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"Questioned Love" shake it off, it will probably fall right back on the one who questioned it bobbie...

"I Love You" and "LUV" are just variations on a theme; they mean, I wish you well, glad to talk to ya, hope things go good there, I am glad we are friends, You Are Sweet, Paying it forward, All's Good With Us.

I mean who signs a letter or a post "Like You" "Like Jen" ? It' s semantics and assumed meaning as in Sincerely, and TTFN.

Your relationship TO the person making the comment IS the answer to that one Bob-Miester! Love You! Jen And for me it is literal, The Help, the support, the communication, the assistance (formatting!) It means Thank you, you are so kind, I am glad I know you!

4rth draft on the way...will send other play...very different play the other.

Mame I am so happy you are getting a positive result form your email, no matter how long it lasts. Since I started caring for my mother 5 years ago, many of my family members and I no longer speak. Being accused of elder abuse and theft made everything go sour.
Bob, like Mame said, F them! We know the truth. Which of th islands do you want to head to? Jamaica, Cayman Islands, USVirgin Islands, Bahamas? My family covers the caribbean from Trinidad in the east to the Cayman Islands in the west.
I managed to get 6 buses ready for tours today. Four are going to Myrtle Beach for the day and 2 are going to Washington, DC for 4 days. It will only get busier with every day.
Mom has my cold now. I hope she doesn't get pnuemonia since it starts out as a chest cold.
I'm tuckered out today so I'm going to chill out for a little while. Have a good night everyone! Stay warm :)

Love ya,

What do the kids say-Haters gotta hate! F them Bobbie! We know you love us! And we love you right back!!!!
My friend I wrote about has written to several of our friends. Two of us have caregiving experience, me going thru it now and Sue having her dad die at home with Hospice and mom stay w/her for years and finally to NH due to among other things-roaming-right out the door! So, we are both giving her advice...I am the emotional one...Sue us the voice of reason... So, I am praying we say the right things to help her decide what to do!

Good Morning Crew,

Yes Mame, it's the Namenda that is helping but the sad part is that Dementia is a progressive disease so she will get worse but will have bright spots here and there.

You do your best and it looks like you are doing pretty good. I'm glad for you that your email to your siblings worked and you are getting some positive reaction. There are many on this thread who have tried over and over again to get their sibs to even acknowledge that their parent is sick and get no response or worse, negative response to their pleas for help and their pleas for the other grown children to visit.

Joe! Welcome to the home of Vent and Live. If your mom doesn't have Dementia she won't go through most of this stuff. End of Life issues are thorny whatever it is that finally takes us out. We all do the best we can.

Cuz! Your mom and Mike stopped by on their way home and it was so good to see them. It was for such a short time but I knew that they wanted to get on the road again. Aunt Hank looks great and she is sharp. I think the Dementia runs in the B family since so many of our uncles and of course my mom had it. Mom said that our grandma had it too. I don't think she ever got real bad because her heart took her out before the Dementia got to end stage. You probably have more info about all of that than I do.
I cried when I saw them and I cried for the rest of the day. Haven't felt up to writing anything until now. Thanks for all of your forwards, Cuz.

Finally got the washer and dryer installed on this here boat and I did 2 loads right away. Man, I have really missed having a W/D.
We had to take the dryer apart to get it down the companionway and then put it back together in the companionway and then lift it into its spot.
What a pain in the ass a boat can be.
This morning is so cold for this area and very cold to be on a boat that is not put together for temps in the 20's. The islands are calling and I hope to get there sometime in the not too distant future. Sure don't want to stay here for the summer since I don't leave the boat and the AC between 8 in the morning and 8 at night. Too freaking hot and humid for me and my heatstroke prone self.

Jen sent me one of her plays to read and I was very impressed. She is a talented writer and of course a great voice on this thread. Way to go Jen!

DEEF!! wassup with you? How are you feeling?
Stormy! How goes it with your dad?
Linda! It's good to see from you!

Hi to everyone and I hope that everyone posts, like Mame says, so we all don't die of boredom!!

Love you guys way more than you'll ever know.

Incidentally, through the back channels, I have been told that my 'love for everyone' is bs. If someone thinks it's bs then they should go look in a mirror and ask themselves why. Why are you not deserving of love? Maybe you're mean and I make you uncomfortable?
Tough titty.


