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My mom is starting to show so very small but very real signs of aging ? dementia issues. God help me....maybe it is just caregiver stress....

bobbie it is making my head swim and I know they are counting on that...I agree the truth is gonna be closer to and the solutions found more likely in the middle general area than either extreme.....But them thar sound bites is entertaining and keeps the ball from rolling eh. dig in and shout at each other....That'll fix it... I am so self involved I find much outside my door, I don't know out side my door, but God we need to pay attention, before you know it, the door is gone and the government is in our lives and not in a helpful way....Maybe I am a sap but i think people should help each other, and a government by the people of the people and for the people should BE for the people all of them and the most vulnerable need the most help, and a bit of help to businesses to keep the works going too. Not sure about the race track issue. How many new jobs will this create?

Hope it is a better year for us all....what ever that means for each of us...

Deef, sorry about your friend. Diane, hope your feeling better. Sis and I cleaned Mom's house from top to bottom. She has refused to get up (except to go to the bathroom) ever since she fell New Years Eve. Don't know if it is mental or physical. My mother has been demented for as long as I can remember. Has never done any good to argue with her.

Deef - so sorry about your friend and that you didn't get to talk with her. Now you can talk to her with prayer. I so wish you could find some peace and/or rest in your life. Love ya, Kuli

Not so much omens and "guaranteed continuity of irritations"...D

Sorry your friend died deef, glad she is at peace.

Deef, I'm so sorry to hear about your friends passing. At least she didn't suffer any longer. As for the ramp - Whooo hooooooo ITS ABOUT TIME!!!! Girl, you make me tired just listening to all you have on your list. You are a real dynamo.

Happy New Year to all of you here! I have had you all on my mind and meaning to get over here sooner but I've been super busy. Cuz, I love your last two posts!

From reading a few posts it seems like all the usual struggles are going on here. Sorry for your loss Deef. Bobbie you always have such good advice! Hi Linda :) and Hi to everyone new and older ones here. Keep hanging in with the tough jobs caring for the ones you love and remember you need love and nurturing too!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Chirp Chirp Cricket Hugsღ

Good Afternoon Crew,

Sorry about your friend.
Linda! Good to see you and hope this year is better.
Jen and Diane and Stormy and everybody, good to see you guys.
Cuz! love the cow story but the budget stuff still doesn't work.

This is a Republic with a government that has a scope that most will not soon understand. Sure wish it was as simple as a household budget but it isn't and trying to compare it to sh!t and families is like comparing grapes to testicles.

Sounds snappy but doesn't stand up.

One very cunning side of this argument would like you to believe that it is that simple and wants you to be pissed at people who have less than you do and need government assistance (part of those spending cuts) so you won't be paying attention to what they in the 'one percent' are doing to all of us.

As a matter of course, I am signed up for about 25 different political websites, across the spectrum from the ultra right wingnuts to the tree hugging liberals and I read their daily spew, do my own fact checking and draw conclusions from there. It takes time and effort that most don't have the time or inclination to do and who could blame them? We are all trying to live our lives and really don't want to learn that our representatives are screwing our eyes out because of the almighty dollar.

I continue to believe that the truth is usually somewhere in the middle and try my best to educate and inform from that position. Yes, the term is didactic. For those who are offended, so what.

Education through documentary film is readily available through Netflix and Hulu. There are so many points of view and you can watch and learn and come to your own conclusions. When you become aware of the different PACs and what they are doing as well as the CEOs of some of our ginormous corporations you may see my point.

By repeating the supplied rhetoric and not seeing the real picture we are performing exactly as the majority of billionaires need us to in order for them to maintain their lifestyles and keep us in the position we're in.

Follow the money and it will make you sicker than you already are.

An interesting documentary to start with is 'Park Avenue' which covers some of what I am talking about.
I truly believe that if more Americans watched these docs and participated in critical thinking of their own instead of repeating the sound bytes, we would be better able to move forward with rational and balanced action as opposed to emotional and unbalanced reaction.

A few truths:
Rush Limbaugh is not a news source. He is entertainment for folks who are pissed off and don't have the time to do their own research. (I am being generous here) He counts on the fact that you won't follow up on his rants and will just accept them verbatim. He is romanced and paid by those special interests who stand to profit from an uneducated electorate. His poison didn't work again for this election and be thankful that sanity prevailed and the majority of people were able to stop many of the ultra conservative goals.

