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Jen we still have snow here in Michigan but it is raining right now so might be gone by tomorrow Hugs

cuz!GOOD GOD! eww.

Can pharmacists get hazard pay?

Another relative died here..nope....

Going to have to start watering the lawn...Spokane, April. That is just wrong!


Sometimes Seniors Don't Understand Directions

I assume we are all Seniors ....This is why you (a Senior?) should listen to your Doctors instructions.

I went to my nearby CVS Pharmacy, straight to the back, where the Pharmacists’ high counter is located. I took out my little brown bottle, along with a teaspoon, and set them up on the counter.

The Pharmacist came over, smiled, and asked if he could help me.

I said, "Yes! Could you please taste this for me?"
Seeing a senior citizen, the Pharmacist went along. He took the spoon, put a tiny bit of the liquid on it, put it on his tongue and swilled it around. Then, with a stomach-churning look on his face, he spat it out on the floor and began coughing.

When he finally was finished, I looked him right in the eye and asked, “Now, does that taste sweet to you?"

The Pharmacist, shaking his head back and forth with a venomous look in his eyes yelled, NO!!!"

I said, "Oh, thank God! That's a real relief! My doctor told me to have a Pharmacist test my urine for sugar!"

I can never go back to that CVS, but I really don't care, because they aren't very friendly there anymore!

Yes, he is unfortunately, sick old worn out weary, still perverted, useless eating up all his, yes his savings, till he gets to the stuff he can't eat up, but yes he is still alive.
Starting to think about DVR again. I think I'd rather try and get a job, lose it, get fired what ever, then have to go in for another humiliating round of begging the government for money, only to be told I am just not crazy enough and leave crying.

sorry I was missing , ckin in to see if jen s ft is still alive , d@#n ! nursing home takes realy good care of him and collectin allottaa moolahhh . im missing my ole gangs here , will try to pop in more often ,,, hubby is fighting cancer in bladder , cancer keeps comin back , grrrr we are almost done with his mothers esate , she passed away may 18 th , stroke and busted anyrums I had stroke a year ago , scary shit but thank u god that theres no permant damage . take care u all xoxo

HEY, juju glad to see you back!

Hi there everyone,
I'm back from the underground. It's been a tragically turbulent past year but I think I am through the worst of it and have mom n I previous plans back on track, and I say that loosely, it is gonna be a struggle but I am finally in a good place with it all! Although she is gone, I can still go on in her memory!

The weather has been beautiful this past week and I am enjoying it so much!!

Hope you all had I nice easter and looking forward to catching up with you all!!!


pargirl update on Mike. The new meds they have him on now (12 all together) he has lost like 10 # since he was released from the hospital. The dr did prescribe a big man walker with the seat and brakes for him because he can only walk about 5 foot before his legs give out because they are numb from the kneedown because of the nerve damage done from 4 years of being so swollen and from the veins all being blocked etc from over 50 years of smoking. He is 65 yrs old. The dr said that by fixing the heart vein in three weeks he should being feeling a lot better except for the legs, there is no fixing them now. With the on-set diabetes he is starting to watch his food intake to keep the sugar levels down around 115 and he is on some kind of pill that will help maintain this level as long as he watches what he eats. So that is it. I will keep you gals posted on how he is doing. Thanks for the concerns and HUGS your way.

Boy sorry to hear about Mike. He sounds like he has a lot of health issues on top of weight. Not good.

Update on my brother Mike. Last Saturday we got him released from one hospital at around 3:00pm. We had him in this one because he had fallen in his trail and broke his thumb on the left hand and also dislocated the same thumb plus he punctured the bottom of his thumb by hitting a screw that was sticking out of the paneling where something used to be hanging. Well he drove himself to the pharmacy there in Sparta, Mi and tried to walk into the store. Mind you he weighs around 300#. Got into the store to find out that the pharmacy was closed. By the time he waddled back to his truck he was exhausted. This was roughly 2 hours from being out of the hospital for 2 1/2 days. He got back home and was breathing so hard that he called his son, who lives with him and told him what was going on and my nephew just called 911. By 5:30pm he was in the major heart trauma hospital in Grand Rapids with a small heart attack. Blood pressure was 60/40 . After they got him to recover a bit thet took him to the cath lab where the found a blockage other that the 3 bypasses he had 3 years ago. While they were trying to put a balloon through the blockage they nicked the vein so after being in the hospital for 3 days I took him home today and will have to take him back in three weeks to have the balloon and stint put in. Oh and he also found out he is borderline diabetic so they have him on pills now to help regulate that. That is it in a nutshell. Oh I also have to take him to a hand surgeon tomorrow to get the stitches out and to see if the dislocation and the fracture are healing right. He told me the golden years suck. Hug your way.
luv Cuz

