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It's either laugh or cry, and I'd rather laugh! How about ripping through the sides of her adult diapers (I call them "temporary underwear") because there is a big poop blob in them and mom won't let me take off her jeans so I can take off the temporary underwear. At that she was very upset and demanded I give them back to her. Needless to say, I refused. And it's not easy tearing through those things with only the fingertips because who knows what would happen if I walked away to find a pair of scissors! All I could do was clean her up and pull the jeans back up, hoping that she would be more cooperative in a while and I could try again to put a new pair on her, and hopefully she would not have another incident in the pants before that happened. I know, I know, I should get the ones with velcro tabs and perforations on the sides so you can remove and replace them without disturbing the outer clothing. That's the kind I used to buy when mom was just beginning to have little "oops!" accidents, knowing the time was coming and I didn't want to have any battles over wearing "diapers" while dealing with full-blown incontinence. Now that the incontinence is here, I can't find the velcro tab kinds anywhere. I finally found a store-brand version in a drug store, I hope they work as well! I hope this wasn't "too much information"!

Deefer, so sorry you having such a time, but it does sound like u feel a little better n got to enjoy yourself. Nice young neighbor to help out with the snow n I hope u r not too sore from shoveling the snow.
Ladee, it my job n I will compliment the hubby for he is trying more now at least
sometimes. I had to get the temp just right n the house to get the mil to take a bath n to wash that hair finally. Hubby was sweating like crazy but this is the way it has to be n order to get her n tub n of course she complained. At least She is clean as a whistle for now. ; )
I notice her memory is very short term like within minuets 5 sometimes, is this normal for moderate AD? Plus, my brother told me that the SM will be getting out on the 2nd so they have found a trailer for her n my dad away a bit from the property. Plus, they both were told that the trailer on property is not fit to live on because it is consider fire hazards so no electricity can be turned on. Hopefully that will keep both of them off for awhile. At least both r doing better. Plus, I sent the bro's information about wheels-on-wheels for their local area n thought that a cheap crock-pot along with microwave if they can use it n the new rented trailer would be good for meals. Both r on medicaid too so that helps as well. Only time will tell about them two.
Bob, sorry u r feeling under the weather too. Man is it going around n yall can keep that mess. No sharing flu bugs..,

Shirley, I know I need a swift kick in the ass for I should know better but, it is so hard sometimes. I do really , really good with the understanding, nurturing n assisting with the mil n she does pretty well for herself. It just until later in the even for some reason I cannot handle it as well. Of course, I am only human too. It sounds like u have a intelligent horse out of the batch.
Diane, sorry you were having some trouble with your mom n I think it was the full moon.
jsomebody, when u mention the plaque you reminded me of somewhere on yahoo posts that two cruise ships had over 100 or more people sick with the flu bug. Could u imagine stuck on a cruise boat n being sick too. That is a big barf for me just with the boat going back/forth.
Cuz, Even though I am not 50 just yet, 47 n haning on I thought that was a dilly on that poem. I always enjoy your poems, keep them coming when u have time.

I read a post from 'Southlover' that had me really concerned for her/him. If anyone one of yall that is familiar with someone being real violent with AD, would you please check on her or him n offer some advice if u haven't already done so? Thanks
Happy New Year to Everyone.....

Happy New Year's to all! My wish for all caregivers is for peace, fond memories and a good night's sleep. I know from my own experience how very difficult it can be just to put one foot in front of the other some days and I hope you can continue to find the strength to go on. You are all so close to my heart and truly the only ones who know what it's like during the darkest of days. Thank you for your friendship, your support, your comic relief, your understanding. As Bobbie says, love you more than you know ~ Kuli

Happy New Year's Everyone

Barb, get the doctor to give you a prescription for the hospital bed. Medicare makes you rent to own even with the prescription. I'm not sure about the bed alarm if Medicare pays for that or not. There are lots of things available online. If mom is able to climb over the rails, you probably need the alarm. Do you think a walker or rollator would help mom stay on her feet better? If so then get the doctor to give you a prescription for that too. I'm glad you and Stormy sound like you had a good Christmas. I am hoping 2013 will be a better year for us all.
Gotta run, but take care everyone!

