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LOVE bobbies answer.."Nuts is nuts" man aint that true. i am nuts personally but very few nuts is alike and it tends to go in family groups you is fine They is nuts! And they IS nuts! and Nuts to them!

Yogi, Glad you got your MOM time by hook or by crook !

Deeeeef did the screen go blank when the super dome did? I aint touched em damn cookies I swear it was the humidity I followed the recipe?!..So I made Lemon bars just now they turned pout OK. So I'll have those. And if the sugar is bad for UTI that is reason enough to keep off it yes?

Linda, I have wondered about that but UI think my mom really wants to get paid care she wants to do the three tired retirement home to assisted living to nursing care, maybe he kicks of soon enough she can invest a good chunk of her inheritance into that. Am not sure I'd bee a good care giver. the difference being I love my mom and hate grandpa, would add a whole different level ya know? Beh Maybe I go first then no worries!

Bobbie if I looked up what kind of boat you have how would I put it? wonder what it looks like.

stormy, if it was a chemical thing it could be medicated, but till they know it has to be a concern esp if any young people are around...

Stayed in bed most of the day could feel bad vibes upstairs can tell mom is wiped out tired. Still feels guilty for turning on the weather channel and making me miss the first two minutes of second half Super Bowl, where the guy ran for 108 yards for touch down... Who would I be if I had not something to whine about?

I don't know either.

Regular Tuesday shopping day tomorrow...unless something else comes up...

I better get out I am starting to go bug house again here...

Stay sane all.


Stormy, Bobbie is right! Don't try to deal with your dad's behavior. People with alz,/dementia lose their inhibitions, but they can't learn new behaviors. If someone never used swears when they were sane, they won't start doing it because of dementia. If they always swore, it could intensify with dementia. So I'm not sure it can cause your dad's behavior. Maybe it was always there, but he never acted on it. Whatever the cause, don't listen to your sister. She should be upset with your dad and not you. If I was in her shoes, I would never want to see him again! Do what is right for you!
Bobbie!!! Want some of that beautiful weather! Winter is here for sure! Sun was out, but it's still cold and the wind is making it feel even colder!
I made my buttermilk donuts after lunch today. It's been years since I made them and boy, are they good! Gave away a bunch so we wouldn't eat them all.
Austin, it's so nice to reconnect with people from our past. It's sad to think how many we have lost over the years.
Cat, I'm going to the yarn store tomorrow to make sure I have what I need for the class. It's from 10 to 3, so I hope my hands hold out. My thumbs are getting very painful from arthritis. I think it's time for cortisone shots if I want to continue knitting and painting. I just hope Mom's help is better and can be here for the day.
Mom seems to be doing much better without all the sugar Merry was feeding her. I don't think she was too happy when I told her not to feed her all the junk she was giving her to "fatten " her up, but Mom's behavior has improved a lot, especially when it comes to eating. She is more focused and she is talking a lot more, so that tells me I'm on the right track.
Barb, how is your mom doing? did you get something to help her sleep? It's so hard when you can't get any rest due to having to be on your toes at all times! People with dementia/alz. seem to have boundless energy and very little need for sleep. I think that's partly due to no sense of time. Hope you can find some kind of relief!
Jen, how did your day go? Hope the warmer temps get you outside and away from mom and FP for a bit.
Time for Mom's night pills and then bed for her!

Capt. Bobbie you are a treasure. Mame I have an email friend I met on Christian Cafe who lives in N. Tonawanda and we discuss my and his weather a lot-I know they get serious snow up there as I did when I lived in Syracuse-he sounds nice but we live such a distance away but who knows I leaving it up to God-I am going to meet a friend from high school for coffee in a few weeks -his wife just died less than a month ago-I called him when I saw the obit. on line and since he does not have a computer I let classmates know about-our class started to get in touch with the other classmates for our 20th renuion and then the 40th 45th and 50th and about a year away from our 55th-I live near where we went to school so it is nice for me. I hate packing wish someone could do it for me.

Bobbie- Thank You and Thank You again! I just love you! I see it that way too! Thank You again for the laugh about the willie and the holding of the teeth! Priceless! I sure needed that this morning. I was tossing and turning last night in bed and I could not get this shit off of my brain. I was just wishing I could turn my brain off so I could go to sleep. I think I just finally passed out. Love and hugs to you! Stormy.