Fox News promotes an idealogy and is not a viable news gathering organization either. They operate from a fear based position designed by their fearless leader, Rupert Murdoch, to make their viewers emotionally vunerable and thus easy pickings for such organizations as the Heritage Foundation, the CATO Institute, etc etc, ad nauseum. Why? Follow the money.

The Tea Party was not founded by a grassroots organization like you think it was, but by billionaires working to distract you from the real issue which is them keeping the unimaginable amounts of money in their organizations, and to hell with the people and their needs. Sux but true.

This entire situation is so convoluted and corrupted that it is overwhelming to the average Joe who is just trying to put groceries on the table and maybe give the wife a little whisker tickle on Saturday night.

I want this debt out of here just like any sane person and can come up with even more ideas to save our government (us) money aside from legalizing pot and taxing it, taxing churches, eliminating the 'war on drugs' thus saving all those billions on a failed policy, to closing the loopholes on corporations that enable them to not pay any taxes as well as reining in the rampant corruption of what Eisenhower warned us against, which is the Military Industrial Complex.

This latter is what a select group of folks uses to make billions. War is very profitable, so whether the attacks of 9/11 were solely the result of a bunch of radical Muslims or was some other force in effect, (watch '9/11 Explosion' on Hulu) whether there were weapons of mass destruction or not, we were going to war because there were people who were going to become even richer than they already were.

Oh, and FYI, President Obama's proposed budget cuts were in excess of 2 TRILLION dollars, not 100 million. Unfortunately, Congress couldn't come to an agreement in time so a temporary measure has been approved with no cuts at all. Don't worry, the wrangling continues and the cuts will come.
Don't fall for the 'omg they passed a budget with no cuts' bs that you are hearing on the 'news'.

Also, when we talk about saving x trillion dollars with government budgets, that number is supposed to span 10 years.

1,000 million is a billion. 1,000 billion is a trillion or you can define it as one million million. Big number.

The following is a tiny percentage of proposed budget cuts. This is by no means all of them or even gets close to what we need to do but it's a start.

Hopefully this will illustrate why the comparison of government budgets and home budgets is what's 'ludicrous'.

I copied this from one of the sites devoted to all things budget.

"A look through the White House's budget cuts suggests that every department is due for some slashes if the President gets his way. Though this budget proposal is unlikely to be what Congress passes into law, here's a peek at some of the more surprising cuts Obama has proposed:

Beach Grants, Environmental Protection Agency
▪ 2012 Enacted: $10 million; 2013 Request: eliminated; Saved: $10 million
States, tribes and territories have used the grants for more than 10 years to monitor water quality of coastal and Great Lakes beaches.

Why cut?: Obama believes the agencies set up to monitor the beaches now have the ability and knowledge to operate without federal support.

▪ Children's Hospital Graduate Medical Education Payment Program, Health and Human Services

2012 Enacted: $265 million; 2013 Request: $88 million; Saved: $177 million
The program trains pediatricians who specifically work in the nation's freestanding children's hospitals.
Why cut?: The administration said it will no longer fund "indirect costs" associated with the program. "Indirect graduate medical education (IME) costs are not well-documented and studies indicate that they may be overstated," it explained. The budget describes indirect costs as, for example, expenditures associated with reduced productivity of hospital staff because the staff is helping train residents.

▪ Clean Automotive Technologies, EPA
▪ 2012 Enacted: $16 million; 2013 Request: eliminated; Saved: $16 million
The program has researched, developed and evaluated advanced vehicle engines that help increase fuel efficiency, reduce pollutant emissions and cut greenhouse gases.
Why cut?: "Because other Federal programs are better positioned to research, develop, demonstrate, and deploy a broad suite of advanced vehicle technologies," the proposal says. The budget suggests the Energy Department's vehicles technology program as one alternative.

▪ Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds, EPA
2012 Enacted: $2.38 billion; 2013 Request: $2.03 billion; Saved: $359 million
Provides capitalization grants to states, which then provide a 20% match and make loans to municipalities for water infrastructure projects.

Why cut?: Obama's budget doesn't specify why it wants to cut $359 million from the program. Instead, it appears to maneuver around the question by providing an alternative answer: "At the level requested in the 2013 budget, states will still be able to provide over $6 billion annually in water infrastructure loans to municipalities over the long term. ... A number of systems could also have access to capital through the administration's proposed National Infrastructure Bank."

▪ Diesel Emissions Reduction Grant Program, EPA
2012 Enacted: $30 million; 2013 Request: $15 million; Saved: $15 million
Helps states reduce emissions from diesel engines by replacing or retrofitting older diesel engines that pollute more than newer ones.