Love ya,

Christmas was great for me this year, my kids and grandkids were here for the day. It was pretty hectic but Mom did pretty well with it all. Sorry that a lot of you had such a stressful time. I am having problems with Mom trying to get up by herself in the morning and during the middle of the night. She has fallen 4 times in the last 2 or 3 weeks. I am not sure whether to try a bed alarm, side rails or a combination of the two. I am trying to figure out if she needs a hospital bed instead of rails on her regular bed and if I need the doctor to prescribe these things. It seems like I get one thing figured out and I have 2 more waiting on me. It doesn't help that I am not getting a lot of sleep at night.
Thanks for making this a place to vent. Some days that is the only thing that keeps me sane.
Happy New Year to everyone and hugs to you all.

Love ya Cuz and really enjoy your jokes but the President won again and he is our President and ya not everything is perfect but just sick of seeing him bashed over and over by folks who don't have all the facts.

Running this country is way out of any scope that most of us could even imagine and bears no resemblence to running a business.

A business has to only deal with a bottom line and a government has to deal with the welfare of its citizens. Cut the social programs that keep people from living under freeways and diminish the middle class and you know what typically follows?

Intense social unrest leading to Revolution.

I am standing up for President Obama and many of his proposals, especially his minute tax increases on 'wealthy' Americans. Anyone here making 250K or more a year?
Me neither.

Please forgive but sick of the right wing echo chamber.

Google 'echo chamber' and Koch brothers and see how they get folks to repeat stuff that consistently tears at our country while protecting the super rich who pay way less of a percentage in taxes than the middle class and outsource our jobs.

I respect President Obama and think that he, in spite of what he was dealt and what he is dealing with now in the form of political idiocy, is doing a good job.

Probably why he won again. There's a social change afoot and remember that culture war in the 60's?

We finally won.

Legalize pot, tax it and buy better teachers.
Pro choice. Anybody here going to raise countless babies? Didn't think so.
Let gay people get married. They're not gay by choice and can you even imagine spending your life with your partner and when they are sick you are not allowed in the ICU? Among other issues, it's just stone age barbarism.

Mitt Romney was not the best person for the job, couldn't figure out what the hell he stood for so wasn't elected.
Incidentally he paid no taxes for the last few years through a loophole usine the mormon church.
And while we're at it, I think that all churches should all be taxed. The free ride should be over.
I believe you have the right to worship whom you please, but I am offended that I have to pay for it.

Probably best to not include politics here.
Just like religion.


Hey everyone, I hope all of you survived xmas alright. Ours was pretty good. Santa was good to Connor, he got a trampoline, a x-box, a batman game to play on it, several other games for the x-box, a new coat, some pants and shirts, gloves, twister game, large coloring books, markers, a new tv for his playroom, legos, power ranger action figures, and the white ninja that he had been asking for, that had to be ordered. His favorites are of course, the trampoline and the x-box games. But mama here is glad that all the holidays are over or just about.
Dad is scheduled to have a chest xray tomorrow morning, sis is carrying him to that, as connor is still out of school and home with me. Then he is suppose to have his throat stretched jan 2nd. The chest xray is just routine, they do that every so often. He has been fine, no coughing up blood lately. I am so thankful that hubby had time off for christmas and was able to keep connor at home instead of me having to drag him to dads everyday. I was stressing about that before connor got out of school for xmas vacation. Then yesterday I got to thinking about what in the hell am I going to do when connor gets out of school for the summer! He will be out for 3 months. So I guess I can start brainstorming about what am I going to do in 5 months when he gets out of school. I do not want to have to carry him over to dads everyday for 3 months. This is going to be a impossible situation.
I have been lurking around and have seen that some of you have had a hellish xmas, be it with crazy family members or with being sick. I am so sorry that ya'll have had to deal with any of the above. It sure doesn't make the holidays any easier. So here's hoping ALL of OUR New Year will be better than the last one. I guess right now that is all we can ask for. Many hugs to all of you!!!! Love ya'll stormy.

let's all bite the bullet

I'm going to bite the bullet, too!!!! Will you join me!

