this stint. If the kidney numbers reach the right spot he will probably be sent home Tuesday. Thats it for now Hugs everyone.

the lining around the heart . oops

Got my brother back at the heart hospital. Was having chest pains etc 6 on the pain scale. They checked everything out and were talking about doing a bypass but then changed their mind and said he ha pericarditis which is the ling around the heart and it is all inflamed. They have him on morphine and ibeprophine. The main dr for the cath lab wasn't there today so they are going to check with him in the morning to see if he wants to try to put in stint or just do a bypass. Thats it for now, will keep ya updated as I find out what they want to do. Hugs

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