Speaking of dental care and toothbrushes...No this is funny. Well O.K. stupid but Grandma, the one still alive got money from sister who died. so she shared it out among kids grand kids. I got $2,500. Amazing. Paid my mom $1,000 off vet bills for pets I have not had in two plus years, then think clothes, savings, lap top so I don't have to be IN my moms room to write. She'd be happier too...I can be in here from 9 to 11 PM writing. Anyhow. Long term plan was mus go to dentist. Luck of genes and good hygiene only last so long...I was lucky. two small filling replacements one decay spot. between office call and replacements be about $600.

Oh and a broken tooth, crown $800.

No dental insurance.

Mom is being pissy about it. H3ll, I'm happy. I finally got in to see dentist, been 11 years! And I had to money to pay for what I needed, that clothes and a lap top are off the table now, I hardly care! I am still broke, but my teeth will be good for what,another decade? That's a good day in my book! Oh and I got six books I wanted for a long time. 99 cents from Alibris.

No he is not dead yet. pneumonia gone, but he is starting to have real trouble eating, chewing swallowing, and saying he "doesn't want to eat" and he "won't do the d@m# mechanical diet" he said he'd "gone off food..." "wish he'd go off air."


AmyGrace...yes, mom has dementia that seems to be at a level 6e on the F.A.S.T. scale. I am in the process of moving her from skilled nursing care to a memory care facility. Great environment, so I am hopeful mom will be better cared for and she will perk up for a bit.

I once had a couple, each with a young child by the hand, walk out in front of my truck and horse trailer. And my horse trailer is a 4 horse gooseneck, painted neon blue. Fortunately, I have really good trailer brakes, and wasn't going very fast, but had to stand my horses on their noses, slamming on the brakes.

It's been a full moon week here. Monday, deer broke it's leg trying to jump the fence at Mom and Dad's house. Had to put it down, then my parents wanted the meat. So spent the rest of the afternoon butchering a deer. Tuesday, their water heater went out, so Indio helped me put in a new one. Wednesday and Thursday was bring the looney bin patients in to the Dentist office. Really, I can put up with the 88 year old lady that kept taking everything out of her purse then putting it back, over and over. In the waiting room, I finally helped her put everything back in, then I carried her purse back to the exam room, she followed it like a horse and a carrot. I had to set her purse where she could see it, but not reach it. When the DR was done, I made the mistake of giving it back to her, and she spent the next 10 minutes unloading and re loading that purse again. Had to take it away from her to get her up. But, then she wanted to use the restroom, so I had to give her the purse back, she was 20 minutes in the bathroom, I know playing with that purse. She started it again at the front desk. But, worse than that lady, were the patients complaining about every little thing. "It smells bad", (it's your rotten tooth lady), "the filling tastes bad" (sorry we don't have chocolate flavored fillings). "This costs too much, maybe I should get it pulled and get an implant". Implants cost $3500, fillings cost $125. "I'm dying, this tooth hurts so bad" DR says it needs a root canal "Oh no it's not that bad now".

Although, the crazy old lady that lives down by the river (Rio Grande), was a hoot. She has to pass through the border patrol check point on her way to town, and heaven forbid there is a new agent there. Because she will give them hell. Pretend she doesn't speak English, and if they don't speak Spanish, she will insult them unmercifully. I think she's hoping to be strip searched by cute young agents. Mind you this lady is in her 70's, retired from a government job, fluent in 4 languages, and a bit on the eccentric side.

Good weekend everyone.

I for the life of me don't know what these idiots are thinking. They pull in front of the city bus, the peel out ahead of trucks. It LOOKS suicidal, but maybe they are just that stupid!

bobbie I had to take Mike to ER yesterday. He has a severe case of arthritis in his right wrist. On a scale of 1 - 10 his pain was 30+. He couldn't even button his shirt. He tried for over an hour before I went to pick him up. He's back home after getting a shot of morphine and is taking anti-inflammatory for the pain. He says the golden years suck. Hugs to ya cuz love ya.

Jen that is one of the reasons I gave up driving the big rig. Idiots think that because you have so many tires that you can stop faster. At 102,000 pounds a car getting hit by a big truck is just a big speed bump with a lot of damage. I like driving but like you say "who are these people". Anyways hugs your way and glad you both are safe. Cars can be replaced but not a life.
pargirl I'm glad I sent a little laughter your way. Hugs to you also.