Good Morning Crew,

Pop his ass in the NH. Enough already.
Of course you don't want your son around him and who cares what's causing it at this point?
Crazy is crazy wherever it comes from and when it takes this toxic form I would think that you would weigh the needs of the family over the needs of the crazy.

Nursing homes see this stuff on a daily basis and they know how to deal with it. There is no earthly reason to cause family members to have trauma because 'papa' is off the wheels nuts.

Get him placed now so you can have a life with your family come this summer.

Just my 2 cents and long time readers know how I feel about short changing an entire family because one has dementia or is acting out in a toxic manner.

The only other thing I would say is that don't waste your energy being angry at him. Nuts is nuts and that's why there are professionals to deal with them.
And no, he's not going to die before class lets out for the summer. Place him and then you can go visit when you feel like it without your son. Let Connor remember his granddad his own way, not as a crazy person.
30 minutes away? Give me a f'ing break. So what. 2 hours away if you know that he's being cared for properly.

Maybe he'll find someone who would love to see his willie and maybe he'll want to hold her teeth while she looks...
With Dementia, you can't cure crazy so quit trying. Just manage it so that the crazy doesn't run/ruin YOUR life.

This is the stuff I wish I had known when I started down the road with my mom.
If this sounds harsh to the newbies, just stay with what you're doing for another 5 years and then tell me what's really harsh.

And with that, good morning, it's beautiful on the water here and yes, Diane I think that we have a fine crew indeed.


Meanwhile- You are right, it doesn't really matter whether he is turning into a pervert or whether it is some form or dementia. Either way it is insanity. I guess I was thinking if it is dementia/alzheimers then maybe we can put his tail in a nursing home. I wish, oh how I wish. But my sis is hell bent on NOT doing that, because the nearest nursing home that could take dad is 30 minutes from where we live and she said that no one would go to visit him. WELL, no one hardly goes to visit him now, so whats the difference. We have a nursing home in our hometown, but they do not take trach patients and the one that is 30 min's away does. I have already been through the cancer stage and I am not doing the dementia/alzheimer's stage. Sis can find another sister to do that, but my mental state can not take it. Hugs to you, Meanwhile.
Deef- I know I do not want Connor around him either, it enrages me to think of what he did to his granddaughter. I make Connor stay in the kitchen most of the time when I have him at dads and I don't leave him alone with him. Connor has a tv and the computer and his toys in the kitchen. I keep thinking maybe dad will just die before connor gets out of school for the summer and I won't have to deal with the whole situation of what am I going to do with connor over there everyday during the summer. I am going to have to talk to my sister about this she is not going to like it. Tough shit. If she loves the old man so much then she can crawl up his ass and stay there! I am sick of this shit! I am sick of dad being my first thought in the morning and my last thought at night of when is he going to croak already. Sorry for the venting party, Deef. Hugs to you!
Sharyn- You are right this mess is confusing beyond words. But I have got to find a way to get to the bottom of it. Hugs
Bobbie- It is hard to deal with, it was bad enough without having to think about dad saying and doing the things he did with his own granddaughter. Now all I see when I am having to do stuff to him is him saying the things he did and him exposing himself to her. He told her (granddaughter) that she needed to play with Papa's thing and that if she didn't then she would regret not doing it one day. How sick is that? Hugs Stormy.

Cat- I know I have thought about the fact that my neice, dads granddaughter could be lying about everything. And the only reason I can come up with is that she would be doing it for attention. But it is hard for me to believe that she would do something like that, just as it is hard for me to believer that he could do something like that to her or say the things he said to her. When all of this happened for the first time (5 years ago) my sister confronted dad about it all several times, because it kept happening. She told him that he could not be talking to his granddaughter like that and that he could not be exposing his self to her. At one of those times he said, Ok. Then another time, sis said that he just grinned at her like he knew he was doing something that he should have, but like he didn't care. Sis has not said anything to dad about this last time. She just told me that if it happened again she would say something to him. But his granddaughter is not going up to his house anymore. So its not going to happen again. (with her anyway) As far as he knows I know nothing about any of this. I even thought about going up to his house with the granddaughter and me coming in a back door. And not letting him know that I was there. And looking at how he acts with her, maybe even video taping him and to just see what is going on. But I plan on talking with my neice again about this. The other week I flat out asked her if she was lying about this for attention and she said no that she would not do that. But I just dont think sis is going to say anything to him about it. I am sorry about your friend dying, Cat. I am going to send this before I lose my post. Hugs to you!!! Stormy.