Why cut?: The administration argued that it can save $15 million by providing rebates "on the purchase of pollution control technology and grants for revolving loan programs" and that it would be best to begin targeting the funds to communities in need -- low income and high exposure areas near ports and other freight distribution hubs.

▪ Health Care Services Grant Program, Department of Agriculture
2012 Enacted: $3 million; 2013 Request: eliminated; Saved: $3 million
The 2008 Farm Bill created this program to provide health needs to people living in the Delta region. It specifically develops health care services, health education programs and health care job training programs.

Why cut?: The administration argued that the USDA does not have the experience to effectively evaluate or implement the program. Instead, the proposal would prefer to save the $3 million and replace it with Health and Human Services programs that already support "similar goals."

▪ Housing for Persons With Disabilities, Department of Housing and Urban Development
2012 Enacted: $165 million; 2013 Request: $150 million; Saved: $15 million
Section 811 housing program provides affordable, supportive housing for very low-income individuals with disabilities.

Why cut?: Again, the justification doesn't say exactly why it would cut $15 million from this program. It said the funding for new project rental assistance awards (which is reduced to $54 million in 2013) would create 1,850 new units.

▪ International Forestry, Department of Agriculture
2012 Enacted: $8 million; 2013 Request: $4 million; Saved: $4 million
The program promotes sustainable forest management for other countries, and delivers technical assistance, policy development and disaster preparedness.

Why cut?: The administration said this program is not consistent with the Forest Service's mission to focus on domestic forestry.

▪ Jobs Corps, Department of Labor
2012 Enacted: $1.7 billion; 2013 Request: $1.65 billion; Saved: $53 million
Job Corps offers education and vocational training to disadvantaged youth ages 16 through 24.

Why cut?: The administration said some Job Corps centers are "chronically low-performing" based on educational and employment outcomes. Underperformance at these centers, the budget said, have trended lower for many years.

▪ Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, Department of Health and Human Services
2012 Enacted: $3.47 billion; 2013 Request: $3.02 billion; Saved: $452 million
The program provides funding for winter fuels costs for those who are most in need.

Why cut?:The administration said the $3.02 billion 2013 request is more than the president's 2012 budget proposal, which they said recognized the expected increase in winter fuel costs. Regardless, it would remain $452 million below the enacted amount in 2012. The administration said constrained resources will lead the program to provide assistance where it's needed most, and that if price trends rise above the expected level, contingency funds will be released to help the most vulnerable households.

▪ Children's Mental Health Grant, Department of Health and Human Services
2012 Enacted: $117 million; 2013 Request: $89 million; Saved: $28 million
It is a small competitive grant the supports community based systems of care for children.
Why cut?: The budget is looking to reduce smaller competitive grants like this one. Instead, the Community Mental Health Services Block grants would support former Children's Mental Health grant activities. The 2013 budget said it would continue funds for all existing grantees of the children's grant, but not award any new grants.

▪ Public Broadcasting Grants, Department of Agriculture
2012 Enacted: $3 million; 2013 Request: eliminated; Saved: $3 million
The grant provides funds to support rural public television stations that are converting to digital broadcasts.

Why cut?: The White House said the digital conversion efforts largely are complete, which means there is no more need for the program.

▪ Rural Business Opportunity Grants, Department of Agriculture
2012 Enacted: $2 million; 2013 Request: eliminated; Saved: $2 million
The grants provide assistance to small, new rural businesses in order to help rural development.

Why cut?: The administration said it is duplicative of the Rural Business Enterprise grants. In other words, the administration believes the training and assistance for this program can be funded through the Rural Business Enterprise grants."

OK, that was a small percentage. Now you tell me what households have those issues to deal with. How about none.

I have been working on a new project called Money Mutiny and perhaps I can begin to write more in that framework somewhere else because this thread is about caregivers and the support that caregivers need in order to survive this unexpected, demoralizing turn in their lives and not to listen to a couple of cousins go back and forth about our broken government, though it's been fun to be a windbag about a favorite topic of mine.

So, with that being said, I ask again that we do not bring politics, especially uninformed politics, into this thread. I love you Cuz and am not mad, just tired.

Love All you guys way more than you'll ever know,

Deefer, I am so sorry for the loss of your friend.