OH-I have a friend who has just put her mom in AL. Her mom is so mad at the kids and is very unhappy. My friend is thinking about finding a place she can have her mom move in with her. I am trying to tell her to give it time and maybe her mom will come around.That with the loss of her apartment and independence she is just angry and taking it out on them. I don't want to talk her out of caring for her mom but I am so afraid she doesn't know what she is getting herself into!! I completely understand her!!! I was in the same place 13 years ago when I quit my job and then 9 yrs ago when mom moved here. I gave her this website to come and read to give her some ideas on what can happen. I told her she really needs to be informed. Her family is great but we know that can change...or maybe it won't. I don't want to be all negative with her about it-but it is just so hard. She has a full time job and travels. I just think it will be too much for her. UGH. I just hope she gives it some time and that her mom will come around. Cause we all know that even if she reads this site she may still believe these things won't happen...and she may go ahead and take her mom in. And maybe she will be fine with it and have the daycare in place or the aides in place to come to her home and people to stay with her mom when she travels for her job and will all work out. Who am I to try and sway her one way or the other??? There must be some people out there who can roll with all the punches and resentment and loss of freedom and monotany and stress right? Who is to say she is not that person? I am really struggling here as to what to tell her and not to be too negative but get the point across that this is not an easy undertaking!!! I hope she comes to the AC site and reads!! And, I hope her mom comes around and starts to like her new home... I know you all understand. Mame

Oops-hit the submit button I guess.. The one bro who emailed me that I didn't expect to hear from stopped in on Sat! I was sooo surprised! We will see if the feeling lasts and he continues to stop in... Not holding my breath! Other bro is driving in today to see mom. He works weekends... Fine with me! Guess I said the right thing in my email! We'll see how long it lasts!
Mom woke up yesterday, got herself dressed and was so with it and energetic (in her own way)! I was so encouraged and wondered if the Nemenda is kicking in! All day she was great. She wanted to put shoes on-which she never does unless she is going out. She wears slippers around the house or just walks around in socks. Watching a movie last night-she seemed to really follow it-it was amazing! This morning she woke up, was talking to herself-"I don't know what I am going to do" etc. She was in distress so I went in and she was trying to put her shirt on over her nightie. She was TOTALLY confused and knew just about nothing! I rubbed her back and gave her some details of her life... I thought she was going to cry. I hugged her and told her she is safe and that I love her. She said she knew that. :) I got her to back to sleep for a little while. Hopefully when she wakes up again she will be more with it. I felt so bad for her. And after the great day she had yesterday-it was a real disappointment. Oh well...this is a roller coaster ride isn't it?!!!
Well, I hope you all have a decent day. Please post so I don't die of bordom!!! HAHA. Mame

Good morning. About 4 inches of snow fell last night. Light and fluffy-makes it look so clean and pretty out there. Have noticed some bulbs are coming up in my garden-so spring is springing-snow/cold or not!
Didn't see the movie! It stopped playing on Friday!!! We went out to lunch and roamed the mall for a bit. It was fun and good to get out.

Reading about all the going's on makes me feel fortunate that Ma is in such good shape and that I really have little to complain about. Thanks for being so honest-You guys are inspirational!

mame, hope you enjoyed the movie. I would love to see it. Read the Hobbit for the 1st time in the 6th grade. Love the other 3 books too.
Diane, sorry about your Mom. Hope you can get some sleep.

The Vick's thing is crazy but I just read if you cut an onion in half and rub it on your feet (soles of) you will taste it like and hour later! Probably soothes the skin too...

Well, we finally got some snow in our part of north carolina. We got maybe a half an inch to a inch, but it was kinda slushy but it stuck to the ground. We might get a little more tonight. I hope. Well, its time to bathe Connor so I will chat with ya'll later. Hugs Stormy

kuli, that is so true about a lot of people. Too bad there r not more people like us that look at the 'real-person' n not whats on the outside.

Jen, Sorry about your ole pup getting on up their in the age group. Yet, like u mention, 'his quality of life is good." I am a per lover myself n I fully understand.
I also agree 101% with Kuli that, "You are one of the most interesting, loving, beautiful people." that I have met online on this forum.
I hope you have a good weekend.
Kuli, I hope you have a good weekend too.