Yogi: I am so happy that you got to spend time with your mom. I admire you for all you have been through and for knowing that you have to place yourself as a priority for care, even if it meant you would have to separated from your mom and at the mercy of your retched brother. It's been 5 long months for you and I can only imagine how it has hurt your heart and your mom's heart, but now you are together again and you are a stronger person for setting your needed boundaries. Blessings to you and your mom. Sending white light to you both.

I've been lurking. A million things I want to say, but that's where I get bogged down. I'll write more later. Let me just say how much my heart breaks for all of you who are coping with dementia. There should be a special place in heaven for all of you. I'm so grateful that I was spared that and that my parents were. What a horrible nightmare.

Meanwhile: So glad you had a 2 hour ride on your horse. That must feel like an escape to heaven. I see you are getting a second job. If that's the case, how do you plan to quit working and take care of your mom and step-dad. Please give this some serious thought. Thumbs up on getting the well fixed. Gave me a headache reading about it.

Deef: The weather here has been mild this winter. So far only a couple inches of snow and that left after a week of cold. But really, it's the mildest winter since we moved here. On the other hand, my granddaughter is in Bismarck N.D. and has had temps of minus 20 with the wind chill. She's doing well and that makes my heart sing. She now has an internship with an accounting firm during the tax season. She got through the last semester, carrying 20 units with a 4.0 average. I don't know how she does it, but she does and she seems happy so I am grateful. I'm glad you got at bit of a windfall and could pay your hubby's vehicle loan off. It's about time you had some good news. Tell me more about your new sewing class. Sounds like fun!!!!

Mame: I'm glad you think my perspective has merit. Sending you love in Central New York and hoping that you have some time to yourself.

Bobbie: Glad your ankle is better and you are getting things done on the boat. Hope the boat angel is hanging in there. Lots of stress when you are worried about your health. Not easy. He's lucky to have you!!!!! Sorry I'm such a pain in the ass.

Stormy: I have no idea why your dad behaves the way he does with only one person. That is odd. Maybe we shouldn't pass judgement on him just yet. Honestly, I don't know, but it seems odd that it would only be with his niece. Maybe she is not being truthful or maybe there is just something about her that conjures up something in his mind. If it were my dad, I would just straight out ask him about it. This is what XXX says you are doing. What do you have to say about that? See what he says and what your gut response is to it. By all means, talk to his doc too. I don't have an answer, but it seems odd that she's the only one he acts this way towards. Doesn't mean it's not true, but worth giving him a chance to respond too. Plus it puts him on notice!!!!!

Speaking of this subject: Jen and Yogi, what can I say other than you are right to set your boundaries and say what you are willing to tolerate or not. Jen, your brother wants you to accept his idea of how things were. That's not the way you saw it and you told him so. Good for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your reality is your truth. Stand tall and don't compromise on that. Yogi gave you lots of good feedback. My mother-in-law went through years of sexual rape by her father. She told me about it and I was saddened that she had to wait until I came along to have someone to talk too. Her mom was totally aware. It was never discussed. She always thought that her mom walked on water. That seems to be a constant in this journey.

Diane: Glad you got to the casino and also out for a bowling night. How fun!!!!! And how well deserved.

Linda: Spring is coming, girl. Don't let those chiggers set up a hotel in your privates. LMAO.

Well, since I've got this far, let me just say that I have been in the dumps. My elderly friend up the road died last week. She was 88 and kind of like the Matriarch on our little street. She was incredibly independent and one of the dearest memories I have from moving here. She was, in all truth, a bit of a gossip and always keen on chipping away at her daughter-in-law, which was underserved, but she had come through so much in her life that you were humbled at what she had managed to overcome. She fell and broke her hip, had surgery, went to rehab, got a c diff infection, spent a week in icu and died. I will really miss her. She always could be seen driving down the road in her red Honda station wagon with her beloved Gus, her dog, in the back of the car. I miss seeing her car on the road the same way I miss seeing my dad walking on the road.

FYI, I have not found another walking partner. I don't think it was so much about not having a walking partner as it was not having my dearest woman friend to walk with in the mornings. You just can't put an add in the local super market for a new best friend. I know you all can get that.