President Obama ordered the cabinet to cut $100,000,000.00 ($100 million) from the $3,500,000,000,000.00 ($3.5 trillion) federal budget.

I'm so impressed by this sacrifice that I have decided to do the same thing with my personal budget. I spend about $2,000 a month on groceries, household expenses, medicine, utilities, etc., but it's time to get out the budget cutting axe, go through my expenses, and cut back.

I'm going to cut my spending at exactly the same ratio (1/35,000) of my total budget. After doing the math, it looks like instead of spending $2,000 a month, I'm going to have to cut that number by six cents. Yes, I'm going to have to get by with $1999.94, but that's what sacrifice is all about.

I'll just have to do without some things, that are, frankly, luxuries six cents worth.

Did this President actually think no one would do the math? Please send this to everyone on your list so people will understand how idiotic a $100 million cut is in a $3.5 trillion budget ludicrous

Tetanus Shot!!

This is for you old folks, anyone over 50 is eligible!

An old man in his mid-seventies struggles to get up from the couch
then starts putting on his coat.
His wife, seeing the unexpected behavior, asks, Where are you going ?
He replies, 'I'm going to the doctor.'
She says, 'Why, are you sick?'
He says, 'Nope, I'm going to get me some of that Viagra stuff
Immediately the wife starts working and positioning herself to get out of
her rocker and begins to put on her coat.
He says, 'Where the heck are you going'?
She answers, 'I'm going to the doctor, too.'
He says, 'Why, what do you need?'

She says, 'If you're going to start using that rusty old thing,

I'm getting a Tetanus shot.'

Today's Short Reading From The Bible ...
A Reading from Genesis

And God promised men that good and obedient wives
would be found in all corners of the earth.

Then He made the earth round ... And He laughed
and laughed and laughed...

Low resistance, high Stress...and germs that hover in the air for hours, it is a wonder we don't all have plague!

Thinking of you deef even if we keep missing each other!

Mom said she felt like ordering piazza so she ordered pizza, on his dime....My Christmas hundred ended up being spent on groceries for all of us....Chinese food..PAHAHAHAHAAAA. I HAVE FINALLY COME TO TERMS WITH THE FACT I AM SIMPLY A NON-ENTITY HERE AND IF i WANT TO BE TREATED WITH LOVE AND RESPECT I NEED TO move OUT. period!

Hi to bobbie and cat and liedeb and Judy, cuz, Rip, and Diane and meanwhile and everyone else, Have a good new years where ever you are.

Oh, I did copy that post I posted of the Thanksgiving Ambush by abusive brother.....I emailed it a week ago and have not heard back from him yet....Well he asked for it didn't he?!

Deef I opened the Peach Melba, my God you really could run a food business! be like a Martha Stewart kind of person, get incorporated and name brand your stuff!!! Thank you for sending it to me!

Brrrr, I don't like cold. One of the reasons I moved to SW Texas 19 years ago. Can't imagine spending 2 hours shoveling snow. It is cold and windy here, trying to rain. (35 F). But, just got in from the barn. All the stalls are clean, everyone has extra hay. Put a fire in the wood burning stove, the dogs are sleeping in the living room on their beds. Diane, wish you could get a break and spend some time out here. The animals are great therapy. Even if had to put a gate back on it's hinges this morning. One of the horses loves to open any gate, or latch, or untie any rope. We have to put spring snaps on all the latches to keep him out of things. So he lifted one of the gates up off it's hinges last night (BRAT). Tied it down with some baling wire. See how long that holds.
Have a good night everyone. Love Shirley