Thanks Meanwhile... Sometimes I wish I was alergic to alcohol!
Flex-glad you found some relief-what a strange thing to do! But if it works! Is your mom having any problems from the possible TIA? What made you think she was having one? I ask because my mom has those "vagal responses" and I have wondered if at times they were TIA's... I am so used to them now that I am afraid is she has a TIA I won't know. Anyway-hope you get to feeling better!
Jen-let us know how your rugalah turns out!
Good ones Cuz!
I did hear from 2 more was sheepish and started to say that he was going to come every.... blah blah blah. I said Look, I am not asking for life altering changes...just call mom... He admitted to wasting time on FB and I told him to waste 5 minutes and call. WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL!? The other bro has been very sick lately and I kinda felt bad-but he did call and he did tell me that they need to be kept on he said it was good I said what needed to be said... Probably no change there! But at least he acknowledged my email. I am not sure what I was hoping for....maybe nothing-maybe I was just mad and had to get it off my chest... This is her 9th year here...
Getting a little snow here today and going to be a cold week. The sun is still up at 5:30 in the eve now...I love when the days get longer...Hope springs eternal...haha My Blue Jays are back eating peanuts off the deck and yesterday a Titmouse took a peanut! I have never seen that before! I also have a pair of Goldfinches back. My neighbor says they have been at her feeder all winter-but not mine! So, I am taking it as a true sign of spring. :)
My oldest wants to take me to a movie today. I am not a big movie buff but since he asked I have to go! Hubby is going to hang with mom. We are going to see the Hobbit in 3D. He is a huge Lord of the Rings fan. He has read all the books several times! And seen all/owns all the movies. This is his second time to see the Hobbit altho first time in 3D. He cracks me up.
Well, hello to everyone out there! Hope you can have a moment for yourself today! Mame

Its 2am and I'm just getting home from the ER with mom. We think she had another TIA but really can't see anything new on the CAT scan. Luckily I had taken a little nap late this afternoon and I'm finally making some improvement on kicking this cold. I have to share this cough remedy I tried and as weird as it sounds, it WORKS! Rub Vick's on the bottom of your feet and put socks on and you can sleep without coughing!!!!! Last night I finally got a good nights sleep. Unfortunately for James I also snored all night :)
I will catch up with everyones post later today. Have a good night dear friends!

Mame, good for you. Sometimes I wish I could drink. (Allergic to alcohol). Cuz, thanks for the laughs. Hope everyone has a good weekend. Sorry to tired to post more. Jen good luck with your play. Your such a talented writer.

Why athletes can’t have regular jobs

1. Chicago Cubs outfielder Andre Dawson on being a role model:
“I wan’ all dem kids to do what I do, to look up to me. I wan’ all the kids to copulate me.”

2. New Orleans Saint RB George Rogers when asked about the upcoming season:
“I want to rush for 1,000 or 1,500 yards, whichever comes first..”

3. And, upon hearing Joe Jacobi of the ‘Skin’s say:
“I’d run over my own mother to win the Super Bowl,”
Matt Millen of the Raiders said: “To win, I’d run over Joe’s Mom, too.”

4. Torrin Polk, University of Houston receiver , on his coach, John Jenkins:
“He treat us like mens. He let us wear earrings..”

5. Football commentator and former player Joe Theismann: “Nobody in football should be called a genius. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein.”

6. Senior basketball player at the University of Pittsburgh : “I’m going to graduate on time, no matter how long it takes..”
(Now that is beautiful)

7. Bill Peterson, a Florida State football coach: “You guys line up alphabetically by height..”
And, “You guys pair up in groups of three, and then line up in a circle.”

8. Boxing promoter Dan Duva on Mike Tyson going to prison: “Why would anyone expect him to come out smarter? He went to prison for three years, not Princeton ..”

9. Stu Grimson, Chicago Blackhawks left wing, explaining why he keeps a color photo of himself above his locker:
“That’s so when I forget how to spell my name, I can still find my clothes.”

10. Lou Duva, veteran boxing trainer, on the Spartan training regimen of heavyweight Andrew Golota:
“He’s a guy who gets up at six o’clock in the morning, regardless of what time it is.”