I talked to Kathy today, my friend that moved to Alaska. She's had her tears too, but is happy to be close to her daughter and grandkids. It was 20 below there last week, but warmer now.

Well, today I made a pot of chilli, determined to get into the Super Bowl Sunday thing and support my hubby. Being a California couple, we routed for the 49'ers. I will always love the 49'ers. It takes me back to the beginning of my non-profit group and the terminally ill children we granted wishes for. I was not a big football follower, so when we received a wish from a child who wanted to meet Joe Montana, I said, "Who's Joe Montana?" Well, it was like the 2nd or 3rd wish we had ever done, back in 1983 and it was so amazing. The kindness they showed this child and his brother was amazing. I was a 49'er fan from that day on and still continue to be. Of course all those 49'er players from that era are gone, but I still think there were the best and the things they did for our kids were beyond what you could expect today. They were truly a team of gentlemen.

This is more than I thought I would be up to posting tonight, but just know that I think of you all and wish you the best. God knows you deserve it.

Love and Hugs, Cat

What the heck! Thought I lost my post when the screen went blank! Guess not.
My sil asked me to make my famous butter milk donuts tomorrow, so Lex and I are going to fry up a batch tomorrow afternoon. Been years since I made them. I can taste them already! Okay, need to do the trash before it gets too late!

Just got Mom calmed down again! She is very agitated and I think she needs a good poop! Hope it happens tomorrow morning before daycare or she will be a handful for them!
I talked to Merry today and told her NO MORE SUGAR!!! Said "I never heard sugar had anything to do with dementia". Told her to google it and she would see for sure! Mom was really good all day until supper time tonight. I think it's getting harder for her in the bathroom department as the PD progresses. Anyway, since the cutback in sugar consumption, she is actually talking in sentences and making some sense for a change. She's not getting that funny lost look as much either. I think she was having sugar highs, then crashing so bad, she couldn't function at all.
Bobbie, a sunny warm day sounds good to me right now. It was cold enough all day that the half inch of snow we got last night, didn't melt completely.
Jen, sorry your weekend turned out to be nasty. At least if the cookies had turned out alright you would have had some compensation!
Stormy, definitely keep your son away from dad! Don't take any chances there.
Yogi!!!!! So happy for you and your mom! Your sibs are idiots for keeping you away and you are a saint for taking the blame for not being there for your mom the last 5 months. Do whatever you have to to keep on seeing her. It's the best medicine she can get right now!
Sharyn, Sometimes laughing at our situation is the best thing for us!
Meanwhile, that 2 hour ride must have felt like heaven! My sibs are under the impression that I;m out gallivanting all week while Mom is at daycare. NOT!!! I have 2 apartments to keep up, two sets of laundry, shopping, bills to pay, meds to keep track of, errands to run and on and on. Most of the time I'm too tired to venture out just for fun. After getting Mom up and over to daycare, I usually need an hour just ti get my wind back!
Diane, Must have felt great to get that cleaning done! I have to get the trash together and bagged up after I finish this post.

jen - i have a feeling that when fp does passes that u will end up takin care of ur mom . now it scares me to even think what ur mom would belike . hun , u realy gotta start thinking about what ya gonna do ? oh yes the world ends everyday for who passes away , mine hasnt ended yet . my world will be done gone when i die . i think thats what jesus was trying to say . ah hell what ever , we all need to set up a date and make a promises to all meet at the dock suroundin barabra bee .... think thats ths name of it , oh crap my minds going too , bahaha ,

jen - xoxoxo

flex ! i be a fine crew if i have plenty ciggy and margaritta i be one happy camper ! ill sit with the kitty , :-) .
love you all , miss you all .
meanwhile - out for 2 hrs on the horse sounds heavenlyyy ... oh i am so sorry that things are going downhill with ur folks . oh lord ... where is ur guy friend at ? hope he s ok , sending u cyber hugs . xoxoxo

Sue glad you got to see your mom, just put the rest aside and enjoy YOUR time with her!

Watching here too. Super Bowl. Kinda fun.

Go it to prep for dinner so mom has less to do..."What are you doing in there?!

building a flame thrower mother piss off?! God you complain about your mother then turn into her in her worst moments with you. Thank you. So kind...

