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Mom was up at 6am today. Quite unusual. I begged her to go back to sleep and she did till 8. If she gets up too early-her whole day is nodding off on the couch and she is miserable. Today-she has a real purpose though. She has to watch the news and EWTN to see every bit of info she can get on the Pope resigning. She just informed me that EWTN will have some special tonight that she can't miss. Funny how some things snap her right back!
I must admit that I am happy that the Pope has the reasoning and forethought to resign before he is incapacitated. I thought they had to be Pope till they died-whatever their mental state! Can you imagine?? haha
Been walking in the snow and wow! What a work out! Out in the woods with no pathes made-really makes you lift those legs high! The dogs are happy too.

Meanwhile-so sorry about your step mom. So nice of you to be there for your step sis to talk to.
How you feeling Flex? Hope you have a few moments-or more-of feeling good before mom comes back.
Jen-you are right-winter was a blast when we were 10!!! So many ppl are talking about Downton Abby that I cued it up in our Netflix and am going to watch it from the beginning. Hope we love it too!
Deef-that jam sound yummy! My mother never canned so I never learned. We made pies out of the different berry bushes that are around....
Lildeb-hope you are not getting sick! Stay dry in that rain!
Miz-so sorry about your mom....and happy that you have found something wonderful to do in her honor! And your kids being involved is super!
Hello Yogi! And hello to everyone else out there lurking! And hello to all the regulars writers!
"Mame, they are talking about the Pope...come watch." will be all I hear today!!! Have a decent day all! Mame :)

Shirley, sorry to hear about your stepmom.
What kind of grapes do you grow? I have a huge concord grape vine that we make jam with every summer. Better than Welch's! I'm sure that when you finish at the lawyers, your mind will rest easier. I can fix and do a lot of things, but I don't mess with cars! Would rather pay someone my last dollar to do that. Sure wish I had learned how though!
Jen, I order all of Mom's wheelchair gadgets and other medical assisting devices online. It's way cheaper than a medical supply store and most offer free shipping and very prompt service. If you can't find something, you may be using the wrong term for it, so keeping trying different descriptions until you find what you are looking for.
Bobbie!!! How's that boat coming along?
I see Mom is stirring, Better go check on her!

Stepmother passed away Friday night. My stepsister didn't call and tell me until Sunday morning. Don't blame her. It isn't a fun call to make. Besides her brother just went to pieces, and she was up all night trying to console him. He probably feels guilty, since he visited his mom maybe twice a year, while my stepsister spent every weekend cleaning and taking care of everything. Of course, my stepbrother was his mothers favorite, go figure.
Got the oil changed in my car today. My step dad taught me how to do that when I was a teenager, and I enjoy doing it. It is cooler here today, but the wind has died down, so not bad. Got the grapes pruned this afternoon.
Had better get to bed, have an appointment with a lawyer in the morning to file my late husbands will. Have been putting that job off.
Take care everyone. Shirley

Lil is right, internet is a godsend for being a clearing house for elder care gear...I mean till about 2017 the average store just isn't gonna cover a lot of this "specialty stuff". Have had mail order catalogs that go online and it is very quick with the credit card. Can find stuff under disability or specifically home care needs.

Same old here, but no snow, will send sun shine to East Coast! For everyone digging out. Only had two winters like that in my life too. Once about six or seven years ago? and once when I was about 10. It were way more fun at ten!
Go sledding Deef tell us how it went!!!
Diane sorry your mom got upset about respite, I can't imagine, ONE: No way mom will do it, TWO: I wouldn't care if he got upset we "dumped him off". He doesn't care he is killing us.

Just waiting for Dowton Abbey here. Like the new Sanjay Gupta series Monday Mornings so far too. Hope it doesn't turn into L A Law.

Good week everyone, how ever you make it! Jen

Deef, that is pretty bad where u have to dig out to find your car. That is a lot of snow n after all that shoveling u ort to be sleeping real good fashion. Sorry that you r sore n I can see why.
As for the toilet seat cover, I see what you mean but after I went back n read about it some more, it suppose to be just a 'soft cover' that u can stretch over the toilet seat. Supposedly, u can stretch it back off the seat n wash it as well. Not sure if it will be more work than what it is worth. I am not sure if it will crack either for I don't need to add any problems for her either.
I thought I had a website so someone could check it out too but now I don't see it n my previous post above. I am going try again.
It's pouring down rain n thundering tonight. I hope it done with by tomorrow for I don't won't to have to drag both of us n the rain n get sick. Both of us r already been sneezing n I have a slight sore throat. Of course that can be from the acid relux.

