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{{{{Hugs}}}} to you all this Valentine's Day!!!

Was hoping you would be over this by now Flex!!! Poor thing.
Cat-good one!
Linda-I am always happy to see my first Robin! None here yet but the Goldfinches are back at my feeder!
Sorry about your Aunt Deef but glad you got to see your other relatives.
Enjoy the sun Jen!
How you doin Meanwhile? Hi Stormy, Lildeb, Bobbie, Cuz. Austin?Judy? wasup???
Emergency visit to the vet yesterday. Dog is fine but has a sore wrist...could be arthritis-he is 11 or as the chart shows 72 in human years.He is on doggie advil now...and ice... Like the visit and meds weren't enough $-the vet says, "Ya know, sometimes this is just arthritis but sometimes it is bone cancer. We should do an xray." So I ask what we do if it is bone cancer. She says that they can amputate the leg but it isn't as easy for the dog if it is a front leg as a back. And, usually if it is in one bone it is in, the dog probably only has 6 months to live" Well then! Thank you for that! I guess I will take my chances that he just got stepped on by the puppy I watch and he will be fine in a few days! And hope for the best of course! Good God! I swear they just want your $$. The dog is already better today. So, we will see! We do get 10 days off from puppy sitting tho so it can heal!!
My sweet bro who helps me with mom a lot, brought flowers and a card to mom last night...she was so happy! We put them on a table in her living room where she could see them from her bedroom when she went to bed... It will be interesting if she sees them first thing this morning and remembers. We'll see!
Well, I hope everyone does ok today! Mame

Hey everyone, Just stopping by to wish all of you a Happy Valentine's Day!!! Love and Hugs Stormy!!!

A friend who knows my dad's family hails from Wales, UK sent me this. Thought you might enjoy it.

I was at the bar the other night and overheard three very hefty women
talking at the bar.

Their accent appeared to be Scottish, so I approached and asked, "Hello,
are you three lassies from Scotland?"

One of them angrily screeched, "It's Wales, Wales you bloody idiot!"

So I apologized and replied, "I am so sorry. Are you three whales from

And that's the last thing I remember.

Take care deef get some rest! Sending sun shine there, you should get it tomorrow....

Hey everyone! Will post tomorrow. Right now just tired and need to get to bed. Found out late yesterday that my aunt, dad's oldest sister died on Saturday. Husband saw the obit online. So I called all my sibs to let them know that the calling hours were last night and the funeral this morning. I was home with mom last night. so my youngest sister and 2 brothers went to the wake. my husband and I went to the mass this morning and I went to the cemetery and then to the lunch afterwards. it was nice seeing my dad's remaining 2 sisters and 1 brother. talked for a couple hours then came home to mounds of laundry and errands to run.
Rip called to talk and then I was on the phone with my oldest sister. It was her Godmother that passed and she is in Virginia, so I related everything that was discussed with dad's family. It sure sucks to get old! talk to you all tomorrow!!

Still coughing, have a fever and blowing my nose like crazy. Fun, fun fun.....not

Gah the toilet paper thing! that she told you why helps but that she won't put it in the garbage not cool could you get a little can and say it is especially for the tp?

OK here. sunny day.

lilde - my mil has the same pblm about toilet paper , she refuses to drop it in the toliet too . back then they know not to put in the toilet cuz it ll plug up . she too throws a wad of it anywhere ! even tho the trash can is right next to her . i cry everytime i see it here and there and amazes me its over there ! im always afraid to pick it up . the worst part is she keeps em in her hand , wipe down my kitchen table ohh lala stove too ! she does that alot with her socks too .
she also spits mucus in her hand and flung it where ever it lands at . im scared of her house .. bless my brother in law . he has to deal with her 24-7 , all the time going to bathroom . bladder pblms .
it be about time for me and my daughter to go release my bil so he can get a break .
saw robins birds , yippy that means its gonna be warmin up real soon , heard the cold fronts comin too , ah i know spring is right around the corner . am so ready .

meawhile - sorry for you loss ..
a old friend of mine takes care of her mother . lived with her 8 mos now . found her mom dead this morning . she died in her sleep . shes in her late 80 s . a pleasant way to go . she even had dr s appt today for a check up ,
u all take care , wheres austin ?? xoxo

Morning. Somehow I have become the Dog sitter. I suppose I have done this to myself but it is funny how things snowball! Hard to say no when you are here all the time...not like it matters having an extra dog or two around!