She should welcome the help, her days of competent cooking are numbered, she has burned things that had to be thrown away several times in the last two years....

Here's one, I warmed up the engine when it was 7 degrees..."Don't' ever do that again your not insured! Yes OK. I may as well give her things to be pissed off about, it makes her feel better to crab at me and put me in a bad light...Or move out and get a life....?

Good week all....

I know what I was going to say. I am truly grateful to be in the company of some of the most amazing women! You are all so knowledgable, resilient and self sufficient. Bobbie, I think we make a pretty fine crew! What do you think?

Have a good night all :)

Diane, thank you! We both shed many happy tears. I love her more than the whole wide world!!!!! Best mom any one could ever have and I was Blessed by God.

Yogi, I am SO happy for you!!!!!! I can only imagine how hard it was on you to be away from your mom the past 5 months. I know if I were in that situation it would all but kill me. Your post made my day :)

Sharyn, I have gone through that stage with mom too. She swore the carpet cleaner was the vacuum, the vacuum wasn't hers and she hears running water and sees fire all the time when none of it exists. Keep laughing or you will look like my
I actually got some housework done today. I vacuumed and mopped the kitchen, livingroom and bathroom. Mom slept most of the day so that is why I got to clean. I've been doing lots of laundry too.

I just read all the posts and now I can't think of all that I was going to respond too. I swear I'm losing brain cells as fast as mom.

I hope everyone is having a good Sunday!

Love ya,

Well. my step mother is in ICU. She has been mad at me for the last 20 years, so we aren't close. Worry about my step sister, she ends up taking care of everything. They are too far away for me to be of any help. Besides, my mother is still refusing to get up and walk. She goes from her bed to the wheelchair, she could walk if she would try. My step dad isn't strong enough to lift her, so have to help him move her when she gets stubborn. Did get to saddle up my horse and go for a ride. It was cold and windy, but great to get out. Rode for 2 hours. If the world is going to end, that's what I want to be doing when it happens.
Bobbie your engine sounds much more complicated than my well. I'm not very mechanical, wish I was. I do change the oil in my car and truck, and I can change a tire. That is about the extent of my abilities.
Jen your mother doesn't appreciate all you do. Glad your ankle is getting better, and Bobbie's ankle as well.
Yogi so glad you got to see your Mom.
Stormy, your Dad is demented, does it really matter if it is senile dementia or he has always been demented? It doesn't like a safe place for Conner. Chances are he is just going to get worse. Please be careful.
Diane, your date night sounds wonderful. So glad you had a chance to get a small break. Sounds like you made the most of it.
Lil Deb, hope you are getting some help with your MIL
Deef, good luck with your craft fairs. Sounds like fun.
Sharyn, good luck with the Super Bowl.
Love you guys, hope everyone has a good Sunday.

Good Morning Everyone! Hope you are all having a good day with your loved ones. It is a beautiful day here, we have been having low to mid 60's all week. Unusual for us here in NorCal but I am not going to complain!! It's Superbowl Sunday, we will be busy at work as everyone is buying lots of party trays and other goodies for the game. I live about 75 miles east of S.F. so it's 49'er territory.

It's been an interesting week with my mom, we have dealt with a cracked window, toilets she thought were overflowing but weren't, a vacuum she insisted wasn't hers but is, and an old electric floor buffer she insisted was her vacuum. I had to giggle a little at her, as you all know if we don't keep our sense of humor, we go nuts.

Stormy, I wish I had something to offer you as you and your sister are trying to figure out what is going on with your father. I agree that talking with his dr. would be a good place to start. Hang in there, I can understand your confusion.
Have a good day!!

I have been so busy since Wed. My bro wrote me a letter stating he would let me see my mom. She's in a Memory Care Facility. It's been 5 months since I've seen/talked to her.
I saw my mom today!!!!!!!! Met my bro and followed him to the facility. She didn't recognize me. Didn't know my name at first either. It took her about 5-10 minutes to realize it was really me. She looks so tired but she was so happy it was me that was there. I think I figured why they let me see her. She needs to see a podiatrist and the insurance may not cover it. My bro made the statement that if they didn't WE may have to come up with it. That's my take I think it's because I usually get what my mom needs. Just like today my mom and me were in my mom's room. Her mattress was hard and I know uncomfortable. I went to WalMart and I bought her a memory foam topper for her bed. Went back and she was looking at me like she saw a ghost. I explained what I bought for her bed. She was so excited. I called my bro to tell him what I was doing in getting the topper and he said that my mom never said anything to him about the mattress. THEY don't know her.