Yes!!!! Mom is at daycare!!!
It was 12 degrees when I got up this morning, but bright and sunny. I ran my car for 15 minutes before I got Mom up, just to make sure it would start. I hadn't used it for a week.
Mom got up no problem and it was an easy wash up and dress, except for the dentures!!! Forgot to remove them from her mouth last night, so they were nasty this morning. They were so slimy and gross that I couldn't stop gagging when I took them out. She was looking at me like I was crazy!. Got them soaking and cleaned up a bit later so she would have them for daycare.
The wind is howling and the snow is blowing now and it is only 22. Going to be cold all day.
Laundry is going and I have bills to pay and errands to run. The house is a disaster, but that will have to wait until tomorrow. I may vacuum Mom's apartment after I get her home. I still have to put plastic over the den windows. Think I'll do that next. Got ribs thawing for dinner. Going to cook them with carrots, potatoes and onions in the pressure cooker later.
Okay, have a long "to do"list and need to start crossing off things now!
Hope you all have a peaceful day!

Fiscal Cliff Simplified
US budget debts/ceilings
Brilliantly explained..

This puts things into a much better perspective. J

Lesson # 1:

* U.S. Tax revenue: $2,170,000,000,000
* Fed budget: $3,820,000,000,000
* New debt: $ 1,650,000,000,000
* National debt: $14,271,000,000,000
* Recent budget cuts: $ 38,500,000,000

Let's now remove 8 zeros and pretend it's a household budget:

* Annual family income: $21,700
* Money the family spent: $38,200
* New debt on the credit card: $16,500
* Outstanding balance on the credit card: $142,710
* Total budget cuts so far: $38.50

Got It ?????

OK now,

Lesson # 2:

Here's another way to look at the Debt Ceiling:

Let's say, You come home from work and find
there has been a sewer backup in your neighborhood....
and your home has sewage all the way up to your ceilings.
What do you think you should do ......

Raise the ceilings, or remove the shit?

A Minnesota farmer named Olie had a car accident.
He was hit by a truck owned by the Eversweet Company.
In court, the Eversweet Company's hot-shot attorney questioned him thus:
'Didn't you say to the state trooper at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine?"
Olie responded: 'vell, I'lla tell you vat happened dere. I'd yust
loaded my fav'rit cow, Bessie, into da... '
'I didn't ask for any details', the lawyer interrupted. 'Just answer the
question. Did you not say, at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine!'?'
Olie said, 'vell, I'd yust got Bessie into da trailer and I vas drivin'
down da road.... '
The lawyer interrupted again and said, 'Your Honor, I am trying to
establish the fact that, at the scene of the accident, this man told the
police on the scene that he was fine. Now several weeks after the accident,
he is trying to sue my client. I believe he is a fraud. Please tell him to
simply answer the question. '
By this time, the Judge was fairly interested in Olie’s answer and said to
the attorney: 'I'd like to hear what he has to say about his favorite cow,
Olie said: 'Tank you' and proceeded. 'vell as I vas saying, I had yust
loaded Bessie, my fav'rit cow, into de trailer and was drivin' her down de
road vin dis huge Eversweet truck and trailer came tundering tru a stop sign
and hit me trailer right in da side by golly. I was trown into one ditch and
Bessie was trown into da udder ditch.
By yimminy yahosaphat I vas hurt, purty durn bad, and didn't want to move.
An even vurse dan dat,, I could hear old Bessie a moanin' and a groanin'. I
knew she vas in terrible pain yust by her groans.
Shortly after da accident, a policeman on a motorbike turned up. He could
hear Bessie a moanin' and a groanin' too, so he vent over to her. After he
looked at her, and saw her condition, he took out his gun and shot her right
between the eyes.
Den da policeman came across de road, gun still in hand, looked at me, and
said, 'How are you feelin'?'

'Now wot da hell vud you say?'