That's the BEST ONE EVER cuz!!!!! What an idiot! :))))))

Jesus is it me or is Aging Care beginning to edit my emails? I guess we'll find out.
Woman tried to kill me and my mom Monday. We were going down to see fp, so he could make my mom feel bad for putting him in a $12,000 a month nursing facility with 24/7 paid nursing staff and dr. on call day and night...You know, ,misery personified... And the twat pulls out into oncoming traffic,cuts in front of a garbage truck that is stopped in the... right lane. (I don't drive), and mom had to hit the breaks to avoid T boning her by about seven feet, from the left hand lane heading North, with our 1998 mini van( maybe she shoulda gone ahead eh?) and the woman stops and then goes and gives this little dismissive Wooopsi my bad wave and turns into the left lane heading south! Who are these people?

First it was the apple!!

A woman ran a red traffic light and crashed into a man's car. Both of their cars are demolished but amazingly neither of them was hurt. After they crawled out of their cars, the woman said, "Wow, just look at our cars! There's nothing left, but fortunately we are unhurt. This must be a sign from God that we should meet and be friends and live together in peace for the rest of our days."

The man replied, "I agree with you completely. This must be a sign from God!"

The woman continued, "And look at this, here's another miracle. My car is completely demolished, but my bottle of 75 year old scotch didn't break. Surely God meant for us to drink this vintage delicacy and celebrate our good fortune." Then she handed the bottle to the man.

The man nodded his head in agreement, opened it, drank half the bottle and then handed it back to the woman. The woman took the bottle, immediately put the cap back on, and handed it back to the man.

The man asks, "Aren't you having any?"

She replies, "Nah. I think I'll just wait for the police."

Adam ate the apple, too!

Men will never learn!

Think it must be irritation week...Went and saw and listened to fp...HE must be feeling better, he is lying again. Embellishing things, adding to stories, misrepresenting things and well just lying. I couldn't car less but he seems determined to do things that hurt my mother. Like saying he couldn't pull his knee up all the way during exercises because the scab had not healed from where he injured it up at YOUR house. You know the one he lived in and made my life a living H3LL for seven plus years, yes, that house. Well that scab.....was from him hitting leg on the wall by the bed.....three years ago...Hell no it's not the arthritis. It is something he can make my mom fell bad about.
That on top of the cashier at the bank giving my mom the hard sell about "If you would like I can have Kay call you and help you with your money..."

You know, the account that is half what it was, now that fp has been in nursing care for a year. These poor bankers. My grandmother invested and grew their savings for 50 years...And the people who have to look at the money now only get to see the result...Eaten up in health care costs...The teller was like adamant YOU need someone to help you with your money...Chicka, we did the saving part, were are on to the spend down part...Just as well they have not got a clue really...

Yes, just keep making it worse old man just keep makin it worse...

lwb: Does your mother have serious dementia? Her behavior sounds a lot like my mother's. When they get to a certain point, they take off clothes, try to get out of bed or chairs (because they feel confined and restless) My mother kept throwing her blankets on the floor, pulling the splint off her broken arm (every single day) and yesterday, she had taken her pj top off. My brother-in-law had brain cancer - he kept taking his clothes off when he was no longer cognizant.
Also, certain long time habits stick, but they are mixed up. Mom was very vain, always had to wear makeup, eyebrows, etc. She insists on carrying around her purse with the cosmetics. They gave her markers to color a page in a coloring book, and she drew all over her face, thinking they were makeup.

Hey everyone! Back in the thick of it with my fil!!
lwb, does your mom have dementia? Is she alone at night? My mom started doing that, so i would tuck the sheet in with her arms over it and would tie the bedsheet to the bedrail. She couldn't get to the diaper after that. But she had Parkinsons and dementia and was full care.
Ok! Been working here a lot! Got my crew of helpers together from mom and Blanche and had the 168 hours a week covered, then one girl got the flu, and a family member who was doing 3 overnights, got caught stealing from the house! Next thing you know, i was sleeping her 6 nights and putting in 80+ hours!! Good thing Fred is easy to care for!
Bought a rollaway bed for myself. Couch was killing me. I got bursitis in my hip and could barely move for a few days. House is small so I have to keep the bed on the enclosed porch and roll it into the kit hen at night, but I'm sleeping better! Fred is up until 10 pm and gets up at 7 am no matter what! Gets up 2xs a night to pee, so we get little sleep!
I'm doing this post on my cell,so as soon as i get a free minute, I'll get on the computer and fill you in more.
Bobbie!!!! Big 65 this year and feeling every bit of it!
Jen, fp still hanging in I see! Sorry!!
Meanwhile, laughing at the picture of your mom in my head!!
Ok, got to put compression stockings on Fred!
Snowing here and so pretty outside!
Take care everyone!!
Love Deef

Today mom asked for her comb with the lift prongs on the end and put it in her mouth to brush her teeth. Yesterday she was going to brush her teeth with her nail brush. Looks like this is just the beginning. Tell me, though, why does she keep taking off her depend during the night and then has a "mess" when I get there in the morning to be cleaned up?