Also, I know she had been asking about me. She kept saying she asked them and that she kept praying to God I would come see her. Except she thinks it's been 2 YEARS since we've seen one another. She was scolding me about not seeing her for so long and that I shouldn't have been fighting with my bro and sis. I didn't say anything because I know that she was told that and she doesn't need to be confused more or told anything different. Let her just think what she was told. She doesn't need to know what truly took place. She's just happy I can see her and I had to promise God that I would be there every week to visit. I told her on Tues. I will be there with my little dog Tiny. (He was her dog before mine) The facility said as long as I have vaccination papers he can come visit her, too. She was so VERY happy. I told her on Saturday next week and every week after, I will be there to see her at least twice a week.

My sis only goes for 2-3 hours twice a week and my bro 2-3 times a week for short periods of time. She has been in the facility for 3-4 MONTHS. She spent Christmas there!!!! They will have a lot to answer to God for.

I could care less about them. I'm just thrilled beyond belief that I saw my mom. In the 5 months that I have not seen her, she has had a lot of mental decline. But she remembered that we always held hands and that I took her places! She was talking about it and asked if I could take her out sometime. I told her it was up to my bro that he is responsible for everything for her. She was a little disappointed but I told her I couldn't do anything about it. We would have to wait and see if he changes his mind.

I just want to thank you for ALL your prayers and encouragement.

Good Sunday Afternoon Crew,

Meanwhile! my respect for your correcting your water issue. Even if you called in the calvary you have running water!
Do you put the wire in conduit inside the trench?

Stormy, any news on your dad's particular crazy? That has got to be so hard to deal with.

Jen! Sorry that it's all so hurtful over there and you are a saint for coping with that situation.

I don't have a lot of horsepower to write and I hope that those that can check in and let us all know how they are doing.

It's a beautiful day here. Feels like California. California dreaming....

love you guys,

Hey everyone, i think I am having one of those days BEST SPENT IN BED....THE Cookies i MADE by THE RECIPE SUCKED, I STARTED THE BEEF STROGANOFF and mom had planned for ham for dinner so she pouted all evening, i passed on sitting at the table with fart pants and ate watching a basketball game, team lost, I snapped my gloves for dish washing so hard i gave myself a welt on my inner arm by he elbow then i stabbed myself in the finger when cutting up onions for the stroganff. Mom is pissed i didn't eat at table, fart pants is howling at the Tv in his hole cakling like a loon and I am out side praying to GOD HE DIED TONIGHT SO THIS ALL ENDS...I don't think i can wait for kingdom come...sorry.

Mom told me something (else) stupid grandma did, when she mom was 6 had her take a note to little grocery store (circa 1954 here) and get Daddy a six pack of beer. Yeah a no she didn't get it, stupid narcissistic woman grandma was, but it made me wonder, She has an absolute terror of alcohol in any form and drunk people terrify her, I gotta wonder where that came from.

Bobbie, Looked up Perko, Ok I could maybe do the engineering stuff but I need a demonstration and the instructions and they'd both have TO JIBE!

The snows all about melted only getting rain here for a week and 40 temps during day make it so I can air the house when no one is looking....

Ankle almost 100% do home style strengthening excersizes.

deef I am visualizing the little red birds, you know I love them...
I've done the electrical out lets and on and off switches, light bulbs, and some plumbing. And if it aint p[erfect it is her fault for being so cheap.

Had a bank app. new banker wants to play with grandpa money. Made mom feel bad she didn't take a more aggressive route, Guess what Moron, we aint bankers we are LIVING on this money and when that's gone...It's GONE! He suggested investing in pre accommodated nursing home insurance thingy. I agree, it is about $7,000 a month now for a nursing home, God just make him die here, now) So she will look into that.
Diane glad you got a night out! Wish I could a been the third wheel!

No luck on lotto ticket, onlooking forward to Dowton Abbey, s'all I have till what?...
When it is quiet I visualize the mortuary people coming to take his dead body away. I will not be crying.

Have a good week everyone what ever that can mean for us...