11. Chuck Nevitt , North Carolina State basketball player , explaining to Coach Jim Valvano why he appeared nervous at practice:
“My sister’s expecting a baby, and I don’t know if I’m going to be an uncle or an aunt. (I wonder if his IQ ever hit room temperature in January)
12. Frank Layden , Utah Jazz president, on a former player:
“I asked him, ‘Son, what is it with you? Is it ignorance or apathy?’
He said, ‘Coach, I don’t know, and I don’t care.’”
13. Shelby Metcalf, basketball coach at Texas A&M, recounting what he told a player who received four F’s and one D:
“Son, looks to me like you’re spending too much time on one subject.”
14. In the words of NC State great Charles Shackelford: “I can go to my left or right, I am amphibious.”
15. Former Houston Oilers coach Bum Phillips when asked by Bob Costas why he takes his wife on all the road trips,
Phillips responded: “Because she’s too ugly to kiss good-bye.”

Groundhog day alright for weeks after months on end...

I'm gonna look up a rugalah recipee

Jen-you have such insight! Loved-"Lets all be grateful we are not on a cruise ship in Mobile right now...wait a minute, trapped in a smelly, annoying, stress inducing environment we can't control and trying to pass the time waiting for relief....???" And the commercial-just like the Disney movies...lalala Yea, that beast changed and they lived happily every after...HA! Bet they didn't! Guess I am bitter too.
Sent a snotty email to 4 siblings last night after some wine...not the best time to do that but I guess it gave me courage. One bro, who I did not expect to hear back from is the only one who responded! And he made no excuses and told me I was right! Not that he is going to do anything about it....but that is a step, I guess.
So, here we are given another day...I feel like the movie "Groundhog Day" ...don't know what to do to change to a new day....ugh...
Great joke Cuz. How you feelin Flex-any better? Was drinking with you in spirit last night Kuli! Beer belly here Linda! Maybe they meant phat-which means cool right? haha. Hey Deef! Hi Cat! Where's our captain?! Hello Bobbie and the rest of the crew! Mame

I ride that slippery slope with an inner tube....

Anyone else hate the new commercial from Kay Jewelers...

My God, "Care Giving" to sell jewelry. Better to sell time share vacation spots in tropic zones and therapy packages and anti-depressants..

Guy gives his wifie a necklace for letting his father move into their home and wifie says "It's his home too..." AaaWWWWWWWW.

The comment about buying head phone for the teenage daughter is telling. Get her loose clothing too.

Barf. Yes lovely sentiment, if you have not got a damn clue as too what is coming. The arguments the urine soaked floor, the hygiene refusals, resulting in family illness born of fecal matter all over everything, the loss of personal space, the increasing care needs, and the following resistance to admitting to them creating more hassle. In the couple situation, there will be the added strain of care giving, plus child rearing, plus work, equals less couple time and then he can be pissed he isn't getting laid enough after the wife spends all day changing his old mans diapers and waiting on him hand and foot, pureeing food stuffs, picking up his prescriptions, taking him to Dr appointments, doing his laundry, cleaning his room. Then the kids will feel put upon and ignored and resentful, blame the mother of course. Add to it the increase in bills as well, of course if he can afford the diamonds maybe that won't be an issue for them...

If he can afford the diamonds, invest in a good nursing facility near by....

Every Kiss Begins With Kay...Kiss my Ass....

Bitter Much?


Hey Jen: I know it's tricky, but the fat stuff just threw me. WTF, being fat is in the bible. I'm just use to the normal stuff about gays, other religions and who ever has a wild hair to interpret a passage to support their current rant. It's a slippery slope my friend.

It's all tricky stuff cattails, that's why it endures, all the religious dogma alternately encourage and condemn all things. Keeps people busy.

"Do not worry about the bible and fat stuff" What a relief. Thanks Jen for clearing that up. I didn't know if I should stop eating or get reverse liposuction. That bible has some tricky shit it in.

Quiet here, do not worry about bible and fat stuff over it, agree with kuli...

Lets all be grateful we are not on a cruise ship in Mobile right now...wait a minute, trapped in a smelly, annoying, stress inducing environment we can't control and trying to pass the time waiting for relief....???