Flex, soooo sorry you are still sick and have to bring mom back. That totally sucks.
Lildeb-my mom hides things but nothing like that!!! ICK! Maybe she had a toilet problem when she was young and is remembering that...who knows??!
Jen-hope you feel better! Ginger ale jelly beans?? Yum!
Hi Cat! How are you doing?
Hi Stormy!
Bobbie that is one way to catch some Oysters!!! haha
Meanwhile-that is wierd...but this rollercoaster ride sure has some twists and turns we can't figure out!
Hey Cuz! Hubby is still looking up jokes in his spare time-the punnier the better!

Was really starting to fall into the black hole yesterday...after doing pretty good for a couple weeks. I am a little better today... It is just the winter doldrums, being down a car and feeling trapped cause hubby got in a little fender bender-in the good car! ugh. Stupid things siblings say... some days I can just let it roll off my back.... ahhh well. Mom woke up early this morning and asked me who I was...I went thru the whole mantra I do everytime she asks...and she says, "Do all you kids get along-or do you fight?" HAHA....Always the mom!
Love and hugs to all you out there! Mame

Lil' deb- I wish I could give you some suggestions about your mil and the bathroom problem. I don't see how in the world she can balance to get herself on the toilet like that. I would have already fallen in the toilet. I'm sorry I couldn't have been of more help. Good Luck with finding a solution.
Diane- I hope you feel better tomorrow.
Deef- Well, did you get on top of the roof? And is the snow starting to melt some? Play in the fluffy stuff for me cause it looks like we aren't going to get any again this year. Be safe!
Cat- I'm glad that you had a good birthday!
Jen- I hope you get to feeling better soon.
Bobbie- I heard you got boat time, Congratulations to the captain!!!
Meanwhile- I think cat is right, you just have to go with your gut feeling about when they are being for real or when they are just doing it for attention. I'm sure her crying wolf all those years does make it difficult for you to tell when she is telling you the truth.
I hope all of ya'll have a good nite and a great wednesday(hump day). Love and hugs stormy.

Lildeb, sometimes I am very greatful mom can't get around by herself. At least I know she isn't moving once I put her in bed. The worst she can do is throw things or try hit & kick you. I just tucked mom in and I'm heading to bed too. Good night everyone

Jen,that is just too much n creative. lol. Thanks. ; )
I caught the mil again standing or squatted on the toilet seat like a freaking monkey. Why oh why? It drives me crazy n scares the shit out of me! I told her that people just don't do that! If you slip n fall, your head n body is going to go through that sliding glass shower door n onto that ceramic hard floor. Then, u will probable crack your skull open n be in a freaking NH! I told her I cannot help u once u crack your freaking noggin. Being she has done it before, I thought maybe if I scare the shit out of her that of me not around if she cracks her head that, just maybe she won't do it again. I know wishful thinking. I can put things for safety so she don't fall n slip in bathtub but I don't see anything to prevent her from standing on toilet-squatting with her feat on the seat like a freaking monkey. I just don't see it anywhere. Give me strength n patience.

Now, the wooden toilet seat has broken on one end of the connections so, we will have to replace it. This is probable why her gutt/butt hurts for she is straining or plucking poo out.
What the hell am I suppose to do with that problem. She cannot be constipated for she is on a prescription Miralax twice a day everyday. Plus eating whole grain bread with white turkey, n a glass of apple juices once a day too.