Yeah, my aunt is waitin' for the rapture too...She is always disappointed when the world doesn't come to an end and "god" punishes all the people she doesn't like, and has prayed get punished. I don't buy any of that clap trap, but if the Fairy Tale Religion stuff turned out to be true and GOD came "down to earth on a white stead and laid waste to all but the "good people" and we all had to make a reckoning of our lives etc etc etc..." I wouldn't even blink when questioned/accused of my hatred and desire that old shit pants croak in his bed sooner than ASAP..... Not... even... Blink! Jen

Bobbie- Glad to hear that the ankle is doing better, but don't over do it. You don't want to have a relapse. Take care.
Bam- How's it going?
Jen- Hope you are doing alright, Jen. I am still puzzled with dad's actions towards my neice.
Diane- Glad you got a night out!!!
Meanwhile- I know you are happy that you have water now. Good Job!
Deef- I know what you mean about the dentures. Gag a maggot!! I wear gloves about the whole time I am at dads. Cause I know that if I have to do something to him it's going to be gross. So I try to be prepared! Everyone is over their sickness, thank God.
Sharyn-Glad that your mom is doing better with the meds!!
Mame- The situation with dad has really thrown me for a loop. I just wish there was a way to find out if it is something going on with his brain or is it just him turning into a dirty old man. It would almost (correction) be better if I knew he had the beginning stages of dementia rather than this just being him getting off on his granddaughter. How sick is that!! Oh and he better NEVER try some stupid shit like that with my little boy or I will make him wish he was never born. Sorry thats how I feel. You don't mess with my baby and I don't care who you are. Dad or no dad. That's why I do not want to carry him over there in the first place and I still don't know what I am going to do when Connor gets out of school for the summer. Oh and I can hear sis now, Oh he would never try anything with Connor. Who the hell knows, we would have never thought he would have tried anything with Codi, but he did. Sorry ya'll for going off on the rampage. The whole thing just makes me mad. Love and hugs stormy

Meanwhile, You are my hero!!! Don't you just love it when the job gets done! My husband has NO patience, so if anything needs fixing, I usually attempt it myself. I've got 3 light switches that need to be replaced and I finally decided I'll do them myself after a bit of research. Mom used to do all that stuff around here. She learned it from her dad.
I was always fixing things at work and the ladies were always asking me how I knew what to do. Whenever maintenance had to work on something in our building, I would watch them and ask questions. When something broke down I was able to fix it and not have to bother maintenance. My 37 year old twit of a boss thought it was okay to call for something he could fix himself. I finally got everyone to go through me first before telling him, when something went wrong. Can't stand having to rely on men to get the job done!
My water bill is quarterly and includes sewer costs. This house has 3 stories and 4 apartments, so water usage is big.
Sharyn, Glad the antidepressants are working for your mom. None of us wants to give our loved ones drugs, but there are some that help ease them trough the many stages they will be going through. Sometimes we get lucky and the first one prescribed works and sometimes it's a process to find the right one for them.
Diane, Bowling, wow! Not sure my knees would hold up, but it sure sounds like you both had fun! Sorry your mom is progressing so fast. I hate to say it, but it is easier when they can't get around on their own anymore.
Lildeb, Sounds like you have your hands full! What a day of running around you had. I sure hope they can resolve your MIL's issues. That is all too much for one person to deal with for sure. How is your health holding up?
Bobbie, I'm going to look up that perko strainer thingy, just to see what you are dealing with. I know you are tired of working on the boat, but it must be so rewarding to you every time you finish another project! Can't wait to go on a cruise with you!
Austin, just got an e-mail from 2 sisters that are promoting four 2 day craft fairs in this area. One in June, one in September and November and a possible in October. I just might have to do a couple of them as it seems craft fairs are getting popular again since people are staying away from foreign products. I used to make a lot of $$ when I did them back in the 80's and 90's.
Jen, cold here again. Mid twenties during the day and teens at night. The wind makes it feel so much colder! Stocked up on birdseed to keep all them red birdies happy.
Stormy, how's it going? Is everyone feeling better?
Mame,At least the sun was shining out our way today! How's all the cleaning coming along?
Cat, did you find a new walking partner yet?
Yogi, How are you doing?
Got to clean up the mess from supper. Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

New pump, and 180 feet of new wire. Had to get professional help. But, have running water again. Now have to dig 90 feet of trench to bury the new wire.