Well, my friend made it to the new year. She passed at 8am this morning. I never did get to talk to her and had a bad feeling when I went to bed last night. Unfortunately, by the time I got mom settled and dinner done, I thought it was too late to call. Guess it wasn't meant to be.
Kept myself busy today making my New Year's favorite, stuffed shells. I made 6 dozen and have about 3 dozen left after we all ate. Leftovers!!!
Lildeb, you sure have your hands full!
Linda!!! Does your MIL have a UTI? Mom's legs are the first to go when she has one.
Meanwhile, hope your friend bounces back quick! Would love to see those baby goats. I got lucky at work one time and was present when mama sheep delivered triplets. That was an all time top favorite experience for me!
Diane, Mom is finally better after the second antibiotic. Daycare tomorrow! She has been one day in the last 2 weeks and I need a day to myself.
Kateanne, definitely wash the jacket and she'll wear it again! When she says something that is out of whack, just redirect her attention to something else. Don't argue with her or try to reason. It will only agitate her and make you crazy!!!! This is dementia and you have to start treating her differently for both your sanity! She truly believes it's not her jacket, so just say okay and wash the darn thing and put it back where it belongs. She'll live to argue over it another day and when she does, just agree with her or change the subject.
Susan!!! How's California? Do you miss the cold NE weather yet? It's a cold, windy week here!
Stormy, hope your dad does okay. Connor sure made a haul!!!
Bobbie, sure glad you liked that salsa!!! I open a jar a week here! Mom likes it on top of her scrambled eggs. Don't remember what I sent you for jam, but the raspberries and grapes I used came from my own plants. As for marketing the salsa, it takes a lot of work to make, but is worth the end result!
Kuli!!!! Happy New Year!!!
Okay, dishes are done, cats are fed, and I'm headed for bed. Need to get up early to get Mom to daycare. Will have to warm the car up and dig out her long, hooded down coat.
Oh yeh! My brother went home after X-mas day and built a ramp for the back steps to make it easier to get Mom to the car for daycare. About time he contributed in some way!!!

kateanne - as bobbie says it is what it is .... go along with it ,, just smile and say oh ok ill wear it !! oh love that sweater ! can i have it ? carry on a postive happy fairytales imaginary world cuz youre demented in her eyes ... u be suprise u ll get along with her just fine ... have a happy new year .. we all here are demented . faa lalala . i lost my pa march 2nd 2012 . i miss him so much , enjoy your mom if you can .. xoxo

JEN !! happy new year and hope this new year will find u hapiness and i think it already did when your friends sending you goodies ! yummie sounds good ,,,,

went to a new year party last night , enjoyed it and thank u christina angel for the angel danglin on my mirror . she got us all home in one piece ...

my mil has been falling down alot lately , believein shes had mini strokes , shes going to dr on the 7 th and im thinkin uhh why wait too long ! shit i ll never know .... im feeling quilty not begin up there much , makes me feel like one of stupid ass siblings .... thinkin maybe i ll go up there on the 8 th , my bil and his gf both are takin care of her .. bless thier heart .

i am ok but then not ok . rollercoaster rides ... up n down . slept almost all day long . body aches so bad , my lower back felt like it was going to break .
have alot of snow here , maybe total of 13 inches , gonna be colder too so u all bundle up and keep warm ...
love you all !! xoxox happy new year

Hi Crew,
Mom has been in bed all day. SHe hasn't eaten or drank much either. I really think she has a UTI. I hope the nurse will get a urine sample tomorrow. I haven't been doing much today because of a monster headache. Thank goodness for my boyfriend. He cooked collards, black-eye peas and pork for dinner. I sure hope this crappy weather and headache isn't an omen of what's to come this year.
I hope everyone has had a pretty good day. I need to change mom and I'm probably heading back to bed. My head feels too heavy to hold up yet it hurts to lay it on the pillow. Have a good night.

Love ya,

Sorry about your friend meanwhile...hope it was small and caught soon! makes all the difference.

Back to it it ever stopped eh?

Hello KateAnne and Welcome to the home of Vent and Live!

Demented behavior is crazy making to say the least. Please take it as easy as you can with yourself because there is no fixing it or making sense of it.

Whatever she says really doesn't matter anymore because you are in the realm of dementia where everything is backwards or sideways and you never know where the truth is. Having a discussion about it just makes both of you more nuts.
Throw the jacket in the wash and put it back and you will probably see it on her again. Or not. Doesn't matter.

Follow your instincts and when you think something is bs, it is bs.

I hope you continue to post and let us know how you're coping. There's amazing caregivers at different waypoints in the caregiving journey and you will find support when you need it and also be able to help other caregivers which in turn helps you.

OK KateAnne, Happy New Year!


Just had a 'discussion' about the little jacket she wears around the house all the time. She suddenly stops, says it stinks and it isn't hers anyway and takes it off. I said it smells because I need to wash it but I know you like to wear it in winter. O no, she has never seen it before, found it under the bed it has probably been there ten years and it isn't hers and don't give it back to her. She has been wearing it for years and tonight she has never seen it before.