I also, had the pleasure of finding tons of USED wadded-up toilet paper stuffed in her shoes in the shoe bag hanging on her closet door. So, this is about 20th time so I just took the freaking shoe rack out of the room n most of the shoes too. I left four pair in their for her. Of course,as i was cleaning I found wadded up toilet paper behind toilet? behind the dresser drawer n etc. I asked ? why n she said, "she afraid it will clog up the toilet." She has been told it will not before. She never worried about that when she didn't have alz. so why is that bothering her now? So, now I have to go around an disinfect those areas for they were used toilet wads, Yuck!

I finally got the house mopped n vacuum and a load of clothes done today. I started thinking about us sneezing so took a peek-a-poo at the filter n the house. A whopping 20x30x1 filter n they can get expensive so, I took my vacuum cleaner, attached the hose n vacuum away the dust n re-inserted the sucker back in the vent. Just saved us $10.00- $14.00 bucks. I will probable have to change it next time.
Any suggestion with the mil n squatting on toilet seat with her feet, please throw me a few freaking bones. Help for I am going insane.
I hope everyone else had a better day than I.

Hey Meanwhile: Just saying, trust your gut. You know your situation better than anyone, but if you feel you can't cope with your mom's constant need, then please don't try. She might be happier somewhere where there was a staff to address her needs. Not suggesting I know more than you, just saying trust your gut.

Jen, that was great. (the oil slick pants).
Oysters for dinner Bobbie?
Diane, hope you get to feeling better.
Didn't have to work today, yeah. but have to get ready for work tomorrow. Mother is walking around like normal. I just don't know what to do with her. Even when my sister and I were very young, I can remember my mother playing the invalid. Then after awhile she gets tired of it and gets moving again. She has cried wolf so many times in her life, won't know when there really is something wrong with her.

Bwaha you picked oysters out? can you eat them or contaminated like?

sick last night here too Diane, but not dealing with fp. duct tape for her and rest for you...prescription

had to join facebook to sing up to win the Jelly Belly contest. ginger ale...secret flavor.

Oh Diane.
We're all pulling for you.
Everybody stay as sane as you can.

Just picked little oysters out of the main engine strainer basket.
That is one bad rinse cycle.

A little progress every day.

Boat. Hahaha.


Mom comes home today and I'm sick as a dog. God help me

I love you Jen. You are wonderful.

Did you ever get the boat pic?


oil slicked pants, oil slicked pants
Once upon a time bout a year or so ago
I discovered the lure of fashion and I am here to let you know
They say, some do, that beauty is pain, and in the eye beheld
But I'm here to warn ya now, by fad you can be felled
It ain't no bell-bottoms, plaid, colors, or stripe,
It was a truly incendiary choice I made one summer night
oil slicked pants oil slicked pants
Wore my shiny new togs to the ol'e barn dance
I arrived in good time found me a seat and some wine
Smilin' and beguiling justa waitn' for my chance
oil slicked pants oil slicked pants
I knew I was styling in my Crisco seamed jeans as
I gazed about the room an' I took in the scene
oil slicked pants oil slicked pants
I saw her a standin just there by the door
so a sidled up to her once I had crossed the floor
but them oil slicked pants had a mind of their own
and next thing I found I was half way home
Some cast off ciggy with the butt still a glow
rode gravity and fate and landed at my toes
then them fumes from my pants set my ass alight
and the whole of West County saw as I took flight
oil slick pants oil slick pants
I crossed ore' the moon such a blazzin sight to see
Them damn pre greased flamin drawers got the best of me
By the time I hit ground bare, burnt and deflated
I knew in that moment greased pants is Over-Rated
No matter the tag line, or honey voiced rants
You'll never agin' see me buyin no Oil Slicked Pants....

Jen. who Clearly has nothing better to do!

I am making my Grape Jam made by Deef last here....last one, of Xmas giftie.

Somewhere there is a song in "Oil Slicked Pants" I am hearin it here....