Hey All!

Hey Flex, glad you and James got some time off.
DEEF!! nice one.
Meanwhile! another job and hauling water omg. How did the well pump turn out? Sometimes it's agony having an adventurous spirit isn't it?

Sharynmarie! Glad your mom is responding to the antidepressant. It does suck when they don't want to take their meds, whether it's Namenda or Aricept or BP med.
Keep venting!

Barb and Cat and Stormy and Yogi and Kuli and lildeb and MAME! and Linda and Austin and Miz and and and everybody! You would think that I would keep a list of us by my computer but am too lame. Ehhh. Wish I was better at so many things.

OK, we are working our tails off on this here boat. My ankle is a lot better and thanks to everyone!
The boat upgrade never stops but each little part at a time is getting mucho attention and we have been spending most of the time in the engine room.
All new piping for the raw water strainers for the generators and AC as well as oil change time for all motors and new filters and belts.

Jen! Perko strainers.... check those crazy things out. Since each diesel and the AC is raw water cooled there are 4 strainers with the AC and the Get Home engine sharing one big one. But not as huge as the ginormous strainer on the main engine.
Have been rebuilding them one by one.

Off to make a couple of tuna fish sandwiches and then to continue on.

Love you guys more than you'll ever know.

Putting my mom on an antidepressant has helped my mother a lot. She was calling a couple of her lady friends and accusing them of coming in her home when she wasn't there, stealing her financial files. Mom is more content but still has moments where she gets scared of being kicked out of her house. My mom was diagnosed just a little over 2 years ago with beginning Alz/dementia. The dr. put her on Namenda which she took for a short time then refused to take them because she doesn't think anything is wrong with her. Of course 2 years ago, she could understand what she read so she knew the medicine was for Alz/dementia. You can see how quickly she has declined in 2 years from having beginning dementia to now moderate dementia. I begged her to take it to no avail. I even told her I would take it if the dr. would prescribe for me since both parents(my father is now passed) have dementia. Believe me, I asked the dr. if I could start taking it now because of the family history but he said no.

Oh boy........................

When Jehovah God's Kingdom come's down to Earth he will end sickness,old age,and bring death to it's end!!!!!!!!! Better Days are Coming Soon!!!!!!!!!!

Well James and I got to go out for a date night!!!! I got my brother to stay with mom from 6-9pm and we went bowling and had dinner. It was a fun night. Neither of us had been bowling in years so it was quite amusing. We had dinner at a local mom and pop restaurant that makes the best cheesecake. I gave up the idea of a margarita and went for the cheesecake instead. I have such a sweet tooth.
Deef, I am amazed at all you get done now so I can't imagine you having time for a part time job. I do understand the need for money and the escape to some "normal" time. Shirley, good luck with the pump. I will tackle most anything but electrical I get someone else to help. It always has scared me.
Mame, my mom loves to see it snow too. In her case it is still a novelty since she was born and raised in the tropics. We haven't had any yet this year but since she hardly opens her eyes now I doubt it matters one way or the other to her. Barb, I hope you find the right medicine to help your mom calm down. I'm still struggling to find the right mix for mom. The big difference for me is that my mom can't walk anymore so I don't have to worry about her running away or getting into stuff. Mom has constant anxiety attacks and is afraid so much of the time now. Since she is giving a lot of problems taking her meds the doctor has ordered a gel for me to try. I am supposed to be able to rub it on her arm and it's supposed to calm her since it has ativan and benadryl. I'm waiting for it to be delivered. I'll keep you posted and let you know if it works.
Jen, hang in there girl! Bobbie, I keep hearing you working but have you let that ankle get better? What's up with the Boat Angel?
I hope everyone can have a pretty good weekend.

. Goodness, $400 for water, just for one month Deef. Of course, I came home from work today and we had no water. We are on a well, and probably need a new pump. Good thing I have that new job. But, had to haul 100 gallons of water from my parents house for the night. 4 horses, and 6 goats drink a lot of water. Took a shower at Mom's when I got done. So tomorrow, have to see if I can change the well pump. It's a 150 feet deep, will have to pull the old pump out, and re wire a new one. Wish me luck. My husband could have done this no problem. He was an electrical engineer.
Hope everyone gets some sleep tonight. Love Shirley

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