Shirley, I wish I were there to help you with the babies. On my way to work there is a pature that had a whole bunch of goats and now there is just one goat and she looks so lonely. One of them used to get her horns stuck in the fence and I'd go get her lose and go on to work. Further down the road is a stable with several horses. I love to see them out in the pasture grazing. One of these days I would like to have a small animal friendly farm. I guess I will just have to keep playing the lotto to be able to buy some land.
Mom has had the crazies all day. She started of the morning hitting, kicking and crying. Then she calmed down and kept asking to go home. She would not believe she was home no matter what I said. Dinner was another crying session, but at least she did eat. I don't know if I can only blame the full moon for the behavior. I really think its a UTI. Deef, I can just picture you outside shoveling snow. It is so beautiful and peaceful when the snow is fresh. Plus the full moon must have made it even more beautiful. Bobbie, stay warm and start feeling better. Cat and Jen, how much snow have you had out west? Well, I am going to watch Sister Wives until bedtime. Have a good night!

Love ya,

Ahh, Deb, how can you reason with someone that is so confused? I haven't got an answer. Deef, so sorry about your friend. Just call and talk about anything. Diane, post whatever you want, It's always good to hear from you. Sorry I've just been busy bottle feeding baby goats. My favorite is a little black and tan doe. Planning on keeping her. Have to keep the new babies and their mom's in a stall in the barn. Not safe to let them out yet.

Good Morning Crew,

I am getting over a cold. Just felt like crap ever since xmas day and I think the stress got to me and I came down with a cold. No big deal, it's going away.

Deef! man oh man that sux about your friend. Sorry to hear that and I am glad you are on the mend. Wish you didn't have to do so much for everyone so you could heal.

Thanks for the hugs and well wishes everyone. You guys are life savers.

I don't really have the soup to write a lot and I hope that everyone sounds off even if it's just a paragraph to let the rest of us know that you're all surviving.

Love all you guys way more than you'll ever know.


Deef, I'm here. I've been reading the thread and I did comment about you and all your trials and tribulations a while ago. My heart really goes out to you. This has been the Christmas from hell for you and many others. Glad you are feeling better and had a couple of good hours outside today. I'm really sorry to hear about for school friend. You be sure to call her and don't feel bad if you cry when you are talking to her. That's what's in your heart and it's probably in hers too so it will be a real conversation and real is what counts.

Lildeb: Lord, girl. All you can do is keep; those fingernails short. You are a very loving daughter-in-law and you mil is lucky to have you. So is that husband of yours and you can tell him I said so.

Bobbie: I hope you are doing better. Don't say it's not so bad. Must have been a big deal to make you cry all day and night.

Diane: Thinking of you and wish I had words to encourage you. It won't be like this forever.

Jen: Same for you.

Love and Hugs, Cat

Diane, as I was shoveling, the neighbor reminded me of the full moon. That is a triple whammy for Mom. Cold, UTI, and full moon all at once! No wonder she is delirious!!!! Wish I was! Sorry your Mom fell again and PLEASE keep complaining! It's like gossiping for caregivers! Feel like that's all I've been doing lately too!
Lildeb!!! What can I say? I'm grateful Mom is too far gone to even know what pooping is! Glad your husband took care of her fingernails! That could really hurt!
Well, I shoveled from 10 PM until 11:30. It is beautiful out! Paced myself and shoveled out the driveway in front of my daughter's car so all she has to do is clear her car off in the morning. My husband came out and we did in front of his car and the end of the other driveway, and a young neighbor came over and helped us finish! Nice kid who has custody of his 2 year old son on weekends. Very polite and very proud of his son. So I was outside for almost 2 hours and thoroughly enjoyed myself! The fresh air felt wonderful and the steady shoveling took my mind off of crap I would sooner forget!
Got to check on Mom and get my butt to bed. Thinking things are going to hurt in the morning. Night everyone!