Linda, if I could get drunk..........I'd come right over...

Gonzaga won their basketball game against St. Mary's so that's good.

I sent a synopsis of my new play to NYC theatre contest, any feed back would be good.

Good One cuz pahahahaahaa

Jack wakes up with a huge hangover after attending his company's Holiday Party. Jack is not normally a drinker, but the drinks didn't taste like alcohol at all. He didn't even remember how he got home from the party. As bad as he was feeling, he wondered if he did something wrong.

Jack had to force himself to open his eyes, and the first thing he sees is a couple of aspirins next to a glass of water on the side table. And, next to them, a single red rose!! Jack sits up and sees his clothing in front of him, all clean and pressed. He looks around the room and sees that it is in perfect order, spotlessly clean. So is the rest of the house.

He takes the aspirins, cringes when he sees a huge black eye staring back at him in the bathroom mirror. Then he notices a note hanging on the corner of the mirror written in red with little hearts on it and a kiss mark from his wife in lipstick: "Honey, breakfast is on the stove, I left early to get groceries to make you your favorite dinner tonight. I love you, darling! Love, Jillian"

He stumbles to the kitchen and sure enough, there is hot breakfast, steaming hot coffee and the morning newspaper.

His son is also at the table, eating.

Jack asks, "Son... what happened last night?"

"Well, you came home after 3 A.M., drunk and out of your mind. You fell over the coffee table and broke it, and then you puked in the hallway, and got that black eye when you ran into the door."

Confused, he asked his son, "So, why is everything in such perfect
order and so clean? I have a rose, and breakfast is on the table waiting for me??"

His son replies, "Oh THAT...Mom dragged you to the bedroom, and when she tried to take your pants off, you screamed, "Leave me alone, I'm married!!"

Broken Coffee Table $239.99
Hot Breakfast $4.20
Two Aspirins $.38
Saying the right thing, at the right time...PRICELESS

Suffice it to say that another "holiday" has gone by and we caregivers have had just another day in the life??? Same old same old... Sent a snotty email to the siblings who couldn't even call mom on this "holiday" yet they have time for Facebook and all their political rants...Ugh... Whatever... tomorrow is another day...

I'll toast u with my glass of wine, LindaH! Happy V Day to you!!!!

ah get drunk ! well how about that , i ll have a beer belly thats fat !
happy valentine to u all !

Jen - I think too many people focus on what someone looks like than what's on the inside. I, myself, look at what's inside. You - you, my friend, are one of the most interesting, loving, beautiful people I have ever known and I know nothing about what's on the outside, ONLY what's on the inside! Happy Valentine's day, Jen. Love ya, Kuli

Have a Pug goin on 14 here, not sure how much longer he seems really old but his quality of life is good....

It's day for fat insults I guess, my pen pal ( a "former" anorexic) sent one today that equated fat with evil and sin...right what ever...

here's a bit of the bible on fat I found on line:

What the Bible says about Fat People

First of all, it is important to understand that God really likes fat. So I suppose he likes fat people, too. (He's probably overweight himself.)

All the fat is the Lord's. -- Leviticus 3:16

Even God's sword is fat (and bloody).

The sword of the LORD is filled with blood, it is made fat with fatness. -- Isaiah 34:6

God even likes fat animals. He plans to feed people to to them to make them nice and fat.

Thus saith the Lord GOD; Speak unto every feathered fowl, and to every beast of the field ... Ye shall eat the flesh of the mighty, and drink the blood of the princes of the earth ... And ye shall eat fat till ye be full, and drink blood till ye be drunken, of my sacrifice which I have sacrificed for you. -- Ezekiel 39:17-19

God makes the diligent fat. (Lazy people are always skinny.)

The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat. -- Proverbs 13:4

God makes liberals fat, too. (I guess religious liberals should be the fattest of all.)

The liberal soul shall be made fat. -- Proverbs 11:25

If you put your trust in God, he will make you fat.

He that putteth his trust in the LORD shall be made fat. -- Proverbs 28:25

Being fat is is sure sign of righteousnous in the eyes of God.

The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree ... they shall be fat and flourishing. -- Psalm 92:12-14

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