Deef, sorry about your arthritis. Hope you are feeling better. We have 6 grape vines, 2 are seedless concords and 4 are seedless red grapes. They grow really well here. We usually get over 100 pounds of grapes from those 6 vines, and all I do is water them. No spray, no fertilizer. We mostly make a lot of grape juice and can it.

bobbie check your e-mail. I gave you a number. They were coming back from the Keys and stopped in Daytona for a couple of days. They have turned around 2600 miles so far.
We got about a foot of snow last friday and maybe another 1" since then. Temp has been around mid 30's with a 22 mph wind all day. I shoveled a roof Sunday for a friend and it took me and the wife over 4 hours. We need some more snow to suplement the social security. This fixed income crap stinks.

Jen, that was too funny about dumping him off anyway for he doesn't care if he is killing you. That is way I feel about the mil when it's that one day a wk for 4 hours respite break. Of course for the last few wks she hasn't been going for it's been one health thing after another with her. She did manage couple hrs last week. She will be going this Wed for i need it to do the errands without her under my skin. ; )

Shirley, Sorry for your loss. Sending you cyber hugs n prayers.

Deefer, home-made jelly n jam is very good. I stop by somewhere near Valdosta, GA called, The Plantation when visiting my family in n FL just to buy some Fig jam jelly with ginger n its so good. Fresh grapes sound tasty too n without all those nasty pesticides. Sorry to hear your hands r hurting from digging all through that snow. Good grief! up to your thigh area is very deep. Is their anything u can take that will help relieve the pain? I think sitting n front of the t.v. n staying warm is an excellent idea. Of course, n between the mom calling you or u having to check n on her.
We just have 100% rain today n 90% tomorrow. I think the north n south area of GA got the most rainfall. We do have an area where their is a dip n the road where cars have stalled due to tons of rain water. Try to stay warm.

Bob, it's amazing how we all learned these little tricks n trades n they help pay off.. Now, don't get too greasy, we don't won't to be reading on the news, 'person slid right off a boat due to oil slicked pants.' lol
I hope everyone else n northern snowy area are staying safe n warm. Everyone else I hope y'all have a good night rest.

Sorry about your step mother meanwhile. Reactions not too surprising. A, men do not generally handle death and loss and emotional pain well, and B, if he really loved her, he may not have been able to "watch" her fade, you know. Some people just do do dying....
fp sister is possibly on her last bit of time here as well, only met her once myself. but they were close. Not saying anything to him till we know, they are in CA.

Bobbie!!! You are the boat!! How about when we get our boat time, we pamper you! It's the least we can do when you are offering your boat for respite time. I know just being away from here will be enough for me. I will gladly pamper you for a few days just for the privilege of being on the "BOAT"!!!!

Bobbie-Boat Time!!!! hahahaha... can one of us be captain for a day???

Ha. I really did get boat time!
Deef! Glad you're taking a day.


Good Morning Crew,

Have been in Lurk Mode but carrying my phone all around hoping for a call from my cousin Mike. (Our Cuz's brother.) I know that they have got to be busy and Orlando is a ways from here and I am just glad that they get to all hang out together and hope Mike is hitting all the fun spots. Or, if he's anything like me, he's holed up in a hotel watching good tube.
Ahhhh. A break.

One day Cuz!

It's been gratifying to read all of your posts and how things are progressing for us as caregivers and how we all move through the different phases of this journey.

From snow angels during the historic snowstorm at Deef's house to ranch angels yanking a bale of alfalfa out of a pickup with the fencepost trick, we've got it all.

You guys continually amaze me.

Boat time for me. Let me put greasy pants on.


Mame, No walking in snow for me! I'm only 5'1" and the snow here is up ti my thighs!
It's raining now, but was snowing then freezing earlier. Most towns are no school or 2 hour delay, but not here. Mom is at daycare. I guess Conn has a good stretch of I-91 shut down due to icing. Need to keep an eye on things around here water wise. May need to keep things moving away from the house. Don't want water in the cellar! My hands and forearms are throbbing today. Too much shoveling has my arthritis screaming! I was going to get some things done today, but guess I'll take it easy and sit in front of the TV for awhile.
Hope everyone has a decent day today!

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