Awe Deefer, I was hoping u would had got some rest n it sounds like u got very limited help. I cannot understand why they took your mom n didn't pick her up or at least called you if they needed to pick her up? Why don't they call when someone is NOT going to show up? That would really tick me off if they r suppose to come by n help. Don't waste your breath trying to explain these dumb asses for u need what little rest u can get. Prayers for u to get to feeling better soon.
Cuz, love your jokes.
Shitty story for those who have the stomach.
Mil previous bathroom bowel movement times are always rushing to get done n only when we go out in public. I keep telling her NOT to rush that, I will wait for her in the bathroom until she gets done..However, she don't listen. I even tell her to look at my shoes from the stall so she can still see me while she gets her privacy. Yet, that don't work. If I have to take a tinkle, I go ahead while she goes at the same time. However, she is already out in 2 minutes or less a asking where am I at. I let her know that I am not even finish peeing yet! Good grief what is the hurry so we have to go back n do it all over again n 15 minuets! A few days ago I didn't go for a tinkle for I needed to see if her poo was rounded which would let me know if she is constipated or not. You cannot rely on her answers. Well, she never locks her door either so, I take a peek for I told her I needed it. Well, I caught her finger in her butt trying to dig it out! She said she had to get it started.Of course I looked shocked just catching mil with her finger n her butt! I looked at it her poo as quick as possible n it was normal shape like it should. Kind of little long n smooth so I don't understand why she making herself take within 2 minutes! I don't understand for I have told her that numerous times that I won't leave her n don't rush. you could hear her grunting to force it out as quick as possible n it was normal looking. This could be why her butt still hurts besides the small hemorrhoid for she has fingernails. When I tried to explain to her why not to do what I caught her doing with her finger, she would just deny it n hope n pray she just die if she done such a thing.
So, I couldn't get her to reason with me to file her nails down so I had to use plan B. I had to get hubby to get her to clip her fingernails n smooth them down because, I don't know if she does this for every bowl movement or not. Plus, she may tear something n get infected back their. She uses those suppository I give her twice a day n has an appointment Jan 3rd to see about scheduling a Barium X-ray. Do they normally rushed so fast to have a bowl movement? I notice her memory is short too so she may forget what I just told her n the public bathroom. Standing by her door don't slow her down either. help...

I'm here too!
Deef - I'm sorry. Man, you're just having a hard time lately. I feel for you.
Diane, don't we all complain?! I always look forward to seeing your frazzed lady avatar :)

Hey Deef, I'm hear. Guilty of lurking again. It seems like all I do is complain so I decided to shut-up for a little. You really have had one heck of a Christmas. I ended up taking mom to the ER last night after she fell. Nothing broken but she is still acting extra loopy. I am suspicious it may be another UTI. I saw on FB that Anne's (Annt) mom passed away. Really don't have anything new to add, but wanted to let you know I'm still here. Get some rest everyone and Deef be careful shoveling snow!!!!!

Love ya,

Where the heck is everyone? Hope you didn't catch the bug from me!!!
Still snowing here. Got about 6 inches of white fluffy stuff. Going out to shovel soon. My daughter has to be at work for 6AM, so we thought we would clean up tonight to make it easier in the morning for her. It's so quiet and beautiful out!
mom is a bit better today, but still too loopy for me. Hope she is better tomorrow. I'm finally starting to feel better. Had to. Had no help with Mom all week accept for daycare on Wednesday. Surprised I don't feel more tired than I do.
I got bad news today that a childhood friend that I recently got back in touch with through FB , has 2 to 3 weeks to live. She has cancer and it is spreading too fast for any kind of treatment. I cried off and on all afternoon. Can't recall a X-mas like this ever! I messaged a classmate on FB and asked him to contact all our classmates on FB and give them her address so they could send her cards, etc. asap, so she could have something to take her mind off of her situation for a bit. We were and still are a very close knit group ever since our school days. I have to call her in the next couple of days. I promised her a call before X-mas, before she knew she was sick, and then the sh!t hit the fan here, Now I feel bad, because my circumstances are so trivial compared to hers. Don't know what I will say to her, besides cry my eyes out! I have to take a day or 2 to get up my courage to just call her, but I will.
I know I haven't been acknowledging anyone's posts lately and I apologize for that. It seems things have come to a halt on this thread and I sure hope that is temporary, because I sure need all of you when I'm down. Thanks for the hugs and the "get wells". Know that all of you are very appreciated and I hope to get back to daily posts real soon now that the X-mas from hell is past!
Bobbie!!!!!Jen!!!!! So glad you got my packages and hope you enjoy the goodies!
Okay, got to gear up and head out to shovel!