Msdaisy, no need to apologize. I may not comment much on what you write but it interests me about your journey. I am so glad that you found volunteering to be so satisfying. I like hearing about how peoples days are going. Whether good or bad. I try to be supportive when I can yet sit quietly in the background reading all the advice and opinions and suggestions. So many marvelous people on this site. Blessings

Mzdaisy, sorry for your loss, but it sounds like you have found something that will get you back on track.! Good luck

It was a month ago yesterday that mom passed away...I was starting to feel a little sorry for myself. But decided I wasn't going to do that..I needed to get out of the house and focus on something else.
Last week the local elementary school burned down over was a total loss. I know it wasn't the school my kids went to, but they did have a connection with one of the teachers at that school. In fact when the local news were reporting on it, we saw him on camera. Both of my kids 19 and 18 years old and my nephew almost 18, had Mr. D. for a 5th grade teacher.
After seeing the devastation at the school, the kids and I wanted to do something. So we gathered up books and school supplies and met up with Mr. D. in a portable classroom and stayed there for 4 hours helping him set up his new class. It was so fun and wonderful to do something selfless for someone. He so greatly appreciated it and gave me a sense of pride that my kids were there doing the work right beside me. They made me realize that my mom's legacy of love is caring is in them too.
After the afternoon was over we went back home and talked about the day. We all talked about volunteering more. I think that is where my path is taking me...back to school to volunteer. The satisfaction it gave me yesterday made my heart smile. I l loved it when my kids were smaller and yesterday brought it all back. I know I am rattling on...sorry about that but I just wanted to share my day. Thanks for listening. God Bless.

Woke up to -1 this morning, but now it's in the mid 20's. Need to get out soon and finish cleaning up before the messy rain gets here tomorrow! Sore and aching today, but once I get outside things will loosen up again.
Athena, sounds like the Clorox commercial with the little boy who finally goes by himself. Proudly tells his mom what he has done and she goes to look in the toilet and finds nothing. Then he points to the tub and she grabs the Clorox!
Mame, 8" sounds pretty good to me right about now!
Meanwhile, I used to have lop eared rabbits and would by a bale of hau for the once and a while. The regular size ones are pretty heavy, but that one you got is monstrous! One of my younger sisters has 2 horses and gets hay deliveries that she stores in the barn. She used to live at and work on a horse rescue farm. They boarded her horses in exchange for her work. She would get up at 5 every morning and do her work there, then head to her main job as head of grounds and facilities for a local bank. I don't know how she did all that! Sorry about your step mom. Hope they can do something to make her comfortable.
LilDeb, I don't care for those soft toilet seats. Just me, but I would think as they start to get some wear, that they would be a good breeding ground for bacteria. That's just my opinion. Plus when it's hot, I imagine my butt sticking to it!
Susan!!!! How are you? Hope California is working out for you! Do you have a job and place of your own yet? So glad to here from you and don't you feel guilty about missing out on this mess! If you were home, you would have it much worse than us and would probably have no power for days. Be glad you are way out there in the warm sun!
Diane, sure hope you are feeling better today! A cold is bad enough, but add asthma on top of that and it's a nightmare!
Time to get Mom some lunch and then get going outside. Have to clean the snow off the pool cover. Don't want all that extra weight on it when it rains!

Deef, have fun sledding tomorrow. That sounds like so much fun. Deb, I bought my mother a padded toilet seat for her birthday. Got it at the hardware store.
Diane, hope you get to feeling better. If your Mom was in her right mind, I know she would want you to take care of yourself first.


Two women were sitting next to each other at a bar. After a while, one looks at the other and says, 'I can't help but think, from listening to you, that you're from Ireland .'

The other woman responds proudly, 'Yes, I sure am!'

The first one says, 'So am I! And where about in Ireland are ya from?'

The other woman answers, 'I'm from Dublin , I am.'