Fixed dinner for Mom and StepDad last night. Shrimp, sugar free chocolate pie, pepper and cheese corn bread, and greenbeans with garlic. Mom hates to cook, so she is happy with anything someone else cooks. After they went home (right next door), she fell just trying to get her jeans off. Didn't break anything, but she is all sore and bruised today.
Got news today, that one of my best friends has had a stroke. She was in Austin visiting her daughter. At least they have good hospitals there. The Doctor says she will be in the hospital for at least 2 weeks, her husband is betting she climbs out the window before then. I hope he is right.

Happy (sane how ever ya find it) New Year Everyone....

Happy New Year! Mom is sleeping in a little this morning and I'm enjoying the quiet time. I tried to watch the ball drop in Times Square but I fell asleep. Sure sign I'm getting to be an old I truly hope this is a better year for us all. Have a good day everyone!

Love ya,

Happy New Year Everyone!

Hard to believe that it was 2 years ago already when the Cat and I were docked where there were huge fireworks and I was posting here about a boat wreck that was happening right next to me and the guy who cracked his nuts on the railing on his foredeck. Ah...memories.
Remember that Jen?

Tonight, I slept through the whole thing and just woke up and wanted to say hi to everyone.

I toasted some tortillas today and popped open that salsa and I am telling you that Jen is right. You could sell that stuff. It's wonderful. The jam is also out of this world and both jars are almost gone!
thanks so much for sending it all to me. It was very comforting to have such thoughtful presents. Sweet Deef!

ssk! good to see you kiddo.
Kuli! glad to see you.

New Caregivers! Listen to Deef! She has it figured out and is the Caregiver's Caregiver!
Welcome to the thread!

OK, going back to bed and hope we all have a better new year with all of our challenges. Personally I am hoping that I can meet some of you guys in the coming year.

Thanks for being here everyone!
love you guys way more than you'll ever know.

Happy New Year !

Happy New year to everyone on Grossed out. Lov ya all and hugs to you.

Happy New Year!!! To everyone!!!
Been busy here with Mom. Still under the weather and unable to go to daycare. Was in the low 20's this AM so I kept her home again. Good thing! She was unusually docile today. very still and way too quiet. Has me worried, but I think the cold and extra antibiotics have just worn her out. And maybe the moon waning has her waning too!
Barb, if you get your mom a walker, make sure she can actually comprehend using it. They were dangerous for my Mom as she had no clue how to walk with one and got hurt when falling on it. As for her getting out of bed, if she is not able to ring a bell to get your attention, try putting pillows under her mattress cover to turn her bed into a "scoop" mattress like they use in NH's. If she is too weak to get up over the pillows, she won't be able to get up. Get her some Wellness briefs. They can be ordered online by that name, one word. They will keep her dry all night. Same goes for you Kabeena! They are bot pullups and have double tapes so if the first time you get the tape in the wrong place, you can peel up the secondary tape and reposition! Also, if she is tearing the diapers, put a pair of her cotton undies over them and she will leave them alone. I also have to put Mom's arms over the sheets at night, so she can't get to the diapers.
Also Barb, definitely get your mom a wheelchair and start using it in the house. She will eventually get used to the chair and not getting out of bed. I have found that once Mom is conditioned to a certain thing, she accepts it after a while.
Bobbie!!!! How's that salsa?
As for the president, I'm going to say one thing. He does not make this country go around! Congress does!!! So let's put the blame where it belongs!! I believe they are all on vacation right now. What does that tell you???
Jen, glad you like the peach melba jam!
I read all the posts, but my eyes are closing as I am typing. Got to get to bed now!!! Night everyone!


I failed a Health and Safety course at the Senior Center today.
One of the questions was:
"In the event of a fire, what steps would you take?"

“Damn big ones" was apparently the wrong answer.

Hi everyone:

Wishing you all the best in this New Year. I hope it brings peace, love and comfort to each and every one.

Oh, put me in the Obama camp.

Love and white light. Cat

I just wanted to wish all of you a Happy New Year!!! May it be better than 2012!! Hubby bought us a bottle of champagne so we are going to crack it open about 11:00 or 11:30. We are not champagne drinkers but we figured, What the hell. I hope all of you have a good night and a good night's sleep. (((((Big Hugs))))) and lots of love, Stormy.

lil that is what we say when we see ads for cruise ships two thousand sick people on a boat for two weeks, how is THAT a vacation!

Obama vote here....

Never mind, I just saw another post where Southlover is talking about the ER n NH. I knew someone here would be able to give some advice n comfort for her. I was really worried for her n I am glad Southlover that you are trying to do something about it. Good luck.

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