Just talked to Mom's doctor and she's pretty sure the Cipro is not working for the UTI. So she called in a script for Levaquin and said to take Mom to the ER if she hasn't improved over the weekend. I just don't want another night of MOANING!!!! got someone coming to sit with Mom at 3:30 and to stay to help get her ready for bed. I need to get out for food and her new script. Laundry to fold now while Mom is lying down for a few. Guess there will be no napping for me! Doing pretty good after 2 hours of sleep!
Will catch up on posts tonight or tomorrow depending how I feel. Thanks for being there everyone! This is what Bobbie means by "real family"!!!!

Just trying to catch up here. Its been wild. Xmas eve, day... daughter's 21st birthday last night. Chased Dad around last night, trying to keep him from falling off the kitchen chair, keeping him engaged in the present and not WWII days, doing his seatbelt and helping him in and out of the car while trying to help Mom too... husband and kids got to see more than they usually do. Dad is definitely getting worse. Mom, well, she'd like to think she's worse, but her mind is pretty sharp. I'm her hero lately, making sure she had a nice xmas, driving her and dad back and forth to stores, my house, sending food to them, making her plate up at dinner and waiting on her (she eats that crap up). My kids were great, giving each of their grandparents some one on one time so that they felt connected last night at dinner, because with the hearing loss, they struggle to hear what's going on in the group. Of course, my dad was telling tales of war, and Mom was discussing her poor health. OMG. Like broken records. At least my dad's stories are filled with action. Purely fictional, but entertaining. He's always slugging or bullying someone in them.
Bobbie, I'm glad it wasn't as bad as you thought it was, but it still sucks to be hurt.
Cuz, I always look forward to your jokes. I wish I had some to share.
Deef... omg.. sounds like hell. I hope you take mom to the ER. I'm hoping they admit her and give you a little break, but even that sounds mean, doesn't it? I hope your mom is sick enough to admit to the hospital? You know I don't mean it like that. Just hoping you can catch a break.
Lildeb...Operation used to be one of my favorites. Never won, but loved it. Your mil's nightmare - how sweet and so sad too. It warms me that she loves you so much.
Stormy, were you sick? I need to read back further, I think. Hope Connor had a nice xmas and the Amazon package came in time. I think of Connor every time I see or hear about anything "ninja" now, and I don't even know the little cutie.
Jen, youtube is a great thing for finding old music videos and some full length movies too. I had no idea there were movies too. I just watched an old favorite again from the 80's, called Local Hero. I loved the soundtrack - Mark Knopfler from Dire Straits has a song called Wild Theme on that movie. Loved it.
Meanwhile - baby goats! I'd love to see them. Glad you're feeling better. Hope you got your baa-th (oh, that was so bad!)!
Diane, grieving for the past hurts, doesn't it. I always struggle with how wrong things turned out for my bro. December is the anniversary of his accident, then his birthday and then xmas. It just seems to scream injustice to me every year. December is supposed to be such a happy month and its the worst one for my brother. Life is so unfair. He deserved so much better. I can't wait for January!
Cat, I'm happy you weathered xmas and are back here with us. I missed you.
I'm missing people. I'll keep reading and catching up and blather later. xx, J.