The first one responds, 'So, am I!! And what street did you live on in Dublin ?'

The other woman says, 'A lovely little area. It was in the west end. I lived on Warbury Street in the old central part of town.'

The first one says, 'Faith and begorrah it's a small world. So did I! So did I! And what school did ya go to?'

The other woman answers, 'Well now, I went to Holy Heart of Mary, of course.'

The first one gets really excited and says, 'And so did I! Tell me, what year did you graduate?'

The other woman answers, 'Well, now, let's see. I graduated in 1964.'

The first woman exclaims, 'The Good Lord must be smiling down upon us! I can hardly believe our good luck at winding up in the same pub tonight! Can you believe it? I graduated from Holy Heart of Mary in 1964 me self!'

About this time, Michael walks into the bar, sits down, and orders a beer.

Brian, the bartender, walks over to Michael shaking his head and mutters, 'It's going to be a long night tonight.'

Michael asks, 'Why do you say that, Brian?'

Brian answers, 'The Flanagan twins are drunk again!'

Deef! That storm was crazy! I kinda feel guilty that I'm not in Mass shovelling!

Took 5 of us 6 hours to clean out around the house. 2 hours just to dig out the cars! there is so much snow that we only plowed a narrow path down the sidewalk in front of the house. The rest is a 4 foot high pile of snow from the road and sidewalks. Exhausted and going to bed after I feed the cats. It's 12 degrees out and the stars are shining bright, but at last, the nasty wind we had all day has died down for the night. We have another couple hours of cleanup to do tomorrow so the rain doesn't cause damage on Monday. Definitely the most snow from one storm since 1978. I may even go sledding tomorrow! Got to do that at least once every winter. Night everyone. I'm falling asleep where I sit!

Mame, she goes one too many times to the bathroom for me to stay behind her. I thought about moving this door from r hall way so I can catch her when she does go into the bathroom. I bet out of a whole day that, she has probable went to the bathroom over 30-50 times for what ever reason.
That snow has already killed a little boy while he was in a car, while his dad was shoveling snow. Then, I think it said he went into cardiac-arrest. Prayers for that family. Plus, a lot of them without power.
That was the name of them, 'Dirt-devils.'
Shirley, sorry that your SM not doing good. Respirator n dialysis don't sound good. Prayers for your family n SM. On the other hand, that is good news that your mom is trying to get up n walk a little on her own. I hope u have a nice weekend.

Anyone every hear about a "toilet seat cover?" Not the tissue type or the plastic toilet seats for they get cracked n can hurt. Shoot, here is the webpage that I found one place that carries them, easycomforts.
I was thinking about ordering it for the mil for she always complains the toilet seat is either too cold or too hard for her. Anyone else ever use one of these things?

Hi Crew,

I'm still coughing and spluttering. My asthma kicked in through the night so I woke up at 4am unable to breathe. Thankfully my inhaler got me going again. Mom is still at the Presbyterian Home. She still isn't a happy camper, but I need to get some rest and kick this crud! My brother is such a wimp he won't visit mom because he is afraid she will beg him to take her home. Mom told the pastor today that the food tasted like sawdust and didn't taste like that man's cooking (meaning James). James had a good chuckle when he heard that.
Jen, I was thinking about you as I ate my chinese food tonight. I ordered in because I didn't want to cook or to go out. It's only 7:30pm but I think my bed is calling. Good night dear ones.

Wind is still howling here, but 70 degrees. I would like to see that much snow, but not for very long. Hope everyone's power stays on.
Indio helped me haul 1200 pounds of hay home for the horses. It was all in one big bale. Tied it to the gate post to pull it out of the truck, then used the truck to push it in the barn.
Still waiting for news about my stepmother. Her son has to make the decisions, I can sit here and say I would do it differently, but wouldn't want to be in his shoes right now either.

Good morning!

Athena-it is great how our perspective of gross changes over time! Things that made us gag-do so no longer.... Thank God!

Deef-Snowachussets! Love it! Be careful!!! Glad the snow is fluffy tho. I thought it would be wet so close to the ocean.

Cuz-stealing the joke about WORK for my Facebook page! I read your jokes to hubby and now he is looking jokes up on the internet! Thanks for the silliness!