I take back what I said about mom not being crazier. Today, I'm vacuuming her floors, and she got obsessed with a label on the cord of the vacuum cleaner. I turn around and she is chasing that label, like a cat. Except much slower, she can only shuffle her feet, can't pick them up. "Mom go sit down, before you fall", did no good at all. My sister walks through, "What's mom doing". All I can do is shake my head. Well, at least she got some exercise.

Hey Bobbmiester. Glad things are picking up there, starting to feel Spring cleaning-y here too.
Call from nursing home...had a fall, wouldn't ask for help, says he's fine....yadda yadda yadda.

Good weekend everyone. Jen

Good Morning All,

Thanks Meanwhile for the good wishes. My chest pain has diminished a lot and I know, because of the other pain that it is arthritis big time. Oh well.
More and more plant based diet to help lower the inflammation.

The Boat Angel is doing better with all of the drama.
I still am amazed when doctors and so call professionals have no clue with how to deal with a Demented patient.
The caregiver, who knows exactly what's up, is sitting right there and the doctor keeps on with the fantasy that the Dementia patient can make great decisions for themselves. Oy. 'He says he's fine….'
He's Demented you fool! If you are trying to communicate and negotiate with him that makes you Demented as well!

The Boat Angel has put up with less than intelligent physicians who pay lip service to the fact that his step-dad is Demented but then poop out when it comes time to put into action what they have been talking about for 3 months.
The Boat Angel has had it and his mom is physically shot out at 77 years old keeping the step dad from running into traffic.

We are getting some much needed repairs here at the Marina. Thrilled about it even though it's really noisy!
Love it when things get better.

OK, I hope everyone does as well as they can with what they have to deal with.


Bobbi, sorry about the chest pain. A friend of mine had that, with no coughing. He just woke up with an inflammation in the muscles over the rib cage. Hadn't done anything strenuous, it just happened. I know your trying to stay out of Boat Angels, drama, but it still has to be hard on you too.
Love the jokes Cuz.
Mom thought she needed her eyes checked by the specialist (because she is a hypochondriac). It's a 6 hour round trip, plus waiting. Been almost 2 weeks and she is still exhausted from the trip. I don't care if she goes blind. It's not worth her whining to take her again. If she would do her physical therapy it might help, but that brings on more whining. She doesn't just act like a 3 year old, she's a spoiled, temper tantrum throwing 3 year old. People think she is getting senile dementia, but she has always been this way. Wish I could talk her Doctor in to prescribing her some anti psychotic and telling her it's arthritis medicine?

Bobbie321, your thing about them acting like 3 year olds reminded me of Your Majesty a few days ago.
She was getting into food in the kitchen so I went in there and of course she flared up. She was only looking, she wasn't doing anything, etc. etc. I stood there until she finished drinking a (large) glass of water just to show me that's all she was doing (it wasn't). She then turned to me like she always does and gave me 'The Look' that meant I was to get out of the kitchen. I put my arm out in a 'you first' gesture, because I knew if I left before she did, there's no telling what she might get into. She then started acting like the most ridiculous child. She got mad and started walking in an exaggerated curtsying style, bobbing her head down, prancing towards me. It was so ridiculous. I half wish I'd been able to get it on video. Oh well.
The other day I came over and she was snippy right from the start. The TV was on and she was watching some old shows, but when the commercials came on I muted it, which made her angry. "You turn the volume on right now! How dare you mute it when someone is trying to watch?" yadda yadda yadda.
I've also started telling her that she has already told me a certain story before. Of course she doesn't believe me, but tough, it's true. I'm tired of hearing the same boring stories for the hundredth time (she has very few truly interesting stories, and even those became dull ages ago).
I'm so glad I don't have to live with her, just stay with her for part of the day.

and no possible way of using them unless you tape them on

My mom cuts the stamps off of return envelopes and saves them, none of them are the right amount though

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