Yep! You guessed it. Up all night listening to Mom moaning!!! Got her up and sitting in her wheelchair and trying to decide if I should get her to the ER again. She coughs and gets a mouth full of mucous and then I start to gag my eyeballs right out of my head! Never got to sleep off my requip, so I'm still groggy and shaky from that and 2 hours sleep. Having a coffee and then going to call my sister at work and have her come over and decide what to do. Can't get Mom to open her mouth for anything, so all you hear is the snot in her nose and the fricking moaning! Chest still sounds clear, but she's not losing the mucous.
Can't wait for this year to be over!!

Ahh, Cuz, I've heard the retiring to Alaska joke, except it was West Texas.

Oh, Deef, nothing worse than being sick, and still having to work. Wish I could come give you a break, so you could get back to bed.
Jen, I'm so proud of you for not accepting that gift certificate. You go girl.
Busy here. 5 new baby goats in 12 hours. One set of triplets, and one set of twins. The doe with the triplets had complications, had to pull the 1st one it was stuck, the 2nd was fine, but the 3rd was butt first. Have to pull those backwards ones really quick, or they can aspirate fluid. They aren't nursing on their own very well, so bottle feeding. While I was messing with the triplets, the other nanny goat just spit out her twins. I turned around and they were already up and nursing. Ahh kidding season. It's still fun and exciting.
Deb, hope your pipes don't freeze, and your MIL doesn't have anymore nightmares.
Cuz, always enjoy your jokes, stories, hope your wife is better.
I need a bath, I smell like goat. Love you guys.

Retiring In Alaska

Doug had been in business for 25 years. Finally sick of the stress,
he quits his job and buys 50 acres of land in Alaska as far from
humanity as possible. He sees the postman once a week and
gets groceries once a month. Otherwise it's total peace and
After six months or so of almost total isolation, someone knocks
on his door. He opens it and a huge, bearded man is standing there.
"Name's Stan, your neighbor from forty miles up the road. Having
a Christmas party Friday night. Thought you might like to come at
about 5:00."
"Great", says Jeff, "after six months out here I'm ready to meet
some local folks. Thank you."
As Stan is leaving, he stops. "Gotta warn you. Be some drinkin!"
"Not a problem" says Jeff. "After 25 years in the business, I can
drink with the best of 'em."
Again, the big man starts to leave and stops. "More 'n' likely
gonna be some fighting' too."
"Well, I get along with people, I'll be all right and, if not, I can
handle myself pretty well .....I'll be there. Thanks again."
"More'n likely be some wild sex, too,"
"Now that's really not a problem" says Jeff, warming to the idea.
"I've been all alone for six months! I'll definitely be there. By the
way, what should I wear?"

"Don't much matter. Just gonna be the two of us."


In a Detroit church one Sunday morning, a preacher said, "Anyone with 'special needs" who wants to be prayed over, please come forward to the front by the altar."

With that, Leroy got in line, and when it was his turn, the Preacher asked, "Leroy, what do you want me to pray about for you?"

Leroy replied, "Preacher, I need you to pray for help with my hearing."

The preacher put one finger of one hand in Leroy's ear, placed his other hand on top of Leroy's head, and then prayed and prayed and prayed. He prayed a "blue streak" for Leroy, and the whole congregation joined in with great enthusiasm.

After a few minutes, the preacher removed his hands, stood back and asked, "Leroy, how is your hearing now?"

Leroy answered, " I don't know. It ain't 'til Thursday."

the resurection

A pastor was presenting a children's sermon. During the sermon, he asked the
children if they knew what the resurrection was. Now, asking questions
during children's sermons is crucial, but at the same time, asking children
questions in front of a congregation can also be very dangerous.
Having asked the children if they knew the meaning of the resurrection, a
little boy raised his hand. The pastor called on him and the little boy
said, "I know that if you have a resurrection that lasts more than four
hours you are supposed to call the doctor."
It took over ten minutes for the congregation to settle down enough from
their laughter for the worship service to be continued.

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