We got about 8 inches like they said we would. Snowplows woke me up about 4am. UGH. Mom, the dog, snoring hubby, is alwasy something! It looks pretty out there. Wish we weren't so far on the outskirts of the storm! Supposed to rain Monday...yuck. There is something so pleasant about a freshly fallen snow...glad you got to make snow angels Deef!

How you feeling today Flex?? Austin, Bobbie, Lildeb, Stormy, Cat, Jen, Linda, Sharyn, Meanwhile-how you all doin? Anyone else I missed-hello! Drop us a note-or two letters-what did Bobbie say-LM-(that is for Lurking Mode I presume??) Have a decent day. Mame

A rubber band pistol
was confiscated from Algebra class
because it was a weapon of math diruption...

Holy sh!t!!! Just got up about 15 minutes ago.What a mess!!!!! Haven't seen this much snow all at one time, in years!!! There must be 3 feet of snow blown up against the front of the house and my car is buried! Correction, I just went out the front door and the pile snow pushed back from the street is closer to 3 1/2 feet deep and a good 5 feet across from the front steps. Don't know how we will get all this cleaned up, but more importantly, where we will put it all!
If I was 30 years younger, I would have no problem and would already be out there pecking away at the snow.
It's still coming down and blowing like crazy, so I'm going to sit with my coffee and just admire the view for now. Got the camera charged up and ready for picture taking. I will try to get some onto the FB page of the group later today, that is if I'm still breathing!!
Holy Snowachusettes!!!

I always thought a yard was three feet, then I bought a house and had to start mowing the lawn.

Ther is a dangerous virus being passed around electronically,
orally and by hand... This virus is called
Weary-Overload=Recreational-Killer (WORK). If you recieve
WORK from any of your colleages, your boss or anyone else
via any means, DO NOT TOUCH IT. This virus will wipe
out your private life completly.

If you should come into contact with WORK, put your
jacket on and take two good friends to the nearest
grocery store. Purchase the antidote known as
Work-Isolating-Neutralizer-Extract (WINE) or
Bothersome-Employer-Elimination-Rebooter (BEER).
Take the antidote repeatedly until WORK has been
completely eliminated from your system.

Noticing one of her students
was making faces at the
other children, Mrs Smith
smiled sweetly and said,
"Johnny, when I was a child,
I was told that is I made
ugly faces, that my face
would freeze that way."

Johnny looked up and
replied, "Well, Mrs Smith,
you can't say they didn't
warn you."

Followed mom to the bathroom in the middle of the night; she was coming out of the bathroom by the time I got there; when I got her back to bed, I went to go to use the bathroom myself, and noticed that the, um, scent was way stronger than it should have been...turned on the light and looked around: Aww, no! She had, instead of using the toilet, sat on the edge of the bathtub and deposited a big one. *Sigh* I must be adapting faster than I thought, because my first thought was "Eww!" and my second thought fast on the heels of the first one was "Thank God it's where it will be easy to clean up!" *Laughs at absurdity of the situation*^^

" The best measure of a mans honesty isn't his income tax
return. It's the zero adjust on his bathroom scale."

I wear glasses so I
can look for things
I keep losing.

Man is incomplete until he
marries, then he is finished.

We got 12" over night here in Michigan. Blew out the driveway and sidewalks for the whole court. Then I shoveled the roof again. It was some heavy s---. The I drove 23 miles south and raked my sister-in-laws roof, she had maybe 12" +. That took me 4 hours. The temp was around 36 so ya didn't need the coat on while pulling the rake.
bobbie Mike and ma are down in Orlando tonight. Ma is staying with Carolyn and Mike is in a motel. So far they are having a great time. Talked about going to the Keys. I think Uncle Harolds son Bob lives down there somewhere. He got your number so who knows when he will hook up with you. Wish we could make the journey but someday. Love ya Cuz

Just got back inside from making my first official Snow Angel of 2013!!! Took pictures and e-mailed out to Jen, Bobbie and Rip. Hard to see as everything is so white and the snow is coming down in buckets now. No dirt devils here, but plenty of snow angels flying around. I shoveled the front walk as an excuse to go out and play. I couldn't stand looking out at all that beautiful snow. I would have taken a walk, but the wind is whipping so hard, it takes the breath right out of your mouth! So peaceful with no traffic or noise except for the storm. Wish I still had my cross country skis! I'd be heading down the road right this very minute! Husband is whining about all the snow and cold. Wimp!!! we have about 8" already.
Daughter got home fine as we only had about a half inch at that point. She said the roads were wet from all the traffic heading home so they could be off the roads by 4PM. LilDeb, yes, Mame is right, sit with MIL when she is in the bathroom. Safer for you both that way. Been sitting with Mom for 4 years now because she would fall when either sitting down on the toilet, or getting back up. And she would get into all kinds of things in her bedroom while the door was closed. It's a lot easier if there is a mess in their pants too.
Diane, hope you left your mom there, and I hope you told them not to bother you unless it is an absolute emergency. Mom will get over it and may even find she likes the change after a couple days. Take care of yourself and try not to over think leaving her there. You need the rest for sure!
Shirley, that is some kind of wind! Visited my sister when they lived in Colorado Springs and I remember the sand storms rolling across the flat plains and right through their house. got into any tiny crack or crevice it could and left a layer of dust in the entire house.
Bobbie, ahhh! row houses! We have them all over the center of town. they were built by the companies that owned the mills in this town. Google Ware, ma. sometime. It was a mill town and the history of how it became known as "THe Town That Can't Be Licked" is talked about. most of the mills have either burned down or shut down over the years. We had a shoe mill. athletic foot gear mill, woolen mill, dress making factory, knitting mill, wire mill and a paper mill. the last 2 are more recent and still running. The river that goes right through the middle of the town was the main power source back then and the reason the town ended up as a "mill" town. This house is an old Otis Company boarding house where the employees lived.
Sharyn, I've been signing all Mom's medical paperwork for 5 years now. Brother and sister are her medical proxies and sister is POA, but I'm the one that gets all her medical information and handles all her paperwork. In other words, I do all the work, they got the titles! Okay by me, just trying to keep things in order here. Hope you can get things straightened out for all of you soon.
Okay, the fresh air is getting to me, so I will say goodnight as I have to get up before Mom so I can help clean out all the snow! the roof will be easy as the snow is dry and light and fluffy!

Yes, dirt devils, but they usually show up on a calm day, come out of nowhere.
Stepmother is getting worse. My poor stepsister. Her brother is an RN, and he is in charge of the medical decisions. He has his mom on a respirator, and now dialysis. Doctor doesn't think she will get better.
On the other hand, my mother has finally decided to get her butt out of the wheelchair, and start walking again. I know I should be nicer to her, but she is such a hypochondriac. She has had every surgery she could talk a doctor into doing. Her health is too bad to do more surgeries, she was so disappointed when they told her that.
Everyone. stay safe and warm. Shirley

Lildeb-I never let mom go to the bathroom alone... she doesn't mind-in fact she likes to chit chat while she is going...haha.. When I lived in Mississippi-we called those little tornados-"dirt devils". Very cool to see!

Flex-did you leave your mom there and you are going to be home taking care of yourself? Or did you bring her home? Just clarifying... Mom always thinks I am leaving her at the daycare but they always say they have no beds and the help goes home at 5! When she was in the Nursing Home for rehab-we put a big sign on the wall with the words "GOAL:To get stronger and go home". We kept having to point it out to her...but it was there. Maybe if she continues they could put a board up with the days she will be there and mark them off each day or something with the last day saying you are coming to pick her up. Just a thought. But I know it must have been terribly hard for you to hear her like that. Breaks our hearts! We feel for ya!

Deef! Hold on tight! Hope you can check in with us soon!

Bobbie-are you a trekkie???? I loved Star Trek-The Next Generation. We own all of the DVD's!!!

Meanwhile-my husband always says the genes passed to our son were for a farmer of some kind of work horse! He will not be able to sit at a desk that is for sure!!! He lifts weights and is the strongest man on his college football team. He does work hard to be strong but it does seem to come naturally too. :)

We have a few inches of snow here. We are really missing out on the storm as we are too far inland. They say we will get 8 or 9 inches by morning but that is nothing compared to what the East Coast is getting! And the wind they are getting and will get! Wow! Fun night. Not! Stay safe all! Mame

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